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Reilly T 《Child welfare》2003,82(6):727-746
This study shows that a significant portion of youth exiting the foster care system face serious difficulty transitioning to life on their own. Many live on the streets, lack the money to meet basic living expenses, fail to maintain regular employment, are involved with the criminal justice system, are unable to obtain health care, and experience early pregnancies. Although youth reported exposure to independent living training while in care, few reported concrete assistance. Multiple placements while in care and less education correlated with more difficult postdischarge functioning. Training, services, positive supportive networks, and job experience in care are associated with more positive adjustments. The article advances implications for program and policy interventions.  相似文献   

The well-being of youths who age out of the out-of-home care system in the U.S. has long been of great interest to child welfare practitioners and policymakers. In spite of this interest, however, very little is known about how these youths fare when they must make the transition to independence. The Foster Youth Transitions to Adulthood Study is tracking the experiences of 141 young adults who left care in Wisconsin in 1995 and 1996. This article describes these youths and their experiences in the first 12 to 18 months after leaving care. The findings suggest that the transition to independence is a difficult time for youth leaving the out-of-home care system.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the contact and relationship youth have with staff while in care and after emancipation and examines the young adults' needs in contacting staff after leaving care. The study was conducted through 60 interviews with young adults ages 21–26 who emancipated from residential settings in Israel. Results showed that most youth report having had a meaningful staff member in care and that 62% were in contact with staff after their transition to independent living for both emotional and practical needs that could not always be answered by staff. One of the study's conclusions is that despite their departure staff's relationship with these young adults continues informally years after. However, without formal recognition of the place staff have in the lives of aged-out youth, no resources are invested in training them to properly meet the young adults' needs. The discussion highlights the need for an integrative approach that sees residential settings and staff as a meaningful part in the continuity from care to independent living by supporting aged-out youth's gradual transition to adult life.  相似文献   

This article describes a GIS prototype designed to assist with the identification and evaluation of housing that is affordable, safe, and effective in supporting the educational goals and parental status of youth transitioning from foster care following emancipation. Spatial analysis was used to identify rental properties based on three inclusion criteria (affordability, proximity to public transportation, and proximity to grocery stores), three exclusion criteria (areas of high crime, prostitution, and sexual predator residence), and three suitability criteria (proximity to health care, mental health care, and youth serving organizations). The results were applied to four different scenarios to test the utility of the model. Of the 145 affordable rental properties, 27 met the criteria for safe and effective housing. Of these, 19 were located near bus routes with direct service to post-secondary education or vocational training programs. Only 6 were considered appropriate to meet the needs of youth who had children of their own. These outcomes highlight the complexities faced by youth when they attempt to find affordable and suitable housing following emancipation. The LEASE prototype demonstrates that spatial analysis can be a useful tool to assist with planning services for youth making the transition to independent living.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the conceptual framework and subsequent treatment strategies that seem to inadvertently create a psychological dichotomization in Canadian Indian young people who are placed in mainstream residential care facilities. Based on a non-Native value system, conventional treatment approaches attempt to alter the young person's attitude and behavior to an acceptable standard defined by the dominant society. Unfortunately, these efforts often result in the opposite effect. This paper will draw upon distinctions that exist between Native and non-Native cultures, while integrating Freud's position regarding the conflict of realities and ego-splitting. Finally, implications of providing mainstream residential services to the Native population will be addressed.  相似文献   

This review gathers together and synthesises research relating to young people's experiences of social support during their transition from state care. A systematic approach was used to identify relevant studies published since 2001 and forty-seven were found which met the inclusion criteria. Relevant key themes were identified and consolidated under five overall thematic headings: The influence of past experiences on social support in the present, Supportive relationships during the transition from care, Relationships with birth families, The crucial role of practical support and The lived experience of leaving care. The results were considered using a number of interconnected psychological theories, and implications for policy, practice and future research are discussed with particular reference to the UK policy context.  相似文献   

Traditionally adulthood and citizenship have been synonymous. Yet adulthood is changing. In this paper we explore how young people's evolving understandings of adulthood may contribute towards an understanding of citizenship within the broader context of increasingly extended and fragmented transitions. The paper draws on a unique qualitative longitudinal data set in which 100 young people, from contrasting social backgrounds in the United Kingdom, have been followed over a five‐year period using repeat biographical interviews. We present first the themes that emerged from a cross‐cut analysis of the first of three rounds of interviews distinguishing between relational and individualised understandings of adulthood. We then present a model we developed to capture the ways that young people sought out opportunities for competence and recognition in different fields of their lives. Finally a case study that follows a young woman through her three interviews illustrates how these themes can appear in an individual trajectory. We offer the model and case study as a way of exploring a more subjective approach to citizenship in which participation is not deferred to some distant future in which economic independence is achieved, but is understood as constantly constructed in the present.  相似文献   

