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This paper is concerned with properties (bias, standard deviation, mean square error and efficiency) of twenty six estimators of the intraclass correlation in the analysis of binary data. Our main interest is to study these properties when data are generated from different distributions. For data generation we considered three over-dispersed binomial distributions, namely, the beta-binomial distribution, the probit normal binomial distribution and a mixture of two binomial distributions. The findings regarding bias, standard deviation and mean squared error of all these estimators, are that (a) in general, the distributions of biases of most of the estimators are negatively skewed. The biases are smallest when data are generated from the beta-binomial distribution and largest when data are generated from the mixture distribution; (b) the standard deviations are smallest when data are generated from the beta-binomial distribution; and (c) the mean squared errors are smallest when data are generated from the beta-binomial distribution and largest when data are generated from the mixture distribution. Of the 26, nine estimators including the maximum likelihood estimator, an estimator based on the optimal quadratic estimating equations of Crowder (1987), and an analysis of variance type estimator is found to have least amount of bias, standard deviation and mean squared error. Also, the distributions of the bias, standard deviation and mean squared error for each of these estimators are, in general, more symmetric than those of the other estimators. Our findings regarding efficiency are that the estimator based on the optimal quadratic estimating equations has consistently high efficiency and least variability in the efficiency results. In the important range in which the intraclass correlation is small (≤0 5), on the average, this estimator shows best efficiency performance. The analysis of variance type estimator seems to do well for larger values of the intraclass correlation. In general, the estimator based on the optimal quadratic estimating equations seems to show best efficiency performance for data from the beta-binomial distribution and the probit normal binomial distribution, and the analysis of variance type estimator seems to do well for data from the mixture distribution.  相似文献   

An intraclass correlation coefficient observed in several populations is estimated. The basis is a variance-stabilizing transformation. It is shown that the intraclass correlation coefficient from any elliptical distribution should be transformed in the same way. Four estimators are compared. An estimator where the components in a vector consisting of the transformed intraclass correlation coefficients are estimated separately, an estimator based on a weighted average of these components, a pretest estimator where the equality of the components is tested and then the outcome of the test is used in the estimation procedure, and a James-Stein estimator which shrinks toward the mean.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a general kth correlation coefficient between the density function and distribution function of a continuous variable as a measure of symmetry and asymmetry. We first propose a root-n moment-based estimator of the kth correlation coefficient and present its asymptotic results. Next, we consider statistical inference of the kth correlation coefficient by using the empirical likelihood (EL) method. The EL statistic is shown to be asymptotically a standard chi-squared distribution. Last, we propose a residual-based estimator of the kth correlation coefficient for a parametric regression model to test whether the density function of the true model error is symmetric or not. We present the asymptotic results of the residual-based kth correlation coefficient estimator and also construct its EL-based confidence intervals. Simulation studies are conducted to examine the performance of the proposed estimators, and we also use our proposed estimators to analyze the air quality dataset.  相似文献   

The problem of constructing confidence intervals to estimate the mean in a two-stage nested model is considered. Several approximate intervals, which are based on both linear and nonlinear estimators of the mean are investigated. In particular, the method of bootstrap is used to correct the bias in the ‘usual’ variance of the nonlinear estimators. It is found that the intervals based on the nonlinear estimators did not achieve the nominal confidence coefficient for designs involving a small number of groups. Further, it turns out that the intervals are generally conservative, especially at small values of the intraclass correlation coefficient, and that the intervals based on the nonlinear estimators are more conservative than those based on the linear estimators. Compared with the others, the intervals based on the unweighted mean of the group means performed well in terms of coverage and length. For small values of the intraclass correlation coefficient, the ANOVA estimators of the variance components are recommended, otherwise the unweighted means estimator of the between groups variance component should be used. If one is fortunate enough to have control over the design, he is advised to increase the number of groups, as opposed to increasing group sizes, while avoiding groups of size one or two.  相似文献   

Three nonparametric measures of intraclass correlation based on the notion of concordance are considered. Their unbiased estimators and nonparametric tests based on the estimators are studied and it is shown that an analogue of the Kendall's tau provides small variance estimator and relatively powerful test. Furthermore, the approximate variance of the estimator is given when the correlation is small in the normal model.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a biased regression approach to the preliminary estimation of the Box-Jenkins transfer function weights. Using statistical simulation to generate time series, 14 estimators (various OLS, ridge and principal components estimators) are compared in terms of MSE and standard error of the weight estimators. The estimators are investigated for different levels of multicollinearity, signal-to-noise ratio, number of independent variables, length of time series and number of lags included in the estimation. The results show that the ridge estimators nearly always give lower MSE than the OLS estimator, and in the computationally difficult cases give much lower MSE than the OLS estimator. The principal components estimators can give lower MSE than the OLS, but also higher values. All biased estimators nearly always give much lower estimated standard error than OLS when estimating the weights.  相似文献   

