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营销战略是企业的主要战略之一。因为市场是企业生存发展的前提和基础,"得市场者得天下",市场份额可以说是企业的命根子。提到市场营销,很多人会理解为卖产品,其实那只是促销。营销理论告诉我们,市场营销分为营销战略和营销战术两大部分,包括十个基本要素:市场研究、市场细分、目标市场选择、细分目标市场、市场定位、产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、沟  相似文献   

消费者民族中心主义的中国本土化研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
消费者民族中心主义是国际营销与消费者行为学的重要研究构念,在欧美、日本、韩国等地区得到检验和推广,但缺少对中国市场的全面检验和本土化创新。本文在文献回顾的基础上,重点建构了消费者民族中心主义与国产产品消费行为间的内在关系,设计出理论模型和关系假设,并抽取京、沪、穗、渝四地消费者样本,运用可靠性分析、相关分析、回归分析等方法进行实证研究。研究证实,消费者民族中心主义及其量表CETSCALE在中国具有满意的信度和内在关系,测量CETSCALE值发现,与消费者民族中心主义相关的三个VALS因素、三个人口统计因素,界定三个调节消费者民族中心主义与国产产品消费行为关系的认知因素。本文还系统分析了上述研究发现在本土企业、跨国公司和政府部门中的战略内涵。  相似文献   

营销战略是企业全部营销工作的基石。市场营销要制定企业的市场定位战略,发掘市场潜在需求,确立消费者品牌归属感,明确市场细分目标。能否满足消费者需求,直接关系到企业的市场份额和盈利,从而影响企业的生存与发展。消费者心理及行为与企业的市场营销有着极为密切的内在联系。建构营销理念体系,整合营销资源,实现市场优势最大增值,转换营销模式,建立立体化营销体系,是企业市场营销战略创新的必由路径。  相似文献   

市场营销模式创新在乡村振兴中扮演着关键角色。这种创新涉及营销理念、策略、方法和手段的全面更新,旨在更有效地满足消费者需求、提升市场竞争力,并实现可持续发展。另外,创新的核心在于创造性地解决市场问题,通过非传统方式吸引和维持客户,同时提高企业的市场适应性和竞争力。在乡村振兴战略中,市场营销模式创新通过推广乡村产品、扩大市场影响力、提高农产品附加值等方式发挥作用。文章提出的数字营销、绿色生态营销、跨界合作和多元化营销等策略可以用于解决传统乡村振兴模式中的营销渠道缺乏、环境保护挑战和产业结构单一等问题。这些策略不仅提高了乡村产品的市场竞争力,也为乡村经济的可持续发展提供了新的动力。加强与城市市场的联系,通过建立城乡互动平台和开展合作项目,进一步促进乡村产品进入城市市场,实现城乡共赢发展。  相似文献   

消费者购物行为分析是市场营销成功的基础,通过了解消费者是如何引起需求、寻找信息、评价行为、决定购买和购后行为的全过程,对于产品的定位、营销战略的制定都很重要。通过分析了解各类消费者的个性倾向、购买行为,可以针对不同的消费群体,采用不同的消费策略,制定不同的产品的组合和价格组合,更为合理的设计市场营销计划,制定出最符合市场的营销策略。  相似文献   

<正> 营销组合战略是一种以营销为中心规划、组织整个企业运行,调动一切战略手段以保证企业在竞争中取胜的战略。按战略内容的不同,营销组合战略可划分为: 市场细分及定位战略。对企业来说,市场是有形的、具体的、可以细分的。例如:按地域划分的本地市场和外地市场、国内市场和国际市场、城市市场和农村市场;按消费者年龄划分的少年儿童市场、青年市场和中老年市  相似文献   

随着我国经济建设的快速发展,烟草行业的发展也是十分迅速,各种高档卷烟更是品种繁多,尽管消费人均在不断加大,但是,卷烟市场的竞争也是异常激烈,各大企业各显神通,纷纷探索适合企业发展的营销渠道。营销渠道在卷烟的销售过程中,属于核心环节,其营销渠道建设质量直接关系到烟草产品发展的顺畅程度。本文针对当前国内卷烟营销渠道的建设问题进行分析,并提出相应的参考性建议,希望能够为有关的营销人员提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

