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百越文化是一个国际性的学术课题。近年来,研究百越民族历史和文化的论文论著纷纷问世,例如蒙文通的《越史丛考》、蒋炳钊等的《百越民族文化》、陈国强等的《百越民族史》、董楚平的《吴越文化新探》、彭适凡的《中国古代南方的印纹陶》、何光岳的《百越源流史》等,或通论或专题探讨了百越民族源流、时空分布、社会状态、文化内涵及百越与  相似文献   

2005年5月,中国社会出版社出版了林蔚文研究员的新著《中国百越民族社会与文化》,全书36万字,分为百越民族历史概述;人口、土地与社会形态;原始宗教与图腾神灵信仰;社会生活习俗;文化艺术和百越文化的对外交流与影响等六章。书中还配有几十幅插图和照片。这是作者继2003年出版《中国百越民族经济史》之后的又一部研究百越民族历史文化的力作,值得祝贺。 30多年来,国内学术界对百越民族社会与文化的研究逐渐走向深层次,《中国百越民族社会与文化》正是在这样的学术背景下脱颖而出,显得格外引人注目。作者深入挖掘和充分利用各种文献及文物资料, 结合人类学和民族学的有关资料,通过对涵盖于今中国南方广大地区以及越南等地的百越民族历史文化遗  相似文献   

在20世纪30-40年代,顾颉刚先生开始研究禹神话的时候,认为这个神话出自中国古代南方民族,后来他改变看法,认为这个神话出自中国古代西方的民族。本文在此基础上利用南岛语言和闽方言研究禹神话,认为禹神话是远古时代百越民族的鱼类和爬行类动物图腾崇拜的产物。  相似文献   

越族是我国南方古代的少数民族,史称“百越”,指明其中还包括有很多族团。厦门大学林惠祥教授《中国民族史》指出在春秋有于越,战国有杨越,汉有瓯越、闽越、南越、骆越,三国时尚有山越。其分布地区在浙江、福建、广东、广西、越南或至安徽、湖南诸省。他把“百越”和华夏、东夷、荆吴并列为汉族四大来源。  相似文献   

20 0 3年 7月 ,厦门大学出版社出版了林蔚文的新著《中国百越民族经济史》。百越民族经济在整个百越民族历史上 ,占有十分重要的地位。百越民族著名的水稻种植、纺织业、造船业、铜铁手工业等等 ,更在中国古代社会产生过巨大的影响而为中外研究者所瞩目。一个多世纪以来 ,尤其是中国百越民族史研究会成立二十多年来 ,国内外许多专家学者对百越民族的名称、族源、分布、文化习俗、社会政治、经济等方面展开深入的研究 ,取得可喜的成绩。但有关百越民族社会经济等方面的研究力度尚感薄弱 ,此前没有一本专著问世。因此 ,林蔚文研究员的这部新著…  相似文献   

先秦秦汉时期,南方百越民族散居的广大地区,林木郁葱,绿竹茂盛,由于气候炎热,各种天然漆树亦有分布。《尚书·禹贡》;“淮海惟扬州,彭蠡既渚,阳鸟?居。三江既入,震泽底定,筱(竹汤)既敷,草夭木乔……贡金三品,瑶(王贯)筱(竹汤)齿革羽毛……”《逸周书·职方》:“东南曰扬州,其山镇曰会稽,其泽薮曰具区,其川三江,其浸五潮,其利金锡竹  相似文献   

中国百越民族史第五届学术讨论会于1986年4月17—21日在云南省西双版纳傣族自治州首府允景洪召开。来自全国十五个省、市、自治区的汉、壮、傣、瑶、侗、黎等十一个民族的九十位代表出席了这次会议。这次学术讨论会的中心议题是:“傣族及边疆现代化建设问题”,“百越民族与现代民族关系”和“百越民族文化特点及贡献”。会议共收到了九十篇论文。  相似文献   

