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Des chercheurs ont étudié les cas de harcèlement sexuel en milieu de travail et dans les universités. En collaboration avec des experts judiciaires, ils ont conceptualisé le harcelement sexuel et en ont fait une question de droits de la personne. Notre recherche, fondée sur un sondage effectue en 1992 auprès de 1 990 femmes canadiennes, réVéle que le harcèlement sexuel se produit aussi dans les lieux publics. Nous présentons des données inédites sur le sujet en exa-minant le type, la fréquence et la gravité du harcèlement, les carac-téristiques des femmes le plus susceptibles d'être harcetées, les implications pouvant servir à bâtir une théone sur le harcèlement dans les lieux publics, les réactions des femmes a l'égard du harcèlement ainsi que ses conséquences sur les plans émotionnel et psychologique. Researchers have expended much effort studying sexual harassment in the workplace and universities. Together with legal experts, they have conceptualized sexual harassment as a human-rights issue: a form of sexual discrimination that typically occurs in relationships of unequal power. Our research, based on a 1992 survey o{ 1,990 Canadian women, suggests sexual harassment is also prevalent in public places such as streets, transit systems and malls. We supply rare data about sexual harassment in public places by examining the types, frequency, and severity of harassment; the characteristics of women most likely to be harassed; the theoretical implications of public harassment; women's responses to harassment; and its emotional and psychological effects.  相似文献   

Cet article explore les expériences et les perceptions ltées au harcè-lement sexuel, qui sévit parmi les athlètes féminines entraînées par des hommes, au sein de l'élite sportive, haut lieu du règne masculin. À partir des témoignages de 32 athlètes féminines, l'article se concentre sur les interprétations que font les femmes des compor-tements dont elles sont les victimes, et situe leurs expériences dans le contexte plus large de la discrimination et du harcèlement fondés sur le sexe, qui conditionnent en grande partie leur expérience du sport. L'article envisage la possibilité de remettre en question le harcèlement sexuel dans le milieu sportif en modifiant les conditions dans lesquelles les femmes pratiquent le sport. This paper explores the experiences and perceptions of sexual harassment among women athletes coached by men in the male-dominated world of elite sport. Drawing on interviews with 32 female athletes, we focus on the women's own interpretations of the behaviours they encounter, and locate their experiences of sexual harassment within the broader context of gender harassment and discrimination which shapes much of their experience in sport. We consider the possibility of challenging sexual harassment in sport by changing the terms of women's participation.  相似文献   


One hundred and thirty-two women with a history of sexual abuse and 49 reporting no such history were compared, using a pilot-tested Dental Experiences Questionnaire. A history of abuse, especially severity of abuse, was found to be predictive of different patterns in making and keeping dental appointments; stress-related dental problems; and PTSD-type symptoms while at the dentist. Physical proximity, tactile, and kinesthetic experiences were evocative and therefore particularly discomfitting. Strategies that increased dental patients' sense of control, provided a feeling of protection or safety, and allowed for empowerment were positively endorsed, especially by sexual abuse survivors.  相似文献   

Data from the 1999-2000 Chinese Health and Family Life Survey were merged with community-level data from the 1982, 1990, and 2000 Chinese censuses to examine the relationship between the local sex ratio (number of men per 100 women) and sexual outcomes among women (N = 1,369). Consistent with hypotheses derived from demographic-opportunity theory, multilevel logistic regression analyses showed that women are more likely to be sexually active, to have had premarital sexual intercourse, to have been forced to have sex, and to test positive for a sexually transmitted infection when there is a relative abundance of age-matched men in their local community. Education, birth cohort, and geographic location also emerged as significant predictors of women's sexual experiences.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on people's perceptions of sexual harassment. Definitions of sexual harassment are presented, previous studies of sexual harassment are reviewed, and the results of a two-part study are presented. Examined are the possible influence of sex, gender role socialization, organizational and socio-cultural power differentials, and type and severity of behavior on perceptions of sexual harassment. The data suggest that gender role socialization is the primary influence on perceptions of sexual harassment.  相似文献   

One explanation of sexual harassment is that it is the result of differences in organizational or individual authority between harasser and victim. A competing conceptualization suggests that much of what is termed sexual harassment is the result of a particular definition of the situation by women possessing nontraditional or feminist gender-role ideologies. Using a sample of university faculty, students and staff, this study examines the relationship among organizational position, demographic risk factors, and gender-role ideology on the self-reported incidence of sexual harassment. The findings show little relation exists between the various risk factors and the report of harassment in this sample.  相似文献   

