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志愿者活动随着社会的发展而不断壮大,高校大学生在其中扮演着重要的角色,调动大学生参与志愿活动的积极性,有利于社会志愿服务事业的发展,对当今社会更有着不可小觑的作用。本文将从大学生参与志愿活动的动机出发,对大学生志愿活动的特点进行研究,分析当代大学生参与志愿活动的动机,并根据分析做出相应的建议。  相似文献   

志愿者行为动机是洞悉志愿行为的重要因素,从志愿者行为动机功能理论的角度对大学生的志愿行为动机的调查发现:大学生志愿者活动的任务特征确实可由大学生某些被满足的志愿行为动机来体现;大学生志愿者会偏向性选择与其志愿动机相匹配的志愿活动任务类型。为了更好地组织和管理大学生志愿者,高校志愿者机构可尝试实行"预调研制"及"菜单式,,的志愿活动任务展示方式。  相似文献   

针对广东高校的某些学生在参加学校内开展的各种志愿活动时表现得冷淡和不屑,或是单纯地认为参与这类活动只是为了修学分这一校园现象,我们决定通过研究大学生志愿服务动机与社会责任感对高校学生参与志愿服务动机与社会责任感实证研究调查,探索高校学生参与志愿服务的动机,培养高校学生的社会责任感,弘扬人文精神。  相似文献   

2010年上海世博会的举办是向世人展示中国改革开放形象的一个契机,世博会中广大志愿者的辛劳与付出为这样的展示添上了浓墨重彩的一笔。其中以"小白菜"、"蓝精灵"为代表的大学生志愿者更是广泛分布于园区内外为游客排忧解难,他们将中国志愿服务事业又一次推向了高潮。志愿动机是影响大学生参与志愿服务的重要因素,同时也反映了志愿者参与志愿服务的价值取向。本文通过对大学生参与上海世博会志愿服务动机的实证研究,目的在于了解大学生参与志愿服务的动机类型,从而更好地把握大学生的心理、思想状况,以期为更有效地激发大学生广泛参与志愿服务活动提供现实依据。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,志愿者组织在全球范围兴起并得到发展,逐渐成为现代社会发展的一支活跃力量,在全球掀起了开展志愿服务的热潮。大学生志愿者作为我国志愿服务的重要参与主体,在志愿服务中起到了举足轻重的作用。在两岸和平发展新时期,两岸出现了大交流、大合作、大发展的新局面。作为志愿服务的主力军,两岸大学生志愿服务动机和激励机制的比较,有利于促进两岸大学生志愿服务合作机制的建立。  相似文献   

探究大学生无偏见动机对社会支配倾向及同性恋态度的中介作用。采用大学生同性恋态度量表、社会支配倾向量表中文版及无偏见动机量表为测量工具,对方便取样的573名大学生进行问卷调查。研究表明:社会支配倾向、同性恋态度和无偏见动机之间存在显著负相关;无偏见动机在个体对群体支配倾向和同性恋态度之间起部分中介作用,在个体对群体平等的反对倾向和同性恋态度之间起完全中介作用。因此,我们可以通过调节个体对群体支配倾向、个体对群体平等的反对倾向以及无偏见动机来减少对同性恋的偏见。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,青年成长的自主意识增强后,志愿行动动机也有了新内涵,了解和把握志愿者的内在需求是培育社会志愿者精神的起点,基于行动动机的变化从项目建设、渠道建设和内涵建设几个方面入手,优化当前大学生志愿活动运作机制可以进一步提高志愿活动的质量和水平,实现社会育人的文化功能,优化社会风尚。  相似文献   

大学生志愿者志愿行为可持续性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,学者从志愿动机角度探究了影响志愿行为可持续性的因素,从物质和精神两方面构建了大学生志愿者的激励机制,但所取得的效果并不理想。运用经典扎根理论,针对大学生志愿者志愿动机、志愿行为以及志愿服务结束后的后续行为的访谈发现,志愿动机不一定产生志愿行为,志愿者的内心定额、志愿经历储备对于志愿行为的反向作用。  相似文献   