<正> 面对国内市场国际化,全球市场一体化的竞争压力和挑战,我们的企业营销什么最重要?精明的企业家认为,贵在向消费者创新“营销理念”。研究知名企业和企业家“营销理念”的创新与实践,主要集中在关系营销、文化理念营销、营销买忠诚等五大理念变革方面,这对于我们企业入世营销对策创新是颇有启迪的。“关系营销”比产品营销更重要 一位企业家认为,企业应注重“关系营销”,这比营销产品更为重要。时下,企业的命运决  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,美国学者麦卡锡教授提出的4P理论一直作为市场营销理论的核心与基础,其核心是“请消费者注意”;90年代,美国西北大学教授舒尔茨等人提出了整合营销的新观念和4C理论,认为营销应该是“请注意消费者”。企业营销到底是“请消费者注意”,还是“请注意消费者”?笔者通过对4P理论与4C理论的比较分析,谈谈自己的看法。一、是“请消费者注意”,还是“请注意消费者”“”4P营销理论的座右铭。4P是指企业对可控制的产品、价格、渠道和促销四大因素进行综合运用与优化组合。4P组合是企业制定和实施总体经营战略…  相似文献   

消费者市场与现代信息技术的结合,为新的营销方式——个性化营销,带来了实现"私人定制"的可能。文章从产品个性化、服务个性化、营销模式个性化三个方面论述了如何在我国机械设备制造业中实现个性化营销这一问题。  相似文献   

Christoph Weiss 《LABOUR》1998,12(3):451-471
Recent research in macroeconomics emphasises the importance of imperfect competition in the product market for labour market outcomes. We investigate one aspect of this issue by specifying a dynamic labour demand model where firms face different degrees of competition in the product market and test its predictions for 299 US manufacturing industries. We find that the long-run equilibrium level of industry employment as well as the speed of labour demand adjustment decreases with market power. Our results imply that imperfect competition in the product market explains part of the observed labour market rigidities and also sheds new light on two “stylized facts” in industrial organisation, the observation of procyclical movements in productivity and price–cost margins in concentrated industries.  相似文献   

科学技术迅猛发展促使厂商频繁推出创新型产品以抢占市场份额,产品定价和换代策略成为厂商经营成败的重要因素。本文在产品技术创新视角下构建双寡头厂商三阶段产品最优定价与换代决策模型,结合效用函数和博弈分析方法从同质产品市场拓展为异质产品市场,求解出单品换代策略及共生换代策略下新品上市时点和旧产品退出市场时点的显示解,并通过仿真模拟探讨产品技术创新水平、消费者创新感知度对最优产品定价和换代策略的影响。研究表明产品技术创新水平和消费者创新感知度对厂商产品定价和换代策略有重要影响。同质产品市场下,市场潜在需求越大,产品初始定价越高。厂商面临内外部产品竞争时,市场潜在需求较小且两代产品处于共生状态下,为减弱内部竞争新旧产品最优定价差距不大;当市场潜在需求较大,厂商新品定价由技术创新水平决定,消费者技术创新感知值越高,新品定价越高,反之越低。当厂商技术创新水平处于劣势时,两厂商技术创新水平差距越大,劣势厂商越应提早退出市场。  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2021,54(5):101994
Firms can benefit immensely from participating in digital platform ecosystems—specifically, from the shared technological assets and market opportunities offered by the platform owner. Yet, while aligning with the platform ecosystem rules, each member must decide whether to specialize in a given platform ecosystem or across multiple platform ecosystems to capture these benefits. We examine two common patterns through which platform ecosystem members (i.e., complementors) specialize within and across platform ecosystems, and the relative impact on their market performance. We look at the high relative standing of the complementary product as a reflection of complementors' specialization in the given product category or platform ecosystem. We then theorize that having products with high relative standing in a single product category and a single platform ecosystem, together, diminishes complementors’ market performance over time. Similarly, high relative standing in multiple platform ecosystems and multiple product categories, at the same time, adversely impacts the market performance. We find supportive evidence for our hypotheses, in a panel dataset of mobile app developers. This paper contributes to the burgeoning stream of research that investigates the trade-offs faced by complementors, suggesting that complementor strategies are more complex than simply trying to maximize market reach.  相似文献   

Discretionary commonality is a form of operational flexibility used in multi‐product manufacturing environments. Consider a case where a firm produces and sells two products. Without discretionary commonality, each product is made through a unique combination of input and production capacity. With discretionary commonality, one of the inputs could be used for producing both products, and one of the production capacities could be used to process different inputs for producing one of the products. In the latter case, the manager can decide, upon the realization of uncertainty, not only the quantities for different products (outputs) but also the means of transforming inputs into outputs. The objective of this study is to understand how the firm's value, its inventory levels for inputs and capacity levels for resources are affected by the demand characteristics and market conditions. In pursuing this research, we extend Van Mieghem and Rudi ( 2002 )'s newsvendor network model to allow for the modeling of product interdependence, demand functions, random shocks, and firm's ex post pricing decision. Applying the general framework to the network with discretionary commonality, we discover that inventory and capacity management can be quite different compared to a network where commonality is non‐discretionary. Among other results, we find that as the degree of product substitution increases, the relative need for discretionary commonality increases; as the market correlation increases, while the firm's value may increase for complementary products, the discretionary common input decreases but the dedicated input increases. Numerical study shows that discretionary flexibility and responsive pricing are strategic substitutes.  相似文献   

