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2009年9月7日至11日,第七届国际亚洲传统医学大会在不丹国首都廷布市举行.来自美国、中国、不丹、印度、尼泊尔、英国、德国、韩国、日本、瑞士、奥地利、法国、澳大利亚、泰国、古巴、新加坡、意大利、加拿大、荷兰、柬埔寨等30个国家和地区的240位从事亚洲传统医学研究的学者参加了此次会议,其中中国学者15位.  相似文献   

《西藏研究》(汉文版 )是以藏学研究为特色的综合性学术刊物 ,设有政治、经济、文化、历史、宗教、哲学、文学、社会学、教育、语言、法律、道德、文物、考古、民俗、文献、医学、天文历算、格萨尔、人物、人口、建筑、灾异、地理、西部大开发、学术争鸣、藏学动态、国外藏学、书评、藏学常识等栏目。为进一步提高办刊质量 ,强化本刊的规范性 ,现请投稿人注意以下事项 :1、本刊是具有民族特色和地方特色的探索性藏学学术刊物 ,注重刊发以第一手调研资料为立论基础的有鲜明时代精神的藏学论文、学术评论、学术动态 ,不接受新闻报道、文学作品…  相似文献   

湖南侗族有85万人口,除邵阳市的绥宁、城步有少部分外,大多聚居于怀化市的通道、新晃、芷江、会同、靖州等县。这里以山地、丘陵为主,属于亚热带季风湿润性气候区。湖南侗族和周边的贵州、广西侗族一样,随着历史的进程,生活的积累和地理环境、气候条件等因素影响,其饮食特点在湘菜大系的基础上,逐渐形成了区域性的"黑、红、绿、黄、白,五色同享;酸、甜、苦、辣、咸,五味偏酸"的饮食喜好和习惯。  相似文献   

由甘肃省委书记苏荣提议,甘肃省政协牵头,具体由喇敏智副主席(回族)负责,喇敏智主编、马明良执行主编,组织兰州大学、西北民族大学、西北师范大学及北京、宁夏、甘肃有关研究院所的学者专家撰写了《回族对伟大祖国的贡献》一书。该书着重突出回族从近现代至当代的贡献和作为,特别是在维护国家安全与统一、抵御外侮、保家卫国、开发祖国、发展经济、繁荣中华文化、推进科技进步及发展教育、艺术、体育、卫生等事业方面所做出的突出贡献,分总论、文化篇、政治篇、经济篇、精神篇几个板块,体例新颖,文字流畅,写出了回族的辉煌业绩和骄人贡献,展示了回族的全新面貌,令人耳目一新,是目前我国第一部系统论述回族对祖国历史和现实贡献的专著。书前有中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席贾庆林关于《回族对伟大祖国的贡献》一书的批示,有全国政协副主席张思卿、白立忱(回族)、李兆焯(壮族),第九届全国人大常委会副委员长布赫(蒙古族),第九届全国政协副主席王文元,中共中央统战部副部长、国家民委主任李德洙(朝鲜族)及甘肃省党、政、军各方面领导同志仲兆隆、李乾元、喻林祥、李子奇的重要题词。这些题词充分肯定了《回族对伟大祖国的贡献》这本书对发扬回族优良传统,增强民族间的了解和团结,构建和谐社会的重要意义。为此,本刊特向读者推荐这本书,并将刘延东同志的序文和苏荣同志的批示刊出,以荐读者。  相似文献   

武陵山区位于湖南(湘西土家族苗族自治州、张家界市、怀化市)、湖北(恩施土家族苗族自治州、长阳土家族自治县、五峰土家族自治县)、贵州(铜仁地区)、重庆(黔江区、秀山土家族自治县、酉阳土家族自治县、石柱土家族自治县、彭水县、武隆县)四省市的结合部,  相似文献   

"那"(或"纳"),即壮、傣、布依等民族语言中的"水田"之义。以"那"为中心,形成了以壮民族为主体的那文化。那文化的范围很广,北界是云南宣威的那乐冲,南界是老挝沙湾省的那鲁,东界是广东珠海的那州,西界是缅甸掸邦的那龙。那文化的内涵包括:稻种、生产工具、加工工具、灌溉设施、肥料等物质文化;稻种的选择培育、播种、耕种、灌溉、管理、收割、储藏、加工等行为文化;生产习俗、禁忌、祝祀及对天象、土地、雷雨、江河诸自然物的崇拜及安土重迁、重农轻商等观念文化;同时还外延及与之相适  相似文献   