Bayesian inference for the intraclass correlation ρ is considered under unequal family sizes. We obtain the posterior distribution of ρ and then compare the performance of the Bayes estimator (posterior mean of ρ) with that of Srivastava's (1984) estimator through simulation. Simulation study shows that the Bayes estimator performs better than the Srivastava's estimator in terms of lower mean square error. We also obtain large sample posteriors of ρ based on the asymptotic posterior distribution and based on the Laplace approximation.  相似文献   

Robust M-estimators of intraclass correlation coefficient, location and scale parameters are defined for familial data. It is shown that these estimators are strongly consistent. Also the asymptotic distributions of these estimators are derived when the underlying distribution is elliptically and permutationally symmetric.  相似文献   

Consider the problem of estimating the intra-class correlation coefficient of a symmetric normal distribution. In a recent article (Pal and Lim (1999)) it has been shown that the three popular estimators, namely—the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), the method of moments estimator (MME) and the unique minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE), are second order admissible under the squared error loss function. In this paper we study the performance of the above mentioned estimators in terms of Pitman Nearness Criterion (PNC) as well as Stochastic Domination Criterion (SDC). We then apply the aforementioned estimators to two real life data sets with moderate to large sample sizes, and bootstrap bias as well as mean squared errors are computed to compare the estimators. In terms of overall performance the MME seems most appealing among the three estimators considered here and this is the main contribution of our paper. Formerly University of Southewestern Louisisna  相似文献   

A discussion about the estimators proposed by Zhang (1999) for the true standard deviation σof a normal distribution is presented. Those estimators, called by Zhang q 1 and q 2 , are functions of the expected values of the order statistics from a standard normal distribution and they were the basis of the Q statistic used in the derivation of a new test for normality proposed by Zhang. Although the type I error and the power of the test was discussed by Zhang, no study was performed to test the reliability of q 1 and q 2 as estimators of σ. In this paper, it is shown that q 1 is a very poor estimator for σespecially when σis large. On the other hand, the estimator q 2 has a performance very similar to the well-known sample standard deviation S. When some correlation is introduced among the sample units it can be seen that the estimator q 1 is much more affected than the estimators q 2 and S.  相似文献   

This study treats an asymptotic distribution for measures of predictive power for generalized linear models (GLMs). We focus on the regression correlation coefficient (RCC) that is one of the measures of predictive power. The RCC, proposed by Zheng and Agresti is a population value and a generalization of the population value for the coefficient of determination. Therefore, the RCC is easy to interpret and familiar. Recently, Takahashi and Kurosawa provided an explicit form of the RCC and proposed a new RCC estimator for a Poisson regression model. They also showed the validity of the new estimator compared with other estimators. This study discusses the new statistical properties of the RCC for the Poisson regression model. Furthermore, we show an asymptotic normality of the RCC estimator.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analytically derive the exact formula for the mean squared error (MSE) of two weighted average (WA) estimators for each individual regression coefficient. Further, we execute numerical evaluations to investigate small sample properties of the WA estimators, and compare the MSE performance of the WA estimators with the other shrinkage estimators and the usual OLS estimator. Our numerical results show that (1) the WA estimators have smaller MSE than the other shrinkage estimators and the OLS estimator over a wide region of parameter space; (2) the range where the relative MSE of the WA estimator is smaller than that of the OLS estimator gets narrower as the number of explanatory variables k increases.  相似文献   

Panel data models with factor structures in both the errors and the regressors have received considerable attention recently. In these models, the errors and the regressors are correlated and the standard estimators are inconsistent. This paper shows that, for such models, a modified first-difference estimator (in which the time and the cross-sectional dimensions are interchanged) is consistent as the cross-sectional dimension grows but the time dimension is small. Although the estimator has a non standard asymptotic distribution, t and F tests have standard asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose instrumental variables (IV) and generalized method of moments (GMM) estimators for panel data models with weakly exogenous variables. The model is allowed to include heterogeneous time trends besides the standard fixed effects (FE). The proposed IV and GMM estimators are obtained by applying a forward filter to the model and a backward filter to the instruments in order to remove FE, thereby called the double filter IV and GMM estimators. We derive the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators under fixed T and large N, and large T and large N asymptotics where N and T denote the dimensions of cross section and time series, respectively. It is shown that the proposed IV estimator has the same asymptotic distribution as the bias corrected FE estimator when both N and T are large. Monte Carlo simulation results reveal that the proposed estimator performs well in finite samples and outperforms the conventional IV/GMM estimators using instruments in levels in many cases.  相似文献   


