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Failures of highly reliable units are rare and it may be not possible to gather the failure time data needed for reliability estimation. One way of obtaining failures during the time given for experiments is to apply methods of accelerated life testing (ALT). In ALT units are tested at higher than usual (design) stress conditions. The purpose is to give estimators of the main reliability characteristics of units functioning under the usual stress using data of accelerated experiments. To treat such data accelerated life models are used. Here we consider special plans of experiments and the statistical analysis of the ALT data by numerical methods and simulation using the changing shape and scale (CHSS) model proposed by Bagdonavičius and Nikulin (1999). The CHSS model is a natural extension of the standard accelerated failure time (AFT) model. We give parametric and semiparametric estimation procedures for the CHSS model and a goodness-of-fit test for the AFT model.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the situation under a life test, in which the failure time of the test units are not related deterministically to an observable stochastic time varying covariate. In such a case, the joint distribution of failure time and a marker value would be useful for modeling the step stress life test. The problem of accelerating such an experiment is considered as the main aim of this article. We present a step stress accelerated model based on a bivariate Wiener process with one component as the latent (unobservable) degradation process, which determines the failure times and the other as a marker process, the degradation values of which are recorded at times of failure. Parametric inference based on the proposed model is discussed and the optimization procedure for obtaining the optimal time for changing the stress level is presented. The optimization criterion is to minimize the approximate variance of the maximum likelihood estimator of a percentile of the products’ lifetime distribution.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Most of the previous work on optimal design of accelerated life test (ALT) plans has assumed instantaneous changes in stress levels, which may not be possible or desirable in practice, because of the limited capability of test equipment, possible stress shocks or the presence of undesirable failure modes. We consider the case in which stress levels are changed at a finite rate, and develop two types of ALT plan under the assumptions of exponential lifetimes of test units and type I censoring. One type of plan is the modified step-stress ALT plan, and the other type is the modified constant-stress ALT plan. These two plans are compared in terms of the asymptotic variance of the maximum likelihood estimator of the log mean lifetime for the use condition (i.e. avar\[ln (0)]). Computational results indicate that, for both types of plan, avar\[ln (0)] is not sensitive to the stress-increasing rate R, if R is greater than or equal to 10, say, in the standardized scale. This implies that the proposed stress loading method can be used effectively with little loss in statistical efficiency. In terms of avar\[ln (0)], the modified step-stress ALT generally performs better than the modified constant-stress ALT, unless R or the probability of failure until the censoring time under a certain stress-increasing rate is small. We also compare the progressive-stress ALT plan with the above two modified ALT plans in terms of avar\[ln (0)], using the optimal stress-increasing rate R* determined for the progressivestress ALT plan. We find that the proposed ALTs perform better than the progressivestress ALT for the parameter values considered.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose two stochastic restricted principal components regression estimator by combining the approach followed in obtaining the ordinary mixed estimator and the principal components regression estimator in linear regression model. The performance of the two new estimators in terms of matrix MSE criterion is studied. We also give an example and a Monte Carlo simulation to show the theoretical results.  相似文献   

This article presents a design approach for sequential constant-stress accelerated life tests (ALT) with an auxiliary acceleration factor (AAF). The use of an AAF, if it exists, is to further amplify the failure probability of highly reliability testing items at low stress levels while maintaining an acceptable degree of extrapolation for reliability inference. Based on a Bayesian design criterion, the optimal plan optimizes the sample allocation, stress combination, as well as the loading profile of the AAF. In particular, a step-stress loading profile based on an appropriate cumulative exposure (CE) model is chosen for the AAF such that the initial auxiliary stress will not be too harsh. A case study, providing the motivation and practical importance of our study, is presented to illustrate the proposed planning approach.  相似文献   

In this article, we aim to study the linearized ridge regression (LRR) estimator in a linear regression model motivated by the work of Liu (1993). The LRR estimator and the two types of generalized Liu estimators are investigated under the PRESS criterion. The method of obtaining the optimal generalized ridge regression (GRR) estimator is derived from the optimal LRR estimator. We apply the Hald data as a numerical example and then make a simulation study to show the main results. It is concluded that the idea of transforming the GRR estimator as a complicated function of the biasing parameters to a linearized version should be paid more attention in the future.  相似文献   