<正>2012年8月16日,由中国傩戏学研究会、中国艺术研究院戏曲研究所、湖南省文化厅、郴州市人民政府联合主办的"中国湖南临武傩文化国际学术研讨会"在临武县开幕。来自中国、韩国、日本、美国、奥地利、新加坡等国的专家学者101人进行学术研讨。傩戏是在傩祭舞蹈基础上发展而来的戏剧形式,被称为民间文化的"活化石",在研究哲学、宗教、历史、民俗、社会和文物、文学、艺术、舞蹈、戏剧等方面具有宝贵的参考价值。临武傩戏融傩祭、傩仪、傩舞、傩歌、傩技、傩戏于一体,一直心口相授、代代相传,至今已有500余年历史。据专家介绍,临武傩戏在原生态保护、活态传承等方面特点鲜明,其"路祭"、神猴子"、音乐伴唱"独具特色,有较高的保护和研究价值。同时,临  相似文献   

盛世庆华诞,喜庆满瑶乡。12月9日,风和日丽、神韵美丽的永州市蓝山县荆竹、紫良、汇源、浆洞、江永县源口、新田县门楼下等6个瑶族乡迎来了建乡30周年华诞。省、市、县分别组团前往祝贺。省民委副主任田代武、赵仁秀,省政协民宗委副主任委员石建国,永州市副市长蒋善生、市委秘书长朱映红、市委宣传部长石艳萍,蓝山、江永、新田县委、人大、政府、政协四大家主要领导出席庆典仪式,临近县、市、管理区民宗局及民族乡知名人士、原下放江永县源口公社的长沙知青、外地游客、摄影爱好者及瑶汉群众近5万多人分别参加了瑶族乡的庆典仪式。  相似文献   

许鑫 《中国民族》2010,(5):52-55
在祖国的西南边陲,镶嵌着一方宁静、秀美的山水。它是中国南方陆上丝绸之路的重要隘口,是本土文化、中原文化、东南亚文化、印度文化的交汇之地,是汉、傣族、阿昌族、景颇族、德昂族、傈僳族、佤族等多个少数民族的繁衍生息之所;  相似文献   

端午节为每年农历五月初五,又称端阳节、午日节、五月节、五日节、艾节、端五、重午、午日、夏节,本来是夏季的一个驱除瘟疫的节日,后来楚国诗人屈原于该日投江自尽,就变成纪念屈原的节日。  相似文献   

The paper's focus is a critical moment in the trajectory of the Islamic state in Iran, the trace of which was still discernible in the presidential election of 2009. It draws on ethnographic research among the Lurs of south-western Iran between 1979–1982 to examine the impact of the abolition of politics as contested representations at the centre on a ‘remote’ periphery. The end of a short-lived political activity, as a distinct form of power, in Iran in 1981 was earmarked by mass executions of which only 1600 had been officially counted for the period of 20 June to September 1981 (Amnesty International). The executed were guilty of expressing dissent against divine rule of which the Islamic state was an embodiment. Although the Lurs paid a less heavy penalty for this ‘crime’ than elsewhere in the country the survivors' response to the loss of a young relative in the hands of Islamic executioners was noticeably muted. The response is looked at as the restoration of the status of the dead to the executed relative whose body had been ‘rubbished’ – wrapped in an American flag and abandoned unburied in a desolate place by the Muslim executioners. The paper argues ‘rubbishing’ signified the annihilation of citizenship under the Islamic rule in which the body of the citizen is seen as harbouring ‘the most corrupt’ subject, the sinner who could not even be ‘rectified’ through a less destructive use of force – flogging and mutilation. It, therefore, had to be disposed of – ‘rubbished’. The survivors, on the other hand, by confining themselves to the symbolic return of the executed relative to the community left unacknowledged his quest for equality and liberty. By their reluctance to remember and recount the executed's words and deeds the survivors refused to grant him the ‘immortality’ of a citizen whose death outlived his destruction. The brutal suppression of political agency at the centre and its muted recognition in the periphery are explained as a negation of political power. The power entails postponing the use of force to the last resort thus allowing plurality as a human condition to be realised. Consequent on this realisation is the publicly contested opinions by many who would inevitably challenge the truths guarded by few both at the centre and periphery. It was this challenge that led the ruling mullahs to invoke the Koranic Truths to annihilate the disseminators of opinions. The unspoken citizenship of the annihilated dissidents in the periphery served in turn to reassert the Lurs' historically cherished otherness geared to the use of force. The citizenship called for a discursive inclusion of Lurs, through the use of ‘the pen’, in a wider world, by postponing the use of force. In contrast, the traditional Luri rebels relied heavily on an immediate use of force, through the celebrated ‘rifle’, to perpetuate their perceived inaccessibility. Resistance leads to emancipation, the paper argues, when the particularised subjectivity of local actors is superseded in the universal – objectified – political space in which the agent, i.e. the citizen, overrides the boundaries within which localness is reproduced.  相似文献   