“鸟田”神话刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、“鸟田”是神话,不必当“真” 《越绝书》卷八《记地传》说:“……畴粪桑麻,播种五谷,必以手足。大越海滨之民,独以鸟田,大小有差,进退有行,莫将自使(不必由人劳动——董注),其故何也?曰:禹始也,忧民救水,到大越,……因病亡死,葬会稽。苇橔桐棺,穿扩七尺;上无漏泄,下无即水;坛高三尺,土阶三等,延袤一亩。尚以为居之者乐,为之者苦,无以报民功,教民鸟田,一盛一衰。当禹之时,舜死苍梧,象为民田也。禹至此者,亦有因矣,亦覆釜也。覆釜者,州土也,填德也。禹美而告至焉。禹知时晏岁暮,年加申酉,求书其下,祠白马禹井。井者,法也。以为禹葬以法度,不烦人众。”  相似文献   

民族文学艺术(续) 景颇古风与“木脑示洞” 《民族文学研究》第4期第37页 哈尼族神话中的不死药与不死观 《民族文学研究》第2期第52页 色—哈尼族神话中生命、创造、再生 的象征 《恩想战线》第2期第43页苗族民间口头文学反映的胚胎状态 的无神论 《贵州民族研究》第2期第86页苗族神话与巫楚神话之比较 《贵州文史丛刊》第3期第144页论苗族古歌繁荣的文化渊源 《贵州民族学院学报》第3期第91页苗族古歌《开天辟地》哲学思想 再研究 《中南民族学院学报》第6期第44页苗族古歌所体现的价值意向探讨 《中南民族学院学报》第6期第38页论《苗族…  相似文献   

论湖北境内古越族的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古越族分布地域很广,《汉书·地理志》引臣瓒语:“自交址至会稽七八千里,百越杂处,各有种性,不得尽云少康之后也。”林惠祥在《中国民族史》一书中更具体指出,百越所居之地甚广,占中国东南及南方,如今之浙江、江西、福建、广东、广西、安徽和湖南诸省。古人和今人对古越族分布范围的划分是大体正确的。然而,无论是古代文献,还是近、  相似文献   

沙漠(地)种稻是根据无土栽培的沙培原理,以衬膜保水为基础,人工供给养分为前提,适时灌水、合理稀植、精细整地造田为条件,防治病虫害为保证,高投入、高产出、高效益为显著特点的一项生产潜力较大的农业生产技术,本文对此做了研究和阐述。  相似文献   

本文对《淮南子》两则天地形成神话的某些词句作了考释,以便更确切地理解两则神话。  相似文献   

从宗教学看壮族布洛陀信仰   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
壮族布洛陀信仰属于原生型巫教,可称为原生型民族民间宗教,它与壮族的生存与发展紧密联系在一起,是壮族特有的文化传统。布洛陀信仰的活动在社会批判运动连续不断的年代,曾一度销声匿迹。改革开放以来,由于宗教理论的改进和宗教政策的宽松,由于社会对民族文化(包括宗教文化)的重视和对民间信仰的关注,由于布洛陀信仰研究的开展,壮族地区布洛陀信仰开始了它的重建的过程。以广西田阳敢壮山为中心,壮族民众自发地恢复布洛陀祭祀和相应的文化活动,规模越来越大,并得到学者的理论支持和政府的理解。这种民族信仰重构现象,表现了壮族民族文化主体意识的增强和布洛陀信仰的旺盛生命力及其对新的时代的调适能力,如引导得当,会丰富中华民族多元一体的文化内涵,推动两个文明建设,充实壮族人民的文化生活。  相似文献   

