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Roy F. Bartlett 《Revue canadienne de statistique》1986,14(3):201-210
This paper studies the estimation of a finite population total in the presence of trend. A practical problem of dairy science is to estimate a cow's total 305-day milk production given a number of test-day records. We analyze this problem as one of estimating the total of a discrete population when the population values are correlated and exhibit a trend over time. Linear prediction estimators that are BLUE for known covariance and trend function linear in unknown parameters were applied to the estimation of the milk yield total. An empirical study compares BLUE with the expansion estimator and the procedure currently used by the Canadian Record of Performance for Dairy Cattle. 相似文献
In the case of a finite population with a linear trend, improvements in estimation procedures are suggested for several well-known systematic samplingschemes. The use of the least squares regression estimator is examined and a sampling scheme which reduces its expected mean squared error is proposed. 相似文献
The present article deals with some methods for estimation of finite populations means in the presence of linear trend among the population values. As a result, we provided a strategy for the selection of sampling interval k for the case of circular systematic sampling, which ensures better estimator for the population mean compared to other choices of the sampling interval. This has been established based on empirical studies. Further we more, applied multiple random starts methods for selecting random samples for the case of linear systematic sampling and diagonal systematic sampling schemes. We also derived the explicit expressions for the variances and their estimates. The relative performances of simple random sampling, linear systematic sampling and diagonal systematic sampling schemes with single and multiple random starts are also assessed based on numerical examples. 相似文献
Zaheen Khan 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(7):2105-2117
ABSTRACTIn this paper, some deficiencies in traditional selection procedure of circular version of systematic sampling schemes are investigated and alternative methods are proposed. We also suggest some rules of thumb for coincidence of units in the sample. The end corrections proposed by Bellhouse and Rao (1975) and Sampath and Varalakshmi (2008) for circular systematic sampling and diagonal circular systematic sampling, respectively, are also modified. 相似文献
A sampling design called “Modified Systematic Sampling (MSS)” is proposed. In this design each unit has an equal probability of selection. Moreover, it works for both situations: N = nk or N ≠ nk. Consequently, the Linear Systematic Sampling (LSS) and Circular Systematic Sampling (CSS) become special cases of the proposed MSS design. 相似文献
D. R. Bellhouse 《Revue canadienne de statistique》1985,13(1):17-28
Using Fourier series expansions of functions of one and two variables, we find the variances of the sample mean for random and systematic sampling methods in one and two dimensions. 相似文献
J. Subramani 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2014,43(1):175-190
Two new sampling schemes namely, Star-Type Systematic (STS) sampling without replacement and Modified Star-Type Systematic (MSTS) sampling without replacement for estimation of finite population means are introduced. The relative performances of the proposed star-type systematic sample means along with those of the simple random and systematic sample means are assessed for a hypothetical population with a linear trend and also for certain natural populations. Furthermore, the usefulness of the proposed sampling schemes in quality control and for constructing partial diallel crosses in mating designs are briefly break discussed. 相似文献
使用普查数据模拟MPPS抽样方法的研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
MPPS抽样即多变量与规模成比例的概率抽样,是20世纪90年代才提出来的一种抽样设计。近年来,中国有关部门与美国农业部国家农业署合作,进行了MPPS抽样设计的试点,来解决多目标调查问题。但是MPPS抽样在中国的应用非常有限。对MPPS抽样进行简单的回顾,介绍了它的基本估计,并对其应用进行了数据模拟研究。模拟中采用了系统抽样和泊松抽样的方法,根据实际调查数据得到了明确的结果。还对泊松抽样的一种变形永久随机数抽样的方法进行了模拟研究,并对它的一种误用情况进行了模拟比较,得到了具有说服力的结果。 相似文献
Precision of systematic designs for sampling continuous response variables defined over a continuous spatial region have been extensively investigated. Estimation of variance, particularly for triangular grids, has been given less attention. Two of the designs proposed for sampling environmental resources in the Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) are based on a triangular grid. Implementation of either design requires derivation and evaluation of a variance estimator adequate for the purposes of EMAP. The performance of the proposed variance estimator was assessed under various surface model representations of the continuous response variable. Of the designs examined, a tessellation-stratified design permitted better estimation of variance, and was generally more precise, than a strict systematic design. 相似文献
The estimation of forest carbon sources and sinks is an important issue in forest inventories. For monitoring forest carbon budgets, a two-phase strategy is proposed. In the first phase, N points are thrown onto the study region by means of unaligned systematic sampling and then classified as forest or non-forest on the basis of aerial information. In the second phase, a sample of n points of those classified as forest is achieved by means of a sampling scheme with selection probabilities proportional to the sizes of an auxiliary variable. Subsequently, circular plots of adequate size are centred in the n selected points and visited in order to quantify the carbon amount within. Unbiased estimators of the forest area size as well as of the overall amount of carbon in that area and a conservative estimator of their variance–covariance matrix are derived. The strategy is applied to estimate carbon budgets in the forests of Trentino (North Italy). 相似文献
Zheng Xu 《Journal of applied statistics》2016,43(9):1649-1672
This article provides alternative circular smoothing methods in nonparametric estimation of periodic functions. By treating the data as ‘circular’, we solve the “boundary issue” in the nonparametric estimation treating the data as ‘linear’. By redefining the distance metric and signed distance, we modify many estimators used in the situations involving periodic patterns. In the perspective of ‘nonparametric estimation of periodic functions’, we present the examples in nonparametric estimation of (1) a periodic function, (2) multiple periodic functions, (3) an evolving function, (4) a periodically varying-coefficient model and (5) a generalized linear model with periodically varying coefficient. In the perspective of ‘circular statistics’, we provide alternative approaches to calculate the weighted average and evaluate the ‘linear/circular–linear/circular’ association and regression. Simulation studies and an empirical study of electricity price index have been conducted to illustrate and compare our methods with other methods in the literature. 相似文献
