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青年研究的史学范式与理论图景   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
在历史中发现青年和在青年中发现历史,对于青年的历史研究以及一般青年研究,都具有一定的认识论和方法论意义,对于其他人文社会科学研究,也有着一定的启发意义。引入现代史学研究范式,综合借鉴相关学科的研究方法、成果和理论路径,是克服青年研究缺乏对历史的必要关注和理解的理论缺憾的比较现实的选择。青年史的重建是青年历史研究的重要内容,而在青年研究中强调历史观点和方法的运用,进而形成一种关于青年的新的世界观和方法论,对于建构青年研究的新的理论图景和展示青年的历史画卷,担当起青年研究促进人类文明发展的历史使命。则是更迫切的任务。  相似文献   

利用CiteSpace.5.5.R2对中国青年研究领域三本权威期刊《中国青年研究》《青年研究》《当代青年研究》的发文进行计量可视化分析发现:新时代中国青年研究的热点内容集中在青少年、大学生、共青团和新生代农民工四类议题上,具有问题导向和本土特征愈加显著、群体研究和组织研究齐头并进的发展趋势。新时代中国青年研究的范式变革则具体表现为关注视域的拓宽、体系建构的深化、技术方法的革新。在剖析现实境遇的基础上展望未来的研究进路,需要处理好国际视野与本土话语、学科逻辑与问题逻辑、"大数据"与"小数据"之间的若干矛盾关系。  相似文献   

英国文化研究的伯明翰学派关注第二次世界大战后兴起的青年亚文化,成为影响深远的理论流派。伴随着网络社会与消费社会在中国的崛起,新生代农民工群体日益成为文化生产的主体。在当代中国新生代农民工研究中主要有两种范式:"阶级形成"范式强调这一群体的苦难、集体抗争与阶级的形成,"市民化"范式强调在城乡二元文化对立中,新生代农民工群体对城市文化的融入。这两种范式都忽略了新生代农民工作为青年的文化生产。杀马特和庞麦郎这两个个案的出现彰显了已有研究的不足和突破既定范式的需要。借鉴伯明翰学派文化研究理论,以一种"亚文化范式"切入新生代农民工考察具有可能性。  相似文献   

思维问题依然是青年研究中最深层次的问题,它涉及如何理解并应答青年及与青年相关的问题,而这又将直接影响青年学术发展与青年工作实践。在多学科跨视域研究中,群体思维、生活世界思维、场域思维和圈子思维等四种理论研究思维对于探索青年及与青年相关的问题、顺应以青年为本的青年研究有着极大的推动作用,它们昭示了青年研究思维方式的本应内涵:首先是怎样想——置身多元文化视域;其次是想什么——关注青年个性与发展;再次是做什么——采用多样化的研究方法;最后是如何做——架构青年与社会文化发展的互动。  相似文献   

基于我国青年研究与英美的文化研究在学科与路径问题上的相似性.而在梳理西方青年文化研究的基础上,借鉴相关的研究实践和理论观点探讨青年研究的学科和路径问题.认为伯明翰学派在英美的青年文化研究领域成就最为卓越,得益于反学科立场和独具特色的研究路径.提出青年研究的核心是再现青年现实.而清醒的问题意识、坚实的学理基础和恰当的研究路径,是研究者进入青年的生活和思想世界而真实、可靠地再现青年现实的必要条件.  相似文献   

缘J.C.亚历山大关于强弱文化范式的理路,本文在陈述概念、回溯文化思潮的基础上,综述了文化社会学理论的一段历程:文化在社会学领域从非主流趋向主流的努力,伴随"文化的社会学"向"文化社会学"视角的转向而发生;亦伴随"弱文化范式"向"文化范式"思潮的变动而发展。文化解释力因此在亚历山大的理想型下由"边缘"到"相对自主"再走向了"独立自主"。  相似文献   

随着青年研究的日益发展,定量研究的数据模型不足以呈现和解释当下纷繁复杂的青年现象,而文学领域中的叙事凭借自身的实践价值逐渐走近人文社会科学的学科视野。青年研究的叙事转向为读懂青年、走进青年提供一条认识、理解以及研究的有效路径和方法。青年研究的叙事转向内在地含有三个维度,分别是青年研究视角从"问题本位"转向"青年本位",青年研究范式从"宏大叙事"转向"个体叙事",青年研究关系从"主体与客体"转向"主体间性",这三个维度中叙事转向问题及其现实的实践路径值得探讨。  相似文献   

社会变迁与个人发展:生命历程研究的范式与方法   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
生命历程研究虽然在国外社会学界已有了很大的发展,但在国内学界还鲜有研究者有意识地运用此范式进行研究。为了向国内同行推介这一领域,我们就生命历程研究的历史发展、分析范式、理论应用等问题进行了综述;对该领域所运用的定量方法中较新的“事件史分析”方法进行了介绍;并阐述了生命历程研究对中国社会学的意义。  相似文献   

