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The paper presents the findings of comparative and interdisciplinary legal and economic study on managing labour redundancies in seven EU member countries. It is structured for immediate comparability between the systems examined. The introductory section contains an account of the evolution of the German labour market, with special reference to redundancy trends, of the features of the programmes for managing redundancies, of the roles of firms and the ‘external environment’ in handling workforce adjustments. The second section presents a map of policies that work to prevent labour redundancies (preventive measures) such as flexibility, training etc. Next, the instruments for handling temporary labour redundancies (retentive measures) are examined (e.g. short-time working, temporary layoffs etc.). The following section is devoted to instruments and programmes involved in the management of permanent labour redundancies (expulsive measures), e.g. collective dismissals, severance pay etc. The final section provides an overall assessment of the German system for managing labour redundancies, and briefly discusses the national debate on the prospects for reform, in light of the principles and policies of convergence set forth by the European Commission.  相似文献   

The article discusses several hemispheres of human resource management based on a typical case review. The study presents the main problems of the case from both employees and organizations; the issued problems involve compensa- tions and benefits, restructuring, job design, and training. Based on the analysis of the ease, two alternative solutions state that the potential routes for the organizations to avoid serious negative results. The study intreduces a number of recommen- dations that can be used as a reference for other organizations to avoid similar risks.  相似文献   

企业的发展演化与人力资源管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人力资源是企业重要而稀缺的资源。从企业演化过程来看,企业在其发展的不同阶段对人力资源的要求是不同的。因此,相应的人力资源管理与开发工作也应有所区别。本文首先介绍企业演化的一般规律,接着从企业发展演化不同阶段的管理特点出发,讨论企业发展演化处于不同阶段对人力资源的要求以及人力资源管理与开发的差异,从而强调人力资源战略管理对于企业持续发展的重要作用。  相似文献   

International Human Resource Management: Review and Critique   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The research agenda for the field of international human resource management (IHRM) is clear. For a better understanding and to benefit substantially, management scholars must study IHRM in context (Jackson, S.E. and Schuler, R.S. 1995. Understanding human resource management in the context of organizations and their environment. Annual Review of Psychology , 46: 237–264; Geringer, J.M., Frayne, C.A. and Milliman, J.F. 2002. In search of 'best practices' in international human resource management: research design and methodology. Human Resource Management , forthcoming). IHRM should be studied within the context of changing economic and business conditions. The dynamics of both the local/regional and international/global business context in which the firm operates should be given serious consideration. Further, it could be beneficial to study IHRM within the context of the industry and the firm's strategy and its other functional areas and operations. In taking these perspectives, one needs to use multiple levels of analysis when studying IHRM: the external social, political, cultural and economic environment; the industry, the firm, the sub-unit, the group, and the individual. Research in contextual isolation is misleading: it fails to advance understanding in any significant way (Adler, N.J. and Ghadar, E. 1990. Strategic human resource management: a global perspective. Human Resource Management in International Comparison. Berlin: de Gruyter; Locke, R. and Thelen, K. 1995. Apples and oranges revisited: contextualized comparisons and the study of comparative labor politics. Politics & Society , 23 , 337–367). In this paper, we attempt to review the existing state of academic work in IHRM and illustrate how it incorporates the content and how it might be expanded to do so.  相似文献   

日本管理模式的最基本特征都体现在其独特的人力资源管理上。日本人力资源管理模式曾经对人力资源管理理论和实践的发展作出过十分重要的贡献。但是由于日本新一代劳动者的许多变化,传统模式的适用基础已经动摇,日本人力资源管理模式面临严峻挑战。在新的世纪,日本模式的改革步伐并不大,它在维持东方传统和适应新环境方面艰难地探索,这一模式的希望寄托在新一代劳动者身上。  相似文献   

