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This paper examines the two major conflicts between general practitioners and the state in the mid-1960s and again at the end of the 1980s. In the mid-1960s morale in general practice was low, but GPs emerged with a strong endorsement from government for their professional autonomy. In 1990 morale was high, but government succeeded in imposing a new contract on GPs that sought to increase their accountability. GPs have always defended their status as "independent contractors". However, the paper argues that GPs saw this status as a means of protecting their professional freedom and autonomy. When the government treated them more as independent contractors in 1990 and demanded more specific terms, GPs did not like it. Furthermore, the new GPs' contract was introduced alongside the new internal market of the NHS, which has had further implications for GPs' status as independent contractors.  相似文献   

萧红和迟子建小说儿童视角构成的儿童世界的独特审美形态和文化价值,主要体现在儿童梦想世界层面.运用原型理论来分析,这一儿童梦想世界的构建源于萨满文化万物有灵和万物有神信仰现形成的原始崇拜对作家文化心理的影响.儿童梦想世界的主要构成元素是具有童话特质的自然景色、通灵的女孩形象、慈善的长者形象和人格化的动植物形象.这些元素分别是萨满文化自然崇拜、女神崇拜、祖先崇拜和动植物崇拜的隐形结构.  相似文献   

This article considers the proposals made for reform of local government and the creation of unitary authorities. It considers the relationship between police forces and local government and the introduction of new management structures for police forces. It argues for coterminous police and district authority boundaries, for district police committees and for closer coordination of police and other local services in the development of crime prevention programmes.  相似文献   

This article uses Probation Department files to reconstruct the lives of five ordinary residents of Harlem. It highlights what that black metropolis offered those outside the political and cultural elite, who have dominated historical scholarship, showing how ordinary blacks negotiated the challenges of life in northern neighborhoods, and drew on institutions and organizations, to establish and sustain new lives. We offer the kind of individualized perspective on everyday life that other scholars have provided for high culture, but which does not exist for other realms of existence in Harlem, even in early twentieth century sociological studies of black life. Where scholars seeking to distinguish the neighborhood from a slum have pointed to the prevailing pride and self-confidence of its residents, this article directs attention to more immediate, concrete supports that sustained and enriched life in Harlem. Relationships with spouses, children, siblings and cousins sustained individuals faced with the social reality of living in overcrowded, deteriorating, disease infested housing, subject to the racism of white police, politicians and employers; so too did friendships made in nightclubs, speakeasies, dances and movie theatres, and membership of churches, fraternal organizations, social clubs, and sports clubs and teams.  相似文献   

杜玉生 《阅江学刊》2014,(5):142-148
福柯受哲学好奇心的驱使,踏上了摆脱自己、超越自我的哲学征程。考察福柯晚期思想演变发现,福柯一直做的是哲学工作,其中对自我的关注以及对现时当下的关切贯穿始终。福柯晚期在与柏拉图、斯多葛主义、犬儒主义及伊壁鸠鲁主义的思想碰撞中,对哲学的看法发生了重大转变,他将哲学看作是一种体验、一种操练,是思想对自身展开的艰苦劳作,目的是培养一种哲学气质。  相似文献   

钓鱼岛列岛最早是由中国人发现命名和利用的.明代郑舜功的《日本一鉴》明确将其归入台湾附属岛屿之列;及至郑若曾编《筹海图编》,又将其划入福建省版图,列入海防区域.钓鱼岛列岛属中国领地的事实,在日本史地学家林子平的《三国通览图说》中亦得到验证,并且成为国家间的共识.18、19世纪欧美国家出版的许多地图,都将钓鱼岛列岛标示为中国领土,不但采用中国命名,而且用的是福建话注音.这是钓鱼岛列岛主权归属中国的最有力的证据.  相似文献   

陈涛 《阅江学刊》2014,(5):55-61
收入影响人们的工作状态和绩效,高效率的收入分配制度可以提高人们的收入满意度和产出,进而提升幸福感。典型行业科技人员的收入与收入满意度、分配制度公平性满意度、分配制度激励满意度存在正相关关系,与行业间收入差距合理性满意度之间没有相关关系。典型行业科技人员的收入与单位收入科研产出率呈负相关关系。现有的收入分配制度仅仅从工资的构成、收入的多少去考虑和设计,没有兼顾科技人员这一特殊群体的其他诉求,因此需要进一步完善典型行业科技人员的收入分配制度:一方面要重视建立公平合理的绩效评价机制,让科研产出与收入较好地匹配;另一方面要建立除收入以外的其他奖惩机制。  相似文献   

葛洪对道教忠孝伦理发展的历史贡献集中体现在处理“忠孝与修道”这一内在矛盾上.葛洪一方面竭力辩护“修道不违忠孝,更是大忠大孝”,另一方面提出求仙“当以忠孝为本”的思想,有力地消解了统治阶级对道教的疑虑,促使了道教忠孝伦理的发展.  相似文献   

Welfare state typologies can be a useful means of grouping together countries with similar policy regimes. Whether the policy outcomes of these regimes are similar is an empirical question which could not be adequately addressed until the advent of the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) project. Using evidence from the LIS data on income inequality and poverty, this paper examines the extent to which regime types and outcomes coincide. The findings suggest that while there is a broad coincidence, these typological frameworks are beset by boundary problems which result in the misclassification of some countries. In addition, as individual nations change policy direction, the task of sorting ideological postures from substantive change decreases the reliability of such typologies.  相似文献   

当今,欧洲联盟与中国之间的关系是强大而重要的,尽管对双方而言其并未处于最理想状态.中欧关系在历经1995-2005年的渐进式发展之后,近年来见证了一系列使双方感到刺激的挫折.由于世界在严重的全球经济与金融危机之后正在拥抱一个更具挑战性的未来,并且鉴于《里斯本条约》所涵盖的新外交政策体系正在成形,为了贡献于这一重要关系的可能复苏,欧盟与中国进行一次更加认真的深层次对话可谓恰当其时.在本文中,作者将辨识以往欧盟在中国外交政策构想中的地位,评价双方关系的发展,勾勒中国的欧盟政策重点以及架构中国的对欧战略.  相似文献   

Welfare and the unemployment crisis: Sweden in the 1990s   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the 1990s Sweden went through a deep economic recession accompanied by a massive increase in unemployment and a rapidly growing budget deficit. The crisis had large repercussions for the welfare of many citizens and it generated cutbacks in virtually all social policy programmes. This halted a welfare-state expansion that had been going on for decades. It also caused great concern about the state of welfare of the nation. In 1999 the Swedish Government appointed a 'Welfare Commission', a team of academic researchers who were assigned the task of drawing up a balance sheet for the development of welfare in the 1990s. The Commission delivered its final report in October 2001. This article is a condensed account of one of the more central issues for the Commission; namely, how the unemployment crisis affected already socially and economically vulnerable groups. Looking at the development over the entire decade, three groups stand out as particularly disadvantaged in terms of individual welfare resources: young adults, immigrants and single mothers. The downturn for these groups was especially accentuated in terms of employment and income. Young people and immigrants trying to get into the labour market during the crisis years faced the problems of newcomers to the systems of social protection. The poor economic development for single mothers could essentially be attributed to the shortage of work in general and of full-time work in particular that followed from the unemployment crisis. As a consequence, the importance of selective benefits increased and the relative size of all public transfers – despite rationing measures – stayed fairly unchanged. The results highlight the great influence of macroeconomic conditions and policy making for the welfare of vulnerable groups in society.  相似文献   

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