本文系统地分析了影响水稻生产发展的气侯、土地、水资源和社会因素等.从产量变化、气候变化、经济效益的角度预测了通辽市水稻生产的发展前景.  相似文献   

同美 《民族学刊》2016,7(5):21-27,103-104
This article is the fourth article re-lated to the research of “Zhangzhung·rGyalron· Sanxingdui and Jinsha”—Tibetan cultural interpre-tations of relics unearthed in Sanxingdui and Jin-sha. The main focus of the article is Tibetan cul-tural interpretations of the vertical-eyed bronze mask and the copper statue of a man with an ani-mal head crown in Sanxingdui Museum. 1 . Vertical-eyed bronze mask and Miwo Lon-glong The bronze cultural relics unearthed in Sanx-ingdui or even Jinsha have broad and deep links to ancient Tibetan culture. The vertical-eyed bronze mask is the most typical of the numerous bronze objects depicting human heads. In the following discussion, we would like to give an interpretation of the symbolic meaning of the bronze objects de-picting human heads. In order to draw inferences about other cases from one instance, we would like to choose two typical cases: choosing the vertical-eyed bronze mask as our model of cultural relic, and choosing langshi jiazu ( the Lang family clan) as our model of Tibetan ancient literature. It is generally stated that the eyes of the verti-cal-eyed bronze mask kept in Sanxingdui museum roughly meets the appearance of the Shu people ’ s ancestors, the Cancong, who are recorded as hav-ing “vertical eyes” in the historical books. Some people also believe that “vertical eyes” means“upright eyes”, just like the eye in the forehead of the God Erlang in Chinese ancient myth, so the image might be a statue of an ancestor god. Addi-tionally, some connect it with the frontlet of kuilong ( a sacred dragon in Chinese myth ) , and believe that it is related to zhulong( another sacred dragon in Chinese myth) who has a human head, a dragon ( snake) body, and “upright eyes”. Langshi Jiazu is an important document for studying the political and religious unification sys-tem in Tibetan areas during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, meanwhile, it is also an essential material for the study of the Gesar Epic. Langshi Jiazu was published by Xizang renmin chubanshe ( Tibet People ’ s Publishing House ) for the first time in May, 1986, and the whole book is com-posed of three parts. From the perspective of the ancient Indian centralism and Tibetan centralism, Langshi Jiazu has many unique parts, and its con-tent has an unusual connection with rGyarong in the southeastern part of Tibetan areas. For in-stance , the content of the fist part is very similar to shengniao xiongqiongwang zhuang ( Biography of the Sacred Bird Garuda) recently discovered in the rGyarong area. There is a myth in Langshi Jiazu, and the sto-ry is very common in Bon literature. The academic circle calls it the Bon religion’ s view on the crea-tion of world—the universe is oviparous. Most scholars believe that the view of oviparous creation of the world in Bon religion might be Tibetan peo-ple’ s own cognition. We provide translations to some content included in the Langshi Jiazu, and compare them with the vertical-eyed bronze mask, and notice some information which has been ig-
nored by the current academic circle. For in-stance, the vertical-eyed bronze mask symbolizes“”, Chinese phonetic translation Miwo Longlong, which means “may all your wishes be-come truth”. 2 . Copper statue of a man with an animal head crown in the Bon Religion The copper statue of a man with an animal head crown kept in Sanxingdui Museum is not com-plete, with only the upper part of the body remai-ning. The statue wears an animal head crown. On the two sides of the top crown, there stands two an-imal ears, in between of which there is a curly decoration which looks like an elephant ’ s nose. Apart from the previously-mentioned characteris-tics of the sacred bird Gaguda, the copper statue of a man with an animal head crown also has several other outstanding features, for instance, its crown and posture. The crown is not only high, but also has a rectangular hole, on the top of which there are three long strips. The statue is posed in a grasping gesture. This paper gives firstly an overall interpreta-tion of the copper statue of a man with an animal head crown according to the shengniao xiongqiong-wang zhuang, then gives a Tibetan cultural inter-pretation of the details of the statue. Concerning the knowledge of the three long strips on the crown of the copper statue, this article finds some clues from the angle of philology and archaeology, and proves that the origin of this crown is the sacred hat in Bon religion of Tibet. Moreover, this article also discusses the reason why the crown has these three strips on top of it. The author mentions that it is related to the sacred bird Garuda, and the three strips respectively represent the two wings and horn of the bird. In other words, the strips on the right and left side symbolizes the bird opening its wings and viewing the world, while the strip in the mid-
dle symbolizes that the sacred bird is male, not fe-male. From one aspect, the head dress of adult women in the rGyarong area symbolizes the sacred bird Garuda, and from another aspect, in Tibetan culture, including rGyarong culture, only the sa-cred male bird Garuda has the horn. That means the sacred bird Garuda with a horn must be a male one. Concerning the vertical-eyed bronze mask and the copper statue of a man with an animal head crown unearthed in Sanxingdui, there are still many details that need to be explored, and also we feel that it could be differently interpreted. Howev-er, due to the limitations of space, we will not do a long discussion here, but we do hope that from the examples provided in this article, one can draw inferences about other cases from this one in-stance.  相似文献   

