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Charaterization, in literature, is the presentation of the hero or heroine in order to make them credible to the readers. A book with welldrawn characters is sure to touch its readers. Atticus Finch, an elaboratelyportrayed character in Miss Lee′s book To Kill A Mockingbird is a fineexample. Mainly because of its successful and adroit characterization, the  相似文献   

Dey  Adrija 《Gender Issues》2019,36(4):357-373
Gender Issues - In 2018, the rapes of two young girls shook India. The ruling government blatantly supported the perpetrators in both cases. It was also highlighted that if the victims were high...  相似文献   

心理学是一门缺乏“范式”的学科,但它内部却存在着许多对“范畴”,其中的一对就是:实证主义方法论和现象学方法论。范畴有两个明显的特征,一是导向性,另一个是对立统一性。作为一对范畴的心理学的两大方法论也不可避免地体现了这两个特征。  相似文献   

European Journal of Population - In the 2010s, fertility has declined in the Nordic countries, most strikingly in Finland, and first births drive the decline. It remains unclear whether this...  相似文献   

This study, drawing data from 891 women’s autobiographical memories, investigates the changes of woman’s position within the farm family in Thessaly (Greece), during a period of deep sociopolitical and agrarian transformations in the country (1950–2013). The results indicate that at one end of the spectrum woman’s status within the family significantly improved over the period under consideration, while, at the other end, full gender equality remains questionable. Although pervasive patriarchal values of farm family delayed the evolution of her familial position, woman gained a better status after 1980, a progress that, according to analysis, could be viewed as a corollary of both agricultural modernization and the influx of new members and new ideas in the Thessalian rural society. The findings confirm that the improvement of women farmers’ status within family—and society—is a lengthy and difficult process which is hampered by the commitment of farming communities to traditional male-privileged morals and ethics.  相似文献   

Rape in today’s civil armed conflicts is particularly widespread and brutal, constituting what I refer to as extreme war rape, in which perpetrators intentionally injure and psychologically torture their victims. Using prior research as the data source, this article examines war rape in ongoing or recently-ended armed conflicts in 27 countries. Findings indicate that extreme war rape is ubiquitous and that across countries, there are similarities in its perpetration as well as in the contextual conditions that facilitate it. Based upon data that also show some variations in war rape prevalence and in the prominence of certain features, e.g., most common perpetrators or rape sites, I introduce four patterns of war rape, along with the distribution of conditions that differentiate them from one another.
Kathryn FarrEmail:

Kathryn Farr   is Professor Emerita in the Department of Sociology at Portland State University and the author of Sex Trafficking: The Global Market in Women and Children. Her research interest is in the organization of transnational forms of gender-based violence. In her current research project, she is examining sexual violence and other attacks on women and girls during today’s armed conflicts.  相似文献   

Gehabtng Adbo was made by Abraham lincoln upon the in~on cemp Of the cemetery to commemoat the northern~ ac dial for the city Of the nation in GettSbmp haulefield,BelOW is the speh. FOr the sake Of study, the Sentences are numbs in turn.(l ) FOUr score and seven years op our fathers brought forth onthes conti~ a new sboon, conceived in ~, and dwhcated tOthe Pmpeon that all men are c~ -.(2)Now we are engaged in a great civil war testing whetherthat boon or any boon so conceived and so dab…  相似文献   

The peasantry is probably the last social category that researchers of technology and society readily associate with the use of high technologies such as the Internet. But in China recently, tens of thousands of peasant entrepreneurs, engaged in a unique form of rural tourism popularly called nongjiale (delights in farm guesthouses), have adopted the Internet as a medium for advertising their farm guesthouses. This paper is an anthropological study of how Chinese peasant entrepreneurs’ adoption of the Internet is engrained in the broader material and symbolic orders of contemporary Chinese society. By exploring the way in which the Chinese peasants are idiosyncratically involved with the Internet, it also questions whether STS (Science, Technology, and Society) concepts such as users and non-users, developed essentially within Euro-American contexts, are adequate to explain the symbolic appropriations of high-tech in pursuit of modernity in China today.
Choong-Hwan ParkEmail:

