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Advice and training on techniques for lifting is frequently provided. The choice of which technique to use should be based on the evidence available on a number of criteria. Important criteria include: psychophysical, physiological, biomechanical, psychological, performance and clinical. However few professionals have the time to read all the original research required to understand the limitations of the available criteria. The purpose of this paper was to present an accessible synthesis of the criteria used to choose a specific technique. Each criterion is described and its validity discussed to provide the reader with a better understanding of the criteria, and thus the evidence available.  相似文献   

Greatly increased concern about the confidentiality of social records now jeopardizes the ability of social scientists to conduct research. A new confidential method is described that can facilitate the work of the researcher and also maintain the privacy of the researched. This method is called Weighing the Evidence or, more simply, the WEIGHT method. The WEIGHT method groups social records according to intervals of interest to the researcher and then uses a simple weighing procedure to estimate the incidence and distribution of cases. Two studies—one using simulated data and one using real data on handgun purchases—suggest that the WEIGHT method is characterized by high levels of both reliability and validity. Ten hypothetical cases are described in which the WEIGHT method would make possible research that would other wise be prevented by the confidential nature of the data involved.This project was assisted by a fellowship from the German Marshall Fund. The authors are indebted to the following people for helpful comments and advice: Donald T. Campbell, Elliot Aronson, Meredith Gould, David Harrington, John I. Kitsuse, Thomas F. Pettigrew, Alan Ritch, Robert Rosenthal, M. Brewster Smith, and Candace West.  相似文献   

The incidence of low back pain has continued to increase in modern society, despite the considerable amount of scientific research that has aimed to isolate its exact aetiology. Although low back pain is still largely idiopathic, research has identified over one hundred risk factors for the condition. Of these risk factors, manual material handling tasks are perhaps the most widely explored within the biomechanical literature, as these tasks have been associated with high mechanical stresses on the lower back. Numerous technique-related variables have been addressed by researchers, whilst the influence of intra-abdominal pressure has also been considered. In addition to this, the implications of variations in the size and structural composition of the load have also been assessed. However, low back pain continues to pose a significant threat to the financial stability and happiness of millions of people worldwide. In addition, a number of functional work capacity assessment tests use lifting as a method for assessment of return to work condition. Many of these tests are not standardised and do not consider the implications of low back loading. Therefore new research attempts in this area are justified and should aim to identify the extent of the association that exists between the known risk factors and the incidence of low back pain.  相似文献   

Placement disruption: A review of research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic, impairing condition with an estimated lifetime prevalence in adults of 2.5%. Controlled treatment trials have demonstrated that cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective intervention for OCD. However, many individuals diagnosed with OCD do not receive appropriate, empirically validated interventions, perhaps due to limited knowledge of CBT among mental health practitioners. This article provides a review of CBT for OCD. Issues related to treatment delivery and assessment are presented and highlighted by an individual example.  相似文献   

This article offers a review of scholarly research on the phenomenon of fake news. Most studies have so far focused on three main themes: the definition and the scope of the problem; the potential causes; and the impact of proposed solutions. First, scholarly research has defined fake news as a form of falsehood intended to primarily deceive people by mimicking the look and feel of real news. While initial research has shown that only a small fraction of the online audience is exposed to fake news, for this small group of individuals, the impact of fake news can be quite substantial. Second, studies have identified cognitive processes that make individuals more prone to the influence of fake news, such as confirmation bias, selective exposure, and lack of analytical thinking. Fake news also derives its power from its appeal to partisanship, perceived novelty, and repeated exposure facilitated by both bots and human users that share them in the online sphere. Finally, while fact checking has also risen in response to fake news, studies have found that corrections to wrong information only work on some individuals.  相似文献   

After treatment for substance abuse, whether it is in hospital-based treatment programs, therapeutic communities, or recovery homes, many patients return to former high-risk environments or stressful family situations. Returning to these settings without a network of people to support abstinence increases chances of a relapse. As a consequence, substance abuse recidivism following treatment is high for both men and women. Alternative approaches need to be explored, and there are some promising types of recovery homes. From a public health perspective, a series of studies conducted at DePaul University suggests that one type of recovery home for alcohol abuse recovery has much potential. For example, within this self-help communal living setting, recovering alcoholics were able to maintain employment, thereby reducing their need for government subsidies. Maintaining employment for recovering alcoholics may promote increased personal responsibility, which may impact self-efficacy beliefs. These pilot studies, then, raised both theoretical and practical issues needing further evaluation.  相似文献   

