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为了解大学生父母养育方式与焦虑、抑郁情绪的研究状况及关系,通过查阅相关文献,文章从父母养育方式、焦虑、抑郁的定义演变,大学生父母养育方式的研究,大学生焦虑、抑郁情绪的研究,大学生父母养育方式与焦虑、抑郁情绪的关系研究状况等方面进行了综述,结果显示:焦虑、抑郁是大学生常见的不良情绪反应,并与父母养育方式关系密切.  相似文献   

正薇薇今年9月就要上小学了,家庭气氛与往常有些不同,首先是五花八门的玩具被束之高阁,爸爸妈妈平添了几分紧张。从幼儿园回到家后,薇薇和妈妈便锁在书房里进行简单的数学、识字学习。"孩子要上一年级了,可不能再让她玩了,从现在起要认真学习,绝不能让孩子输在起跑线上。"妈妈这样说。自从孩子出生后,父母就有焦虑不完的事情:孩子用什么尿不湿、吃什么奶粉等都是父母考虑的事情;孩子上学后,父母焦虑孩子的学习成绩,焦虑孩  相似文献   

已婚独生子女父母角色的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
第一代独生子女已经进入婚育期,他们的父母角色扮演得怎么样呢?通过对武汉市600名青年实证调查的资料分析,对已婚独生子女在父母角色方面的状况进行了描述和探讨。研究表明,在父母角色的进入、父母角色的准备和扮演、对父母角色扮演的自我评价等方面,已婚的独生子女与非独生子女都不存在显著差异。研究还发现,父母角色的承担是独生子女依赖性发生根本变化的关键。  相似文献   

孩子的饮食问题往往缘自父母或教养者的不良饮食习惯,不过多数的父母并不自觉.事实上,孩子的表现就像父母的一面镜子.国外研究儿童蔬果摄取不足的情况,就发现关键因素是来自于父母的影响.因此,如果想让孩子从小建立良好的饮食习惯,应该先改变父母自己对食物的好恶及不良的饮食习惯,以身作则来营造家庭中健康的饮食环境.  相似文献   

留守儿童的营养与健康状况会对我国未来劳动力质量产生深远影响,但现有文献关于父母外出异地就业对农村留守儿童营养摄入影响的研究结论争议较大,关键一个原因是以往多数研究在留守儿童和非留守儿童家庭分组上存在严重缺陷。基于父母异地就业和本地就业家庭分离程度差异和照管儿童父母分工差异,通过对农户家庭科学合理分组,利用中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)数据,采用倾向得分匹配法(PSM),从收入效应与时间效应两方面深入系统揭示了父亲或母亲异地就业对农村儿童营养的影响及差异。研究结果显示:当父亲本地务农时,母亲异地就业对农村儿童的营养摄入没有显著影响,收入效应会被时间效应抵消;而当母亲本地务农时,父亲异地就业的收入效应高于时间效应,能显著提高儿童蛋白质摄入水平和营养结构。  相似文献   

不少学龄前和学龄期儿童常对父母说关节痛.有些家长认为“生长痛”是正常的生理现象,没有引起足够重视.事实上,引发儿童关节疼痛的原因有很多,家长应给予及时关注.  相似文献   

英国牛津大学从事儿童癌症研究的科学家称,大龄父母生育的子女,更有可能患白血病。 据报道,急性成淋巴细胞白血病占儿童所患癌症的1/4,是一种常见白血病,英国每年约有400名儿童患这种病。负责这项研究的杰拉尔德·德雷伯称,一些罕见的遗传缺陷会增加患白血病的可能性。他们的研究  相似文献   

独生子女父母的空巢期:何时开始?会有多长?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现有独生子女父母空巢期的研究并不多,而且很多缺乏实证资料的支撑,某些结论是否反映客观现实需要验证.通过对12个不同区域、不同类型、不同规模、不同社会经济发达程度的城市1245名在职青年社会调查可知:目前处于空巢期的城市第一代独生子女父母的比例大约在36%,独生子女父母在48岁左右进入空巢期,空巢期平均为23年左右;独生子女父母空巢期开始的平均时间比人们预计的要晚,空巢期持续的平均时间比人们预计的要短;特别是,他们的空巢期与同龄非独生子女父母的空巢期之间的长短差别也没有现有研究所预言的10年那么多,二者相差只有3年左右.  相似文献   

