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暴力侵害儿童事件会给受害儿童的身体与精神健康带来极大的伤害,建立国家儿童保护制度是保护儿童远离暴力,减轻暴力伤害恶性后果的最有效手段。儿童保护制度是儿童福利制度的一部分。中国的儿童保护制度在1989年之前经历了无意识的制度演进阶段,自1990年我国签署了《儿童权利公约》之后,儿童保护制度进入了萌芽阶段,此后经过近20年的发展,中国儿童保护制度在2010年迎来了"儿童福利元年",我国儿童保护制度开始进入了专业化发展阶段。研究儿童保护制度的历史发展进程有助于总结过去的儿童保护经验,发现儿童保护制度存在的问题并可据此来预判儿童保护制度发展的方向。  相似文献   

儿童的家庭保护是儿童保护系统工程的关键环节。美国儿童的家庭保护工作在经历了从“不干涉家庭生活”到“居主导地位和负起责任”。从“解救”到“预防与永久计划”的历程之后,逐渐确立了细化和可操作化的法律体系.开展了广覆盖、多层次的预防与监测工作,提供了全面多样的服务项目。在儿童的家庭保护工作方面为各国提供了可借鉴的经验。这些对于我国的儿童家庭保护工作也具有重要的启示,尤其是在立法、机构建设和专业化发展等方面。  相似文献   

美国以国家亲权为法律基础,出台了预防和应对儿童虐待的相关法律,在联邦、州和地方政府成立了儿童保护职能部门,制定了服务于儿童与家庭的工作流程。当前我国的儿童保护工作存在着强制举报制度缺乏、监护权法律不健全、儿童长期安置渠道不畅的困境,借鉴美国经验,我国应通过健全法律法规、建立专门政府机构、建设社区儿童服务中心等措施来完善儿童保护体系。  相似文献   

推进公权力对家庭育儿过程的干预,积极预防和有效应对家庭内的儿童虐待问题,是儿童保护制度的重要价值追求,也是现代国家的共同努力。中国在政治上高度重视儿童保护,并在法律层面为儿童保护制度的实践提供了基本框架,但儿童保护的相关法律规定不够健全、具体、可操作,儿童保护制度缺乏相应的社会政策与服务基础,缺乏有力的组织机构保障。我国儿童保护制度的发展,要在不断健全法制、强化组织机构的同时,致力于建立健全面向儿童及其家庭的监护监督制度、监护支持制度、监护替代制度等国家监护制度,发展并完善一系列儿童保护服务,全面落实国家之于儿童的监护责任。  相似文献   

《离家出走和无家可归青少年法案》是美国在流浪儿童救助领域最为重要的法律之一。它的出台标志着美国联邦政府在制度与经费上全面介入了流浪儿童救助领域。也体现出美国社会对于流浪儿童的观念从“麻烦制造者”向“社会问题受害者”的转变。该法案包括三项主要救助计划,在美国流浪儿童的生活、教育、健康、就业等方面发挥了积极作用,但也存在导致部分流浪儿童更为边缘化的风险。  相似文献   

“儿童之家”建设作为新时代中国儿童福利制度的一项创新实践,发展已有十余年历史。评估数据显示,儿童之家建设的数量和效果与政策目标存有较大差距。本文从制度分析视角出发,以“制度环境”与“执行结构”为关键解释变量,考察了相关政策的执行过程,揭示了儿童之家建设执行差距的主要原因:制度环境方面的问题主要体现为行政性政策的模糊性和执行性政策的缺位;执行结构方面的问题主要包括执行主体单一化、执行方式线性化、执行人员缺乏意义共识,以及执行资源脱嵌于儿童福利制度环境等。针对这些结构性问题,本文从转变福利理念、完善福利政策体系、优化政策执行结构等方面提出了推动儿童之家建设与儿童福利制度整体发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

本文从机构设置、法律法规、核心内容三个方面对美国历史建筑保护体系进行了分析,同时较为详细地介绍了该体系的核心组成部分--美国国家文物登录制度,最后总结了其为我国历史建筑保护体系建设所提供的可借鉴之处.  相似文献   

近年来,我国虐童事件层出不穷,但由于我国儿童虐待防治法律制度存在立法体系不完善、配套制度不健全等问题,无法对虐童行为进行有效防治。国外发达国家和地区在儿童虐待防治方面有很多先进经验可供借鉴,如完善的法律体系、对儿童虐待的明确界定、强制报告制度、调查和处理制度等。结合我国现实情况,可以对我国相关法律制度进行完善,从而有效防治儿童虐待,包括完善相关立法,建立强制报告制度,完善儿童收养与寄养制度,设立受虐儿童调查和处理制度,建立受虐儿童国家监护制度等。  相似文献   

