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In this paper, we extend the varying coefficient partially linear model to the varying coefficient partially nonlinear model in which the linear part of the varying coefficient partially linear model is replaced by a nonlinear function of the covariates. A profile nonlinear least squares estimation procedure for the parameter vector and the coefficient function vector of the varying coefficient partially nonlinear model is proposed and the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators are established. We further propose a generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) test to check whether or not the varying coefficients in the model are constant. The asymptotic null distribution of the GLR statistic is derived and a residual-based bootstrap procedure is also suggested to derive the p-value of the GLR test. Some simulations are conducted to assess the performance of the proposed estimating and testing procedures and the results show that both the procedures perform well in finite samples. Furthermore, a real data example is given to demonstrate the application of the proposed model and its estimating and testing procedures.  相似文献   

This paper studies the partially time-varying coefficient models where some covariates are measured with additive errors. In order to overcome the bias of the usual profile least squares estimation when measurement errors are ignored, we propose a modified profile least squares estimator of the regression parameter and construct estimators of the nonlinear coefficient function and error variance. The proposed three estimators are proved to be asymptotically normal under mild conditions. In addition, we introduce the profile likelihood ratio test and then demonstrate that it follows an asymptotically χ2χ2 distribution under the null hypothesis. Finite sample behavior of the estimators is investigated via simulations too.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new varying coefficient partially nonlinear model where both the response and predictors are not directly observed, but are observed by unknown distorting functions of a commonly observable covariate. Because of the complexity of the model, existing estimation methods cannot be directly employed. For this, we propose using an efficient nonparametric regression to estimate the unknown distortion functions concerning the covariates and response on the distorting variable, and further, we obtain the profile nonlinear least squares estimators for the parameters and the coefficient functions using the calibrated variables. Furthermore, we establish the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators. To illustrate our proposed methodology, we carry out some simulated and real examples.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a robust statistical inference approach for the varying coefficient partially nonlinear models based on quantile regression. A three-stage estimation procedure is developed to estimate the parameter and coefficient functions involved in the model. Under some mild regularity conditions, the asymptotic properties of the resulted estimators are established. Some simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the finite performance as well as the robustness of our proposed quantile regression method versus the well known profile least squares estimation procedure. Moreover, the Boston housing price data is given to further illustrate the application of the new method.  相似文献   

A partially time-varying coefficient time series model is introduced to characterize the nonlinearity and trending phenomenon. To estimate the regression parameter and the nonlinear coefficient function, the profile least squares approach is applied with the help of local linear approximation. The asymptotic distributions of the proposed estimators are established under mild conditions. Meanwhile, the generalized likelihood ratio test is studied and the test statistics are demonstrated to follow asymptotic χ2-distribution under the null hypothesis. Furthermore, some extensions of the proposed model are discussed and several numerical examples are provided to illustrate the finite sample behavior of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

In this article, empirical likelihood inferences for the varying coefficient partially nonlinear models are investigated. An empirical log-likelihood ratio function for the unknown parameter vector in the nonlinear function part and a residual-adjusted empirical log-likelihood ratio function for the nonparametric component are proposed. The corresponding Wilks phenomena are proved and the confidence regions for parametric component and nonparametric component are constructed. Simulation studies indicate that, in terms of coverage probabilities and average areas of the confidence regions, the empirical likelihood method performs better than the normal approximation-based method. Furthermore, a real data set application is also provided to illustrate the proposed empirical likelihood estimation technique.  相似文献   

We propose an easy to derive and simple to compute approximate least squares or maximum likelihood estimator for nonlinear errors-in-variables models that does not require the knowledge of the conditional density of the latent variables given the observables. Specific examples and Monte Carlo studies demonstrate that the bias of this approximate estimator is small even when the magnitude of the variance of measurement errors to the variance of measured covariates is large. Cheng Hsiao and Qing Wang's work was supported in part by National Science Foundation grant SeS91-22481 and SBR94-09540. Liqun Wang gratefully acknowledges the financial support from Swiss National Science Foundation. We wish to thank Professor H. Schneeweiss and a referee for helpful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the estimation and inference in generalized semi-varying coefficient models. An orthogonal projection local quasi-likelihood estimation is investigated, which can easily be used to estimate the model parametric and nonparametric parts. Then an empirical likelihood logarithmic approach to construct the confidence regions/intervals of the nonparametric parts is developed. Under some mild conditions, the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators are studied explicitly, respectively. Some simulation studies are carried out to examine the finite sample performance of the proposed methods. Finally, the methodologies are illustrated by a real data set.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with semiparametric efficient estimation of a generalized partially linear varying coefficient model. The model studied in this paper is very flexible, accommodating various nonlinear relations between the response variable and a set of predictor variables. It is a structured regression model and is particularly useful in dealing with a discrete response variable. We apply the smooth backfitting technique to estimate the nonparametric part of the model and employ the profiling approach to obtain a semiparametric efficient estimator of the parametric part.  相似文献   

