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张二力 《人口研究》2005,29(1):11-18
以"五普"数据为基础,分析全国"地市"的出生性别比、婴儿死亡率性别比与生育政策的关系.本文的分析表明实行"第1个孩子为女孩,间隔几年允许生第2个孩子"生育政策的人口比例越高的地区,出生性别比和婴儿死亡性别比失常越严重;实行较为宽松生育政策的地区比较接近正常.实行较为宽松的生育政策有利于解决目前出生性别比严重失常和女婴死亡严重偏高的问题.  相似文献   

性别偏好、性别选择与出生性别比   总被引:57,自引:4,他引:57  
文章的目的是要探讨中国出生婴儿性别比偏高的间接和直接原因。其定量分析使用国家计划生育委员会于1997年11月中旬组织的全国人口与生殖健康调查中第二期育龄妇女生殖健康调查数据。从理想的孩子性别看,城市存在选择女孩的现象,而农村存在明显的选择男孩的现象。分析发现,只有女孩的妇女再次怀孕的比例明显高于至少有一个男孩而再次怀孕妇女的比例;同时前者实行人工流产的比例要明显低于后者。以往所生孩子的数量和性别是惟一决定下一个孩子分孩次性别比升高的原因,它与年龄、民族、受教育状况和婚姻状况无关。中国的出生性别比偏高主要是由选择性人工流产导致的。  相似文献   

近年来,河南省孟州市始终把“关爱女孩行动”作为婚育新风进万家活动的延伸,积极创新载体,完善工作机制,以家庭为单元,通过开展“八到家”活动,在全社会营造了关爱女孩的良好氛围。目前,在孟州“男到女家、生男生女都一样、女儿也是传后人”等新型的婚育观念逐渐被群众所接受,“男孩偏好”正在逐步淡化,女孩的生活环境得到明显改善,出生婴儿性别比基本趋于正常范围。其主要做法是:1.百村万人访谈到家。在活动开展之初,为确保“关爱女孩行动”真正取得实效,全市立足于群众,从了解需求入手,组织计生、卫生、教育、团委、妇联等25个成员单位的…  相似文献   

周钦  袁燕 《人口学刊》2014,(3):14-24
如何促进男童和女童基础教育均衡发展是目前教育界的重要议题。本文通过理论和实证研究探寻子女性别对家庭基础教育投入决策的影响,并在此基础上识别其影响机制。研究表明,与男孩相比,女孩更可能面临"教育关心程度低、入学年龄大、辍学可能性高"的教育风险。究其原因,父母的"教育对儿子收入影响大于女儿"的价值判断标准导致了女孩更可能"晚入学";预期"未来对儿子的经济依赖大于女儿"的父母倾向给予男孩更多的教育关注,并降低男孩的辍学可能性。因此,要解决家庭内部男童和女童基础教育均衡发展问题,需从家庭传统的价值判断标准和养老思想入手。  相似文献   

本文基于"四川省促进出生人口性别结构平衡问卷"的调查数据对育龄人群的生育意愿与男孩偏好关系进行实证检验。结果显示,所调查育龄群体的理想子女数约1.8个;男孩偏好发生概率具有明显的地区、人口特征,民族属性、家人想法、对生育政策知晓情况以及养老方式等变量对男孩偏好的影响显著。分析认为,这是个体所处环境对其影响作用所致。因此,政府应借助各类传播媒介,利用人际传播和大众传播等方式,加大对人口现状及生育政策等知识的宣传,扩大新型生育观念普及面,通过减弱男孩偏好逐步实现出生人口性别比结构平衡。除此之外,"一儿一女"的生育偏好普遍存在,全面二孩生育政策虽然满足了婚育家庭的生育需求,但有可能激发一孩是女孩的家庭的男孩偏好,打击"两非"仍是未来人口工作重点。  相似文献   

当前我国出生性别比异常的经济学思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
申玉玺  梁鸿 《西北人口》2007,28(4):14-17,21
我国出生性别比偏高的问题近几年愈演愈烈,被广泛关注的范围已经从学术界扩大了整个社会。本文拟就从产生问题的根源——男孩偏好以及隐藏在其背后的男女孩儿预期效用迥异入手,提出对当前已有政策的一些修正方案。笔者认为:诚如许多专家学者指出,问题产生的根本原因是文化因素——男孩偏好,但是问题解决的根本出路绝不能仅限于男女平等,而应该实行对女孩的积极的性别歧视。  相似文献   

近年来,河北省灵寿县在治理出生人口性别比工作中,综合运用宣传、法律、经济、教育、行政等手段,采取有效措施综合治理出生人口性别比偏高问题。开展宣传教育,倡导关爱女孩和男女平等的社会风尚。一是充分利用媒体开展宣传教育活动,倡导关爱女孩和男女平等的社会风尚。二是大力开展"婚育新风进万家"活动和"关爱女孩行动",引导群众树立科学、文明、进步的婚  相似文献   

