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Des chercheurs ont étudié les cas de harcèlement sexuel en milieu de travail et dans les universités. En collaboration avec des experts judiciaires, ils ont conceptualisé le harcelement sexuel et en ont fait une question de droits de la personne. Notre recherche, fondée sur un sondage effectue en 1992 auprès de 1 990 femmes canadiennes, réVéle que le harcèlement sexuel se produit aussi dans les lieux publics. Nous présentons des données inédites sur le sujet en exa-minant le type, la fréquence et la gravité du harcèlement, les carac-téristiques des femmes le plus susceptibles d'être harcetées, les implications pouvant servir à bâtir une théone sur le harcèlement dans les lieux publics, les réactions des femmes a l'égard du harcèlement ainsi que ses conséquences sur les plans émotionnel et psychologique. Researchers have expended much effort studying sexual harassment in the workplace and universities. Together with legal experts, they have conceptualized sexual harassment as a human-rights issue: a form of sexual discrimination that typically occurs in relationships of unequal power. Our research, based on a 1992 survey o{ 1,990 Canadian women, suggests sexual harassment is also prevalent in public places such as streets, transit systems and malls. We supply rare data about sexual harassment in public places by examining the types, frequency, and severity of harassment; the characteristics of women most likely to be harassed; the theoretical implications of public harassment; women's responses to harassment; and its emotional and psychological effects.  相似文献   

Forty years of research, theory, legislation, and programming have not reduced the high rates of either violence against women or intimate partner violence. Social science researchers, polarized into Family Violence and Feminist perspectives, are mired in the debate over gender symmetry and its implications. Recommendations include (1) integrating the two perspectives, (2) incorporating the work on family strengths, youth resilience and developmental assets, (3) strengthening interdisciplinary connections including religious studies, and (4) integrating research, teaching, and activism for long‐term, primary prevention. A three‐model typology of activism includes education, common cause, and confrontation strategies.  相似文献   

Cette étude porte sur la lutte menée en Ontario et au Québec de la fin des années 1970 jusqu'aux années 1990 par les femmes de couleur - et plus particulièrement par les infirmières noires -contre le racisme sévissant dans le contexte de leur vie professionnelle. L'auteure procède à une analyse intégrale du phénomène dans une perspective antiraciste. Elle démontre que le racisme est le principal facteur opérant dans la subordination des infirmières noires et que le parti pris contre les femmes et les préjugés fondés sur les origines sociales ont toujours été tributaires d'un racisme sous-jacent. This study examines women of colour, specifically African Canadian nurses, organizing and resisting racism in nursing in Ontario and Quebec from the late 1970s to the 1990s, from an integrative anti-racism perspective. The author demonstrates that although racism is more visibly salient in black nurses' subordination, gender and class have historically been racialized in nursing, a phenomenon that continues today.  相似文献   

Cet article présente la plus grande recherche canadienne qui ait été consacrée aux femmes et au harcèlement sexuel dans le milieu du travail (N= 1990), en étudiant la frequence des différentes formes de harcèlement ainsi que les détails de ces expériences, fournis par un sous-échantillon (n= 424). Dans le cadre de cette recherche, les femmes décrivent leurs réactions à l'égard du harcèlement et ses effets sur leur travail et dans leur vie personnelle. Le but de cet article est d'étudier le lien entre les caractéristiques du harcèlement et ses répercussions. Les résultats permettent de discuter les implications susceptibles de servir à bâtir une théorie sur le harcèlement, particulièrement la façon dont la theorie sur le pouvoir organi-sationnel peut contribuer à notre compréhension des conséquences du harcèlement au travail. This paper describes the largest Canadian survey devoted to women's experiences with workplace sexual harassment (N= 1,990) including the incidence of various types of harassment and details about these experiences provided by a sub-sample (n= 424). These women described their responses to the harassment and how it affected their work and personal lives. The analyses explore the relationship between characteristics of the harassment and its consequences. The findings are used to discuss theoretical implications, particularly with respect to how organizational power theory can contribute to our understanding of the consequences of workplace harassment.  相似文献   

