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Dumplings are the food thatChinese people eat during the SpringFestival,the ceremony to celebrate thecoming of the new year in the Chineselunar calender.Spring Festival startson the eighth day of the twelfth lunarmonth and does not end until the 15thday of the first lunar month of thefollowing year.The most importantactivity of this festival is the waitingin of the new year—that is,people  相似文献   

THIS year's International Women's Day has special significance, for it takes place during the fiftieth anniversary year of the United Nations. The purposes of International Women's Day: to celebrate past achievements, to highlight continuing problems, and to stimulate thought about the future, will this year be conducted in the context of a similar effort focused on the entire United Nations system. But the connection between International Women's Day 1995 and the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations goes far deeper than similarity of purpose. There is increasing recognition that the problems  相似文献   

Minor Cold The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms.Minor Cold,the 23rd solar term,is on January 6.20 this year.During Minor Cold,it is freezing in most regions of China.Normally,Minor Cold is the coldest period of winter.Therefore,you should wear enough clothes to keep warm.Also,you may want to eat some warmnatured foods,such as beef,mutton,chestnuts and baked sweet potatoes.  相似文献   

The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms.The Start of Spring,the first solar term,is from February 4-19 this year.Start of Spring is like a"prologue"to spring.The so lar term m ight bring you vigorous vitality and immense joy,as virtually every living thing grows vigorously after a long,cold winter.The days are getting longer and the weather is becoming warmer.  相似文献   

Your Chinese Horoscope 2006: What the Year of the Dog Holds in Store for You 《2006狗年运势》 Author. Neil Somerville Publisher: Harper Element The year 2006 is the Year of the Dog on the Chinese zodiac. What does this mean for you? The ancient art of Chinese Astrology, which predates the Western zodiac, is a detailed system of divination that has been used in the Orient for thousands of years. The depths of its wisdom and the accuracy of its character analysis and predictions have caught the imagination of the West in recent years, and have resulted in the rapid rise of its popularity. Your Chinese Horoscope 2006 is a popular and enlightening guide, which contains all the predictions you will need to take you into the year ahead-a year that offers great hope, advancement and opportunity. This complete astrological guide, now in its 19th year, includes an introduction to the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac; an explanation of the Five Elements, including which one governs your sign; and what the Year of the Dog has in store for you, your family, your loved ones and friends.  相似文献   

The earth, with its diversity andvariety, is a total ecology that has givenlift to and sustains the lives of all ofhumanity. Protecting that ecology hasbecome a major concern for peoplearound the world. With an eye towardsenvironmental protection, the Chinesegovernment and tourism agencieslaunched Ecotour China '99. Thetheme of this year of environmentaltourism is "Walking Towards Natureand Protecting the Environment." To match this theme, we havepublished here a story introducing twonuture preservation zones for birdhabitats in China and with publishmore stories of this sort in the futurealso. We believe that these stories Willlend our readers majestic scrolls ofimagery as well as pass on a commonfeeling of humility towards nature.  相似文献   

The final of the 2001 Diana World Elite Model Contest's China Selection Contest drew its curtain in Beijing on August 17. Gu Wei from Zhejiang Province won the championship. She will go to France to join the world finals at the end of this year The annual contest hopes to find candidates with supermodel potential and bring them the riches that go with it. As for the contest, there had been nine selection contests this year held in  相似文献   

THE year 1898 is worth remembering for China' s women. It was that year that a large group of women who advocated social change established the Women's Association for Progress, the Women's School of China and started the first women's newspaper, "Chinese Girl's Progress" in Guishuli, Shanghai, with the support and participation of the reformers during the latter part of the Qing Dynasty. The article "On Equality Between  相似文献   

China has more than 60 million disabled people-nearly five percent of the country's total population. That means that in every six families, there is a family with a disabled member. The Chinese Government is devoting great effort to improving the lives of disabled people and is taking various measures to solve the difficulties faced by them, in education and employment for example. However, protecting disabled people from poverty and discrimination still calls for long-term mechanisms to be in place, a sound social welfare system and awareness of the general public to disability issues. On May 15, 1991, China's Law on the Protection of the Disabled Person came into effect, stipulating the third Sunday of May every year as the National Day for Helping the Disabled, which calls on the public to show their concern. Many kind-hearted people have reached out to help the disabled. Yang Jinhua, Director of Huanggang Social Welfare House in Hubei Province is one such person. She has been honored this year as on  相似文献   

THE climacteric in women, often referred to as menopause, generally occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. The ailment people most commonly or frequently encountered during this period is women's climacteric syndrome with senile osteoporosis and senile depression next. The illness rate of the women's climacteric syndrome is about 87.5 percent in China.  相似文献   

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