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目前,安全问题和经济模式单一问题直接威胁到了海湾六国的社会稳定和经济发展,是六国政府所面临的首要难题。从经济一体化的角度看,货币统一将扩大海湾六国对世界经济的影响,提升其在国际事务中的地位,对海湾六国解决安全问题有重大影响和积极作用。同时,海湾六国统一货币所带来的经济效应也将促进海湾六国经济多元化发展。  相似文献   

Noah Toly 《Globalizations》2017,14(1):142-149
The emergence and role of global cities provide a rubric by which we can understand Brexit and illuminate the present tensions between those who favor open economic policies and those who favor closed economic policies. Economic inequality, political disenfranchisement, and social exclusion at the regional level are now driving a fresh interrogation of the relatively open world order that requires global cities—sites densely populated with institutions necessary for orchestrating global economic activity. While questions about the legitimacy of economic openness may undermine the economic output, political power, and cultural influence of global cities, those same cities may, if they harness economic output for broader regional benefits, demonstrate the potential of an alternative and newly legitimate open world order.  相似文献   

Review of Economics of the Household - Economic developments of the past three decades posed new questions to economists: what are the causes of fluctuations in rates of return to human capital?...  相似文献   

Using a large linked employer-employee data set, this paper aims at quantifying the trend in worker segregation at the establishment level and its impact on wages in Portugal over a fifteen year period. We concentrate on the gender dimension, to answer the questions: What is the level of gender segregation across establishments in the Portuguese labor market and how has it evolved over time? What is the impact of segregation on wages? Is that impact different for men and women? Systematic and random components of segregation are computed. We use standard wage decomposition techniques to evaluate the impact of the composition of the labor force at the establishment level on wages. The results reveal a high degree of systematic gender segregation. A higher proportion of females in the establishment lowers females’ wages while, on the contrary, it raises males’ wages. The evidence gathered is consistent with the taste-based model of employer behavior and with the theory of sorting of workers across establishments based on their productivity.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the manufacturing sector of Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic between 1993 and 2001 and provides a set of stylized facts regarding the changes occurring in the skill composition of the workforce and in the earning structure by skills, on one hand, and in trade flows and foreign presence through direct investment, on the other hand. All three countries have experienced sharp increases in earning inequality which have concerned almost all manufacturing industries; relative skilled employment has, instead, decreased in almost all Hungarian and Czech industrial branches, while showing the opposite trend in the Polish counterparts. At the same time, the three countries have reoriented and expanded their trade flows and modified the merchandise composition of both exports and imports in favour of high-tech and capital-intensive sectors and against more traditional industries. Foreign direct investment has acquired progressively more importance in the three economies and the high-tech sector – as well as chemicals and machineries – has significantly gained relevance on total stocks. Correlation analysis comes in favour of a prevalently vertical nature of multinational enterprises; moreover, trade flows are in general negatively correlated with relative wages and employment, whereas the sign of the relation between foreign direct investments and earning inequality is clearly positive in Poland only.  相似文献   

In the context of Singapore's ageing population, the employment of large numbers of low‐skilled foreign workers is proving to be a major challenge to inclusive growth because of the stagnation of low‐wage workers' incomes. In order to address this problem, the author makes the case for introducing a minimum wage to complement existing in‐work benefit schemes. After addressing the commonly voiced objections to a minimum wage system, he suggests ways in which a minimum wage could be implemented in Singapore. New measures to enhance the social safety net and foster more sustainable economic growth are also proposed.  相似文献   

国际旅游岛是海南发展的大战略。当前,在建设国际旅游岛的背景下,需要整合城乡旅游资源,实现城乡协调发展。本文分析了海南城乡一体化的现实需求和国际旅游岛框架下推进城乡一体化的突出矛盾,在此基础上,提出把经济一体化、社会一体化、行政一体化作为推进海南城乡一体化的具体思路。  相似文献   

While most emerging economies have been characterised by persistence/growth of inter-household economic inequality in recent decades, and simultaneous poor performance on gender equality, the intersecting relationship between these two trends so far has not received much attention. This article is an initial attempt look at this relationship, showing how gender inequality has both contributed to, and been affected by, growing economic inequality. It focuses on eight emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Mexico, Indonesia, and Turkey (dubbed the BRICSAMIT countries). The article analyses Gini coefficient trends and Global Gender Gap Index trends, and draws in addition on insights gained from seven exploratory interviews with Oxfam colleagues and partners working on women's rights in the considered countries. It concludes with a reflection on the possible future policy agenda that would allow one to simultaneously address the issues of gender inequality and economic inequality in the analysed countries.  相似文献   

Bob Jessop 《Globalizations》2017,14(1):133-141
The Brexit vote was a singular event that is one symptom of a continuing organic crisis of the British state and society and a stimulus for further struggles over the future of the United Kingdom and its place in Europe and the wider world. This crisis previously enabled the rise of Thatcherism as a neoliberal and neoconservative project (with New Labour as its left wing) with an authoritarian populist appeal and authoritarian statist tendencies that persisted under the Conservative–Liberal Democrat coalition (2010–2015). The 2015 election of a Conservative Government, which aimed to revive the Thatcherite project and entrench austerity, was the immediate context for the tragi-comedy of errors played out in the referendum. The ensuing politics and policy issues could promote the disintegration of the UK and, perhaps, the EU without delivering greater political sovereignty or a more secure and non-balkanized place for British economic space in the world market.  相似文献   

