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This celadon jar, 16.5 cm high, was produced by the Changsha Kiln during the Tang Dynasty. The Changsha Kiln, located on the bank of the Xiangjiang River, 60 kilometers north of Changsha, was the earliest producer of underglaze decoration. The development of underglaze enamel was a turning point in the history of China's ancient porcelain. It was a change from a monochromatic glaze to a polychromtic glaze, creating a porcelain blazing with  相似文献   

XIE Lifang was born into a physics professor's family in Changsha, Hunan Province in 1949 when New China was founded. Living in a place surrounded by beautiful landscape of the Yuelu Mountain, she was fond of painting from her childhood. After she graduated from a junior high school, she was admitted to the Hunan Theatrical School to study stage arts. During the ten years' chaos of the "cultural revolution," (from 1966 to 1976) the school's regular education  相似文献   

S houan,a town in Chengdu,capital of Southwest China's Sichuan Province,is the largest osmanthus-production base in Southwestern China.Due largely to the saturated market,the traditional seedling industry,which used to be one of the pillar industries of Minjiang(a village in Shouan),has suffered from"severe winter"-the depressed market resulted in the stagnation of the seedling trade-during the past decade.  相似文献   

At the end of January,officials of Ciyuan Central Court,under Ludian(a county in Zhaotong,a city in Southwest China's Yunnan Province)People's Court,were notified that all of the courts in Zhaotong should not,in principle,arrange for litigants,and other parties involved,to attend litigious activities in the courts in February,during the novel coronavirus epidemic.On that day,Ludian People's Court accepted the suggestion of Ye Dan,Vice-President of Ciyuan Central Court,and decided to try cases via WeChat videos.  相似文献   

Office Helps,Cares for Disadvantaged Residents国办印发《关于进一步做好困难群众基本生活保障有关工作的通知》The General Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China recently promulgated a notice on strengthening work related to guaranteeing the basic living of disadvantaged residents in various regions of the country.The notice stresses the regions should help and care for the residents,so they can enjoy the Spring Festival(on February 12).  相似文献   

Psychological Health Education 心理健康教育 About 100 teachers recently gathered at Rongxiang Primary School, in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, to observe a pilot class in psychological health. The teachers came from the city's different primary and middle schools. Actually, the pilot was part of the educational campaign to build up schoolchildren's psychological health,  相似文献   

UNICEF's Aid联合国儿童基金会向甘肃儿童伸出援助之手UNICEF(United Nations Children's Fund)recently sent a field team to Jingning County,one of the most underdeveloped regions in West China's Gansu Province,to visit local mothers and children,investigate the health and medical situation and help the needy.The one-week trip was co-organized by UNICEF and China's ministries of Commerce and Health.  相似文献   

Mme. Chen Muhua is Vice Chairperson of the National People's Congress (NPC) and President of the All-China Women's Federation. After the founding of New China she worked in China's economic field for many years. Since China opened its door to the outside world in the 1980s, she actively participated in and led China's economic reforms, successively being in the posts of Minister of Foreign Trade, President of Bank of China, Vice Premier of the State Council and Vice Chairperson of the NPC. She has held the present post since 1988.As an important leader of China's economic reform, Mme. Chen Muhua has a deep understanding of Deng Xiaoping's strategic thoughts about reform and opening up and speaks highly of his strength of character.  相似文献   

As always,this month's edition of Women of China contains reports on the issues that are most important to China's women.That's why we decided to publish a special article examining the latest developments in China's family planning  相似文献   

Officials from the All-China Women's Federation, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Culture in April, released the notice of organizing colorful celebration activities for children, to ensure the children will enjoy a happy and meaningful festival.  相似文献   

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