We study the behaviour of the Wald estimator of causal effects in regression discontinuity design when local linear regression (LLR) methods are combined with an asymmetric gamma kernel. We show that the resulting statistic is no more complex to implement than existing methods, remains consistent at the usual non-parametric rate, and maintains an asymptotic normal distribution but, crucially, has bias and variance that do not depend on kernel-related constants. As a result, the new estimator is more efficient and yields more reliable inference. A limited Monte Carlo experiment is used to illustrate the efficiency gains. As a by product of the main discussion, we extend previous published work by establishing the asymptotic normality of the LLR estimator with a gamma kernel. Finally, the new method is used in a substantive application.  相似文献   

We consider in this work a k-level step-stress accelerated life-test (ALT) experiment with unequal duration steps τ=(τ1, …, τk). Censoring is allowed only at the change-stress point in the final stage. An exponential failure time distribution with mean life that is a log-linear function of stress, along with a cumulative exposure model, is considered as the working model. The problem of choosing the optimal τ is addressed using the variance-optimality criterion. Under this setting, we then show that the optimal k-level step-stress ALT model with unequal duration steps reduces just to a 2-level step-stress ALT model.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the estimation of the error distribution function in a varying coefficient regression model. We propose two estimators and study their asymptotic properties by obtaining uniform stochastic expansions. The first estimator is a residual-based empirical distribution function. We study this estimator when the varying coefficients are estimated by under-smoothed local quadratic smoothers. Our second estimator which exploits the fact that the error distribution has mean zero is a weighted residual-based empirical distribution whose weights are chosen to achieve the mean zero property using empirical likelihood methods. The second estimator improves on the first estimator. Bootstrap confidence bands based on the two estimators are also discussed.  相似文献   

The problem of interest is to estimate the concentration curve and the area under the curve (AUC) by estimating the parameters of a linear regression model with an autocorrelated error process. We introduce a simple linear unbiased estimator of the concentration curve and the AUC. We show that this estimator constructed from a sampling design generated by an appropriate density is asymptotically optimal in the sense that it has exactly the same asymptotic performance as the best linear unbiased estimator. Moreover, we prove that the optimal design is robust with respect to a minimax criterion. When repeated observations are available, this estimator is consistent and has an asymptotic normal distribution. Finally, a simulated annealing algorithm is applied to a pharmacokinetic model with correlated errors.  相似文献   

There are some classes of biased estimators for solving the multicollinearity among the predictor variables in statistical literature. In this research, we propose a modified estimator based on the QR decomposition in the semiparametric regression models, to combat the multicollinearity problem of design matrix which makes the data to be less distorted than the other methods. We derive the properties of the proposed estimator, and then, the necessary and sufficient condition for the superiority of the partially generalized QR-based estimator over partially generalized least-squares estimator is obtained. In the biased estimators, selection of shrinkage parameters plays an important role in data analysing. We use generalized cross-validation criterion for selecting the optimal shrinkage parameter and the bandwidth of the kernel smoother. Finally, the Monté-Carlo simulation studies and a real application related to bridge construction data are conducted to support our theoretical discussion.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the more realistic aspect of accelerated life testing wherein the stress on an unfailed item is allowed to increase at a preassigned test time. Such tests are known as step-stress tests. Our approach is nonparametric in that we do not make any assumptions about the underlying distribution of life lengths. We introduce a model for step-stress testing which is based on the ideas of shock models and of wear processes. This model unifies and generalizes two previously proposed models for step-stress testing. We propose an estimator for the life distribution under use conditions stress and show that this estimator is strongly consistent.  相似文献   


We incorporate new techniques for obtaining unbiased estimators of gradients from single simulations of stochastic systems in optimization procedures. We develop an "enhanced" least squares estimator of the optimum which incorporates information about both the function and its gradient and improves substantially on techniques which use only the function. We also propose a sequential design to use with the enhanced least squares estimator to optimize a regression function when it is evaluated by simulation.  相似文献   