Passant en revue les expériences de réétablissement de 525 réfugiés adultes vivant au Canada, cette étude utilise une approche de régression multiple pour faire une enquête sur les répercussions du capital humain et social sur la qualité de L'emploi des réfugiés. La «théorie de la structuration « de Giddens fournit un cadre interprétatif utile pour décrire comment la compétence des réfugiés est contrainte ou habilitée par les règies et les ressources régissant le processus d'intégration à L'emploi. Les résultats montrent que les réfugiés ont recours aux liens à la fois de la famille et du groupe ethnique dans la recherche d'un emploi. Cependant, restreints par une combinaison de barrières structurales, un nombre significatif de réfugiés découvrent que leur capital humain a peu ou pas de valeur sur le marché du travail canadien et, de plus, que les réseaux qu'ils utilisent en ce moment ne sont peut‐être pas suffisants pour compenser la chute de leur mobilité d'emploi. Examining the resettlement experiences of 525 adult refugees living in Canada, this study uses a multiple regression approach to investigate the impact of human and social capital on refugees' quality of employment. Giddens' structuration theory acts as a useful interpretive framework to describe how refugee agency is constrained and enabled by the rules and resources governing the employment integration process. Results show that refugees use both family and ethnic‐group ties as resources in searching for employment. However, constrained by a combination of structural barriers, a significant proportion of refugees find that their human capital has little or no value in the Canadian labour market and, moreover, that the networks refugees are presently employing may not be sufficient to compensate for their downward occupational mobility.  相似文献   

Aucune étude nord-américaine n'a examiné de façon systé'matique l'importance des divers types degressions sexuelles, notamment le harcèlement sexuel et racial, que subissent les femmes dans les logements sociaux. Les logements sociaux et les rues des quartiers pauvres du centre-ville sont les endroits typiques où se jouent les relations de force entre les sexes et où l'influence de la drogue a exacerbé la violence exercée contre les femmes. À l'aide de données provenant du Quality of Neighbourhood Life Survey, dans lequel sont interrogés des ménages habitant dans six logements sociaux situés dans un centre urbain de Test de l'Ontario, cet article permet de combler une lacune importante dans la recherche. On y étudie les données exploratoires sur l'incidence de la violence conju-gale et de la violence extérieure ainsi que trois types de harcèlement vécus par des femmes vivant dans des logements sociaux. No North American study has systematically examined the extent of various types of woman abuse in public housing, including sexual and racial harassment. Public housing communities and inner-city ghetto streets are key arenas where gendered power relations are played out, and where the influx of drugs has exacerbated the degradation and abuse of women. Using data from the Quality of Neighbourhood Life Survey, administered to households in six public housing projects in an urban centre in Eastern Ontario, this paper helps fill a major research gap. Exploratory data on the incidence of intimate violence, stranger violence, and three types of harassment experienced by women in these dwellings are discussed. As men on the street lose their former authoritarian power in the household, they lash out against the women and children they can no longer control. Men are not accepting the new rights and roles that women are obtaining; instead, they are desperately attempting to reassert their grandfathers' lost autocratic control over their households and over public space.  相似文献   


This article explores the literature addressing sexual harassment of lesbians and discusses the ways in which one form of prejudice, that against lesbians, contributes to this problem. The first section of the article discusses the lesbian experience of violence, harassment, and discrimination. In exploring the above experiences of lesbians it becomes apparent that lesbians are the victims of a specific form of prejudice–homophobia. Homophobia impacts lesbians in two ways: (1) in the form of negative attitudes and denigrating or destructive acts; and (2) by means of actual discrimination, whether overt or subtle. Unlike sexism and racism, homophobia has had little public discussion, and the article concludes with a discussion of the impact of homophobia on lesbians in the workplace.  相似文献   

Child sexual abuse in Papua New Guinea is a human rights issue as well as an indicator of HIV risk in women. This study aimed to develop knowledge about the link between violence experienced by women and their HIV status. The study used a mixed method approach to collect quantitative and qualitative data through structured interviews with a sample of 415 women across four provinces of Papua New Guinea: National Capital District, Western Highlands, Western, and Morobe. Participants were asked about violence they had experienced as children and in their adult relationships and the impact of the violence. The quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS, and qualitative data was coded using a thematic approach. Child sexual abuse was reported by 27.5% of the sample (n?=?114). Women reporting child sexual abuse were more likely to live in violent relationships, be HIV positive, and have a higher number of sexual partners.  相似文献   