As a useful extension of partially linear models and varying coefficient models, the partially linear varying coefficient model is useful in statistical modelling. This paper considers statistical inference for the semiparametric model when the covariates in the linear part are measured with additive error and some additional linear restrictions on the parametric component are available. We propose a restricted modified profile least-squares estimator for the parametric component, and prove the asymptotic normality of the proposed estimator. To test hypotheses on the parametric component, we propose a test statistic based on the difference between the corrected residual sums of squares under the null and alterative hypotheses, and show that its limiting distribution is a weighted sum of independent chi-square distributions. We also develop an adjusted test statistic, which has an asymptotically standard chi-squared distribution. Some simulation studies are conducted to illustrate our approaches.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a test to check a linear relationship in varying coefficient spatial autoregressive models, in which a residual-based bootstrap procedure is suggested to approximate the null distribution of the resulting test statistic. We conduct simulation studies to assess the performance of the test, including the validity of the bootstrap approximation to the null distribution of the test statistic and the power of the test. The simulation results demonstrate that the residual-based bootstrap procedure gives very accurate estimate of the null distribution of the test statistic and the test is of satisfactory power. Furthermore, a real example is given to demonstrate the application of the proposed test.  相似文献   


SiZer (significant zero crossings of derivatives) is an effective tool for exploring significant features in curves from the viewpoint of the scale space theory. In this paper, a SiZer approach is developed for generalized varying coefficient models (GVCMs) in order to achieve the task of understanding dynamic characteristics of the regression relationship at multiscales. The proposed SiZer method is based on the local-linear maximum likelihood estimation of GVCMs and the one-step estimation procedure is employed to alleviate the computational cost of estimating the coefficients and their derivatives at different scales. Simulation studies are performed to assess the performance of the SiZer inference and two real-world examples are given to demonstrate its applications.  相似文献   

In this note we discuss two-step kernel estimation of varying coefficient regression models that have a common smoothing variable. The method allows one to use different bandwidths for different coefficient functions. We consider local polynomial fitting and present explicit formulas for the asymptotic biases and variances of the estimators.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we investigate estimations in varying-coefficient partially linear errors-in-variables models with covariates missing at random. However, the estimators are often biased due to the existence of measurement errors, the bias-corrected profile least-squares estimator and local liner estimators for unknown parametric and coefficient functions are obtained based on inverse probability weighted method. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators both for the parameter and nonparametric parts are established. Second, we study asymptotic distributions of an empirical log-likelihood ratio statistic and maximum empirical likelihood estimator for the unknown parameter. Based on this, more accurate confidence regions of the unknown parameter can be constructed. The methods are examined through simulation studies and illustrated by a real data analysis.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an estimation procedure for a class of semi-varying coefficient regression models when the covariates of the linear part are subject to measurement errors. Initial estimates for the regression and varying coefficients are first constructed by the profile least-squares procedure without input from heteroscedasticity, a bias-corrected kernel estimate for the variance function then is proposed, which in turn is used to define re-weighted bias-corrected estimates of the regression and varying coefficients. Large sample properties of the proposed estimates are thoroughly investigated. The finite-sample performance of the proposed estimates is assessed by an extensive simulation study and an application to the Boston housing data set. The simulation results show that the re-weighted bias-corrected estimates outperform the initial estimates and the naive estimates.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the estimation and inference for a class of semiparametric mixtures of partially linear models. We prove that the proposed models are identifiable under mild conditions, and then give a PL–EM algorithm estimation procedure based on profile likelihood. The asymptotic properties for the resulting estimators and the ascent property of the PL–EM algorithm are investigated. Furthermore, we develop a test statistic for testing whether the non parametric component has a linear structure. Monte Carlo simulations and a real data application highlight the interest of the proposed procedures.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the tests for departures from nominal dispersion in the framework of generalized nonlinear models with varying dispersion and/or additive random effects. We consider two classes of exponential family distributions. The first is discrete exponential family distributions, such as Poisson, binomial, and negative binomial distributions. The second is continuous exponential family distributions, such as normal, gamma, and inverse Gaussian distributions. Correspondingly, we develop a unifying approach and propose several tests for testing for departures from nominal dispersion in two classes of generalized nonlinear models. The score test statistics are constructed and expressed in simple, easy to use, matrix formulas, so that the tests can easily be implemented using existing statistical software. The properties of test statistics are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the statistical inference for the varying-coefficient partially nonlinear model with additive measurement errors in the nonparametric part. The local bias-corrected profile nonlinear least-squares estimation procedure for parameter in nonlinear function and nonparametric function is proposed. Then, the asymptotic normality properties of the resulting estimators are established. With the empirical likelihood method, a local bias-corrected empirical log-likelihood ratio statistic for the unknown parameter, and a corrected and residual adjusted empirical log-likelihood ratio for the nonparametric component are constructed. It is shown that the resulting statistics are asymptotically chi-square distribution under some suitable conditions. Some simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods. The results indicate that the empirical likelihood method is superior to the profile nonlinear least-squares method in terms of the confidence regions of parameter and point-wise confidence intervals of nonparametric function.  相似文献   


Partially varying coefficient single-index models (PVCSIM) are a class of semiparametric regression models. One important assumption is that the model error is independently and identically distributed, which may contradict with the reality in many applications. For example, in the economical and financial applications, the observations may be serially correlated over time. Based on the empirical likelihood technique, we propose a procedure for testing the serial correlation of random error in PVCSIM. Under some regular conditions, we show that the proposed empirical likelihood ratio statistic asymptotically follows a standard χ2 distribution. We also present some numerical studies to illustrate the performance of our proposed testing procedure.  相似文献   

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