罗婧  王天夫 《社会学研究》2012,(5):94-118,243,244
本文针对中国志愿者中最为庞大的青年大学生群体,使用了访谈资料与问卷调查数据,详细分析了支教活动参与者志愿意愿的持续性以及支教项目持续性的影响因素。本文发现,中国青年大学生的志愿活动更多的是一种非精英的、大众型活动,来自不同家庭背景的参与者都积极参与其中;志愿活动参与者有着"利他"与"利己"的动机,并且其参与志愿活动的持续性受到所处社会网络的影响;另外,志愿者角色的自我认同与团体语境中的激励制度也可能促进其肩负使命,不断地提供志愿服务。而就志愿项目的持续性而言,资金支持、联络难易、投入需求等是重要影响因素。  相似文献   

大学生志愿者的志愿服务行动已经成为服务社会主义精神文明建设、助力青年成长成才、完善社会动员机制和推动事业发展的重要创举。对沪上18所高校665名大学生的问卷调查显示,大学生志愿服务的参与度较高,但每学期平均参与时长较低、持续性参与不够或中途流失的问题普遍存在。研究发现,认知程度、参与动机等内在因素对广泛参与度影响显著,而高校和政府支持、组织管理满意度、岗位分配满意度等外在因素对深入参与度影响显著。内在因素是影响大学生是否会成为志愿者的主要因素,外在因素是影响大学生持续参加志愿服务的主要因素,推动大学生持续性志愿服务行为要依靠完善外在管理和保障,从而有效防止志愿者中途大量流失,构建志愿服务长效机制。  相似文献   

张静宇  汪华 《当代青年研究》2014,(2):97-100,123
在当前利益多元化的现实背景下,大学生参与志愿服务有了更深层次的动机和多维的目标诉求,大学生对志愿活动拥有较高热情的同时参与的持久性却很低,其参与活动动机除受到志愿者个体的影响外,家庭和高校两大外在因素的影响尤为显著。因此,应完善志愿者激励机制,理性构建志愿者服务活动的内部和外部激励机制,以促进志愿者活动的规范化、制度化和长足发展。  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between transformational leadership and volunteer firefighter engagement. Using responses from 213 volunteer firefighters, structural equation modeling reveals a positive relationship between transformational leadership and volunteer engagement, which is mediated by both group identification and perceived social impact. In addition, higher volunteer engagement is positively related to a firefighter's intention to continue volunteering and to recruit others. Taken together, the results indicate that transformational leaders achieve positive volunteer outcomes by strengthening the organizational ties of volunteers and by connecting volunteers with the prosocial impact of their work. Theoretical implications for transformational leadership research in volunteer settings as well as practical recommendations for a sustainable volunteer management are provided.  相似文献   

Religious organizations are social systems operating in a complex and changing environment. By looking to an authority beyond themselves, religious organizations have comparatively little control over defining their own goals. In this juggling between sticking to the ultimate goal of an organization and adapting to complex changing environments, that is, in the juggling between tradition and renewal, transformational leadership seems to play an important role in religious organizations. The extensive body of literature on transformational leadership has focused more on the outcomes of transformational leadership than on its antecedents. We extend the existing literature by linking managers' motivation to their transformational leadership behaviors in a religious organization. More specifically, we examined the associations of intrinsic and prosocial motivation with transformational leadership, and we investigated the relationship between transformational leadership and innovation among 252 managers in the largest nonprofit organization in Norway, the Church of Norway. Analyses in structural equation modeling revealed a positive relationship between intrinsic motivation and transformational leadership, whereas the relationship between prosocial motivation and transformational leadership was not significant. Transformational leadership was positively associated with innovation. Based on the results of the study, we discuss practical implications regarding how to support intrinsic motivation, transformational leadership, and innovation in religious organizations.  相似文献   

