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人称指示语的非常规用法及其语用分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王天华 《学术交流》2006,(5):138-140
人称指示语的非常规使用是和它的常规命题用法相对而言的,主要指由于不遵守人称指示语的数量和性质准则,或指示中心(deictic center)发生转换而造成语法人称和话语语境中的参与者之间的不对应。人称代词“我(们)”、“你”的非指示使用,显示这种人称转换的语义-语用特点,即成为一种加强受话者参与的修辞手段,表现出亲密友爱的语用移情效果,从而更好地达到说话者预期的语用蕴涵效果。  相似文献   

Democratic deliberative theory has long emphasized the importance of citizen deliberation as a form of political participation and a centrally important component of any vital democracy. Public deliberation and discourse among citizens has been less frequently investigated as a form of political participation than more standard indicators such as voting or volunteering for political organizations. This research examines the extent to which internalized beliefs about deliberation are associated with deliberation outcome measures among a national sample of high school students participating in a year-long deliberation forum, Project 540. Using a multilevel analysis, the research specifically tested the extent to which scales of personal and normative deliberation beliefs, independently and moderated by Project 540 participation, predict key deliberative outcomes (e.g., civic skills, intention to participate in civic affairs). We find that predeliberation endorsement of both personal and normative beliefs predicts increases in certain positive deliberative outcomes, and that these effects are not moderated by participation in Project 540. The implications of these findings for deliberative democracy theory and for developing effective citizen deliberation forums are discussed .  相似文献   

推行"绿色GDP"是我国实现可持续发展的必然选择   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
绿色GDP是由科学发展观所催生的核算体系,它的建立将对我国国民财富的积累产生重大影响,使政府对国民经济运行过程的测度更重视经济流量与经济存量的有机结合。推行"绿色GDP"制度对实现经济增长、社会进步和环境保护的"三赢"目标具有广泛而深远的意义。然而,鉴于目前推行绿色GDP既存在观念上的障碍,亦存在技术上的困难,应确立以"绿色GDP"为基础的官员政绩考核体系,建立可持续发展观统领下的绿色GDP核算与数据发布制度,搭建"以人为本"思想指导下的公众参与评价平台。  相似文献   

北京话的“您”与京味儿文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉语普通话第二人称代词尊称"您"的用法源于北京话。"您"在北京话中是一个具有明示权势关系、凸显京味儿文化双重意义的尊称代词,在交际中不仅普遍使用,而且显示出鲜明的地域文化特色。本文依据《当代北京口语语料》,在对北京话"您"的用法的描写与分析基础上,进一步探讨京味儿文化对北京话"您"的使用所产生的影响。  相似文献   

季程远  王衡  顾昕 《社会》2016,36(5):64-87
中国的市场化转型带来了政治价值观的变化,进而重塑着个体的政治参与行为,其中包括网络抗争行为。由于种种限制,互联网并不必然带来网络抗争,个人的政治价值观是重要的影响因素。基于全国性的概率抽样调查数据,本文首先构造了个人的政治价值观倾向得分,然后用广义倾向值匹配估算了政治价值观对批评政府官员或政策和讨论集体行动这两种网络抗争行为的响应函数和干预效应。结果显示,越趋向自由民主价值观,个人拥有这两种网络抗争经历的概率越高,且呈现强化趋势。但是,这种作用具有阈值效应,即自由民主价值观达到较高水平后,更高的自由民主价值观带来的网络抗争行为的发生概率反而更低。因此,除了来自政府和体制的外在限制,网络抗争还存在着内生于行动者本身的限制。本文通过实证研究证实了政治价值观对网络抗争行为产生的内在限制。  相似文献   

The concept of social exclusion has become a central organizing concept in social policy research. Indeed "social exclusion" has displaced many of the terms formerly in use, such as "inequality", "deprivation" and "poverty". Social exclusion is a multidimensional concept embracing economic, social and political deprivations, that alerts us to the significance of social identity, culture, agency and, ultimately, power relations. In contrast to some earlier research traditions, the perspective of social exclusion draws our attention to how people can be "shut out of society" by their inability to participate in customary leisure activities. The ability to participate in leisure is the product of both access to leisure goods and services, and a sufficient quantity of leisure time. An analysis of Australian Household Expenditure Survey data shows that the consumption of leisure goods and services is powerfully determined by income. Consequently, low income can lead to exclusion from leisure participation. However, analysis of Time Use Survey data also shows that access to time for leisure participation is most powerfully determined by hours of employment, family responsibilities and gender. After controlling for working hours, household income has no significant effect on available leisure time. A leisure-time poverty line, based on half-median leisure time, is used to show which groups are most excluded from leisure by time constraints. The paper concludes by considering a range of policies to alleviate social exclusion from leisure participation.  相似文献   

