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Summary This paper examines areas of concern surrounding touch, sexualityand associated power in residential establishments. The placeof touch and the expression of sexuality are considered in relationto residents and staff. It is suggested that these are importantfactors in framing a concept of residential care based on rightsand duties, and that current practice often takes a limitedperspective of some of the fundamental needs of residents  相似文献   

Summary An assessment framework based on nine course objectives is described.Each course objective has related placement objectives whichbecome increasingly demanding as the course progresses. Studentson placement are required to produce written tasks to show howthey have applied their understanding of each placement objectivein their practical work. It is suggested that this framework improves the comparabilityof placements and the availability of evidence for pass/faildecisions. The framework provides a syllabus for learning oneach placement.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is an attempt to put forward for discussion someof the similarities and differences between adoption and artificialinsemination by donor, as attempts to solve the problem of childlessness.The legal position and the view of the Church are briefly summarized.It is suggested that work already done in adoption, particularlywith reference to telling the child, has relevance for A.I.D.,and that there are implications for social workers.  相似文献   

Summary Traditionally physical disabilities and the handicaps they entailhave been regarded as attributes of individuals. More recentlysome of the sociogenic aspects of physical handicap have beenexplored. It is suggested that the possession of a physicaldisability by one individual may also substantially disableothers, particularly family members with whom he is associated.This argument is explored and some of its consequences examined.  相似文献   

The Effect of Huntington's Chorea on Family Life   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary This paper examines the effect of Huntington's Chorea (H.C.)on family life with particular reference to the consequencesfor the spouse of the H.C. patient. It describes in some detailthe marital and parental difficulties encountered and confirmsthe severe familial disruption that occurs. It suggests thatfamilies or individuals segregating this disorder can be usefullydivided into two categories of behaviour which are referredto as ‘H.C.-orientated’ and ‘independently-orientated’.It is further suggested that for purposes of practical managementand in the hope of avoiding the process whereby families becomeH.C.-orientated, these families require and should be offeredon-going social-work support from the time a family is recognisedas being at risk of H.C.  相似文献   

Summary It is suggested that T groups might be of value in Social Worktraining as a means of encouraging Social Workers to make greateruse of group techniques. T groups have been criticized on ethicalgrounds and for their tendency to produce psychological disturbancein predisposed individuals. In he context of Social Work trainingT groups have a dual function, promoting self awareness in theparticipants and increasing their knowledge of group dynamics.A procedure is described which emphasizes the necessity of focusingon group behaviour as opposed to individual psychopathology.It is believed that by doing so the psychological hazards arereduced. A brief outline is given of the manner in which materialproduced in the group sessions may illustrate theoretical materialintroduced elsewhere on the course  相似文献   

Summary Legal reforms to welfare systems are analysed as either involving‘legalization’, the formulation of rules, or ‘judicialization’,the improvement of procedures. The implications of these typesof reform for the supplementary benefits system are examined.It is suggested that there are likely to be severe drawbacksto ‘legalization’ which does not involve, in effectthe elimination of selectivity. Judicialization, on the otherhand, is seen to offer needed procedural reforms, but it issuggested that there has been a failure to recognize the inherentlimitations of innovations of this kind, where the poor mayneed so much more than merely the guarantee of a fair hearing  相似文献   

Summary Some account is given of a small group of offender/patientsdefined as dangerous or potentially dangerous. Reasons are putforward in an attempt to explain an apparent reluctance to workwith such clients and the unease that often occurs when so doing.It is suggested that an approach may be required to such offender/patientswhich differs in some respects from more traditional modes oftreatment. Emphasis is placed upon the need for careful observationof material facts and events in the lives of such clients inaddition to the careful observation of the manifestations offeelings and attitudes which may give premonition of dangerousor potentially dangerous behaviour  相似文献   

Summary It is suggested that the polarity between Marxism and psychoanalysisis one factor hindering the development of social work's professionalidentity. The first section of the article suggests ways inwhich a dialogue between the two perspectives might be established.In the second section such a dialogue is applied to a numberof central concepts in social work theory and practice.  相似文献   