This article is devoted to the development of product of spacings estimator for a Progressive hybrid Type-I censoring scheme with binomial removals. The experimental units are assumed to follow inverse Lindley distribution. We propose a Bayes estimator of associated scale parameter based on the product of spacings function and simultaneously compare it with that obtained under a usual Bayesian estimation procedure. The estimators are obtained under the squared error loss function along with corresponding HP intervals evaluated by using the Markov chain Monte-Carlo technique. The classical product of spacings estimator has also been derived and compared with the maximum likelihood estimator in addition to 95% average asymptotic confidence intervals. The applicability of the proposed methods is demonstrated by analysing a real data of guinea pigs affected with tuberculosis for the considered censoring scheme.  相似文献   

In the context of nonlinear regression models, we propose an optimal experimental design criterion for estimating the parameters that account for the intrinsic and parameter-effects nonlinearity. The optimal design criterion proposed in this article minimizes the determinant of the mean squared error matrix of the parameter estimator that is quadratically approximated using the curvature array. The design criterion reduces to the D-optimal design criterion if there are no intrinsic and parameter-effects nonlinearity in the model, and depends on the scale parameter estimator and on the reparameterization used. Some examples, using a well known nonlinear kinetics model, demonstrate the application of the proposed criterion to nonsequential design of experiments as compared with the D-optimal criterion.  相似文献   

Testing the reliability at a nominal stress level may lead to extensive test time. Estimations of reliability parameters can be obtained faster thanks to step-stress accelerated life tests (ALT). Usually, a transfer functional defined among a given class of parametric functions is required, but Bagdonavi?ius and Nikulin showed that ALT tests are still possible without any assumption about this functional. When shape and scale parameters of the lifetime distribution change with the stress level, they suggested an ALT method using a model called CHanging Shape and Scale (CHSS). They estimated the lifetime parameters at the nominal stress with maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). However, this method usually requires an initialization of lifetime parameters, which may be difficult when no similar product has been tested before. This paper aims to face this issue by using an iterating least square estimation (LSE) method. It will enable one to initialize the optimization required to carry out the MLE and it will give estimations that can sometimes be better than those given by MLE.  相似文献   

The primary objective of a multi-regional clinical trial is to investigate the overall efficacy of the drug across regions and evaluate the possibility of applying the overall trial result to some specific region. A challenge arises when there is not enough regional sample size. We focus on the problem of evaluating applicability of a drug to a specific region of interest under the criterion of preserving a certain proportion of the overall treatment effect in the region. We propose a variant of James-Stein shrinkage estimator in the empirical Bayes context for the region-specific treatment effect. The estimator has the features of accommodating the between-region variation and finiteness correction of bias. We also propose a truncated version of the proposed shrinkage estimator to further protect risk in the presence of extreme value of regional treatment effect. Based on the proposed estimator, we provide the consistency assessment criterion and sample size calculation for the region of interest. Simulations are conducted to demonstrate the performance of the proposed estimators in comparison with some existing methods. A hypothetical example is presented to illustrate the application of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Several authors have previously discussed the problem of obtaining asymptotically optimal design sequences for estimating the path of a stochastic process using intricate analytical techniques. In this note, an alternative treatment is provided for obtaining asymptotically optimal sampling designs for estimating the path of a second order stochastic process with known covariance function. A simple estimator is proposed which is asymptotically equivalent to the full‐fledged best linear unbiased estimator and the entire asymptotics are carried out through studying this estimator. The current approach lends an intuitive statistical perspective to the entire estimation problem.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose two shrinkage testimators for the reliability of the exponential distribution and study their properties. The optimum shrinkage coefficients for the shrinkage testimators are obtained based on a regret function and the minimax regret criterion. Shrinkage testimators are compared with a preliminary test estimator and with the usual estimator in terms of mean squared error. The proposed shrinkage testimators are shown to be preferable to the preliminary test estimator and the usual estimator when the prior value of mean life is close to the true mean life.  相似文献   

Important progress has been made with model averaging methods over the past decades. For spatial data, however, the idea of model averaging has not been applied well. This article studies model averaging methods for the spatial geostatistical linear model. A spatial Mallows criterion is developed to choose weights for the model averaging estimator. The resulting estimator can achieve asymptotic optimality in terms of L2 loss. Simulation experiments reveal that our proposed estimator is superior to the model averaging estimator by the Mallows criterion developed for ordinary linear models [Hansen, 2007] and the model selection estimator using the corrected Akaike's information criterion, developed for geostatistical linear models [Hoeting et al., 2006]. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 336–351; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

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