论古典知识社会学理论范式的建构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我把已有的知识社会学划分为古典知识社会学、科学社会学、科学知识社会学三种范式或三个阶段 (郭强 ,1 999a)。每一个阶段或者每一种范式都有自己的特点和发展演进过程。本文重点讨论古典知识社会学理论范式形成的几个问题。一、古典知识社会学理论范式形成的思想依赖我把从知识社会学的创立到默顿知识社会学转向这一个时期称之为古典知识社会学理论范式的确立时期。(一 )古典知识社会学思想的哲学影响古典知识社会学的哲学思想来源主要是哲学认识论或者是哲学中的知识学 (知识论 ) ,“在西方古典哲学里 ,知识论的发展不但历史悠久 ,而且…  相似文献   

新政治社会学:范式转型还是理论补充?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"经典政治社会学"与"新政治社会学"在关注权力存在的形式和权力运作的方式时,理论视野存在着差异。前者的权力概念集中在民族—国家层次上,将国家与市民社会的关系作为核心问题;后者则更注重充斥于整个社会生活中的权力现象,在高于民族—国家的宏观领域里或者在低于民族—国家的微观层次上来考虑权力问题;然而,"新政治社会学"并没有形成一种完整的理论范式来替代经典政治社会学,相反,其理论观点不过是对"经典政治社会学"的补充。经典政治社会学和新政治社会学的理论对于认识中国社会的权力现象都是有价值的。  相似文献   

It is possible to agree most heartily with Hamilton-Smith when he speaks of the semantic confusions of social work and of our consequent imprecision of thought. Unfortunately, confusion becomes worse confounded in his article A Paradigm for the Consideration of the Nature of Social Work Processes.1 Precision of thought is aided by careful definition and Hamilton-Smith either neglects this task altogether or his definitions do not stand up to the most superficial examination.  相似文献   


Social work faculty and practitioners have long argued the definition and parameters of the advanced generalist concept. This article explores the concept of generalist-advanced generalist in practice and in education and advances a paradigm for framing the Bachelor of Social Work-Master of Social Work educational continuum. It further argues that the generalist-advanced generalist continuum is particularly well suited to practice in small towns and rural areas. It further argues that the generalist-advanced generalist continuum is particularly well suited to practice in small towns and rural areas because it provides an educational strategy for preparing both entry level and advanced level social workers with the full range of skills needed for practice in these environmental contexts because content on advanced generalist practice is infused in all foundation, field instruction, and areas of specialty in the advanced curriculum.  相似文献   

Abstract  In contemporary Japan, religion is an important issue. Various types of religions such as new religions, occultism, the new age movement, traditional religions etc., attract supporters and exerts a favorable influence on certain aspects of their lives. But, such circumstances are not restricted to Japan. All over the world today, religions have the power to sway national policy and are indispensable in influencing human consciousness and behavior.
Religion is alive and influential even in the secularized world. As such, a cross-cultural study of religions is increasingly needed. Furthermore, the typology of religious organizations provides a means with which to make a comparative study of religion throughout the world.
However, we cannot help but conclude that the theoretical framework developed so far cannot sufficiently deal with the subject in question. This is primarily due to its strong bias towards Christianity, which renders it invalid for analyzing religions in non-Christian regions. This paper will focus on the "cult". The term cult, unlike church-sect-denomination, seems to be applicable to any religious tradition and culture. It is not confined to a specific one such as the Christian tradition and culture.
It should be noted that the cult as previously treated is problematic, too, because it is not free from a bias towards Christianity, and has too negative a connotation for a scientific concept. In this paper, utilizing the merits of the concept of cult, I would like to elaborate a new paradigm of religious organizations. This should allow for a cross-cultural comparison between religious phenomena.  相似文献   

吴佳 《科学发展》2021,(9):96-104
随着城镇化进程的加快,劳动力要素的流动性增加,加之流入城市的土地租金价格日益高企,租赁住房成为新市民、城镇中低收入人群的重要保障.在租购并举的发展期,政府通过直接参与,提供公共租赁住房"兜底",编制"安全网",为城镇中低收入人群和新市民提供政策性租赁住房.同时,综合运用土地、财税、金融等政策,积极探索多元主体参与租赁住房市场建设,不再使保障性租赁住房残余化,通过完善租客权益使租赁住房切实发展成为一种居住生活方式的选择.  相似文献   


This essay discusses the growing complex diversity in client populations, emphasizes the need to support all legal statuses of clients, and advocates for a paradigm shift in culturally competent social work practice.  相似文献   

Organizational change may be considered as analogous to scientific change. Kuhn's analysis of scientific activities as paradigm guided is applied to an organizational framework to suggest that organizational activities may be understood in the same fashion. This perspective is briefly applied to the current controversy in health care. Research attention is directed toward the use of knowledge in organizational activities and in health care in particular.  相似文献   

Abstract The alternative agriculture paradigm has been a useful device to both define and direct a social movement toward a more sustainable agriculture. But because that paradigm was defined by male movement leaders, it reflects their gendered perspective and may be lacking elements that make it more useful for both women and men. In-depth interviews of women involved in sustainable farming organizations and on family farms experimenting with new practices validated the elements of the Beus and Dunlap paradigm: independence, decentralization, community, harmony with nature, diversity, and restraint, but also suggested the addition of two other elements that the women identified as part of an alternative agriculture vision: quality family life and spirituality. The highly gendered nature of agriculture in the V.S. and Canada, where male identity is highly conflated with the role of farmer in the conventional paradigm, may make it more difficult for men who have just joined the' movement to articulate the aspects of quality family life and spirituality which the women saw as critical.  相似文献   

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