近些年来,有关儿童权利受侵害的案件日益增多,严重侵犯了儿童的权利,对我国儿童的身体和心理健康发展造成了巨大的危害。本文以分析我国儿童权利保护立法现状,概括总结了我国立法模式中存在的问题,并对我国儿童权利保护的立法发展方向提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   

儿童是国家民族的未来和希望,任何时期都应重视儿童的保育工作。在抗日战争时期,晋察冀边区人民积极参加抗战工作,无暇抚育儿童,日军的扫荡又严重威胁了儿童的生命安全。因此,晋察冀边区党政军民各界领袖,决定在边区开展儿童保育工作,以保存国家民族发展的"后备军",也可使已有孩子的抗战人员全身心投入抗日工作。这一工作的开展,对于保护和培养我们民族的后一代具有重大的历史意义。  相似文献   

当前,中国流浪儿童救助保护的理论与实践都取得了显著进展。然而,在这一领域中,国家——社会关系、体制内的机构救助者和民间主体如何分工、两者关系如何调适等方面尚未形成学界共识。因此,对中国流浪儿童救助保护体系的构建原则进行讨论很有必要。构建流浪儿童救助保护体系应包括五个原则,即政府依然要扮演主要角色、社会力量的有效参与不可或缺、专业社会工作与本土社会工作相结合、档案管理与因人施“救”、对流浪儿童实施主动性救助保护等方面。  相似文献   

目前,政府通过发展社会保障以增进社会和谐的政策方向基本确立,倡导残疾儿童社会保障制度的适度公正机制是基于经济发展和现代社会平等两者之间的权衡。目的是使社会成员都能够普遍以适度标准不断享受经济社会发展的成果,从而有效地实现社会整合。我国已经初步具备实现残疾儿童社会保障制度的适度公正目标的条件,基于此目标,残疾儿童的社会保障制度仍存在以下制约瓶颈:相关社会保障制度建设法规滞后;政府保障主体地位缺失,财政经费投入不足;残疾儿童参与社会保障层次低、覆盖面窄;保障政策执行部门行政多头管理。因此,残疾儿童社会保障制度的制度设计需要着重于:保持经济发展水平下残疾儿童保障支付享受标准;倡导公正和能动的残疾儿童权利保障价值取向:界定政府责任边界和立法,广泛动员社会力量;整合政府部门残疾儿童社会保障资源。  相似文献   

In the last two decades, the child welfare system has undergone a series of dramatic changes. We have moved from a broad concern for the social welfare of children and families to a restricted focus on detecting, investigating and assessing instances of child physical and sexual abuse and neglect. Spiraling reports of suspected or actual abuse and neglect, higher caseloads, reduced resources and lack of support for both families and workers, have all contributed to narrowing the focus of contemporary child welfare to one more aptly characterized as child protection. Child protection discourse is concerned with the nature and extent of state intervention into family life for the purpose of protecting children at risk of harm. While much attention has been given to boundaries and procedures for state intervention, it is less common to critically examine the actual activities involved in protection of children. An exception to this is the feminist scholarship on the topic, illustrating that protection is very much a gendered activity entailing the scrutiny of women's mothering practices and often associated with mother-blame. In this paper, another dimension to protection activity is explicated, namely that which occurs in a community setting. Drawing on a qualitative case study of a community agency that serves young mothers, we document its implications in 'child protection' processes and its markedly different approach to protection from formal child welfare agencies. Given the community agency's emphasis on supportive services to mothers, we turn a critical eye on usual conceptions of protection, where it occurs, and how it is accomplished.  相似文献   

This article explores some of the problems connected with building a system of foster care and family placement in Bulgaria. Based on an analysis of the situation of children at risk, especially that of institutionalized children, some directions are presented here, which could help and support the transition to a system of foster care. The short Bulgarian experience in this sphere, which took place first in the early 1940s, and subsequently after the democratic reforms in 1989, has been the starting point of this analysis, and is proof of the responsibility Bulgaria has taken for establishing a sound working system for children's protection.  相似文献   