大学生志愿精神的培育与弘扬   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生志愿者通过志愿服务向世人展现了“奉献、友爱、互助、进步”的志愿精神和当代青年积极向上的精神面貌。现时代,高校如何在大学生中培育、弘扬、传承志愿精神是要关注的课题。对高校志愿服务工作的调研.有助于了解当前高校志愿精神培育和弘扬情况。培育大学生的志愿精神,就要重视发挥志愿服务和志愿精神在高校德育工作中的作用,建立良好的志愿服务组织和管理机制,创新培养和弘扬志愿精神的载体和形式,提升志愿服务组织者的专业水平,完善志愿服务的保障机制。  相似文献   

汪伟 《科学发展》2014,(6):89-93
为促进高校毕业生就业,上海需继续推进职业教育发展,完善就业技能培训体系,促使就业培训市场化,全面提升高校毕业生的就业能力。支持中小企业发展,教育学生改变轻视中小企业的成见,促使其改变就业观念;解决中小企业融资难的问题,通过优惠政策鼓励其吸纳高校毕业生。发挥高校就业指导中心提供就业服务的主渠道功能,推动高校就业指导服务机构建设;增加对非重点院校就业促进工作的资金支持;注重专业设置与产业发展之间有效衔接的长期规划。激励高校学生通过实习增加实践经验,增加社会实践学分的比重,严格执行学分认定标准;开设实践知识讲堂,为学生储备实习知识。  相似文献   

Research suggests that the perceived hookup attitudes of close referents are generally a poor predictor of hookup behavior and likely a poor direct predictor of negative hookup consequences. The current study aimed to examine three intervening variables as mediators of the relationship between the perceived hookup attitudes of college students’ close friends and negative hookup consequences (e.g., regret, embarrassment). Self-report data were collected from 589 heavy-drinking college students from three midsized universities. The results indicated that students’ own attitudes toward hooking up, motivation to hook up, and self-reported number of hookup partners significantly mediated the relationship between the perceived hookup attitudes of close friends and negative hookup consequences. The perceived hookup attitudes of close friends were positively associated with participants’ attitudes toward hooking up. Participants’ attitudes toward hooking up were positively associated with social-sexual motivation to hook up. Elevated social-sexual motivation to hook up was positively associated with hooking up with multiple partners, with hooking up with multiple partners positively associated with negative hookup consequences. A better understanding of the predictors and mediators of negative hookup consequences has the potential to inform prevention and intervention efforts.  相似文献   

Recently, Thrasher et al. (College Student Affairs Journal 27(1): 57–75, 2007) explored the efficacy of the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA; Ajzen and Fishbein, Attitudes, personality, and behavior, 1980) in explaining gambling behavior of college students. However, their study found the TRA only predicted small amounts of variance in gambling intentions. Heeding their call to enhance the efficacy of the TRA through the addition of explanatory variables to the model, the present study incorporated gambling motivations and locus of control as moderating variables within the TRA to test the potential of a modified TRA in explaining gambling behavior of college students. A total of 345 students at a major metropolitan research university in the Midwest volunteered to participate in the study. A series of hierarchical linear regressions indicated intrinsic motivation to accomplish (p = .002) significantly moderated the relationship between gambling attitudes and gambling intentions. Further, internal locus of control (p < .001), chance locus of control (p < .001), and powerful others locus of control (p < .001) also significantly moderated the relationship between gambling attitudes and gambling intentions. The significant impact of the moderating variables on the relationship between gambling attitudes and intentions suggests intrinsic motivation and locus of control can alter the impact of the relationship between gambling attitudes and gambling intentions.  相似文献   

The disruptions to community functioning caused by the COVID-19 pandemic spurred individuals to action. This empirical study investigated the social, emotional, and behavioral (SEB) skill antecedents to college students' volunteering during the COVID-19 pandemic (N = 248, Mage = 20.6). We assessed eight SEB skills at the onset of a volunteering program, and students' volunteer hours were assessed 10-weeks later. Approximately 41.5% of the sample did not complete any volunteer hours. Higher levels of perspective taking skill, abstract thinking skill, and stress regulation were associated with more time spent volunteering. These results suggest that strength in particular SEB skills can prospectively predict prosocial civic behaviors.  相似文献   

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