自从"本体论"被尊奉为"第一哲学","本体思维"就被视做哲学的当然运思路径。然而,本体思维是一种"梦想型"的思维,它着眼于物之"是其所是"的知性追问,必然错过人之"是其所应是"的生存领悟。本体思维的终结意味着哲学思维路向的转折。哲学思维路向的当代性尝试之一,是确认"伦理学"先于"本体论"而成为"第一哲学",以"打破存在的自鸣得意"。"伦理思维"作为一种"关系思维",更多地将平等的、自由的、民主的、包容的、对话的、参与的理念或精神带到哲学运思中来。哲学终结之后如果还有"第一哲学"的话,那就是"伦理学"。  相似文献   

The Common Assessment Framework provides a model of early intervention, which is familiar in local authorities throughout England, and asserts a participatory framework of child and family engagement. This paper is based on a qualitative study of parents and children who were subject to a multi‐agency process of early intervention in children's social care in a local authority in the Midlands of England. I advance the concept of assemblage to consider the basis of an active service user participation as rather more a struggle to achieve than something that has been granted by practitioner agencies. Interview extracts are used to show the enrolment and assembly of participation as a process of service users developing their active human agency in a multi‐agency setting. The article explores the assembling of skills in administration and management of meetings and plans, accessing knowledge and expertise through service user networks, and challenging professional expertise and institutional space while developing personal qualities of confidence and voice as a means of marshalling an effective participation in a multi‐agency setting.  相似文献   

Although a "minority-group" model has emerged to challenge the traditional dominance of the "functional-limitations" paradigm for the study of disability, research on attitudes toward disabled people has not produced a theoretical orientation that reflects these developments. This paper proposes a new conceptual framework, based on the fundamental values of personal appearance and individual autonomy, for assessing the "aesthetic" and "existential" anxiety aroused by persons with disabilities. Investigations using this perspective might contribute to determining the attitudinal foundations of the competing models that are dividing research on disability.  相似文献   

Economic growth, more than demography, will determine the nature of future retirement. With growth has come a steady increase in retirement years. Now, however, there is increasing interest in "rolling back" these gains. Alternatively, some scholars propose a different framework for evaluating "work" late in life — one that includes altruism, citizenship, stewardship, creativity, and the search for faith. Attitudes toward retirement in the future are likely to move sharply away from the simplistic view of all work before retirement and no work after. Some of the resulting changes we can expect to see are more part-time work, expanded "citizen participation," and an older workforce with more training and retraining.  相似文献   

黄荣贵  桂勇 《社会》2011,31(6):1-21
“社会资本的后果”是社会资本研究的一个重要议题。现有研究倾向于认为,中国城市社区中的集体性社会资本对社区参与具有积极的影响。本文认为,由于社会资本与社区参与都具有多个维度,两者的关系不能一概而论。基于2006-2007年在上海收集的调查数据,本研究使用多层次logistic回归模型考察了集体性社会资本对三种类型的社区参与(抗议型、体制化与公共型参与)的影响。统计结果证实了社会资本与社区参与之间复杂的联系。此外,对多层次模型的方差成份分析发现,社区社会资本可以解释60%或更多的社区间的差异。这说明,社区参与的影响因素不仅取决于居民的个人特征,还取决于居民所在的社区特征。  相似文献   

辨析以人为本的人   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“以人为本”的“人”是指生而平等的作为类的独立的人,这种人摆脱等级和人身依附关系,是在世界历史中形成的。中国作为典型亚细亚生产方式的东方国家,经过了“民”—“人民”—“人”的转换历程。中国封建社会民不同于欧洲的农奴,中国的民在人格、经济、政治地位上都是平等的,与“官”相对立。“人民”是“人”与“民”的结合体,兼具人与民的双重特性,人民是与敌人相对立的政治概念,是原来“民”的主体,但已排除了地主富农、官僚资本主义等反动阶级,它是共产党服务的对象,同时,用人民概念表明政权的性质。“人”和“人民”一字之差但不可等同。随着历史的进步,敌人这一与人民相对立的阶级力量退出历史,使人民概念失去了与其相对应的存在前提,人民开始向马克思所说的作为类的人回归,正是在这个意义上,党的十六届三中全会才提出“以人为本”而不是以人民为本。当然,人民作为世界通用的概念将长久使用,在非严格意义上,称“以人为本”为“以民为本”或“以人民为本”也未为不可。  相似文献   

王长缨 《唐都学刊》2001,17(4):84-86
《胡征长诗选》以事记史,以情记史,展现了解放战争时期一个战士的豪情,一个诗人的柔情,一个布尔什维克的挚情,鼓舞了一代人蓬勃向上的英雄主义精神,以现实主义的夺目光彩概括了一个时代,并在新时代呼唤着神圣文学的回归。尽管极左政治使这位“胡风分子”蒙冤二十余年,直至今日才将他写入当代文学史,但其人格和作品却因此而更加昭示了文学的神圣。  相似文献   