In the debate on globalisation and wage inequality within countries, Heckscher–Ohlin theory has featured prominently, yet fails to take into account that globalisation comprises much more than increased trade between advanced and less-advanced countries. This paper develops a framework that takes better heed of the many aspects of globalisation and thereby addresses a new channel through which globalisation might influence wage inequality. Our results indicate that to understand the impact of globalisation on wage inequality, one needs insight in the nature and stage of globalisation and the relative size of a country.  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of several forms of wage inequality on service quality and employee effort. We suggest that two popular theories, tournament and fair wage/equity, are not necessarily competing. Each theory accurately describes aspects of employee behavior, but because of sectoral differences in organizational objectives and employee attitudes, tournament theory's predictions are relatively stronger in the for‐profit sector, while fair wage/equity theory's predictions are relatively stronger in the nonprofit sector. Using an employer–employee matched data set of nursing homes linked to a federal regulatory database and a resident survey, we found that ownership moderates the relationship between wage inequality and service quality. Although wage inequality positively affects service quality in the for‐profit sector, the reverse is true among nonprofit organizations. We also found that overall wage inequality in the workplace has a more pronounced influence on employee discretionary effort than does the employee's place in the distribution of wages.  相似文献   

The labour immigration policies of high‐income countries are characterized by trade‐offs between openness to admitting migrant workers and some of the rights granted to migrants after admission. This empirical observation lies at the heart of the author's 2013 book, The price of rights: Regulating international labor migration. In this article, he reviews its main findings, arguments and policy implications and responds to a critical review of the book that was published in the International Labour Review in 2015. He concludes with a plea for more open debate on the linkages between migrant rights, labour migration and development among national and international organizations concerned with these issues.  相似文献   

发达国家和地区预防与减少青少年犯罪社会工作的发展已经步入了成熟的阶段——其专业化和职业化已达较高水平;在工作方法方面呈现出综合多元的特点;强调对当事人的援助和支持;着眼于预防,并逐渐重视当事人的回归和发展。与此同时,它也正面临着不少的挑战。  相似文献   

The referendum on British membership in the European Union divided not only the society in the UK but also the left both in Britain and all over the continent. This division however is produced not so much by this specific debate but by a deeper problem of the left capitulating ideologically and accepting neoliberalism as something objectively inevitable (even without publically recognizing it), replacing class struggle by ‘progressive’ cultural values that themselves form an essential part of the new capitalist hegemony. Leftist intelligentsia with its cultural critique of capitalism is no alternative to the current system, rather it is one of its pillars. While class division was very visible in the Brexit vote, with the working class and poor massively voting for ‘Leave’, most of the left either sided with the establishment or was wavering. Thus the success of the ‘Leave’ vote can be claimed by nationalists. Even after this political disaster instead criticizing itself leftist intelligentsia is blaming the people for being provincial and not accepting their progressive European values. However it was exactly the mass of common people in England who by voting for ‘Leave’ contributed to the formation of the new European agenda. Overcoming and unmaking bureaucratic, authoritarian, and neoliberal EU institutions is the only way to progress towards the making of a new democratic Europe.  相似文献   

The Japanese government started to accept semi-skilled foreign workers officially under the newly established tokutei ginō status in 2019, and national policies for supporting foreign residents are gradually being developed. However, it is unclear how the principles of tabunka kyōsei (multicultural coexistence or co-living), the official slogan for supporting foreign residents since the mid-2000s, have changed as a result of recent policy trends. In this article, I examine the transformation of logics for legitimizing policies for foreign residents using discourse analysis of the official government documents on tabunka kyōsei. Previous critical studies have revealed that tabunka kyōsei is based on the logic of a binary opposition between “Japanese” and “foreigners”. This was combined with the neoliberal logic of “supports for self-reliance”, a paternalism that sees foreigners as being in need of support if they can live "just as" Japanese. This paternalism has prevented the development of recognizing the human rights and cultural differences of foreign residents as de facto immigrants. In addition, a logic has explicitly emerged in the tabunka kyōsei discourse at the end of the 2010s that sees foreigners as a threat to national security and that their acceptance should be strictly governed by the border control policy and socially controlled from the viewpoint of national interests. To deal with this situation, tabunka kyōsei must be recreated as a principle for recognizing foreign residents as immigrants and guaranteeing their human rights and cultural differences.  相似文献   

以历史制度主义的分析视角来看,发达国家儿童福利制度深受社会政治经济、社会儿童观念等深层次整合性结构因素影响,历经渐进性(20世纪之前)、激进性(20世纪初—20世纪70年代初)、断裂性(20世纪70年代中期后)三个主要发展阶段,分别呈现出不同发展态势与阶段特征。目前,发达国家儿童福利制度已由补缺型向普惠型转变。发达国家儿童福利制度变迁的轨迹与动力机制,或许可为我国向适度普惠型儿童福利制度的转型发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Sociological Forum - What was the role of business elites in the development of the new conservative economic policies? Corporate elite and class fraction arguments have been invoked to explain...  相似文献   

Over the last 3 decades, economic models have been developed that recognize that potentially conflicting interests may shape household decisions and the sharing of resources within families. This article provides an overview of how decision making within households has been modeled within economics, presents the main benefits and limitations of those models, and critically assesses their usefulness to researchers from other disciplines interested in the within‐ household distribution of resources. The main focus is on the theory, empirical application, and results of the currently dominant collective models, but the authors also look at developments that led up to them and some subsequent extensions and alternative approaches. Given the weight placed by policymakers and others on economic and quantitative evidence, it is incumbent on researchers of all disciplines to understand the achievements and limitations of the models used, explicitly or implicitly, to produce such evidence and the assumptions that lie behind them.  相似文献   

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