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斯坦福研究中心曾经发表一份调查报告,结论指出:一个人赚的钱,12.5%来自知识,87.5%来自关系。一个不争的事实是,在中国,许多  相似文献   

Over the past twenty years, risk communication researchers and practitioners have learned some lessons, often at considerable personal price. For the most part, the mistakes that they have made have been natural, even intelligent ones. As a result, the same pitfalls may tempt newcomers to the field. This essay offers a personal (even confessional) history of the field over this period. It identifies a series of developmental stages. Progress through the stages involves consolidating the skills needed to execute it and learning its limitations. Knowing about their existence might speed the learning process and alert one to how much there still is to learn.  相似文献   

Outplacement. Experiences of a coach Getting unemployed usually is a major cause for high emotional pressure especially for executives. Outplacement consulting can be a viable way to find solutions in such difficult situations. This article addresses the two parties involved: (1) The author proposes a procedure that could be considered by the company in the process of dismissal. (2) Suggestions are made how the individual can be supported in developing new perspectives for a future career and personal life. Based on experiences of the author, the basic challenges for coaches during theses processes are described. The article offers special recommendations for each phase of coaching.  相似文献   

Drukarczyk and Lobe argue that the value of a company depends on individual preferences for leveraged or unleveraged companies if debt and credit interest rates after personal taxes differ. Consequentially they derive two preference-dependent valuation formulas. Based on these results an increasing amount of literature proposing preference-dependent valuation formulas emerged. We claim that this has to be viewed critically. In order to show that even in a world of different debt and credit interest rates after personal taxes a market value can be determined we develop a new version of the Tax CAPM. Based on this model the market value of leveraged and unleveraged companies is derived. Finally we show that the corresponding valuation function significantly differs from the preference-dependent valuation formulas.  相似文献   

The concept of celebrity has the potential to expand traditional views of leadership by suggesting that, with the aid of the media, firms and CEOs can surpass their peers and develop marketable personas of their own. However, the research, to date, has focused on the emergence of CEO celebrity, rather than the critical question of how CEOs translate their celebrity into personal and firm-related success. The present paper addresses this issue by articulating a meso-level conceptualization focused on the role of CEO political skill in the conversion of celebrity to reputation and performance at the individual and firm levels of analysis. Implications of the proposed conceptualization and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Dreams in Coaching. A case study and a guide for dialogues on dreamsAn approach to dreams is offered, that invites consultant into working with dreams even if they are not trained as psychologists. Through an intuitive and creative dialogue with images the consultant as well as the client come into a dialogue with their unconscious perceptions of the development. While discussing the process of a specific case it will be shown how working with dreams helps to understand, to shape, and to control. Hereby it will be illustrated how the consultant can do it and how things relate to each other. Finally an guide for dialogues on dreams describes useful attitudes, questions and experiments in working with dreams.  相似文献   

This paper explores how I used personal construct theory (PCT) to underpin an intervention I designed and delivered to improve organizational effectiveness. The aim was to help improve the poor relationship between one of the teams in the organization I work for and representatives of their American customer which was adversely affected by cultural misunderstanding. I used a variety of tools and techniques to help individuals explore their understanding of each other's beliefs, values and language and its impact on the relationship. Delegates embarked on a journey that took them from the generic macro level of cultural stereotypes and perceptions to the micro-level of what these actually meant in their individual relationships. PCT provides a strong, robust framework for understanding one another's world from within. Because it is based on a strong theoretical base it provides guidelines within which the practitioner can, effectively and efficiently, work.  相似文献   

Handling a coachees individual crisis in the setting of a job-coachingThe author reports about an individual crisis in the setting of a job-coaching. The job-coaching is successful, so that after three sittings the coachee has achieved a job-contract. Three months later she asks for a follow-up-coaching, and it is becoming obvious that the coachee finds herself in a crisis. She feels socially isolated in the new city, she recognizes that she is less and less able to function and she suffers from feeling deficitary. By telling her concrete situation and by working on her resources within the crisis-coaching she is able to clarify her new situation, to see abilities to act and enlarge and strengthen them.  相似文献   