It is not uncommon for women researchers to experience sexualized interactions, sexual objectification, and harassment as they conduct fieldwork. Nevertheless, these experiences are often left out of ethnographers’ “tales from the field” and remain unaddressed within our discipline. In this article, we use women's experiences with harassment in the field to interrogate the epistemological foundations of ethnographic methodology within the discipline of sociology. Based on more than 50 qualitative interviews, we examine three “fixations” of contemporary ethnography that inform women ethnographers’ understandings of and reactions to harassment in the field. These fixations are solitude, danger, and intimacy. Our data show that these fixations not only put researchers in danger but also have implications for the construction of ethnographic knowledge. They contribute to silence surrounding sexual harassment, and are motivated by and reproduce androcentric norms that valorize certain types of fieldwork. We argue that acknowledging and analyzing experiences with harassment and other unwanted sexual attention in the field is part of a more fully developed understanding of ethnographic research itself.  相似文献   

While sexual harassment in the workplace has been extensively researched over the past two decades, the majority of studies have focused on employer–employee or co-worker relationships. In contrast, the issue of ‘customer sexual harassment’ (i.e. the sexual harassment of employees by customers) has been less explicitly explored. This paper examines customer sexual harassment in the Canadian context, drawing on a study of 63 female retail service workers and 20 security workers. It focuses on the nature, prevalence, and consequences of this form of harassment for women who work in various jobs in retail sales (e.g. flower shops, book shops). Findings from the study suggest that customer sexual harassment is a significant problem. Not only have a majority of women been sexually harassed by customers in their current job, but they appear to be highly constrained in dealing with such behaviour. To the extent that the work environment privileges the customer, through its emphasis on customer satisfaction, women are reluctant to confront harassers and may engage in behaviours (e.g. avoiding male customers, being less friendly) which potentially impact their performance on the job. The paper examines the dilemmas facing female workers and the policy issues raised.  相似文献   

Signaler un cas de harcèlement sexuel n'est pas évident. Pour comprendre les conditions dans lesquelles les femmes le font, un sondage téléphonique et des archives ont été analysés provenant de la Commission canadienne des droits de la personne. La vulnérabilité personnelle est un critère négligeable. Les femmes ont tendance à déposer des plaintes lorsque le cas de harcèlement implique un supérieur, plusíeurs harceleurs ou que l'agression est grave. Les femmes qui portent plainte éprouvent plus de difficultés ulterieurement que celles qui préferent se taire. Le fait de denoncer un cas de harcèlement a des répercussions negatives sur le travail et dans la vie personnelle. La plupart des femmes quittent leur emploi une fois la plainte déposéd. Des variables pertinentes sur le plan juridique permettent de prévoir Tissue d'une plainte. Reporting sexual harassment is not a common practice. To understand conditions under which women report harassment and its effects, two data sets were analyzed: a telephone survey of Canadian working women and archival data from the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Personal vulnerability, such as age, marital status or income, has little impact. Women tend to file external complaints when harassment involves a supervisor, multiple harassers or is severe. Women who report experience more adverse outcomes than non-reporters. Reporting has a negative effect on work and personal life; the vast majority leave the job where the complaint occurred. Legally relevant variables, such as severity or psychological distress, predict the settlement of complaints.  相似文献   

This article argues that the key to the explanation as to why sexual harassment is a feature of organizational life lies in the issue of power. Yet there has been little attempt to link sexual harassment with theories or explanatory models of power. This article first takes Lukes's (1986) three‐dimensional model as a framework to explore how harassment may be understood as an exercise of power at different levels then shows how radical feminist and post‐structuralist analyses overlap with and are distinct from Lukes's third dimension of power.  相似文献   

Cet article présente les résultats d'une étude qui avait pour but de mesurer les repercussions de la loi C-127 sur la manière de procéder de l'appareil policier et judiciaire de Winnipeg dans les cas de violence sexuelle. La nouvelle loi ayant comme objectif de corriger certaines failles dans la procédure juridictionnelle, les auteurs ont opté pour l'analyse de régression logistique afin d'examiner les conséquences de plusieurs variables indépendantes sur le nombre des inculpations et des condamnations, et ce avant et après l'adoption de la loi. Cette méthode nous a permis de déterminer si la réforme de la loi sur le viol a conduit à des changements dans la manière dont ces variables indépendantes influent sur les inculpations et condamnations. La recherche tend à démontrer que la réforme n'a eu qu'un effet modéré sur l'examen des cas de violence sexuelle. This paper presents the results of an evaluation of the impact of Bill C-127 on the processing of sexual assault cases through the criminal justice system in Winnipeg. Because the law was intended to change the way in which sexual assault cases were treated by the courts, the authors employed logistic regression to examine the impact of several independent variables on charges and convictions before and after the new legislation. Logistic regression made it possible to determine whether the rape reform legislation led to changes in the way these independent variables affect charge and conviction. The research suggests the legislative reform has had only a modest impact on the treatment of sexual assault cases.  相似文献   

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