国外出生婴儿性别比的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
出生婴儿性别比一直是学者和社会所关注的问题。通常认定的人类出生婴儿性别比是105,在103—107之间浮动。一般认为,出生性别比超出这个范围表明某种或某些特殊的生物或社会因素可能影响了这一比例,被视为不正常的性别比;同时,非正常的性别比又会对社会产生一定的影响。在中国,关于出生性别比失调(高于或低于通常认定的正常值)的研究主要开始于80年代实行严格控制人口发展的政策之后,并且发现80年代中期以后出生性别比有明显升高的趋势。多数学者侧重从地理区域、父母教育程度、孩次、胎次、原存活子女性别、统计资料质量的角度来分析80年代以来非正常出生性别比的现象,并作出了一些具有一定说服力的解释。但是,出生性别比失调并非是中国特有的一种现象,世界上许多国家和地区都有类似的问题。国外学者为这种现象和其原因所困感,曾花费很大精力研究这个问题。这类研究数量繁多,某些研究视角具有启  相似文献   

个人与家庭因素对中国儿童生存性别差异的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在对1990年第四次人口普查1%抽样数据进行处理的基础上,分析了个人与家庭因素与儿童生存风险性别差异的关系,并应用生存分析方法对1990年1月出生队列的早期婴儿生存风险进行了跟踪研究。结果表明中国女孩生存风险高于男孩,这种现象几乎在所有特征的母亲与家庭中普遍存在,而歧视对象具有高度的选择性  相似文献   

我省近年来出生婴儿性别比例失衡的问题日渐突出,农村尤为严重,重视人口性别比失衡问题,关爱女孩,是关系社会和谐发展的重大问题,必须予以高度重视,借此机会,就关爱女孩问题作一探讨。  相似文献   

Interviews were conducted with almost 800 adolescents and their parents in 3 districts representing the range of school experience in Kenya. Researchers also visited 36 primary schools attended by more than 80% of the adolescents sampled, holding interviews with teachers and students, documenting facilities, observing interactions, and compiling measures of performance. Boys were seen bullying girls outside of classrooms, teasing them and blocking their movements. In focus group discussions, boys and girls reported that boys routinely grab girls' breasts, while teachers ignore the abuse. Teachers described girls as stupid and lazy, with both male and female teachers who expressed a preference for teaching one sex or the other preferring boys. The teachers more often allocated menial chores to girls and teaching tasks to boys. Even in schools in which girls performed almost as well as boys on exams, teachers awarded twice as many prizes to boys. The teachers created a context in which girls perform poorly. When the girls do in fact fail to achieve, teachers' prejudices are simply reinforced. On the other hand, schools at which girls performed better on exams had more female teachers who presumably served as role models. Also, girls in schools with more female students scored higher on the final, nationwide exam.  相似文献   

P Zou 《人口研究》1983,(4):35-36
A survey was conducted on the sex ratio at birth in Beijing for the period between 1964 and 1982. In the 1960s, birth control ideas and plans were first introduced. In the 1970s, birth control measures were gradually taken to curb the population growth. In the 1980s, the policy of 1 child for each married couple was adopted and put into practice. Although the birthrate is being maintained at a low level, the number of childbearing age women has increased, and the birthrate has shown some increase. Statistics show almost equality in the sex at birth, but the number of newborn boys is slightly higher than that of newborn girls. Under the influence of Chinese tradition, a great many people in the countryside still prefer to have boys rather than girls, and they might have reported fewer newborn girls than the actual number. The average sex ratio for the past 3 years has still been close to a balance. With the practice of 1 child for each family, the sex ratio has been maintained close to a balance. This overall situation is made possible because of the development in the quality of birth and eugenics and the improvement in health care.  相似文献   

"Parents' decisions to have children are modeled by a simple stopping rule that describes the probability of having another child as a function of the number of boys and girls already born to the parents. Because the stopping rule depends on the sex of the offspring, the rule may introduce a correlation between sex of offspring and the number of siblings the offspring has. When this is coupled with a correlation between number of siblings and well-being, a correlation between sex and well-being may emerge despite equal treatment of the two sexes within each family. The author provides sufficient conditions on a stopping rule for it to be sexist in the sense that the average well-being of one sex is higher than that of the other sex." (SUMMARY IN FRE)  相似文献   

