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通过测定土壤对磷的等温吸收,研究了木质素对土壤吸磷特性的影响。结果表明:木质素能够使土壤对磷的吸收量减少;随着磷的初始浓度(C0)的增加,加木质素与不加木质素处理土壤对磷的吸收量差异增大,这种差异在不同土壤间明显不同;C0=80mp/L(本试验设定的最大浓度)时,供试土壤对磷的吸收量减少率分别为:红壤10.04%,黄壤9.80%,紫色土31.30%。  相似文献   

东巴经跋语是东巴在抄写完经书后,即兴写的一段话。跋语的内容大多是抄写人的名字、年龄、居住地、抄写时间、经书来源、抄写经过及抄写人的祈愿和祝福等。由于跋语是记事性的,一般为逐词逐字记录,并且所涉及的人名、地名比较多,而这些字大多使用了假借字,因此,跋语中的假借字使用情况与一般东巴经就有所不同,文章对数则东巴经跋语中的假借字进行研究,认为跋语中的假借字比例最高可达90%以上,一般在60-70%之间。  相似文献   

当前欧元区成员国的债务动态性质存在三种类型,财政联盟对不同类型成员国的意义不同。财政联盟若仅着眼于强化财政纪律,改善预算状况,已无法扭转债务超标和恶化趋势。要避免联盟陷于崩溃,须继续深化和强化联盟,围绕降低实际利率和给成员国减债进行创新性制度设计,将联盟拉回债务可持续的轨道。动态计算显示,在成员国基本盈余比率改善2个百分点、经济增长率提高1个百分点、实际利率降低1个百分点和给成员国减债幅度约7000亿欧元的环境下,可实现成员国债务比率的按期达标。  相似文献   

In this paper, we test the hypothesis that unique effects of stepfamily composition on union fertility are confounded with differences between stepfamilies and couples without stepchildren in the risk of union disruption. We use birth and union histories from Fertility and Family Surveys in Austria, Finland, France and West Germany. The risks of a union birth and separation are modeled simultaneously, allowing for the potential effects of unobserved predispositions to have a child or to separate on the other event. We test hypotheses drawn from the value of first and second shared births to couples: Net of the couple’s combined parity, the birth risk will be greater if the child is (a) the first in a union, (b) the first biological child for one of the partners, or (c) the second child in a union.Henz, U. et Thomson, E., 2005. Stabilité des unions et fécondité des familles recomposées en Autriche, Finlande, France et Allemagne de l’ouest, Revue Européenne de Démographie, 21: 3–29.  相似文献   

仙人掌茎多糖的分离纯化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用水浸-醇沉法提取粗多糖,多糖得率为1.48%.仙人掌茎粗多糖再经DEAE-Sepharose fast flow柱层析,分离出3种多糖组分,3种多糖组分再经Sephadex-G 75和Sephadex-G200柱层析,得5种仙人掌茎多糖,均达到电泳纯,多糖的回收率在78.9%~95.8%之间.  相似文献   

液压调剖堵水泵是一种液压驱动的双缸单作用往复泵。最高工作压力为 2 5 MPa,最大排量为 12 m3/ h。该泵压力平稳 ,工作可靠。在注入介质的固相含量高达 45 %时仍能正常工作 ,注入介质中的聚合物粘度保持率可达 99%以上。经油田现场使用表明 ,该泵是目前我国调剖堵水施工中最理想的注入设备  相似文献   

第一次世界大战中英国等列强不同意中国提出的修改关税的要求,只同意中国实征关税5%;在巴黎和会前她甚至不愿意落实包括她自己在内的列强同意的中国实征5%关税的要求;在巴黎和会上她漠视中国修改关税的呼声;在华盛顿会议前她以中国的政治、经济形势为借口,继续置中国的敦促于不顾,反对中国立即修改关税。   相似文献   

子弟书是清代雍正、乾隆年间,北京八旗子弟创造的一种说唱文学,其内容有78%来自明清时期流行的戏曲和小说,22%为八旗子弟的原创作品。这一结果与清代八旗子弟对汉文小说、戏曲的痴迷有重要的关系,他们对故事艺术效果的重视,也提高了其作品的文学价值。  相似文献   

Crude birth, death and marriage rates are examined for the Croatian military defence zone andcordon sanitaire against Turkey for the period 1830–1847. From 20 to 80 per cent of the variance in medium- and short-term swings in rates can be attributed to epidemics and fluctuations in grain harvest and livestock holdings. Standardization of the data to adjust for extreme ecological variation between micro-regions is essential. The ‘Malthusian’ status of this late feudal population is established, at the outset of long-term fertility decline.  相似文献   

A one per cent sample drawn from the 1971 Census (the OPCS Longitudinal Study) was used to study the migration patterns of women in the early years of first marriage. Information from the retrospective fertility and migration history contained in the 1971 Census record was analyzed and the results show migration at, or soon after, marriage to be almost universal. Marriage migrants constituted a quarter of all one-year within-county movers and a fifth of inter-regional movers among women aged 16–29. In the early years of marriage differentials in migration rates according to duration of marriage were greater than differentials associated with age or with husband's change of occupation. The pattern of migration around marriage varied according to a number of socio-economic factors. The timing of the first and subsequent births early in marriage was found to have little effect on migration rates once allowance for duration of marriage was made in the analysis. The results of the study demonstrate the value of the OPCS Longitudinal Study as a source of migration data.  相似文献   