We developed an alternative estimator for the probability proportional to size with replacement sampling scheme when certain characteristics under study have low correlation with the size measured used for sample selection. The performance of the proposed estimator has been studied with other related alternative estimators by comparing biases and the variances of respective alternative estimators. Most of the alternative estimators assume the knowledge of the product moment correlation coefficient. Therefore an empirical study, with the help of wide variety of populations, has been carried out to study their respective efficiency when correlation coefficient is departed from its true value.  相似文献   

Let Sp × p have a Wishart distribution with parameter matrix Σ and n degrees of freedom. We consider here the problem of estimating the precision matrix Σ?1 under the loss functions L1(σ) tr (σ) - log |σ| and L2(σ) = tr (σ). James-Stein-type estimators have been derived for an arbitrary p. We also obtain an orthogonal invariant and a diagonal invariant minimax estimator under both loss functions. A Monte-Carlo simulation study indicates that the risk improvement of the orthogonal invariant estimators over the James-Stein type estimators, the Haff (1979) estimator, and the “testimator” given by Sinha and Ghosh (1987) is substantial.  相似文献   

Risk estimation is an important statistical question for the purposes of selecting a good estimator (i.e., model selection) and assessing its performance (i.e., estimating generalization error). This article introduces a general framework for cross-validation and derives distributional properties of cross-validated risk estimators in the context of estimator selection and performance assessment. Arbitrary classes of estimators are considered, including density estimators and predictors for both continuous and polychotomous outcomes. Results are provided for general full data loss functions (e.g., absolute and squared error, indicator, negative log density). A broad definition of cross-validation is used in order to cover leave-one-out cross-validation, V-fold cross-validation, Monte Carlo cross-validation, and bootstrap procedures. For estimator selection, finite sample risk bounds are derived and applied to establish the asymptotic optimality of cross-validation, in the sense that a selector based on a cross-validated risk estimator performs asymptotically as well as an optimal oracle selector based on the risk under the true, unknown data generating distribution. The asymptotic results are derived under the assumption that the size of the validation sets converges to infinity and hence do not cover leave-one-out cross-validation. For performance assessment, cross-validated risk estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically linear for the risk under the true data generating distribution and confidence intervals are derived for this unknown risk. Unlike previously published results, the theorems derived in this and our related articles apply to general data generating distributions, loss functions (i.e., parameters), estimators, and cross-validation procedures.  相似文献   

Nonparametric Bayes (NPB) estimation of the gap-time survivor function governing the time to occurrence of a recurrent event in the presence of censoring is considered. In our Bayesian approach, the gap-time distribution, denoted by F, has a Dirichlet process prior with parameter α. We derive NPB and nonparametric empirical Bayes (NPEB) estimators of the survivor function F?=1?F and construct point-wise credible intervals. The resulting Bayes estimator of F? extends that based on single-event right-censored data, and the PL-type estimator is a limiting case of this Bayes estimator. Through simulation studies, we demonstrate that the PL-type estimator has smaller biases but higher root-mean-squared errors (RMSEs) than those of the NPB and the NPEB estimators. Even in the case of a mis-specified prior measure parameter α, the NPB and the NPEB estimators have smaller RMSEs than the PL-type estimator, indicating robustness of the NPB and NPEB estimators. In addition, the NPB and NPEB estimators are smoother (in some sense) than the PL-type estimator.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a study about the estimation of the serial correlation for Markov chain models which is used often in the quality control of autocorrelated processes. Two estimators, non-parametric and multinomial, for the correlation coefficient are discussed. They are compared with the maximum likelihood estimator [U.N. Bhat and R. Lal, Attribute control charts for Markov dependent production process, IIE Trans. 22 (2) (1990), pp. 181–188.] by using some theoretical facts and the Monte Carlo simulation under several scenarios that consider large and small correlations as well a range of fractions (p) of non-conforming items. The theoretical results show that for any value of p≠0.5 and processes with autocorrelation higher than 0.5, the multinomial is more precise than maximum likelihood. However, the maximum likelihood is better when the autocorrelation is smaller than 0.5. The estimators are similar for p=0.5. Considering the average of all simulated scenarios, the multinomial estimator presented lower mean error values and higher precision, being, therefore, an alternative to estimate the serial correlation. The performance of the non-parametric estimator was reasonable only for correlation higher than 0.5, with some improvement for p=0.5.  相似文献   

We present some unbiased estimators at the population mean in a finite population sample surveys with simple random sampling design where information on an auxiliary variance x positively correlated with the main variate y is available. Exact variance and unbiased estimate of the variance are computed for any sample size. These estimators are compared for their precision with the mean per unit and the ratio estimators. Modifications of the estimators are suggested to make them more precise than the mean per unit estimator or the ratio estimator regardless of the value of the population correlation coefficient between the variates x and y. Asymptotic distribution of our estimators and confidnece intervals for the population mean are also obtained.  相似文献   

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