Scholarship on the ‘manufacturing of citizenship’ has focused primarily on European and American nationalism. Scholars have noted the scarcity of research on identity construction among children in the Diaspora. This study explores the role of the altruistic principle and the Middle Way approach (a political strategy for the resolution of Sino-Tibetan issues) on the construction of nationalism amongst Tibetan children in Diaspora. The 2004 Basic Education Policy for Tibetans stresses the principle of ‘altruism’ in the identity construction of Tibetan children. Inclusive nationalism is germane in the schooling process. The study presents an interview analysis of four Tibetan Education Ministers about the intersection of altruistic principle, the Middle Way approach, and Tibetan nationalism. Additionally, 34 school children (14 boys and 20 girls) from the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades participated in a drawing activity. The analysis of children’s ‘cultural artifacts of nationalism’ is also included. The study found that neither the Tibetan children nor the Ministers expressed any feeling of hatred or animosity towards Chinese nationals. The willingness and desire to co-exist in harmony with their counterparts were evident. The principle of altruism is deeply entrenched in the Middle Way approach and Tibetan nationalism.  相似文献   

Child welfare concerns have drifted to an inappropriate focus on crisis intervention and a punitive approach to child protection intervention at the expense of community-based preventive child welfare programs. Recent attempts to divert cases from the child protection system through differentiated response mechanisms have been criticised for failing to provide access to relevant services or preventing vulnerable families from re-entering the child protection process. A tension inherent in providing both child protection and family support within the one agency is also identified as a barrier to effective service delivery. This paper discusses the value of the UK Children in Need approach as a model for enhancing support to children and families outside the statutory child protection system. Information from an evaluation of a trial implementation of the UK Children in Need approach in Victoria is used to discuss the implications for policy and practice of placing responsibility for coordinating a response based on the needs of children and their families within family support services.  相似文献   

在困境儿童伤害事故频发之际,上海社会科学院青少年研究所等机构联合召开国内首次以困境儿童命名的"上海困境儿童保护"研讨会,深入探讨上海困境儿童现状、既有政府保障措施和当前儿童保护法存在的弊端,展望困境儿童保护的未来愿景,包括履行国家责任、制定儿童福利法和成立儿童局等,力图寻求上海在困境儿童保护中可能的突破口,如以地方性政策和项目推进立法、完善家庭政策,建立社区家庭服务中心以及推进社会管理,发挥社会组织功能等。  相似文献   


The present paper provides a framework for working with children and families where there are domestic violence and child protection concerns. A model of practice developed by the St George Domestic Violence Counselling Service and the St George Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service in the South East Sydney and Illawarra Health Service (NSW, Australia) is outlined. The present paper includes a discussion on a recently developed service agreement between the two services and a case study focusing on a ‘system of safety’ when working with children. The present paper focuses on the effects of domestic violence on women and children by male perpetrators. We do not ignore that men may be victims of domestic violence; however, the authors recognise the gendered nature of domestic violence and the significant number of women and children who experience and live with domestic violence.  相似文献   

李贵森 《现代妇女》2014,(8):207-208
幼儿处在迅速生长发育时期,体育对幼儿的全面发展,身体成长有着重要的作用。本文应用文献资料法、观察分析法对5-6岁大班幼儿身体发展特点进行分析,并针对其身体特点安排创新性体育游戏小动物搬家和少林小子。通过对游戏案例观察与反思和游戏效果进行分析给出相应建议。以期通过幼儿体育活动创新提高幼儿体育活动效率。  相似文献   


Good quality assessment has a significant role to play in contributing to better outcomes for children in need of protection, so it is important to understand what supports best practice. This paper focuses on the role of professional judgement in assessment, and compares two very different national approaches. In England, governmental responses to perceived failings in the child protection system have led to a highly proceduralised and bureaucratised system and a corresponding down playing of the role of professional judgement. In Norway, professional discretion and judgement have been seen as key to the assessment process, and governmental response to criticism of child protection practice has been to support their use through provision of increased resources. However, too much emphasis on professional judgement and too little procedure may be as problematic as the reverse [Report of Auditor General of Norway. (2012). Document 3:15. Norway: Fagbokforlaget]. So this paper explores the different ways in which professional judgement is understood and addressed in each system and asks what we can learn from them in terms of best assessment practice. Acknowledging child protection as a ‘wicked problem’, we propose a model of Grounded Professional Judgement based on notions of epistemic responsibility and accountability to support the exercise of professional judgement in situations of uncertainty.  相似文献   

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