Time dependence is an important characteristic of mineral processing plant data. This paper finds that the time dependence in the recovery data for an experiment at Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) (Napier-Munn, 1995) can be described by an autoregressive-one process. The paper investigates the optimum form of experimental design for such data. Two intuitive approaches for the design of experiments involving time-dependent data have been disproved recently. Cheng & Steinberg (1991) showed that in some circumstances systematic experiments are preferable to replicated randomized block designs, and Saunders & Eccleston (1992) showed that rather than sampling at a frequency which ensures independent data, in some circumstances sampling intervals should be as small as possible. A third issue, raised in this paper, concerns the use of standard statistical tests when the data are serially correlated. It is shown that the simple paired t -test, suitably modified for time dependence, is appropriate and easily adapted to allow for a covariate and a sequential analysis. The results are illustrated using the BCL data and are already being used to design major experiments involving another mineral process. 相似文献
David R. Bellhouse 《Revue canadienne de statistique》1984,12(1):53-65
Results in five areas of survey sampling dealing with the choice of the sampling design are reviewed. In Section 2, the results and discussions surrounding the purposive selection methods suggested by linear regression superpopulation models are reviewed. In Section 3, similar models to those in the previous section are considered; however, random sampling designs are considered and attention is focused on the optimal choice of πj. Then in Section 4, systematic sampling methods obtained under autocorrelated superpopulation models are reviewed. The next section examines minimax sampling designs. The work in the final section is based solely on the randomization. In Section 6 methods of sample selection which yield inclusion probabilities πj = n/N and πij = n(n - 1)/N(N - 1), but for which there are fewer than NCn possible samples, are mentioned briefly. 相似文献
Statistical process monitoring (SPM) has been used extensively recently in order to assure the quality of the output of industrial processes. Techniques of SPM have been efficiently applied during the last two decades in non‐industrial processes. A field of application with great interest is public health monitoring, where a pitfall with which we have to deal is the fact that available samples are not random in all cases. In the majority of cases, we monitor measurements derived from patient admissions to a hospital against control limits that were calculated using a sample of data taken from an epidemiological survey. In this work, we bridge the gap of a change in the sampling scheme from Phase I to Phase II, studying the case where the sampling during Phase II is biased. We present the appropriate methodology and then apply extensive numerical simulation in order to explore the performance of the proposed methodology, for measurements following various asymmetrical distributions. As the simulations show, the proposed methodology has a significantly better performance than the standard procedure. 相似文献
In statistical practice, systematic sampling (SYS) is used in many modifications due to its simple handling. In addition, SYS may provide efficiency gains if it is well adjusted to the structure of the population under study. However, if SYS is based on an inappropriate picture of the population a high decrease of efficiency, i.e. a high increase in variance may result by changing from simple random sampling to SYS. In the context of two-stage designs SYS so far seems often in use for subsampling within the primary units. As an alternative to this practice, we propose to randomize the order of the primary units, then to select systematically a number of primary units and, thereafter, to draw secondary units by simple random sampling without replacement within the primary units selected. This procedure is more efficient than simple random sampling with replacement from the whole population of all secondary units, i.e. the variance of an adequate estimator for a total is never increased by changing from simple random sampling to randomized SYS whatever be the values associated by a characteristic with the secondary units, while there are values for which the variance decreases for the change mentioned. This result should hold generally, even if our proof, so far, is not complete for general sample sizes. 相似文献
Bounds for the maximum deviation between parameters of a finite population and their corresponding sample estimates are found in the multiple regression model. The parameters considered are the vector of regression coefficients and the value ofthe regression function for given values of the independent variable (or variables). Applications are considered to several widely employed sampling methods. 相似文献
R. J. Martin 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(6):1511-1539
The order three to five spatially-distinct Latin squares, and the order three to six spatially-distinct Latin square treatment designs are listed. Some statistical results are given. Designs for 4, 5 and 6 treatments that were found previously to be robust to a linear by linear interacrion are shown to be optimal. Designs with good neighbour balanced are also considered. 相似文献
In this paper, three sampling-estimating strategies involving linear, balanced and modified systematic sampling are considered for the estimation of a finite population total in the presence of parabolic trend. Using appropriate super-population models, their performances are evaluated. For super-population models with constant variance, Yates corrected estimator under linear systematic sampling is shown to perform well. Choices of variance functions under which modified and balanced systematic sampling perform well are also identified based on extensive numerical studies. 相似文献
Fei-Fei Kao Ching-Ho LeuChien-Hao Ko 《Journal of statistical planning and inference》2011,141(11):3595-3604
Systematic sampling is the simplest and easiest of the most common sampling methods. However, when the population size N cannot be evenly divided by the sampling size n, systematic sampling cannot be performed. Not only is it difficult to determine the sampling interval k equivalent to the sampling probability of the sampling unit, but also the sample size will be inconstant and the sample mean will be a biased estimator of the population mean. To solve this problem, this paper introduces an improved method for systematic sampling: the remainder Markov systematic sampling method. This new method involves separately finding the first-order and second-order inclusion probabilities. This approach uses the Horvitz-Thompson estimator as an unbiased estimator of the population mean to find the variance of the estimator. This study examines the effectiveness of the proposed method for different super-populations. 相似文献
In this paper, the notion of the general linear estimator and its modified version are introduced using the singular value decomposition theorem in the linear regression model y=X β+e to improve some classical linear estimators. The optimal selections of the biasing parameters involved are theoretically given under the prediction error sum of squares criterion. A numerical example and a simulation study are finally conducted to illustrate the superiority of the proposed estimators. 相似文献