袁树军 《中国管理科学》2006,14(Z1):560-565
以一家自动离职率非常低的核电集团为案例,基于257份有效问卷对进行多元回归分析,对情感承诺、价值承诺、制度承诺的变量进行研究,发现人力资源管理是双向的."管理者方向"期望员工对组织具有较高的情感承诺、价值承诺、制度承诺,"员工方向"期望组织能够在家庭动力、经济满意、岗能匹配方面予以保障."管理者方向"和"员工方向'的期望,在人力资源管理中互为因果关系,而且是一个相互作用的动态体系.提出了人力资源双向管理概念模型.  相似文献   

We consider a patient admission problem to a hospital with multiple resource constraints (e.g., OR and beds) and a stochastic evolution of patient care requirements across multiple resources. There is a small but significant proportion of emergency patients who arrive randomly and have to be accepted at the hospital. However, the hospital needs to decide whether to accept, postpone, or even reject the admission from a random stream of non‐emergency elective patients. We formulate the control process as a Markov decision process to maximize expected contribution net of overbooking costs, develop bounds using approximate dynamic programming, and use them to construct heuristics. We test our methods on data from the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center and find that our intuitive newsvendor‐based heuristic performs well across all scenarios.  相似文献   

Managers of product development (PD) project portfolios face difficult decisions in allocating limited resources to minimize project or portfolio delay. Although PD projects are highly iterative (cyclical), almost all of the vast literature on project scheduling assumes that projects are acyclical. This article addresses this gap with a comprehensive analysis of 31 priority rules (PRs) on 18,480 portfolios containing 55,440 iterative projects. We find that the best PRs for iterative project portfolios differ significantly from those for acyclical ones, and that the best PRs at the project level differ from those at the portfolio level. The best PR depends on project and portfolio characteristics such as network density, iteration intensity, resource loading profile, and amount of resource contention. In particular, by amplifying the effects of iteration, high‐density networks hold dramatically different implications for iterative projects. Moreover, the best PR also differs depending on whether the objective is to minimize the average delay to all projects or to minimize delay to the overall portfolio. Thus, a project or portfolio manager who uses the same PR on all occasions will exhibit unnecessarily poor performance in most cases.  相似文献   

从人力资源管理看企业的内部市场化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄维德  董临萍 《管理学报》2004,1(2):163-166
在对内部市场化理论进行综述的基础上,指出企业若推行全面的内部市场化,必须解决在企业内部市场上交易主体经济地位不确定、交易物并非真正商品的矛盾.从人力资源管理的视角,提供了探讨企业内部市场在构建与运行过程中的新思路.  相似文献   

Popular strategies for reform have come directly from the private sector in what is perhaps the most profound redefinition of public administration since the field first emerged as an identifiable specialty. The purpose of this paper is to examine the context out of which these reforms have grown, the challenges that have arisen as a result, and cases where private sector reform strategies have been successfully (and sometimes unsuccessfully) applied in human resource management (HRM). We discuss the benefits and hazards of many of the reforms and conclude that restoring a measure of confidence in the legitimate role of the civil service is essential for nations dealing with the challenges of globalization.  相似文献   

经济、社会与环境发展的强联系性和巨复杂性,要求企业建立可持续发展的理念和战略,即在追求经济绩效的同时,要兼顾与社会责任和生态环境的平衡.鉴于此,人力资源管理要从绩效目标理论架构,转换至经济绩效、社会责任和生态环境平衡的理论架构.在对人力资源管理的演化历程进行梳理的基础上,依据以往学者的人力资源系统模型,构建可持续性人力资源管理架构,并以企业社会责任和可持续性理论对该架构进行理论解释.最后,在此基础上提出相关研究命题,以期为进一步研究提供新的方向和视角.  相似文献   

战略人力资源管理的理论模式   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文将战略人力资源管理中关于人力资源管理与企业绩效关系的研究总结为三种不同的理论模式:根据最佳实践模式,一些HRM活动是普遍有效的,组织采用这些最佳的HRM活动就会获得相当好的绩效;在权变模式里,HRM活动的效率是随着企业战略等因素而变化的,组织采用适合于其战略的HRM活动将更有效率;在形态模式里,HRM活动通过内部匹配形成特定的HRM系统形态,HRM系统与组织战略等因素的外部匹配会对组织绩效产生重要影响。  相似文献   