Abuse and neglect of older adults occurs in all Canadian communities and solutions require the coordinated efforts of society at large. Amelioration entails more than a legislative approach. Prevention of this growing problem is a social responsibility that requires networking and collaboration between different disciplines in all sectors of the community. This article will discuss elder abuse in Canada from a historical perspective, as well as current legislation, model programs, and research initiatives. It is intended to allow for comparison from the various countries presented in this volume. Hopefully, readers will find some models, or ideas, they may wish to explore or even replicate within their own jurisdictions.  相似文献   

This paper examines how marginalized youth in Morocco use YouTube to contest hegemonic discourses of state power and institutional practices of social exclusion. The paper analyses a user-generated, YouTube web-series, Tales of Bouzebal, as a performance of marginality and a social critique of state bureaucracies and institutions in the context of post-Arab Spring Morocco. Using a combined method of textual and discourse analyses, the paper argues that the new media practices of producing and consuming user-generated video are best understood as practices of cultural citizenship that contribute to social change through the production of counter-discursive political subjectivities among youth in MENA. The paper posits that the concept of citizenship needs to be expanded to account for citizen participatory media practices that contest the conditions of marginality and inequality sustained by normative definitions of citizenship.  相似文献   

Countertransference reactions of sleepiness and disinterest in the clinical material being presented by patients can be annoying and confusing. This paper presents a theoretical framework for understanding the author's countertransference with Borderline patients in the schizoid continuum of borderline pathology, according to a classification scheme from Meissner (1984). In the case example presented projective identification and several interpretations of its meaning are reviewed and linked with the author/therapist's experience of sleepiness in the session. The understanding and containment of these projections, as well as interpretations offered to the patient, allowed for a successful resolution to the treatment. Implications for other cases with similar character structure are discussed with emphasis on the therapists using their subjective experience of sleepiness to understand their patients.  相似文献   

Transition out of residential care to living independently in society is one of the most complex processes for young adults in India. The situation becomes more complicated for girls who are at the risk of gender discrimination in a male dominated society. A quantitative study was conducted to understand the experience of social reintegration of a hundred young girls who had left care in the past four years. The girls' responses on a series of questions regarding their experience of social reintegration in the areas of education, life skill, money management, etc., were computed as the Experience of Social Reintegration Index. Overall, the findings showed that about 50% girls were able to pursue higher education and had savings. In social support, organisational support was available to only one-third of the respondents. It was also revealed that the care-leavers' educational qualification, age of leaving care, preparation for social reintegration, availability of support network and self-esteem were some of the predictors of their nature of experience after leaving care.  相似文献   

Although foster youth aspire to complete college, studies suggest that less than 10% are successful in obtaining a bachelor's degree (McMillen, Auslander, Elze, White, & Thompson, 2003; Rios & Rocco, 2014; Wolanin, 2005). The low graduation rates suggest that these students face unique obstacles in attaining their educational goals. To date, there is little information about the particular challenges they face. To address this gap, this paper presents survey findings of undergraduates enrolled at a public university and engaged in a campus support program for foster care alumni. Results show that these students are hesitant to disclose their foster youth identity, need help securing stable housing and suffer from food insecurity. Campus support programs and services help students feel a sense of belonging and safety on campus. Findings can aid policy makers and student affairs staff in refining current support systems for foster youth to increase enrollment and rate of graduation.  相似文献   

Most youth in foster care aspire to obtain higher education, but face daunting obstacles in doing so. While societal interest and effort to support foster youth in achieving higher education has grown, very few supports have evidence to show that they are effective at improving postsecondary outcomes. In an effort to address the dearth of clearly articulated, evidence-based postsecondary support approaches for foster youth, we have developed Fostering Higher Education (FHE), a comprehensive, structured, and evaluable postsecondary access and retention intervention composed of elements (professional educational advocacy, substance abuse prevention, mentoring) that are either evidence based or promising based on the scientific literature and their ability to address the outcomes of interest. This paper describes the development and youth usability and practitioner feasibility testing of the FHE intervention approach, which was developed through funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Youth usability feedback was primarily positive, with the majority of participants indicating they found the FHE activities interesting and useful, and were comfortable participating in them. Practitioner feasibility feedback was also primarily positive, with almost unanimous ratings of the FHE intervention components as very important to provide to youth and that all would be feasible for an organization to implement, though the mentoring components were seen as slightly less feasible than other components. Next steps and implications of this intervention development process are discussed.  相似文献   