辽宁省水资源年降水量及人均、地均水资源量少,空间、年际季节间变差大,区域水资源数量与农业及社会经济发展需求不匹配。近几十年水资源呈现出社会用水数量持续增长、地下水位持续下降、年降水量逐年减少、人均水资源占有量下降、区域分布更加不平衡的变化趋势。合理利用、有效保护水资源,必须把水的数量、形态和过程纳入具体的时空范围分析和把握。解决水资源问题的总体思路是增加来水量,减少去水量,提高蓄水量,加快水循环。注重区域调水与蓄水,实现区域间均衡发展;调整农林牧用地面积比例,并采取能保存更多降水、加快水循环的措施;从生产效益、保护资源和加强生态建设多方面考虑,合理确定水、旱田面积;提高科技水平,大力发展现代节水农业。解决辽宁水资源问题,要以整体、系统的观点看待区域水资源问题,保证区域水资源可持续利用;要正确认识农业在水资源上的战略地位,正确选择农业发展模式,把农业用水、蓄水和保水统一起来,充分发挥农业在加强生态建设上的特殊作用;要转变利用与保护水资源战略,由"节水"转变为"节水与蓄水并重"或"以蓄水为主"。解决水资源问题的基点放在加强生态建设上,才能谋求科学发展。  相似文献   

如今,中国的外贸依存度达到70%。人民币汇率机制的改革对中国经济的影响是错综复杂的。人民币升值对外贸的影响是一把双刃剑,总体而言,利大于弊。中国要从贸易大国转变为贸易强国,就必须对外贸战略进行调整,外贸企业必须调整产品结构,增强核心竞争力,银行和外汇管理部门要在加强金融创新方面改进服务。  相似文献   

学术界对韩国语语流中音节之间的送气音与紧音的变音现象似乎还没有足够的重视,研究不够深入,有待于进一步探究。韩国语语流中音节之间的送气音与紧音的音变现象,主要表现在以下两个方面:一是以元音结尾的音节因为受后面送气音或紧音为首发音音节的影响,自然而然地添加韵尾;二是后面的元音音节因为受前音节的送气音或紧音韵尾的影响而产生连音变音现象。音节之间的送气音与紧音犹如连接两个或两个以上音节的桥梁,使发音音节形成比较稳定的发音单位。如果把音节之间的送气音长度分为三等分,那么在前音节韵尾发音长度为一等分,在后音节的首发音发音长度为二等分;如果把音节之间的紧音长度分成二等分,那么前音节的韵尾发音长度和后音节首发音发音长度各为一等分。当然,声音的长短轻重因人而异,但这种分析方法基本上符合现实生活中一般韩国人的发音习惯,具有一定的科学性和实用性。  相似文献   

影响中国农业保险发展效应的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用现代计量经济学方法对我国改革开放以来的农业保险发展状况进行实证和判断,证明:(1)农民人均纯收入、保费收入和保费支出这三个变量之间存在两个协整关系。根据模型估计结果,农民人均纯收入、保费收入和保费支出之间存在显著的误差修正机制。同时,(2)随着农村居民人均纯收入的增加,农业保险保费收入和赔款支出都在增加;农业保险保费收入和赔款支出具有一致的变化趋势。(3)农业保险保费收入增加会引起保费支出的增长,反之亦然。基于此,提出政策建议。  相似文献   

用改性蒙脱石预先对煤油脱色,再以活性炭为载体,氯化稀土混合物为催化剂,加入适当的助催化剂、活化剂,在弱碱性介质中,以空气氧为氧化剂,对工业煤油进行脱硫醇.硫醇的脱除率为100%;色度小于1号;抗腐蚀实验为1级,无水溶性酸碱,酸值(KOH)为0.02mg/100mL.处理后的煤油可作室内杀虫剂的超级溶剂.  相似文献   

90年代以来,据我国海关统计,中新双边贸易额年平均增长率达12%。2004年双边贸易额达到25亿美元,是2001年的两倍。中国已成为新西兰第四大贸易伙伴和进出口市场。  相似文献   

The Norwegian Fertility Survey of 1977 shows that most of the population make adequate use of contraception. Only 7 per cent of those who did not desire to become pregnant dit not use birth control. The reduction in fertility and changes in the age-specific fertility pattern have not been as great as one would expect. The younger cohorts have not had changes in fertility as great as the changes in contraception would imply, whereas the older ones have had even greater changes. We conclude that changes in the age-specific fertility pattern have not been causally dependent on the contraceptive pattern  相似文献   

金融与现代经济有着紧密的联系 ,在现代经济中 ,金融对经济增长的贡献大约占到总经济增长率的 1 0 % ,在金融推动经济发展的过程中 ,金融效率起着关键的作用。  相似文献   

保护知识产权就是保护人才,引进高素质人才和高水平技术是西部知识产权保护问题重点中的重点。分析西部专利申请总量、审批总量、人均持有增长率等,以及商标注册总量、人均注册量、人均注册增长率等方面与东部和全国的差距,为解决西部知识产权面临的问题提供依据。  相似文献   

While demographic change has been well documented for many Western countries, much less is known about demographic transitions in other countries, including Turkey. Demographic change in European societies can be characterized by, amongst others, increased prevalence of divorce. Although it is often argued that life courses in Turkey follow a more traditional path, little is known on determinants and patterns of divorce, despite the major socioeconomic changes Turkey has undergone over the past decades. We study the levels of divorce of women in Turkey from 1973 to 2008 to explain patterns of divorce, looking at the role of individual characteristics and the regional context. We use the Demographic Health Surveys (2003/2008), complemented with regional data on divorce, urbanization, and GDP per capita. Applying a multilevel approach, distinguishing 12 regions, we hypothesize that regions where divorce is already more prevalent, more urbanized regions, and wealthier regions in terms of GDP per capita will increase the probability of divorce. Our analyses show that levels of divorce increased over the past decades but huge regional variation remains. Sociocultural and socioeconomic factors explain this trend, and in particular urbanization and GDP per capita are key determinants for divorce.  相似文献   

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