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In this paper, we consider noninformative priors for the ratio of variances in two normal populations. We develop first and second order matching priors. We find that the second order matching prior matches alternative coverage probabilities up to the second order and is also a HPD matching prior. It turns out that among the reference priors, only one-at-a-time reference prior satisfies a second order matching criterion. Our simulation study indicates that the one-at-a-time reference prior performs better than other reference priors in terms of matching the target coverage probabilities in a frequentist sense. This work is supported by Korea Research Foundation Grant (KRF-2004-002-C00041).  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop noninformative priors for linear combinations of the means under the normal populations. It turns out that among the reference priors the one-at-a-time reference prior satisfies a second order probability matching criterion. Moreover, the second order probability matching priors match alternative coverage probabilities up to the second order and are also HPD matching priors. Our simulation study indicates that the one-at-a-time reference prior performs better than the other reference priors in terms of matching the target coverage probabilities in a frequentist sense.  相似文献   

For normal populations with unequal variances, we develop matching priors and reference priors for a linear combination of the means. Here, we find three second-order matching priors: a highest posterior density (HPD) matching prior, a cumulative distribution function (CDF) matching prior, and a likelihood ratio (LR) matching prior. Furthermore, we show that the reference priors are all first-order matching priors, but that they do not satisfy the second-order matching criterion that establishes the symmetry and the unimodality of the posterior under the developed priors. The results of a simulation indicate that the second-order matching prior outperforms the reference priors in terms of matching the target coverage probabilities, in a frequentist sense. Finally, we compare the Bayesian credible intervals based on the developed priors with the confidence intervals derived from real data.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is objective priors for spatially correlated data with nugget effects. In addition to the Jeffreys priors and commonly used reference priors, two types of “exact” reference priors are derived based on improper marginal likelihoods. An “equivalence” theorem is developed in the sense that the expectation of any function of the score functions of the marginal likelihood function can be taken under marginal likelihoods. Interestingly, these two types of reference priors are identical.  相似文献   

A Bayesian reference analysis for determining the posterior distribution of the strength of a radiation source is performed. The only pieces of information available are the numbers of counts gathered in a gross and a background measurement along with the respective counting times and a state-of-knowledge distribution for the efficiency. This situation is addressed by combining the calculations of a “one-at-a-time” reference prior and a reference prior with partial information. The posterior distribution of the source strength obtained with the reference prior leads to credible intervals that have better frequentist coverage than corresponding intervals founded on uniform or Jeffreys’ priors.  相似文献   

The author shows how geostatistical data that contain measurement errors can be analyzed objectively by a Bayesian approach using Gaussian random fields. He proposes a reference prior and two versions of Jeffreys' prior for the model parameters. He studies the propriety and the existence of moments for the resulting posteriors. He also establishes the existence of the mean and variance of the predictive distributions based on these default priors. His reference prior derives from a representation of the integrated likelihood that is particularly convenient for computation and analysis. He further shows that these default priors are not very sensitive to some aspects of the design and model, and that they have good frequentist properties. Finally, he uses a data set of carbon/nitrogen ratios from an agricultural field to illustrate his approach.  相似文献   

The usual confidence set for p (p ≥ 3) coefficients of a linear model is known to be dominated by the James-Stein confidence sets under the assumption of spherical symmetric errors with known variance (Hwang and Chen 1986). For the same confidence-set problem but for the unknown-variance case, naturally one replaces the unknown variance by an estimator. For the normal case, many previous studies have shown numerically that the resultant James-Stein confidence sets dominate the resultant usual confidence sets, i.e., the F confidence sets. In this paper we provide a further asymptotic justification, and we discover the same advantage of the James-Stein confidence sets for normal error as well as spherically symmetric error.  相似文献   

For the unbalanced one-way random effects model with heterogeneous error variances, we propose the non-informative priors for the between-group variance and develop the first- and second-order matching priors. It turns out that the second-order matching priors do not exist and the reference prior and Jeffreys prior do not satisfy a first-order matching criterion. We also show that the first-order matching prior meets the frequentist target coverage probabilities much better than the Jeffreys prior and reference prior through simulation study, and the Bayesian credible intervals based on the matching prior and reference prior give shorter intervals than the existing confidence intervals by examples.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of testing the equality of two population means when the population variances are not necessarily equal. We propose a Welch-type statistic, say T* c, based on Tiku!s ‘1967, 1980’ modified maximum likelihood estimators, and show that this statistic is robust to symmetric and moderately skew distributions. We investigate the power properties of the statistic T* c; T* c clearly seems to be more powerful than Yuen's ‘1974’ Welch-type robust statistic based on the trimmed sample means and the matching sample variances. We show that the analogous statistics based on the ‘adaptive’ robust estimators give misleading Type I errors. We generalize the results to testing linear contrasts among k population means  相似文献   

The Jeffreys-rule prior and the marginal independence Jeffreys prior are recently proposed in Fonseca et al. [Objective Bayesian analysis for the Student-t regression model, Biometrika 95 (2008), pp. 325–333] as objective priors for the Student-t regression model. The authors showed that the priors provide proper posterior distributions and perform favourably in parameter estimation. Motivated by a practical financial risk management application, we compare the performance of the two Jeffreys priors with other priors proposed in the literature in a problem of estimating high quantiles for the Student-t model with unknown degrees of freedom. Through an asymptotic analysis and a simulation study, we show that both Jeffreys priors perform better in using a specific quantile of the Bayesian predictive distribution to approximate the true quantile.  相似文献   