The study presents benefit-cost ratios for 14 disability cohorts served by the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Program. The earnings impacts are estimated in a quasiexperimental framework using an internal comparison group. The earnings data are from a unique national panel constructed by linking client data of the Rehabilitative Services Administration with earnings histories from the Social Security Administration. These earnings data accommodate a series of statistical tests that allow us to identify and control for the presence of selection bias when estimating treatment impacts. The results indicate that the VR program is cost-effective in general, although not universally so across specific disabilities.  相似文献   

In particular research domains, the randomized control trial (RCT) is considered to be the only means for obtaining reliable estimates of the true impact of an intervention. However, an RCT design would often not be considered ethical, politically feasible, or appropriate for evaluating the impact of many policy, programme, or structural changes common in public health research. As such, researchers must use alternative yet robust research methods for determining the impact of such interventions. The evaluation of natural experiments (i.e. an intervention not controlled or manipulated by researchers), using various experimental and non-experimental design options can provide an alternative to the RCT. The following review highlights (a) the importance of evaluating natural experiments; (b) design considerations associated with evaluating natural experiments; (c) methods for reducing bias in natural experimental studies; and (d) the potential benefits of targeted systems to enable natural experiments in emerging priority domains moving forward.  相似文献   

This article reviews the major empirical studies which have been carried out in an attempt to estimate the prevalence of child sexual abuse among females in clinical inpatient and outpatient samples. Along with the earlier review (Pilkington and Kremer, 1995) dealing with community and student samples, this paper likewise highlights a number of unresolved methodological issues which may contribute to the variance in reported prevalence rates. These include a myriad of definitions of child sexual abuse and different methods of eliciting information on possible histories of abuse. These issues are here discussed in the context of the findings of both review articles.  相似文献   

Underage drinking continues to be a public health concern, partially due to the ease in which adolescents obtain alcohol and consume it in private locations. States and municipalities have implemented strategies to counteract this, including adopting public policies called social host policies, despite limited evidence of effectiveness. Traditionally, these laws have held adults accountable for furnishing alcohol to underage drinkers. However, states and communities are using another policy, also called social host, to deter underage drinking parties where easy access to alcohol and high-risk use occurs. These innovative laws hold individuals who control the property accountable for underage drinking that occurs there, regardless of alcohol source. We conducted a critical analysis of social host policies focused on hosting underage drinking parties and constructed a conceptual model to understand their targeted factors. Future research recommendations are discussed.  相似文献   

Child maltreatment can be traced in Greek mythology, history and literature. Greek society has always used passive or active violence towards its dependent members, including children. In the last 17 years there have been a number of studies describing child maltreatment in contemporary Greece. Most have used small clinical samples; nevertheless, their findings are comparable to those of other countries and their results support the psychopathological causality of child maltreatment. A number of studies on child-rearing practices and on children's socialization have revealed an extensive use of physical punishment related to the child's opposition to parental authority and high parental expectations often linked with the child's school performance. Another small set of studies assessed the effectiveness of social policy and the appropriateness of the child protection system. On the basis of the studies on child maltreatment in Greece, the author proposes firstly the adoption of an operational definition which takes into consideration community attitudes and culture. A second proposal relates to the application of an ecological theoretical model stressing the mutual interaction of different systems and their cumulative effects. Lastly, it is suggested that social policy measures should be introduced in the field of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Studies of social media's impact on policing have emerged in several disciplines, including criminology, sociology, and communications. Despite their insight, there is no unified body of knowledge regarding this relationship. In an attempt to synthesize extant work, bring coherence to the field, and orient future scholarship, this article summarizes research on social media's implications for practices and perceptions of order maintenance. It does so by identifying how social media's technical affordances empower and constrain police services. By offering new opportunities for surveillance, risk communication, and impression management, emergent technologies augment the police's control of their public visibility and that of the social world. However, they also provide unprecedented capacities to monitor the police and expose, circulate, and mobilize around perceived injustice, whether brutality, racial profiling, or other forms of indiscretion. Considering these issues promises to enhance knowledge on contemporary directions in social control, organizational communication, inequality, and collective action. Suggestions for future research are also explored.  相似文献   