Pande RP 《Demography》2003,40(3):395-418
This article examines the role of the sex composition of surviving older siblings on gender differences in childhood nutrition and immunization, using data from the National Family Health Survey, India (1992-1993). Logit and ordered logit models were used for severe stunting and immunization, respectively. The results show selective neglect of children with certain sex and birth-order combinations that operate differentially for girls and boys. Both girls and boys who were born after multiple same-sex siblings experience poor outcomes, suggesting that parents want some balance in sex composition. However, the preference for sons persists, and boys who were born after multiple daughters have the best possible outcomes.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the relationship between social inequality and participation in the Austrian high school system (secondary level II). The European Community Household Panel is used as data basis. The results show differences in participation rate by sex and by the three classical dimensions of stratification, namely education, occupation and income of parents. Hence, social inequality still exists in Austria. Gender differences have been reversed: Nowadays, more girls attend high schools than boys. Inequalities are reduced by secondary technical and vocational colleges.  相似文献   

A survey of 1 child families in the Shihezi area showed a higher ratio of boys, 920 boys vs. 822 girls (1.12:1.00). There was also a higher ratio of boys among children born between 1975-1980, but the proportion of girls was higher among children born before 1974. The ratio of boys was higher among firstborn children born between 1976-1980 (1.086:1.00), while the sex ratio was 1.00 among 2nd born children born between 1976-1980. School children between age 6-18 showed 6266 boys and 6218 girls (1.01:1.00). The sex ratio of the total population in the Shihezi area was 1.05:1:00; this coincides with our national ratio of 1.08:1.00 (1953 census) and the world sex ratio of 1.0035:1.00 in 1975. The universal occurrence of more males than females is probably a result of physiological factors. It is actually beneficial to the country to have a slightly higher ratio of males because many jobs are more suitable for men because of their physical condition and the accidental death rate is also higher for men. The slightly higher percentage of boys among single child families was not statistically significant (P0.05).  相似文献   


Parents’ decisions to have children are modeled by a simple stopping rule that describes the probability of having another child as a function of the number of boys and girls already born to the parents. Because the stopping rule depends on the sex of the offspring, the rule may introduce a correlation between sex of offspring and the number of siblings the offspring has. When this is coupled with a correlation between number of siblings and well‐being, a correlation between sex and well‐being may emerge despite equal treatment of the two sexes within each family. The author provides sufficient conditions on a stopping rule for it to be sexist in the sense that the average well‐being of one sex is higher than that of the other sex.  相似文献   

Strong preference for sons in South Asia is well documented, but evidence on female disadvantage in childhood feeding, health care, and nutritional status is inconclusive. This article examines sex differentials in indicators of childhood feeding, health care, and nutritional status of children under age 3 by birth order and sex composition of older living siblings. Data are from India's 1992–93 and 1998–99 National Family Health Surveys. The analysis finds three reasons for inconclusive evidence on female disadvantage in aggregate analyses. First, discrimination against girls is limited to the relatively small fraction of children of certain birth orders and sex compositions of older siblings. Second, discrimination against girls when boys are in short supply and discrimination against boys when girls are in short supply cancel each other to some extent. Third, some discrimination against girls (e.g., in exclusive breastfeeding at 6–9 months) is nutritionally beneficial to girls. Separate analyses for North and South India find that gender discrimination is as common in the South as in the North, where son preference is generally much stronger.  相似文献   

郑州市大学生性行为现状及影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张原震 《西北人口》2007,28(4):122-128
本文利用2006年3月在郑州市4所大学调查的326名大学生性观念和行为的调查数据,分析了郑州市目前大学生性行为现状及影响因素。结果表明,有45.6%的男大学生和40.6%的女大学生承认与异性有过接吻、抚摩等性接触经历;其中,有36%男性和16%的女性与异性有过性交经历。比较而言,女大学生比男大学生更喜欢非性交的性接触。影响大学生性行为的因素不仅在男女之间有很大的差异,在男性和女性内部也有很大的差异。对待性的态度(性观念)和家庭社会经济地位对大学生的性行为有很强的影响,其中,家庭社会经济地位低的和高的大学生比条件一般的大学生更容易与异性发生性行为。家教的严格程度、家庭关系的和谐程度,与家庭联系的频繁程度等对女大学生的性行为有强烈的影响,但对男大学生没有影响。抽烟对男大学生的性行为,有很强的影响,对女大学生的性行为则没有影响;而喝酒只影响男大学生的非性交性行为和女大学生的性交性行为。在未来可能实施的一些降低女大学生的高危行为的项目中,家庭的参与是非常重要的一个方面。  相似文献   

We analyze child mortality in Vietnam focusing on gender aspects. Contrary to several other countries in the region, mortality rates for boys are substantially larger than for girls. The mortality rate of boys appears to be more sensitive to parents’ education levels than the mortality rate of girls. A high education level of the father is particularly protective for boys. The rural–urban mortality difference in the raw data, which is particularly large for boys, can be fully explained by differences in observable characteristics of urban and rural households.  相似文献   

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