The problem of choice of coordinates in Stein-type estimators,when simultaneously estimating normal means, is considered. The question of deciding whether to use all coordinates in one combined shrinkage estimators or to separate into groups and use separate shrinkage estimators on each group is considered in the situation in which part of the prior information may be " misspecified". It is observed that the amount of misspecification determines whether to use the combined shrinkage estimator the separate shrinkage estimator.  相似文献   

Statistical calibration or inverse prediction involves data collected in two stages. In the first stage, several values of an endogenous variable are observed, each corresponding to a known value of an exogenous variable; in the second stage, one or more values of the endogenous variable are observed which correspond to an unknown value of the exogenous variable. When estimating the value of the latter, it has been suggested that the variability about the regression relationship should not be assumed to be equal for the two stages of data collection. In this paper, the authors present a Bayesian method of analysis based on noninformative priors that takes this heteroscedasticity into account.  相似文献   

A Bayesian analysis is presented for the K-group Behrens-Fisher problem. Both exact posterior distributions and approximations were developed for both a general linear contrast of the K means and the K variances, given either proper diffuse or informative conjugate priors. The contrast of variances is a unique feature of the heterogeneous variance model that enables investigators to test specific effects of experimental manipulations on variance. Finally, important-differences were observed between the heterogeneous variance model and the homogeneous model.  相似文献   

Abstract.  An optimal Bayesian decision procedure for testing hypothesis in normal linear models based on intrinsic model posterior probabilities is considered. It is proven that these posterior probabilities are simple functions of the classical F -statistic, thus the evaluation of the procedure can be carried out analytically through the frequentist analysis of the posterior probability of the null. An asymptotic analysis proves that, under mild conditions on the design matrix, the procedure is consistent. For any testing hypothesis it is also seen that there is a one-to-one mapping – which we call calibration curve – between the posterior probability of the null hypothesis and the classical bi p -value. This curve adds substantial knowledge about the possible discrepancies between the Bayesian and the p -value measures of evidence for testing hypothesis. It permits a better understanding of the serious difficulties that are encountered in linear models for interpreting the p -values. A specific illustration of the variable selection problem is given.  相似文献   

A comparative study is made of three tests, developed by James (1951), Welch (1951) and Brown & Forsythe (1974). James presented two methods of which only one is considered in this paper. It is shown that this method gives better control over the size than the other two tests. None of these methods is uniformly more powerful than the other two. In some cases the tests of James and Welch reject a false null hypothesis more often than the test of Brown & Forsythe, but there are also situations in which it is the other way around.

We conclude that for implementation in a statistical software package the very complicated test of James is the most attractive. A practical disadvantage of this method can be overcome by a minor modification.  相似文献   

We derive reference priors for constrained rate models of count data using the sequential algorithm of Berger and Bernardo (1992b). The event counts for various groups of subjects are modeled as discrete random variables (Poisson, binomial, or negative binomial) with group specific rates. We consider situations in which the groups can be completely ordered according to one covariate. The priors enforce monotonicity (or monotonicity and convexity) of the rates with respect to the ordering. We use the priors to model a data set on mortality rates for men in different age groups assuming that the mortality rates increase with respect to age. We also consider the situation in which the parameter space is augmented to include rates corresponding to unobserved age groups, and the case of a random upper bound on the mortality rates. In addition, we provide an evaluation of the out-of-sample predictive performance of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

We develop an easy and direct way to define and compute the fiducial distribution of a real parameter for both continuous and discrete exponential families. Furthermore, such a distribution satisfies the requirements to be considered a confidence distribution. Many examples are provided for models, which, although very simple, are widely used in applications. A characterization of the families for which the fiducial distribution coincides with a Bayesian posterior is given, and the strict connection with Jeffreys prior is shown. Asymptotic expansions of fiducial distributions are obtained without any further assumptions, and again, the relationship with the objective Bayesian analysis is pointed out. Finally, using the Edgeworth expansions, we compare the coverage of the fiducial intervals with that of other common intervals, proving the good behaviour of the former.  相似文献   

In this paper, some confidence intervals (CIs) for the product of powers of the generalized variances of k multivariate normal populations with possibly different dimensions are proposed. The performance of these CIs in terms of the coverage probabilities and average lengths were evaluated via a Monte Carlo simulation study. The results were found to be satisfactory. To demonstrate utility of the proposed CIs, applications on three real data sets were provided.  相似文献   

Summary: Commonly used standard statistical procedures for means and variances (such as the t–test for means or the F–test for variances and related confidence procedures) require observations from independent and identically normally distributed variables. These procedures are often routinely applied to financial data, such as asset or currency returns, which do not share these properties. Instead, they are nonnormal and show conditional heteroskedasticity, hence they are dependent. We investigate the effect of conditional heteroskedasticity (as modelled by GARCH(1,1)) on the level of these tests and the coverage probability of the related confidence procedures. It can be seen that conditional heteroskedasticity has no effect on procedures for means (at least in large samples). There is, however, a strong effect of conditional heteroskedasticity on procedures for variances. These procedures should therefore not be used if conditional heteroskedasticity is prevalent in the data.*We are grateful to the referees for their useful and constructive comments.  相似文献   

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