论父母监护缺位与农村留守儿童权益保障问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王秋香  欧阳晨 《学术论坛》2006,(10):137-140
由于父母监护缺位,农村留守儿童的受照顾权、生命健康权、受教育权及发展权等权益遭到严重损害。要切实保障其权益不受侵害,使留守儿童群体能健康快乐地成长,父母应以儿童利益优先,明确自己的责任和义务;政府应加强经济建设,大力发展农村经济,改变不合理的制度;应进一步修改和完善对儿童权益保障的系列法律,使儿童权益的保障依法进行。  相似文献   

幸福家庭是由什么促成的?为找到问题的答案,美国俄亥俄州阿克伦市儿童医疗中心的研究人员,专门请全国各地的获奖老师选出100个“与众不同”的家庭——这些家庭充满着情和爱,洋溢着欢乐与幸福。之后,他们分别对这些家庭中的父母和孩子进行了采访。  相似文献   

长期以来,萨拉·朱厄特的《乡村医生》被普遍认为是作家为了实现儿时的学医梦想和感激父亲的教养之恩而创作的一部带有自传性质的小说。其实,作家创作《乡村医生》还有另外一个目的,那就是通过小说来描写和对照“放任型”“专制型”“权威型”等不同类型的父母教养方式,巧妙地“参与”到她所处时代的关于父母教养方式与孩子成长关系等社会话题的讨论中。在作家看来,“放任型”教养方式下的孩子,其个性发展由于得不到父母必要的引导和约束而会出现成长失控,甚至产生悲剧;而“专制型”教养方式下的孩子,则因为父母过分地约束和压制其个性发展而成长受挫,难以在社会上有所作为。正是意识到“放任型”“专制型”教养方式都存在缺陷,会给孩子的发展带来伤害,朱厄特还在《乡村医生》中积极探索更有利于孩子成长的教养方式。她将自己接受父母“权威型”教养方式的成长经历融入小说创作中,并自信地对其加以推荐。相较于另外两种教养方式,“权威型”教养方式下的孩子不仅能感受到来自父母的关注和重视,也能享受到父母给予的民主和自由,个性得以健全发展,从而更加快乐自然地成长,实现人生价值。这也是作家在教养方式方面的远见卓识。  相似文献   

Attempts to explain the persistent importance of family background for children's educational attainment typically highlight the ways in which parents pass down educational, economic and social resources to their children. However, parental resources may also play a crucial role for preventing family crises from spiraling into cumulative disadvantage. To study such compensation processes, we examine the consequences of a father's death on children's educational trajectories, using a Finnish register-based sample of children born between 1982 and 1987. The results based on multilevel linear probability models both support and contradict our compensation hypothesis. Children who lost their father were not more likely to drop out of upper secondary school, as long as their surviving mother had high levels of socioeconomic resources. Similar compensation processes were visible in the case of entering polytechnic higher education. However, with regard to university attendance, bereavement noticeably reduced the traditional advantage of children with high-resource parents.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that intergenerational socioeconomic association becomes weaker as children's education level increases and is negligible among college graduates. A college degree is known as the great equalizer for intergenerational socioeconomic mobility. Recent studies, however, reported that the strong intergenerational association reemerges among advanced degree holders although it stays weak among BA-only holders. Despite the substantial theoretical importance and policy implications, the mechanisms behind the reemergence of the intergenerational association at the post-baccalaureate level have been less studied. In this paper, we examine the association between parents' education and children's earnings using the 2010, 2013, 2015, and 2017 National Survey of College Graduates data. Our results show that the strong intergenerational socioeconomic immobility among advanced degree holders is fully attributable to three educational sorting mechanisms: children from high-SES families (1) obtain expensive and financially rewarding advanced degrees, (2) attend selective institutions and major in hyper-lucrative fields of study such as law and medicine in graduate school, and (3) complete their education at a younger age and enjoy income growth over more years in the labor market. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The association between television exposure and children's development is subject to controversial debates. Heavy television exposure may be detrimental to children by overstimulating their developing brains. It may also infringe on time that children would otherwise spend on more developmentally beneficial activities or parental interactions. In the present analysis, we use data from the 2004/5 birth cohort of the Growing Up in Scotland study to investigate relations between hours of weekly television measured around the ages of two to four and as average over this period with children's linguistic, cognitive, and behavioral outcomes around the age of five. Our analysis shows differences in the level and growth of television exposure by parental education. However, we did not find any substantive associations between television exposure and children's cognitive or language ability. We found small associations of television exposure with conduct problems and prosocial behavior, particularly for children of less-educated parents. Overall, the results suggest that the impact of television on children's development is less pronounced than often assumed.  相似文献   