… I read the Moscow papers carefully, but I cannot pretend I understood everything. I remembered how Bonnet and Chamberlain used to dream that Hitler would march on the Ukraine; the Soviet-Nazi Pact had been dictated by necessity. The drble de guerre [phoney war] and the persecution of (French) communists proved that Daladier had no real intention of fighting Hitler. Nonetheless Molotov's phrase about "the nearsighted anti-fascists" cut deep. That was the winter when I first needed a pair of glasses; but I wasn't ready to consider myself "nearsighted": my memories of the Spanish War were still fresh; fascism remained for me the main enemy. I was profoundly shaken by Stalin's telegram to Ribbentrop which spoke of a friendship cemented by blood that had been shed. I must have reread that telegram a dozen times, and although I believed in Stalin's genius as a statesman I was boiling. This was blasphemy1 How was it possible to equate the blood of Red Army soldiers with the blood of Nazis? And how to forget the rivers of blood drawn by the fascists in Spain, in Czechoslovakia, in Poland, in Germany itself?  相似文献   


Client participation is both a value and a strategy in social work, involving clients in decisions influencing their lives. Nevertheless, the factors encouraging its use by social workers in social services have received little research attention. This article reports on a study drawing on Goal Commitment Theory to examine, for the first time, four categories of variables that might predict its implementation: background variables (intervention method, age, experience, education, supervision); personal resources (self-esteem, mastery); organizational variables (superiors' support, organizational commitment); and situational factors (previous client participation, perception of client participation).

A sample of 661 Israeli social workers completed questionnaires. Hierarchical regression analysis and t-tests revealed that intervention method, mastery, superiors' support, and both situational variables contributed significantly to explaining the variance in client participation. Moreover, social workers valued client participation significantly more than they used it. The implications for researchers and professionals in social services are discussed. Proper training could increase social workers' awareness of client participation and provide tools for implementation. Policy makers should set standards for its use and evaluation, and require its inclusion in all interventions. Further research investigating clients and managers of social services could provide a broader picture of the factors impacting client participation.  相似文献   

Objectives . Few studies apply the concept of social capital to labor force participation. In this research, I study the relationship between friendship networks and labor force participation as represented by employment and hours worked. Methods . I test five hypotheses representing social capital with network structure, network quality, and network diversity using nationally representative data from the 2000 Social Capital Benchmark Survey. Since this survey enables comparisons across racial/ethnic and gender groups, I am also able to specify how social capital interacts with race/ethnicity and gender to influence labor force participation, while controlling for other prominent theoretical concerns such as human capital theory. Results . I find that friendship networks are generally positively related with increased labor force participation. Further, I find significant social capital differences based on race/ethnicity and gender. Conclusions . I illustrate that social capital can be applied across a broader racial/ethnic/gender spectrum. The findings suggest that programs that attempt to bring valuable labor market information to individuals and communities lacking employment–related information are likely to be effective in reducing inequality, especially if combined with programs for developing human capital.  相似文献   

Twenty–two students in a community action certificate program supplied "rising to the occasion" narratives during summer–long internships. They also filled out measures of generativity. Twenty–one students in an international studies certificate program that also included a summer internship served as a comparison group. Both groups reported equal personal growth from rising to the occasion experiences and no differences on measures of optimism, self–esteem or generativity. However, the community action students linked their personal growth experiences to future community service; a regression analysis also revealed that the best predictor of their stress–related growth was their level of generative concern. No comparable links emerged for the comparison group. Implications for cultivating connections between personal identity and civic responsibility through service–learning are discussed.  相似文献   

文章解读了库恩的"范式"理论,认为该理论对社区教育研究具有重要借鉴价值.研究表明,我国社区教育研究存在几个方面的问题:研究主体力量薄弱,人才培养体系不完善;研究主题和研究方法有待拓展与创新,学科价值未能体现,方法论范式没有形成.基于此,文章对我国社区教育研究提出了设想:建立系统的科研机构、构建人才培养体系,促进研究共同...  相似文献   

Objective. First, we evaluate whether structural characteristics of people's family and friend social networks are associated with involvement in local and extra‐local civic participation. Second, we examine the interactions between social network attributes and personal characteristics on varied forms of participation. Methods. We draw on data from a random‐sample mail survey of 1,315 households. Results. Attributes of friend and family social networks are related to civic participation beyond the influence of human capital; however, the results from family and friend networks are substantively different. There are also differences in the way attributes of social networks are associated with local versus extra‐local participation. Finally, the interactions of human capital and social networks do not support previous research. Conclusions. Overall, the evidence substantiates extant theory on the effects that social relations have on civic engagement. However, the structure and constituency of networks and the form of civic engagement play an important yet undertheorized role.  相似文献   

铭文的叙述视角和人称代词的使用具有对应关系,第一人称叙述视角要求用第一人称代词来指称作器者,第三人称叙述视角则应用第三人称代词来指称作器者。一篇铭文一般只能有一个叙述视角,若任意变换叙述视角,就会造成叙述视角混乱,从而导致人称代词使用的混乱。作为两周铭文中人称代词最全的铭文之一的《叔尸钟》,由于多次变换叙述视角,其人称代词使用的混乱情况尤为典型。  相似文献   

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