人力资源管理的柔性化是整个企业柔性管理成功实施的关键,柔性化的人力资源管理可以使企业与员工建立合作伙伴关系,增强企业适应外部动态竞争环境的能力.本文从员工和组织两方面分析了企业实施人力资源柔性化管理的途径.  相似文献   

本文基于知识观.提出并验证了知识驱动的人力资源管理实践的三维结构及知识相关的组织绩效的两维结构,探讨了知识驱动的人力资源管理实践对知识共享和组织绩效的影响作用.实证研究表明:第一,注重胜任力和学习潜力的人员选拔、多样性的培训与开发对知识共享和知识探索性绩效具有显著的正向影响,多样性的培训与开发对知识拓展性绩效具有显著的正向影响;第二,知识共享具有中介作用;第三,知识驱动的人力资源管理实践与知识共享对知识探索性绩效的影响要强于对知识拓展性绩效的影响.本研究结果从现代知识管理的独特视角,对人力资源管理实践影响组织绩效的"黑箱"(Black Box)进行了一次新的有益探索,揭示了知识驱动的人力资源管理实践的作用机理.  相似文献   

积极心理学运动对组织行为学及人力资源管理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
积极心理学是21世纪心理学研究的一个新方向,而积极心理学运动(PPM)则在全社会掀起了一场积极运动,其影响是广泛而深远的。文章着重探讨PPM对组织行为学及人力资源管理的影响,研究结论是:PPM促进了积极组织行为学(POB)的形成与发展,推动了积极组织学术(POS)的兴起,同时也改变了人力资源管理实践中关于招聘与选拔、培训与考核的内容和方式。  相似文献   

虚拟人力资源:人力资源的新构架   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张国梁 《管理科学》2003,16(5):76-78
虚拟人力资源是战略人力资源的一个新概念.从战略性、柔性、效益和顾客导向性等四方面分析了虚拟人力资源产生的原因,从人力资源活动的价值和独特性两方面构建了虚拟人力资源的二维结构框架.  相似文献   

Effective human resources management (HRM) is focused on the only dynamic asset of the organization, its people; and, behind every business issue ultimately lies a human issue. Thus, the ethical adequacy of responses to all business issues rests on judgments made by individuals. HRM has a role to play as organizations address ethical challenges and as many strive to become ethical organizations. This article outlines three key responsibilities of HRM with regard to supporting an organization's efforts to become an ethical organization: (1) to establish ethical HR practices; (2) to facilitate the change process as all functions move to ethical business practices; and (3) to create cultures that build individual ethical capability and commitment to the goal of becoming an ethical organization.  相似文献   

安智宇  程金林 《管理工程学报》2009,23(3):135-138,141
本文从组织学习角度分析了人力资源管理对企业绩效的作用,并且检验了组织学习导向的人力资源管理实践与企业绩效之间的关系.对130家企业的数据分析表明,不同维度的人力资源管理实践与企业绩效之间存在显著的正相关关系,表明人力资源管理可以通过推动企业的组织学习而获得竞争优势.  相似文献   

投资型人力资源管理系统与企业绩效的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据对中国116家企业的人力资源实践状况的调查结果,分析了人力资源管理实践与企业绩效之间的关系.本文通过因素分析.揭示了投资型人力资源管理系统的内容结构,同时基于人力资源实践的组合,划分了高低水平人力资源实践组别并对其进行了比较.接着本文进行了相关分析和回归分析,分析投资型人力资源管理系统、人力资源战略整合与企业绩效之间的关系.研究发现,企业绩效不仅与部分人力资本投资活动存在积极的联系.而且与人力资源管理系统和企业战略的整合程度有关.论文的研究结果增加了我们在高绩效工作系统方面的知识.为当前我国企业的人力资源管理实践提供了重要的启发.  相似文献   

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