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“人”同“才”并没有必然的联系。有的人是“人”而有“才”,就叫“人才”。有的人是“人”而无“才”,不能叫“人才”;有的人有“歪才”但没“人味”,这种人更不能叫“人才”。  相似文献   

“狡人刁问”,是指狡猾刁钻、居心叵测的人故意给人出难题,用刁难人的设问让人难以回答或作答后留下“话柄”和“笑柄”。而所谓“妙语应答”,则是面对“刁问”巧妙、机警地“反击”,以致“刁问”失去刁难人的作用。它是一个人聪明才智、学识水  相似文献   

宋朝的市场经济非常繁荣,市民生活水平一度很高,“家政服务”这个行业也随之诞生:不独吹拉弹唱,名目众多的“身边人”、“本事人”、“供过人”、“堂前人”、“拆洗人”、“针线人”等以出卖生活技术的“女技工”队伍也应运而生。有条件的人家只要通过“女侩”或“牙人”,随时都可以雇用或买到这样的家政服务人员。  相似文献   

近来,人们逐渐感到国际社会有些不对劲:“盯”住中国的人越来越多;“有茬”、“无茬”的事件也不断见诸媒体报端,甚至一些“兄弟”国家,竟然直面“叫板”。于是,国人稳不住了:感叹世态炎凉、世事无常的人有之;抱怨“韬光养晦”的人有之;急于想在国际舞台上“亮肌肉”的人有之;甚至想教训一下那些不知好歹“小兄弟”们的人也有之;  相似文献   

芬兰人“抠门”“较真”,这是许多新闻界同行对芬兰人的共同印象。但芬兰人“抠”得让人敬佩、“较”得让人服气,却也是不争的事实。  相似文献   

骂人本是一种发泄心中怨气的不文明行为,可在安徽亳州市却有个老年“骂人团”,专门靠帮他人“闹事”谋取利益。三年内,这个“骂人团”“摆平”20起纠纷,牟利近30万元,让人看到“夕阳红”变成了“夕阳黑”。然而,多行不义必自毙。这些人最终自食苦果,活生生把自己骂进了大牢。  相似文献   

健康的重要性一、健康最重要在人的一生中,最值得珍惜的东西是什么?不同的人有不同的答案,有的人说是快乐,有的人说是金钱,有的人说是家庭。您的答案是什么呢?曾经有人用“10000000000”来比喻人的一生,其中“1”代表健康,各个“0”代表生命中的事业、金钱、地位、权力、快乐、家庭、爱情、房子……纷繁冗杂的“0”充斥了人们的生活,“1”常常被忽略,但“1”一旦失去,所有的浮华喧嚣都将归于沉寂。  相似文献   

不少“支架人”认为,做了“心脏支架”,就相当于为心脏上了“保险”。其实,装上支架后并不意味着一劳永逸,目前不少人对“心脏支架”存在认识误区。  相似文献   

“人到老年心犹孩”,有些老年人虽然年岁已大,但却有一颗童心,经常做出些像天真儿童一样的行为。这样的人,常被人称为“老小孩”“老顽童”。  相似文献   

萧琳 《女性天地》2005,(8):50-51
“中国人缺钙”,这是钙产品广告让“地球人都知道”的事。可中国人的铜摄入情况如何呢?知道的人就不多了。有一则维生素广告说“中国人不缺磷铜”。无论这句广告词的依据如何,我们还是提醒——  相似文献   

旅游可以带来良好的经济效益,也可使山村群众的思想观念发生转变。李家山村是一个风景如画的村子,一个正在被现代"文明"逐渐渗透的村子。村里人纷纷去城里寻梦,城里人却喜欢来村里体验他们的生活。马荣花一家,正在适应着这种大背景下发生的变化。  相似文献   

广州南粤航海文化的重要标志是南海神庙文化,黄埔古村和西关的传奇是清代限定广州为唯一通商口岸和十三行的设立。广州港货物吞吐量位居国内第四、全球第六,优势的南沙深水港位于珠江三角洲的正中心。广州建设国际航运中心,要着力打造航运“软实力”,弘扬南粤航海文化,传承“航海精神”。  相似文献   

Abstract With its capacity to link many people interactively across great distances, the Internet seems to be the ultimate tool for dispersed ethnic groups wishing to sustain identity in an ‘alien’ land and work in solidarity with those facing challenges at ‘home’. Some theorists speak of the creation of diasporic public spheres arising from creative use of Internet technologies. Nevertheless, scholars working in this area rarely embed their analyses within existing work on the public sphere. In the present study I use insights from public sphere theory to evaluate participants' use of a Haiti Global Village forum. After examining Haiti Global Village, I conclude that such forums offer needed space for civic deliberation and provide a valuable infrastructure for networking. Participants' difficulty in translating these assets into an off‐line project, however, highlights the importance of place‐based social ties. Consideration of the experience of other Haitian forums reinforces the importance of such ties.  相似文献   


The Family Support Center, recognizing the need for single women with children to maintain stability, has developed a program referred to as the Family Support Center Village, which incorporates a service enriched co-housing model. The “Village” will be the catalyst for these mothers' self-sufficiency and will provide opportunities to develop tools for success and independence.  相似文献   

以A村作为转制社区研究对象,通过实践观察,发现转制社区存在着公共服务短缺、集体企业转型受阻、居委会工作本末倒置、居民身份认同模糊等问题。从制度分析的视角揭示了不合时宜的制度安排,城乡二元结构的存续、资源依赖关系的强化是制约转制社区与城市社区接轨的主要原因。因而建议改变路径依赖,重构新型的社区治理结构,增加政府有效制度供给。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Rural sociology》2007,72(1):136-150
Book reviewed in this article: Camembert: A National Myth, by Pierre Boisard When Champagne Became French: Wine and the Making of a National Identity, by Kolleen M. Guy Together at the Table: Sustainability and Sustenance in the American Agrifood System, by Patricia Allen Fishing for Gold: The Story of Alabama's Catfish Industry, by Karni R. Perez From Rural Village to Global Village: Telecommunications for Development in the Information Age, by Heather E. Hudson  相似文献   

Book review     

Jane Fishburne Collier "From Duty to Desire: Remaking Families in a Spanish Village," Princeton University Press, 1997.  相似文献   

This study explores Gamcheon Culture Village in Busan, South Korea, as a special case of inclusive and participatory cultural-spatial transformation by which the village was transformed from an impoverished and decaying hillside slum into a vital and picturesque location and tourist attraction. The study delineates this process in terms of a distinctive engagement of the arts and cultural dynamics relative to general social well-being. Of particular note are the roles of resident activism and civil society, social entrepreneurs, and the arts and artists as key resources, all coming together in an organic redevelopment process. Evidence indicates an increased sense of community and cooperation, overall improvement in the quality of life, and cultural enrichment for the residents. However, transformation continues, and the sustainability of Gamcheon Culture Village as a successful case of redevelopment is dependent on the ongoing cooperation and participation of the resident base and primary artistic support.  相似文献   

NIDA‐NIAAA Merger Cancelled in Surprise Move Daytop Village Expects to Emerge from Bankruptcy by Spring Outgoing SSA on Impact of New Jersey Move to Managed Care NQF Endorses Substance Abuse Screening Measure HHS Issues Three Proposed Rules on ACA Briefly Noted Coming up  相似文献   

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