Summary Long-stay psychiatric patients are at risk of being institutionalisedand abandoned by their relatives. Special Hospital patientsare particularly vulnerable due to the compounded features ofmental disorder and criminality, together with the long termnature of their detention. A survey of 132 long-stay Broadmoor patients showed that a largenumber were neglected by their families but that many were sociallyisolated before admission. There was a significant differencebetween the amount of contact enjoyed by male and female patients.It is suggested that isolated patients should be identifiedand encouraged to take a more active interest in the outsideworld, and relatives given more encouragement to maintain theirinterest.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is the result of a study of the dynamics of care-givingwithin farming families in Northern Ireland. It is argued thatwhilst much is known about informal care, existing knowledgeis largely urban based and quantitative, and therefore limited.Following in-depth interviews with 'farm wives' it is concludedthat for these women care-giving patterns are dependent on aparticular set of cultural expectations and norms. Within farmingfamilies there is much resistance to becoming involved withformal social services. Outside help with the care of one'selderly relatives is often seen as an admission of failure,as there is a pride in being able to look after one's familymembers. Users of social services, which still evoke associationswith the Poor Law, are highly stigmatized. It is claimed thatfor these women the concept of 'carer' has no bearing on theirlives and is not something to which they can relate. The paperchallenges the depiction of caring as a one-sided difficultrelationship where the person being cared for is a passive recipient.It is suggested that caring is not necessarily oppressive butmay be rewarding and positive. It concludes that if social workersare to support and facilitate informal care they must be awareof and fully understand the diversity of care provision andthe different contexts in which care is undertaken. If interventionis to take place then it must be sensitive to the deeply embeddedideas and perceptions that exist within farming families.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr. R. Hugman, Department of Social Administration, University of Lancaster, Fylde College, Lancaster LA1 4YF. Summary O'Connor and Dalgleish have proposed an understanding of thedisjuncture between education and beginning practice. They discussthis in relation to individuals' models of practice. It is suggestedin this response that the individual basis of this analysisrestricts the extent of possible conclusions. A comparison withdifferent research findings is made, and it is suggested thatthere are implications for social work education and the collectiveresponsibility the profession has for beginning social workers.  相似文献   

Joan Cooper, 2A Gallows Bank, Abinger Place, Lewes, Sussex BN7 ZQA. Summary This paper traces some of the influences which have shaped socialwork in Britain between the 1960s and the 1980s, with particularreference to the casework inheritance and the community dimension.The latter is illustrated by reference to the Home Office CommunityDevelopment Projects of the late sixties and by moves throughoutthe period towards a community care policy in the mental healthfield. It is suggested that community care revives an oldertradition and that the nineteenth century asylum policy wasa diversion.  相似文献   

Summary The study explores the problems of managing the family contactsof children in residential care. It focuses on the family linksexperienced by two children undergoing a two month long periodof observation and assessment. It is seen that the family linksof these children take a low priority, particularly as socialwork plans change and the informal world of the institutionbecomes pervasive. The outcomes of the two cases are charted.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Mr Chris Beckett, Anglia Polytechnic University, School of Community Health and Social Studies, Cambridge CB1 1PT, UK. Summary This Critical Commentary examines the widespread use of themetaphor of the witchhunt in relation to child sexual abuseinvestigations when they are perceived as being unjustified.The use of this metaphor can be seen to be part of a backlash,part of a widespread desire to discredit the evidence that sexualabuse is widespread. However, it is argued here that the metaphoris actually quite apt in the case of the recent wave of convictionsof residential care workers, where the methods used have beenquite suspect—and genuinely reminiscent in some respectsof those used in historic witch hunts. It is suggested thatlegitimate child protection will ultimately be the loser ifthis is not addressed.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Margaret Bell, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of York, York, UK. Summary This article critically examines the work of twenty-two localauthority social workers undertaking child protection investigations.The findings suggest that, while the social workers were committedto being (and believed their practice to be) participative,the dual tasks of making risk assessments for the conferenceand working in partnership with the families concerned producedconflicts of interests and rights. The impact of these on socialworkers' engagement with family members, on their assessments,and on the decision making process is explored. It is concludedthat the difficulties identified limit opportunities for participativepractice, and that these difficulties are endemic to the presentsystem. It is argued that these findings point up the need fora more broadly based child-care service which more appropriatelymeets the families' welfare needs, and that the contradictorynature of the conference task should be addressed by clarifyingthe legal base of the intervention and developing other modelsof decision making. Some ways forward are suggested.  相似文献   

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