The focus is the oscillation among leave voters in the EU referendum from the exercise of rights - an act of dis-identification – towards the assertion of identity as members of a British community. This was mediated by voters acting in an association of citizens calling on the equalising agency of the British people whilst claiming membership of a locally circumscribed community, perceived as injured, through entanglement with the Other prominent among them Europeans. Hence the recovery of the injured community as the object of the denunciators’ desire for identity coupled with the fear of the Other. Predicated on this was the resumption of class, gender and ethnic roles reflected in division among voters. The denunciation of togetherness with Europeans served leave voters to substitute the exercise of rights with a longing for identity. Instrumental in this was the lack of deliberation in the plebiscite to articulate the will of individual voters through a general will. The ‘direct power’ exercised enabled many to cast away their role as citizen in an attempt to claim their privileges as members of a racially and culturally demarcated British community. Paradoxically, the voters’ unashamed disavowal of their agency as citizens by seeking to restore a divided social world as the source of their identity was represented as an exercise in democracy. To some playing on words was supplemented by the use of force removing the gap between the discursive exclusion of the Other and the continued physical presence of bearers of different races and culture.  相似文献   

书院是我国封建社会一种特有的教育组织形式。元代书院在元朝中央政府的大力支持和保护下,得到了迅速的发展。在书院的发展过程中,元朝统治者为了加强对书院的控制,采取了一系列有效措施:由各级官府为书院委任山长、任命和提升书院大小官员、官方控制书院经费的使用,最终使书院官学化,并在教学中以传播程朱理学为宗旨。此外,元代书院在发展过程中,理学逐渐北移、民间创办书院以及蒙古族官吏建立书院等,这些都是元代书院有别于宋、明两代书院的特征。  相似文献   

赣南是客家风水的发祥地,风水信仰在客家人的日常生活中占有极其重要的地位,在历史上赣南风水信仰更是盛极一时.风水研究学者大多从建筑学、地理学、生态学等角度对风水信仰进行解析,而从人类学角度对风水信仰进行解读的并不是太多.据笔者分析,赣南风水信仰在历史上盛极一时且直到今天仍在日常生活中占有极其重要的地位主要有以下几个方面的原因:生存环境的客观需要、祖宗崇拜的需要、儒家文化的影响、经济发展与资源争夺的需要、巫文化的影响等.对于风水信仰进行人类学解析可以使我们避免风水信仰到底是科学还是迷信的无谓论争,对于我们从局内人的观点、从文化相对论的角度对风水文化进行理解具有积极的意义.  相似文献   


This article makes a theoretical argument stemming from our study of the European Commission’s hotspot approach to the management of migrant populations. It draws on empirical research findings from field research which took place on the island of Lesbos and in the city of Athens over the course of 20 months and links these to emerging critical studies of the new EU border regime. No clear definition exists of what comprises a hotspot: instead, the European Commission describes this as an integrated ‘approach’ for the enhancement of the capacity of member states to deal with crises resulting from pressures at the Union’s external borders. Effective in its ambiguity, the ‘hotspot approach’ therefore constitutes, as we argue, an integral part of the Europeanisation and institutionalisation of border management: a powerfully ambiguous dispositif in the EU’s emerging border regime. The article unpacks the notion of the hotspot from a historical perspective and explores the ways in which the hotspot contributes toward the culmination of European integration, paving the way for the flexible governance of mobility and asylum. We situate the hotspot within the historical shift of migration and mobility control from the border to the territory as a whole and conclude by arguing that the hotspot plays the role of a territorial incubator for the liminal EU territory: a paradigmatic space for a new form of governance that further disentangles territory from rights.  相似文献   