This article is inspired by some of the challenges faced by non-governmental organizations in the distribution of humanitarian relief to vulnerable rural communities. A major concern of these organizations is to warrant that relief is distributed in an impartial and transparent way, which gives rise to the notion of fairness. This article thus discusses the importance of fairness in relief distribution and how it can be defined, especially in a context where delivery of vital items must be ensured periodically. We also propose some performance indicators to measure fairness, which can be useful to organizations that are held accountable for the impartiality of their decisions. Finally, an empirical study of an academic case, inspired by a rural aid distribution problem, is used to analyse how different mathematical formulations may contribute in helping crisis managers integrate fairness or equity in their decisions.  相似文献   

Organizational corruption imposes a steep cost on society, easily dwarfing that of street crime. We examine how corruption becomes normalized, that is, embedded in the organization such that it is more or less taken for granted and perpetuated. We argue that three mutually reinforcing processes underlie normalization: (1) institutionalization, where an initial corrupt decision or act becomes embedded in structures and processes and thereby routinized; (2) rationalization, where self-serving ideologies develop to justify and perhaps even valorize corruption; and (3) socialization, where naı̈ve newcomers are induced to view corruption as permissible if not desirable. The model helps explain how otherwise morally upright individuals can routinely engage in corruption without experiencing conflict, how corruption can persist despite the turnover of its initial practitioners, how seemingly rational organizations can engage in suicidal corruption and how an emphasis on the individual as evildoer misses the point that systems and individuals are mutually reinforcing.  相似文献   

At an increasing rate, individual investors are taking personal control over their financial destinies by investing their money online. Compared to offline do‐it‐yourself approaches, evidence suggests that investors exhibit lofty expectations and perform significantly worse after going online. However, little is understood about the mechanisms fueling expectancies, the role technologies play in their formation, or how technologies shape investment decisions. Therefore, this article explores the paradoxical nature of online investing technologies, which can give rise to a heightened state of conviction in one's capability to invest successfully. Drawing on Social Cognitive Theory, the concepts of encapsulation and combination are introduced to develop a research model describing how functional and technical self‐efficacy judgments independently and collectively shape and influence outcome expectancies. The results suggest that perceptions about what one can accomplish through online investing technologies can lead investors to exaggerate their capabilities, which, in turn, produces elevated expectancies of financial payoffs and nonmonetary rewards. These findings carry important implications. In tasks requiring both computing and functional skills, the principals of encapsulation and combination highlight the importance of comprehensively capturing self‐efficacy beliefs across skill domain boundaries. Moreover, online investing represents a paradoxical case that challenges the traditional assumption that fostering a robust sense of efficacy represents a purely noble enterprise. In fact, strong self‐efficacy beliefs can prove counterproductive, leading to severe, irreversible, and unintended consequences. Going forward, these discoveries provide a solid foundation to enhance systems designs and facilitate a deeper understanding of user psychology.  相似文献   

The 2008 global financial crisis has been compared to a "once-in-a-century credit tsunami," a disaster in which the loss of trust and confidence played key precipitating roles and the recovery from which will require the restoration of these crucial factors. Drawing on the analogy between the financial crisis and environmental and technological hazards, recent research on the role of trust and confidence in the latter is used to provide a perspective on the former. Whereas "trust" and "confidence" are used interchangeably and without explicit definition in most discussions of the financial crisis, this perspective uses the TCC model of cooperation to clearly distinguish between the two and to demonstrate how this distinction can lead to an improved understanding of the crisis. The roles of trust and confidence—both in precipitation and in possible recovery—are discussed for each of the three major sets of actors in the crisis, the regulators, the banks, and the public. The roles of trust and confidence in the larger context of risk management are also examined; trust being associated with political approaches, confidence with technical. Finally, the various stances that government can take with regard to trust—such as supportive or skeptical—are considered. Overall, it is argued that a clear understanding of trust and confidence and a close examination of the specific, concrete circumstances of a crisis—revealing when either trust or confidence is appropriate—can lead to useful insights for both recovery and prevention of future occurrences.  相似文献   

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator — a useful tool for coaching and career counseling to identify clients giftsFor career counseling and coaching procedures the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator has proved a sound and well-designed instrument. As such it is a useful and effective tool which allows me to assess and analyze a client’s position. The four categories of personality styles yield a broad spectrum of insights and are subtly differentiating. The premises of the MBTI are the uniqueness of the individual and the respect for individual differences. Focussing on this premises and based on concepts originated by C.G. Jung this indicator establishes categories of cognitive functions. These will enable a client to gain a better perception of herself or himself and enhance her or his understanding of others. It is necessary, however, to embed the results of the indicator into a context of counseling goals, and for the benefit of a client solid counseling skills of the coach are essential. Provides these conditions, the indicator will support a client’s professional and personal development and can be used to demonstrate issues of work coordination and cooperation. Especially disputes become more matter of fact. The non-judgemental language of the Jungian concepts allows self esteem to grow and de-escalates conflicts. Once a common base is found new avenues towards action can be explored.  相似文献   