自1950年代至今,中国民俗学·民间文艺学学术史上出现了几次关于田野作业的大型讨论,2006年12月在京召开的"民族志、民俗志的理论与实践学术研讨会"便是其最新进展。主持人刘铁梁在会上介绍了《中国民俗文化志》的首批成果,对于中国民俗学·民间文艺学目前关心的一个问题——"我们究竟如何撰写当前的民俗学·民间文艺学所期待的民俗志?"——做了回答。本文将《中国民俗文化志》所依赖的概念("标志性文化")与写作模式("标志性文化统领式")加以批评,重启它所蕴含的可能性,以促使当前中国民俗学·民间文艺学有关田野作业的讨论继续发展。  相似文献   

朝鲜族农民是中国东北地区的拓荒者和水稻种植的先行者,他们带着水稻种植的技术、经验和籽种迁居东北各地后,开发水田,改写了近代东北没有水稻种植的历史,改变了东北以种植旱田为主的单一种植结构,使东北地区发展成为中国的六大稻作区之一。所以,朝鲜族的稻作生产技术在一定程度上代表的是东北各地稻作生产的技术水平。  相似文献   

"行歌坐月"用以指代侗族于"夜间的室内唱歌作乐"的相关习俗文化,来源于汉文典籍记载,它与侗语体系中的"甲寨"、"甲腊乜"、"俩腊乜"、"甲乌"、"瑞乜、"吝乜"、"览"等具有大致相同的指代对象。具体到阳烂侗族传统的"行歌坐月"主要指的是成长到一定年龄阶段特别是适婚的男性游走于大致相同年龄阶段的女性家进行"对歌抒情"的行为及其活动。目前,对于这一"行为及其活动"的研究,从尽可能多的文献资料查阅来看,关注的视角仍然主要集中在对事项本身的概括上,而将其视为一种社会事实进行细节的描述,当然也对其外延和内涵有了一定的探讨,但笔者认为仍还有可以进一步剖析的必要性。本文选择一个侗族文化氛围较浓的村落作为田野考察点,对其"行歌坐月"习俗进行结构功能的分析,以期达到"以小见大",更好地诠释社会、理解文化之目的。  相似文献   

后稷诞生神话是典型的始祖神话,后稷生而见弃的原因堪称"千古疑案",传统解释均存在不足.从人类文化学角度考察,后稷神话乃是始祖崇拜造成的历史神话化,后稷被弃实因出生时"体貌硕壮、生而灵异".<楚辞·天问>中的相关记载为此提供了有力的证据.  相似文献   

本文认为,我国南方尤其是华南珠江流域古人类起源早,而且没有因战争或自然灾等发生烟灭或整体性的迁移,其考古学文化呈现出整体性和前后承传的序列状态,相应地,这一地区的原住民族的神话特别是创世神话丰富并呈现出整体性、系列性的特征。由于汉族是由多民族以"滚雪球"的方式融合形成的,其族群记忆呈现多元化,难以找到记忆的原点,这是汉民族没有产生创世神话和创世史诗的主要原因。  相似文献   

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