This article seeks to review recent research and scholarship in the sociology of Catholicism, as well as focusing on areas needing greater attention. In taking stock of this literature, I identify institutional change, church-society interactions, institutional resources and influence, and the church as international actor as four key topics that have engaged scholarship. I review existing research under each, as well as highlighting gaps and blind spots that invite further inquiry of this specific religious group.  相似文献   

Even though the extant literature has pointed to the steady growth of public relations research in different contexts, the developing economy context continues to be marginalised in terms of scholarship, theory development and, consequently, the practice of the discipline. This has necessitated calls from scholars to document research in the discipline to trigger future research agendas. This study was therefore undertaken to scientifically synthesise and analyze 26 peer-reviewed public relations studies in Ghana, which were published over a period of 10 years (2012–2021) to document the dominant issues, gaps, and future research avenues. Through a systematic review, the study found that there is an over-concentration on themes such as CSR and CSR communication, public relations within higher education institutions, and dialogic public relations at the expense of other key subject areas within the discipline. Methodologically, 65% of the studies reviewed have employed the qualitative methodology as opposed to the quantitative and mixed-method approaches, thereby reducing the ability to extrapolate their findings to other populations. The study has thoroughly discussed the implications for public relations scholarship, theory development and practice within Ghana and other emerging contexts.  相似文献   


In contrast to work within the child-abuse field, polyvictimization of older adults did not become a focus of professional attention until this decade. Despite this lack of formal identification, a search of the research and practice literature revealed that prior research investigating single forms of or other elder abuse issues contained evidence of what was variously termed “multiple,” “multi-faceted,” “co-occurring,” or “hybrid” elder abuse. A wide range of victims (1.4%–89.7%) identified in existing elder abuse studies was found to have experienced what constitutes “polyvictimization.” This late-life polyvictimization evidence, the contexts in which victims are harmed, and information regarding the impact of multifaceted elder abuse are all presented and discussed in this article. Selected published cases illustrate the clinical dynamics operating in late-life polyvictimization situations.  相似文献   


Systematic review procedures are used to empirically evaluate the “implicit” logic model that guides the Air Force Family Advocacy Program’s secondary prevention efforts of family maltreatment among active-duty Air Force members. Searches of seven electronic databases and manual searches of 10 journals yielded 586 peer-reviewed articles published in 2000 or later. This review synthesizes the findings of 23 quantitative studies meeting inclusion criteria, including the prediction of some form of family maltreatment among U.S. active-duty military members. Based on review results, we identify critical success variables that function as family protective factors to decrease the likelihood of family maltreatment. These modifiable variables include formal supports, such as ecosystem supports from installation and unit leaders; informal supports, such as the social support of fellow service members and their families; and safe, stable, and nurturing family processes. The results generally align with the implicit logic model but suggest the model should be extended to include intrapersonal vulnerabilities and assets as well as contextual risks and assets. In addition to informing secondary prevention efforts in the Air Force, this novel use of systematic review procedures offers a strategy for evaluating logic models in other areas of prevention research, practice, or policy.  相似文献   

Disability, Ethnicity and Childhood: a critical review of research   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Whilst there is an increasing body of literature on the perspectives of carers of disabled children, there is little research giving the disabled child's perspective from either majority or minority populations. Indeed, the voices of black and Asian children in disability research have been almost silent. This literature review collates and analyses existing knowledge about the perceptions held by disabled and non-disabled children, and young people from black and Asian families concerning issues of disability and impairment. The Disability Movement has long proclaimed its belief in the full participation and self-representation of all disabled people. However, despite this laudable objective, the Disability Movement in Britain has mirrored society in general and for the most part been led by white, middle-class, heterosexual, articulate males. This review discusses the simultaneous oppression faced by black and Asian disabled children, and concludes that their experience is unique and different from that of white disabled children. Accordingly, it emphasises the need for further research about the subjective experience of black and Asian disabled children in order to meet their particular needs.  相似文献   

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