This paper makes the point that although U.K. agriculture has become more efficient in many ways, it has become less efficient in its use of energy. Moreover, although farming utilises less than 3 per cent of national power energy consumption and produces over 40 per cent of the nation's food, there are no predominant users of energy in the U.K. Thus small savings in each individual industry, including agriculture, must be effected. How this can be achieved is discussed. But the paper concludes that it may well take another ‘energy crisis’ before farmers and growers respond by modifying their production systems accordingly.  相似文献   

Career coaching between professional ambition and private lifeThe ever continuing pressure to perform is a major conflict for more and more executives in balancing their professional and their private lives; sometimes even the performance itself suffers from this conflict. The author shows by a case study how executives can cope quickly with this stress and how they can find satisfying solutions with the help of a career coach.  相似文献   

This article is a follow-up to an interview with Charles Dwyer, PhD, which appeared in the 1999 March/April issue of The Physician Executive. He described how physician executives can change the perceptions of today's beleaguered physicians and help them cope with change. We then asked him for some hands-on strategies to deal with physician anger, fear, and resentment. After much contemplation on providing a list of "fixes" that will restore each of us to a state of greater satisfaction, Dr. Dwyer concludes that there are no generalizable solutions because there are too many variables that come into play in each organization, individual, or group. Attending to the self can provide both individual rescue from these turbulent times and the best hope for changes in the system from which patients and health care providers can benefit. If physicians are to regain their power and maintain, or even improve, their quality of life, clearly changes are called for. And these are changes that require persistent effort and uncomfortable adjustments.  相似文献   

基于条件风险价值CoVaR和SIM单指数分位数回归技术,选取2012-2018年我国股市24行业指数周频数据,构建时变的跨行业尾部风险网络,通过网络拓扑结构反映系统性风险的空间关联及潜在变化趋势。此外,引入ARDL模型探究网络结构和宏观经济变量对股市系统性风险的长短期效应,最后对系统性风险进行预测。结果表明:(1)我国股市行业板块间存在明显的系统性风险空间关联和传染效应,风险溢出网络具有“小世界”特征;(2)网络连边集中度HHI呈明显的周期性变化。在尾部事件期间,HHI指标显著增加,风险网络呈较单一的中心节点结构,网络稳定性差;(3)通过节点风险传播强度和中心化程度发现,仅通过节点内部属性判断节点的系统重要性已不够全面和准确,应结合节点在网络中的位置和关联关系来判断;信息技术、医疗保健、商业和专业服务行业是风险网络中最有影响力的行业;(4)通过ARDL-ECM模型发现网络连边集中度是系统性风险的主要影响因素,并对股市系统性风险进行了高度准确的预测。本研究可为监管机构有效识别我国股市中有影响力的行业提供参考,依据关键行业的溢出关联制定针对性的风险防范措施,同时对风险溢出效应设立预警机制。  相似文献   

Previous studies underline positive effects of health-oriented leadership for follower well-being. However, it is not clear whether and to what extent situational and personal factors influence health-oriented leadership behavior towards employees (i.e., staff care). We examine the effect of crises and the moderating role of strain for the relationship between strain and staff care in two studies. The first study investigated main and interactive effects of crisis and leader strain on staff care in a cross-sectional survey (N = 201). To test for causality, we complemented our findings with an experimental vignette study (N = 169) and extended our findings with regard to the influence of follower strain. As expected, results of both studies showed negative effects of crisis and leader strain on staff care. Furthermore, crisis effects on staff care were contingent on both leader strain (Study 1 and 2) and follower strain (Study 2): While leader strain strengthened the negative relationships between crisis and staff care, follower strain served as a buffer. These findings support the assumption that staff care is at risk in crises particularly when leaders are strained. However, it is a positive finding that staff care is still feasible on a moderate and relevant level and that leaders respond to follower strain with additional efforts regarding staff care even in crises. The study contributes to the clarification and better understanding of situational contingencies of leadership behavior.  相似文献   

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