Foster care reunification is the most common permanency plan for children in care, but it can be a challenging and stressful process for both the child and birth family. In some cases, the family reunification is unsuccessful and requires removal of the child from the home and reentry into care. The current study focuses on two groups: children who have had no previous removal-foster care experience and those who have had previous removal experience. The aims of the present study are to: (1) examine the rate of reentry for children who have no previous removal-foster care experience versus those who have previous removal experience prior to the current episode; (2) measure the period between the time of the reunification and the time of reentry to care for both groups; and (3) identify risk and protective factors correlated with reentry for both groups. The study analyzes secondary data through survival analysis. The sample includes 4642 children exiting from care to reunification between 2010 and 2013, who are followed for 18 months. The rate of reentry for children with previous removal experience was much higher (25% vs. 16%), and the time of highest risk for future reentry was shorter (4 vs. 6 months, after reunification) compared to children without removal experience. Several common risk factors were found for both groups. Child behavior, reunification against agency recommendation, and siblings in care increased the odds of reentry. However, visitation of the family by a case worker post-reunification decreased the risk for reentry. Child welfare administrators and caseworkers should continue to work toward providing care and ensuring that the child and family are fully prepared for reunification. Programs and post reunification services must be targeted and provided to children with previous removal experience.  相似文献   


This article provides an analysis of some of the ways in which educational resources for youth frame identity, sexuality and normativity within broader contexts of support and sexual citizenship. It focuses on online video resources for young people produced in Australia by the LGBTIQ support and curriculum advocacy organisation Safe Schools Coalition Australia and by the Minus18 Foundation. Developed as part of the larger All of Us educational package, these videos are explicitly pedagogical, presenting the viewer with ‘real life’ experiences from a range of young Australians. We consider the work the All of Us videos do in engaging with concepts of sexual citizenship, particularly as they seek to help young people navigate multiple forms of belonging and support. Of special interest is a series of tensions between normalising tendencies and the complexification of identities, communities, intimacies and belongings. While the videos may be perceived to operate within largely normative conceptualisations of sexuality, they explore ways of building affinity, peer support, and alternative ways of being that extend well beyond the logics usually offered by these frameworks.  相似文献   

A substantial body of evidence suggests that young people leaving public care systems are at increased risk for low educational attainment, unemployment, homelessness, physical and mental health difficulties, dependency on public assistance, and involvement with the criminal justice system. Independent living programs (ILPs), which incorporate life skills and personal development, are one strategy frequently used to improve outcomes for young people leaving care. However, the effectiveness of ILPs remains unknown. This paper systematically reviews the current evidence for ILPs, summarizing all controlled comparisons designed to evaluate their effectiveness. Reviewers were unable to find any randomized controlled trial evaluating ILPs, but the results of eight non-randomized controlled studies suggest that some ILPs may have protective effects for youth leaving the public care system. These trends were observed for outcomes related to educational attainment, employment, housing, health, and other life skills; nevertheless, the weak methodological quality of the evidence tempers the validity and generalizability of these conclusions. Further research utilizing random assignment of participants is imperative in order to draw reliable conclusions for policy and practice.  相似文献   

Efforts to clarify the appropriate uses of spirituality programming with marginalized youth are under way. Some researchers suggest that such programs should consider spiritual exploration and growth as a core part of treatment, involve youth voluntarily and as decision makers, and align programming with youth's cultural experiences.  相似文献   

The association between child maltreatment and juvenile delinquency is well established. Maltreated youth experience significantly higher delinquency rates than their peers. Studies report that placement instability in substitute care and placement in congregate settings (e.g., group homes) contribute to higher rates of offending. To date, no studies have focused on the judicial response and the likelihood of continued offending. The current study investigates the association between post-arrest placement decisions and recidivism. We analyze administrative records from the Los Angeles County Department of Probation and the Department of Children and Family Services. The sample includes all first-time violent offenders with an open child welfare case. Forty-nine percent of youth experienced a subsequent arrest. Using Cox regression, we find that moving crossover youth from a family-like setting to a congregate care setting was associated with significantly higher rates of recidivism. We discuss the policy and practice implications of these findings.  相似文献   

This research explores young people’s experiences of open access youth work and identifies what they consider to be its value. The detailed analysis of the data, achieved through focus groups, revealed that ‘association’ was a key driver of engagement. It also highlighted the support system the youth club creates amongst the peers. The young people also valued the relationships they form with youth workers and acknowledge the support and guidance offered to them which better enables them to reflect on and navigate their complex lives. Young people also valued the acceptance they feel from the community developed in the youth space. It provided comfort and reassurance when at times they do not feel like they fit in anywhere else. This research offers a significant counter to the tide of current targeted youth work policy which is resulting in the demise of a provision which, judged by the findings from this research, appears to be highly valued by, and beneficial to, young people.  相似文献   

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