Parenthood has strong effects on people’s life. Some of these effects are positive and some negative and may influence the decision of having other children after the first. Demographic research has only marginally addressed the relationship between subjective well-being and fertility, and even less attention has been reserved to investigate how the subjective experience of the first parenthood may influence the decision to have a second child. Performing log-logistic hazard models using HILDA panel data (2001–2012), changes in couples’ objective life conditions and satisfaction within family and work domains after the first childbirth are related to the timing of the transition to the second parenthood. Results show that partners adopting traditional gender specialization in roles proceed quicker to the second child; however, experiencing dissatisfaction in reconciling, in the couple’s relationship and in the work domain negatively affects mothers’ probability of having a second child in the future.  相似文献   

林纾和庞德是英作中译和中作英译的先驱,他们为后人奉献了诸多价值颇高的翻译作品。其译作有一个相似点,即其文字和意象都与原文有较大出入,因此他们的译作一方面广受好评,同时也倍受译界的质疑。通过探讨“误译”的定义,结合历史背景,从无意识误译和有意识误译两大角度出发分析了林纾和庞德误译的根源。  相似文献   

传统译论标准下的文化误译探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化误译分为无意文化误译和有意文化误译。本文依据“译文功能论”,结合归化、不成功的异化、增添法及删除法等几种方法,分析证明了某些有意文化误译的合理性和带来的实际效果,从而对传统译论的忠实标准提出异议,为翻译评论者评价译作及译者提供了一个新的思路。  相似文献   

“译作乃是新作”是庞德从译作的接受角度和文学翻译的意义出发提出的翻译原则。这一翻译思想对西方翻译界影响很大。本文通过分析庞德的诗歌翻译原则和艺术性来阐明诗歌翻译的艺术原则和个性特征 ;同时强调加深对庞德的中国文学和文化译作及其翻译理论形成的背景和现当代翻译理论发展动态的了解, 从而以文学翻译的多元视角来认同多元文化语境中的文化差异性。  相似文献   

在众多《论语》英译本中,庞德译本独树一帜。他使用拆字法强化汉字意像,用明快的语言传达原作简约的语言风格和孔子及弟子鲜活的个性形象。他的翻译尽管不够准确忠实,却淋漓尽致地展现了他对汉字的痴迷和对孔子的信仰,成为翻译与创造结合的典范。译者吞食原作,吸吮其中语言和思想养分,给目标语及目标语文化引入了新鲜的元素。  相似文献   

文化误译是学生在翻译实践中经常出现的失误,它反映了学生处理文化信息能力的不足,同时也凸显了传统翻译教学忽视文化教学的弊端。因此,翻译教学中加强文化教学和跨文化意识的培养具有极为重要的意义。  相似文献   

庞德的译作<华夏>,备受西方学者的推崇和读者的赞赏,却颇受中国学者的非议.从目的论的角度重新审视其译作,追溯庞德翻译时的思维过程,给予其译作一个客观的评价.  相似文献   

埃兹拉·庞德是美国意象主义诗歌的先驱,同时又是一位具有浓郁的\  相似文献   

通过对《〈新编英语教程〉〔修订版〕学习指南》中误译的分析与订正,归纳总结出翻译过程中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

翻译不是简单的语言转换。汉英两种语言及其承载的历史文化积淀不仅仅表现在字面上。汉英两个民族在思维方式、价值标准、审美取向、哲学传统、民族心理等方面的巨大差异需要译者透过字面去挖掘。张传彪"译海拾贝"系列文章正是在揭示导致语言与文化误读,指出避开英汉误译陷阱方面,显示其独特的价值。  相似文献   

本文对诗歌的意象进行简要的论述,并说明了只有在译作中传达出原诗的意象,才能译出原诗的意境.以庞德及其译作为例,介绍翻译诗歌意象的策略是在理解原诗的基础上而不受原诗字面意义的约束进行诗歌再创作.  相似文献   

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