Focusing on the nineteenth century practice of craniometry, this paper considers how strategies of producing racial ‘knowledge’ played a key role in the development of ideas about the human. Supplementing the familiar claim that nineteenth century racial craniometry was designed to biologise longstanding aesthetic prejudices about variations in human physical appearance, the paper offers a more specific understanding of the role of this practice in biologising race. Taking up the post-Linnaean context in which a biological conception of race was elaborated, it considers how early nineteenth century debates about the unique and exceptional status of the human – classically identified with the soul or mind – centred upon the head. The practice of craniometry, it is suggested, can be understood in this context, as its centrality in the emergence of a biological conception of race is traced to an effort to demonstrate the material existence of the mind. The possibility proposed in this paper, therefore, is that particular physical differences between various peoples came to be regarded as racially significant in the nineteenth century attempt to determine the exceptional status of the human.  相似文献   

秦和平 《民族学刊》2013,4(1):61-67,113-115
在平定"大小金川之乱"后,清政府在章谷建立屯兵制度。章谷屯兵制度的设立和发展推动了炉霍屯的建立,其后,清政府又利用章谷屯与炉霍屯的合力,趁势废除了革什咱土司等。因此,清代章谷屯的设立对于丹巴地区最终设立县制具有重要意义。与章谷屯的设立与发展相伴随的是丹巴地区在宗教、经济、文化方面的融合与发展。宗教方面,墨尔多神山升格为国家神灵,同时,文昌阁、关帝庙、观音庙等汉地传统神祗传入丹巴;物产方面,玉米、土豆等传入,玉米饼、酸菜汤、老腊肉成为丹巴地区的特色食品;农业方面,章谷屯建立后,农业耕作转向精耕细作,耕作工具大为丰富和发展;建筑方面,传统的防卫型碉楼与宜居型的碉房相得益彰,形成独具特色的丹巴民居画卷。  相似文献   


Contemporary practices of mourning individuals lost to war violence assert correct and incorrect practices of grieving. Successful practices will emphasize the heroism and the sacrifice of the war dead, centralizing the role of American values in the act of dying for one’s country. To not honor the war dead successfully is seen as a betrayal of their sacrifice and an ethical failure. Through a critical reading of Gold Star Families and the identity politics surrounding acts of mourning, I argue that the social norms acting as guideposts for processes of mourning over-determine relationships and identities in ways that perpetuate a violence that is seen as redemptive. Working towards alternatives to these practices, I argue that a queer relationality can disrupt the idealized constructions of redemptive violence constitutive to notions of successful mourning. A queering of the war dead refuses to allow mourning to be dismissed as unsuccessful if grieving is anything other than the assignment of war hero, patriot, or the solidification of an American identity for those killed by war violence. Ultimately, I argue that acts of queering the war dead have potential to challenge the proliferation of dominant practices that tie a militarized redemptive violence to normalized identities.  相似文献   

岷江上游羌族宗教信仰是多元混杂的,导致这种现象的产生,既有历史的因素,又有现实的因素.历史的因素可追溯到古羌人时代,从那里我们可寻羌族宗教信仰之渊源的一些踪迹;现实的因素可从羌族地处藏彝走廊,受汉藏文化影响的现状中去采撷一些实际的表现.本文拟就羌族原始宗教信仰中的藏文化因子,羌族天神信仰与藏族民间宗教信仰的渊源,羌族和藏族有关人类起源传说的相似与区分,羌族原始宗教信仰与佛教文化的糅合等方面对羌族宗教信仰与藏文化的关系作一较为深入的考察分析.  相似文献   

<老子>第一章是全书的宗旨所在,要点是凭敏锐的感觉应对复杂的人事.玄同是贴近对方,与之同步并相机行事的过程.对于人事所呈现的暧昧及明朗两种不同的状态,应分别出之以踌躇与决断两种态度.对两者间的交界即关键点的把握,更是重点之所在.这些要点,与科学的最新进展有诸多契合之处.  相似文献   

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