This survey of public opinion offers little hope of a speedy resolution to the conflict between the federal government and the government of Quebec by reference to a wider public debate than is provided for in the existing electoral machinery. In Quebec, the program of the Parti Quebecois is supported by about one-third of the population. However, the very great majority of Quebecers wants recognition of the special status of French in their province, in line with the recent language legislation of the pq government. French Quebecers also strongly support the extension of bilingual opportunities in education and government in the rest of Canada, policies which are presently beyond the jurisdiction of the federal government and which provincial governments are not yet prepared to enact. A clear majority of Canadians outside Quebec opposes provisions for the special status of French within Quebec as the language of work and of schooling for non-English-speaking immigrants, and only a small majority supports the extension of educational and governmental facilities in French outside Quebec. Differences in public opinion are equally pronounced with respect to the issues of concessions and economic agreement. The great majority of Quebecers favours an economic agreement with the rest of Canada if the province becomes independent. Outside Quebec only a bare majority of Canadians supports any concessions to Quebec to prevent separation, and a large proportion of them draws the line at “minor” concessions. Similarly, only a slight majority of Canadians outside of Quebec is prepared to approve of the negotiation of an economic agreement should a majority of Quebecers vote for independence, and it seems likely that a majority in English Canada would oppose any concrete suggestions for economic union. Further insights into the structure of these political attitudes can be obtained from Table V1, which shows gamma values measuring the associations between the individual items discussed so far and compares these associations for the two large non-minority groups - the French in Quebec and the non-French outside Quebec. The generally stronger associations in Quebec among the responses to items a to E -measuring support for conventional policies of bilingualism - indicate that French Quebecers are more likely to view the extension of these rights in Quebec and English Canada in terms of reciprocity and that their beliefs are more coherently organized than those of English Canadians. It is interesting to examine the relationship between support for English-language schooling for Canadians who move to Quebec versus provision for this schooling for people who do not speak English and move to Quebec. In English Canada the two policies are very strongly related; the gamma of 81 indicates that both policies are seen as part of a single dimension. But French Quebecers see these as two distinguishable issues, though they are still positively related (the gamma is.25). In Quebec there is little relationship between support for independence and attitudes to bilingualism. Support for independence is weakly, but negatively, correlated with support for English schooling for English Canadians who move to Quebec and with recognition of the right to communicate with the Quebec government in English. Supporters of independence tend to oppose common Federalist notions of bilingualism, but not as strongly as might be expected. What is suggested here is that “independen-tisme” is a reaction to conditions within Quebec - as indicated further by the definite association between support for independence and the measures to protect French within Quebec - rather than a reaction to conditions in Canada or an ethnocentric response to English Canadians generally. The data in Table VI also indicate that amongst non-French-speaking Canadians outside Quebec support for the extension of opportunities for the use of French in Canada is associated with support for the recognition of the special status of French in Quebec and with approval of a more conciliatory attitude to concessions and economic agreement with Quebec. The relevant coefficients are in the order of.30, indicating a fairly consistent attitudinal structure. In English Canada, therefore, attitudes to bilingualism reflect a general orientation towards political developments in Quebec which can be seen in terms of the response of a dominant ethnic group to the assertion of “civil rights” by an ethnic minority. In Quebec, on the other hand, problems of civil rights in majority-minority relations within Canada have little or nothing to do with the demand for the right to self-determination. This demand reflects rather the concentration of the French population and the historical continuity of the French community in Quebec, and arguments over the right to self-determination are based upon interpretations of political and economic conditions within Quebec. Within Quebec, therefore, we expect to explain attitudes to independence and language rights in terms of conventional theories of support for nationalist movements, while in the rest of Canada we concentrate on theories of prejudice and support for civil liberties.  相似文献   

Administrators of schools of social work are paying more attention to the changing roles and types of faculty in their institutions, particularly given the surge of non-tenure-track faculty in academia. This topic is timely as social work grapples with the divergent roles, structure, and demographic characteristics of non-tenure-track faculty compared to their tenured or tenure-track counterparts. This exploratory study presents data from non-tenure-track women faculty (N = 10) on how they experience professional development. In-depth, qualitative data was collected to answer the research question, What do faculty identify as the barriers, supports, and opportunities for professional development and job satisfaction? Results indicate that organizational climate and mentoring are barriers and facilitators of faculty development, and the subjective definition of faculty development varies.  相似文献   

Dans le présent article, les auteurs proposent une analyse comparative des revenus et du chomage dliommes et de femmes diplômés universitaires entre 1978 et 1988. Les résultats montrent que le sexe continue d'exercer une influence importante sur ces données; le rapport global hommes-femmes est en effet passé de 84% a 91%. Seule une petite partie de l'écart des revenus peut s'expliquer par des différences entre les hommes et les femmes au regard du recrutement sur le marché du travail. Les auteurs considèrent ces résultats révélateurs de la ségrégation entre les hommes et les femmes, et que celle-ci mène à des différences dans les cheminements de carrière. De plus, pour l'avenir, ils prévoient que, tandis que l'écart des revenus continuera probablement de diminuer, les formes d'inégalité entre les diplômés seront peut-ôtre de plus en plus marquées, surtout que l'écart des revenus est en déclin parmi les cohortes récentes. This paper compares male versus female income and unemployment for three cohorts of university graduates between 1978 and 1988. Results show that gender became a weaker predictor of these outcomes, with the female-male earning ratio growing from 84% to 91% over this period. Nonetheless, a notable wage gap remained in later cohorts, and for one cohort income disparities widened with time in the labour market. Moreover, only a relatively small portion of the earnings gap could be attributed to male-female differences in market endowments. The authors interpret these results as illustrating gender segregation within occupations that result in disparate earning trajectories. Also, it is suggested that while the wage gap will likely continue to shrink, future patterns of inequality among graduates may become increasingly uneven, especially since real wages are declining among recent cohorts.  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory study was to explore the multiple contexts of vulnerability, drug use and parenting for women in substance abuse treatment. Nineteen purposively sampled women provided qualitative data through semi-structured interviews. Findings revealed that adverse childhood experiences and intimate partners were important pathways into drug use initiation. Identities as mothers emerged as a key finding, intimately linked to women's motivation to seek and complete treatment. Understanding the challenges to recovery among mothers in treatment is an important priority for social workers. This study highlights the complexity of women's experiences and suggests implications for future practice and research.  相似文献   