As female labor force participation increases globally, the relationship between maternal employment and children's development remains unclear. Using data from the India Human Development Survey (2005), we investigate the link between maternal employment and children's arithmetic and reading achievement. We develop a work pattern typology that goes beyond standard measures of employment and captures work intensity and its compatibility with child-rearing in a transitional economy. We find that the relationship between maternal employment and children's outcomes is not unidimensional. For example, children of self-employed mothers are not disadvantaged compared to those with stay-at-home mothers, but maternal employment in salaried jobs or wage work outside the home is negatively associated with cognitive skills in children. However, this negative association is reversed at higher levels of maternal education, suggesting greater access to resources and flexibility associated with better jobs mitigate the negative aspects of maternal employment posed by time constraints. Additionally, maternal employment is associated with maternal involvement in schoolwork and financial investment in academic activities, providing evidence that both time and resources devoted to children's education are significant.  相似文献   

Although one-third of children of immigrants have undocumented parents, little is known about their early development. Using data from the Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey and decennial census, we assessed how children's cognitive skills at ages 3 to 5 vary by ethnicity, maternal nativity, and maternal legal status. Specifically, Mexican children of undocumented mothers were contrasted with Mexican children of documented mothers and Mexican, white, and black children with U.S.-born mothers. Mexican children of undocumented mothers had lower emergent reading skills than all other groups and lower emergent mathematics skills than all groups with U.S.-born mothers. Multilevel regression models showed that differences in reading skills are explained by aspects of the home environment, but the neighborhood context also matters. Cross-level interactions suggest that immigrant concentration boosts emergent reading and mathematics skills for children with undocumented parents, but does not similarly benefit children whose parents are native born.  相似文献   

本文是对四川省两所农村小学儿童电视收视状况的调查报告.经调查我们发现,在收视环境上,农村儿童一个人看电视的情况较多;收视时间多在1~3小时之间,且对电视的依赖程度与年级的增长呈正相关;多数家长对农村儿童的收视状况积极干涉,控制着节目选择的权力;在收视习惯上农村儿童看电视的专注度较高;在收视兴趣方面偏爱动画片、影视剧和娱乐综艺节目,且对不同类型的电视剧表现出明显的性别差异;收视心理上则以放松压力为首要目的,次为学习知识,对节目内容有显著的辨识能力.  相似文献   

孩子剧团是抗战时期一支由少年儿童组成的以文艺为斗争武器的宣传队伍,因表现卓越受到郭沫若的关心.郭沫若与上海、武汉、重庆时期的孩子剧团联系紧密,他不仅为孩子剧团推荐了稳妥的落脚点,还给其编辑的书籍《孩子剧团从上海到武汉》《抗战儿童》题写书名,帮助剧团补习文化知识,提升文艺演出水平.他全方位的帮助为孩子剧团的发展指明了方向.郭沫若号召大人们向孩子学习,还多次撰写文章赞扬孩子剧团.他在《洪波曲》中以《孩子剧团》为题记录孩子剧团的事迹.郭沫若的关心帮助推动了剧团的发展,还对抗战大后方其他少年儿童团体的壮大起到了鼓舞作用.  相似文献   

Preschool programs in the United States have expanded dramatically in recent decades. There has been significant scholarly attention to the implications of this for inequalities in children's educational outcomes, but less attention to the implications for the work-family lives of parents. Drawing on data from 2001 to 2017 American Community Surveys, this paper examines how children's preschool enrollment is associated with maternal employment, with particular attention to differences by mothers' race, ethnicity, and nativity. Findings document unequal access to preschool programs across groups but also different patterns of association between children's preschool enrollment and maternal employment. Immigrant mothers are doubly disadvantaged compared to their U.S.-born counterparts: Children are less likely to attend preschool, and when they do attend, this does little to facilitate maternal employment. The paper's conclusion addresses limitations of existing preschool programs for work-family reconciliation, but also emphasizes that limitations are more severe for some families than others.  相似文献   

突发公共卫生事件所带来的社会恐慌、焦虑会使公众对于知情权的渴求进一步增大。如何在保障特殊时期公众知情权的前提下维护好患者隐私权从而稳定社会情绪,守护法治社会之基是值得探讨的问题。只有依法应“急”,依法防控,在维护社会公益的基础上充分尊重每一位患者人格隐私之利益,才能驭法治之利器克时局之多艰。  相似文献   

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