Existing research on the market evolution model focused on new product sales growth for a single product category. Accordingly, this approach did not imply any interactions among separate but related product categories that could affect each other's market growth. However, the importance of analyzing these inter-category relationships is emphasized because such an analysis helps managers to better understand the underlying market dynamics and develop more profitable product-line strategies for a multi-product market.  相似文献   

企业通过对拥有旧产品的老消费者提供以旧换新补贴能够提升自身销量与利润。然而,面临竞争对手时企业的以旧换新决策是否会受到影响?本文求解了先后进入市场的双寡头竞争企业所面临的以旧换新与定价博弈均衡,并分析了竞争存在与否对于企业以旧换新策略产生的影响。研究结果表明,第一,面对竞争时企业的定价决策受到市场中老消费者比例、两家竞争企业各自新产品的创新提升水平、老产品的使用残值这四个因素的共同影响。第二,当老产品残值相对较低而市场中老消费者数量适中时,两企业均不提供以旧换新可能成为博弈均衡,而其他条件下,两企业均提供以旧换新为博弈均衡。第三,先进入的企业没有动机单独为消费者提供以旧换新补贴。第四,竞争对手的存在对于先进入企业自身的以旧换新决策与相应的定价策略都产生了显著的影响。  相似文献   

This research explores the antecedents and consequences of market information processing during the development process of new high-tech products. To this end, we develop and test a conceptual model for market information processing in three generic stages of the new product development (NPD) process (predevelopment, development and commercialization). In addition, we explore the relationships between market information processing, its antecedents, and product advantage and success. We test our model with responses from 166 NPD-managers in Dutch high-tech firms. The findings show that the market information processing variables are related differentially to new product outcomes, even when controlling for product advantage and product newness to the market. In addition, we found that companies can enhance market information processing for new high-tech products by influencing project priority and flexibility to new products, and by reducing interdepartmental conflict.  相似文献   

本研究基于我国227家制造型企业的问卷调查数据,实证考察了市场导向和创新导向对新产品开发绩效的影响,以及创新导向和环境变动在市场导向和新产品绩效关系中的调节作用。结果显示:(1)本研究的概念模型整体拟合度优于西方常用模型;(2)市场导向和创新导向对制造型企业新产品开发绩效的影响显著为正,且均高于以前文献研究的一般水平;(3)创新导向和技术变化对于市场导向和新产品绩效的关系起到正向调节作用;(4)市场变化和竞争强度的调节作用不显著。研究结果对于制造型企业改善产品创新绩效具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

顾客依赖及其对顾客参与新产品开发的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了降低新产品开发的风险,企业越来越强调让顾客参与到新产品开发的过程中.以B2B市场为背景,基于企业的视角,以制度经济学中的依赖理论为基础,探讨组织市场中顾客参与新产品开发的动因,通过问卷调查法初步研究顾客依赖的影响因素及其对顾客参与新产品开发的影响.研究结果表明,在B2B市场中,环境的不确定性和交易专项投资对顾客依赖产生正向的影响,顾客依赖对顾客参与新产品开发具有正向影响,信任对顾客依赖与顾客参与新产品开发的关系有正向调节作用.最后,提出相关的营销建议.  相似文献   


Manufacturing firms with multiple product groups do not need to involve all factories in the production of all product groups. Some factories may specialize on a small set of products, while others participate in the manufacturing of a broader set of products. However, current theories on international manufacturing networks do not explain in detail how organizations design international manufacturing networks for different products or product groups involving different sets of factories. This research investigates 20 product group networks at five global manufacturing firms. We distinguish between three types of factories: component manufacturing factories, assembly factories, and integrated factories (having both component manufacturing and assembly). Furthermore, we identify four network types: linear, divergent, convergent, and mixed structures. These four types exhibit distinctly different characteristics in terms of key characteristics, factory roles, product types, process types, market types, sourcing, and key managerial challenges. Most networks are relatively small – on an average consisting of four factories and some contain a number of subnetworks that are self-sufficient in terms of material flow and serve separate market regions. We identify two new types of factory roles related to component manufacturing competences, which we call ‘strategic feeder’ and ‘full lead’.  相似文献   

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