Signaler un cas de harcèlement sexuel n'est pas évident. Pour comprendre les conditions dans lesquelles les femmes le font, un sondage téléphonique et des archives ont été analysés provenant de la Commission canadienne des droits de la personne. La vulnérabilité personnelle est un critère négligeable. Les femmes ont tendance à déposer des plaintes lorsque le cas de harcèlement implique un supérieur, plusíeurs harceleurs ou que l'agression est grave. Les femmes qui portent plainte éprouvent plus de difficultés ulterieurement que celles qui préferent se taire. Le fait de denoncer un cas de harcèlement a des répercussions negatives sur le travail et dans la vie personnelle. La plupart des femmes quittent leur emploi une fois la plainte déposéd. Des variables pertinentes sur le plan juridique permettent de prévoir Tissue d'une plainte. Reporting sexual harassment is not a common practice. To understand conditions under which women report harassment and its effects, two data sets were analyzed: a telephone survey of Canadian working women and archival data from the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Personal vulnerability, such as age, marital status or income, has little impact. Women tend to file external complaints when harassment involves a supervisor, multiple harassers or is severe. Women who report experience more adverse outcomes than non-reporters. Reporting has a negative effect on work and personal life; the vast majority leave the job where the complaint occurred. Legally relevant variables, such as severity or psychological distress, predict the settlement of complaints.  相似文献   

This study builds on the body of literature about public relations practitioner roles by examining the relationship of workplace socialization and formal public relations education to idealized practitioner roles. Data come from an exploratory survey of public relations students and practitioners. As in several previous studies, two main practitioner roles were identified, corresponding to the communication manager and communication technician roles. Formal public relations education was associated with the manager role type, but professional socialization in the workplace was not.  相似文献   


To explore partner abuse among women in families in which a child has disclosed sexual abuse, 102 mothers completed a measure of partner abuse and the Coping Responses Inventory. Results suggest that, like women in the general population, mothers of children who have been sexually abused have often experienced partner abuse. As expected, physical abuse in a current relationship was found to be related to the use of avoidance strategies in dealing with the sexual abuse disclosure. The implications for practitioners and for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


The prevalence and severity of violence against women is a critical issue for social work educators to address. This article describes a teaching model that educators can use to educate social work students and professionals about the widely existing, severe, subtle and overt forms of male controls and violence against women. Forms of male controls and violence against women discussed include: sexist language, gender-biased research, differential treatment, street hassling, sexist media, pornography, sexual harassment, battering, sexual assault, and femicide. Results presented are from an evaluation of a three hour workshop for professionals and from a qualitative analysis of student comments after a weekend class which used this model. Evaluation of this model suggests that participants found the content to be useful and relevant to their social work practice and education. Resource lists are provided to give educators a starting point for learning more about male controls and violence against women.  相似文献   

An exploratory study of chief executive officers (CEOs) in Florida nonbanking public companies found that top executives do not perceive investor relations to be part of the public relations function. A mail survey (31% response rate) revealed these CEOs favor financial affairs executives and departments to supervise and conduct investor relations, and they perceive both the investor relations and public relations functions to be more technically than managerially oriented. These findings corroborate concerns of encroachment in public relations by those without public relations training or experience. The study also raises the larger question of whether public relations practitioners could be trained in such a way to garner CEO support for a role in the investor relations function.  相似文献   

Drawing from attitude‐behavior research tradition, this study used a national probabilistic sample of the Spanish adult population (N= 2,432) to test hypotheses regarding correlates of public attitudes toward reporting partner violence against women, and the relationship between attitudes toward reporting and actual reporting behavior. Results show the importance of several correlates of public attitudes toward reporting. Also, our results have suggested a potential disconnect between attitudes and behavior because failure to intervene appears to be a common response of those aware of incidents of partner violence against women.  相似文献   

Objective: To describe sexual practices in Mexican lesbian and bisexual women. Materials and method: An online survey was conducted with a nonprobabilistic sample of self-identified lesbian (n?=?768) and bisexual (n?=?371) women from the 32 states of Mexico. Results: Lesbians less frequently reported having had sex with a man than bisexual women. Preferred sexual practices with other women were external genital stimulation with fingers, internal genital stimulation with fingers, and oral genital stimulation. Most (~80%) participants did not use protection to prevent sexually transmitted infections. Conclusions: Our results can inform the design of promotion and prevention programs in sexual health aimed at sexual minority women.  相似文献   

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