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在"三·八"妇女节来临之际,本刊记者走访了12位来自不同行业的女性,记录了她们的工作生活状态。她们有的从事着教师、工人、医生等传统职业,有的来自新兴的行业,如瑜伽教练、网络视频编缉。在她们中间,既有20多岁的年轻创业者,也有年过半百的资深教授。抛开职业的差别,她们有个共同的特点,那就是都在为自己的理想和目标而努力着。  相似文献   

她们都是活泼美丽健康的上海女孩,都处在14岁的花季,都因为某种原因被抛弃在敬老院里。抛弃她们的,有的是亲戚,有的干脆就是父母。这是为什么?  相似文献   

1934年红军开始长征时,仅有30位女性随军,其余女红军干部、战士和家属则全部留在了苏区。对留下者而言,无疑意味着等待她们的是艰苦、斗争、等待、悲惨、壮烈。她们中,有的为了一句承诺,守望终生;有的未来得及留下姓名便战死沙场;有的乞讨度日但坚守信念,千里迢迢寻找部队……  相似文献   

她们有的说我是青蛙,有的说我是蜥蜴,有的说我是非洲鳄。总之,都是侏罗纪便已开始觅食的生物。 Internte上,充斥着这类生物。这是个返祖时代,但是,她们就没有想到,在我眼中,她们都是恐龙!有暴龙,有剑龙,有梁龙,有雷龙……在我的网恋履历中,生存着13头恐龙,构成我作为网虫的情感血泪史。  相似文献   

她们是一群特殊的妈妈,有的在离婚后与孩子相依为命,有的丈夫去世后独自在外漂泊,有的没走进过结婚礼堂就早早生儿育女……她们共同的特点是,她们都是单亲妈妈,没有男人的肩膀可以依靠,只能带着作为昔日爱情结晶的孩子,独自面对不可预测的前途。与众不同的身份,注定她们要经历比普通母亲更多风雨的洗礼,承担更多人生的考验。尽管如此,在她们脸上,我们看不到沮丧或者迷茫,我们看到的,只有比五月的太阳更明亮更温暖的笑……  相似文献   

80后的小天王陈冠希,由于“艳照门”事件变成了被口诛笔伐的坏孩子。他在记者会上以一副做错事孩子的样子,反复说出了N个沉痛的道歉,然后宣布永远退出香港娱乐圈,转身消失了。那些“艳照”上的女人,有的已身为母亲,有的将要踏上婚姻的红地毯,有的已另有惰深意浓的男友……她们身后有亲人、朋友、爱人,她们和她们身后的人都一起遭受着伤害,如芒在背的刺痛挥之不去。  相似文献   

她们是女人,烈日炎炎,面朝工地背朝天;她们是妻子,甘愿随丈夫天南海北谋生计;她们是母亲,却无法天天守在孩子的身边;她们来自不同的地方,为了生活、为了家庭、为了孩子,靠自己的双手,在城市的建筑工地上起早贪黑地忙碌着。  相似文献   

高凝然 《职业》2013,(25):20-21
电影《中国合伙人》一经上映反响强烈,影片中塑造的几位励志型人物受到不少观众的追捧。其实,在职场中,有一个群体不容小觑,那就是成功企业中的女性合伙人。她们有的以忠诚著称,有的以干练取胜,她们不但有着男性一样的胆识和胸怀,更有男人所不具备的温婉和耐力,她们是商界大佬幕后的得力助手。是优秀的企业成就了这些智慧的女性,还是这些女性合伙人为企业的发展奠定了基础?就让我们一一梳理,细细品读。  相似文献   

徐静 《现代交际》2004,(2):17-17
我们办公室有五六个人,来自不同的省份,平时大家都讲普通话。一个月前,又来了新同事小王,是四川的,跟小张是同乡,来公司实习。在异乡能听到家乡话是很难得的事,小张可高兴了,两个人在一起时就用家乡话嘻嘻哈哈说个没完,亲密得不得了。小张本来穿职业装,留直长发,说话慢声细语,很淑女的样子,但一说起四川话来,模样就变了,张牙舞爪的,面部表情也很夸张,看来她们的家乡话必须配以夸张的手势和表情才能出韵味的。她们的家乡话说得极快,根本不可能让别人听懂,除了那些几乎每句都有的  相似文献   

绿城 《女性天地》2008,(2):14-16
一对分别来自上海的孤儿偶然在河南洛阳相识,并因长得相像而认了干姐妹。漫长岁月之后她们才知道,她们为什么会长得这么像!  相似文献   

The ecological notion of metropolitan dominance is explored through the examination of a hierarchy of urban places. This hierarchy is based on organizational bases rather than functional characteristics as has been the case in most past research. This approach is preferable to the more traditional method in that organizational bases are more easily measured, and they offer an observable medium through which dominance is exercised. The hierarchy of metropolitan areas is perceived as comprising a social network, with influence accruing to a metropolis on the basis of its relationships with all other places in the system. The data are aggregated to the regional level in order to facilitate comparisons, and it is observed that power is becoming more diffuse spatially as it becomes more concentrated organizationally. Furthermore, the regional structure of the system of influence relations is being altered as the sunbelt metropolitan areas become more powerful. Other changes are found in the nature of the influence exercised by the growing urban areas of the southern and western regions. The data on organizational bases of dominance consist of corporate linkages reflecting the intraorganizational division of labor. The corporations themselves are drawn from the group of industrial corporations listed on the American Stock Exchange or the New York Stock Exchange in either 1955 or 1975.  相似文献   

This article is a guide to over a hundred journal articles on strategic management in nonprofit organizations, published from 1977 to 1992 in nineteen leading general management or nonprofit journals. The guide provides brief summaries of articles, organized into widely accepted strategic management topic areas and research categories. The article indicates areas where substantial foundations of knowledge exist and where such bases are lacking. It distinguishes between works on general nonprofit management and those on empirical research.  相似文献   

This study addresses the need for social work professionals to remain current with the changing bases of knowledge and skills that impact on their daily experience. Continuing social work education is assumed to be one of the most effective means of avoiding professional obsolescence. The purposes of the study were to achieve a level of consensus relative to theories, methodologies, and content areas of continuing social work education and then to project a functional model of continuing social work education useful for intermediate and long-range program planning.  相似文献   

Identity theory distinguishes three bases of identity—role, group, and person—but studies have typically focused on one identity at a time. The interrelationship among the multiple bases of identity remains understudied. This study examines the multiple bases of identity individuals engage on their way to becoming ministry students. The results reveal the advantage of examining the multiple bases of identity as subcultural processes, the utility of qualitative research for expanding the empirical scope of identity theory, and the possibility of employing structural symbolic interactionist concepts within a processual symbolic interactionist agenda.  相似文献   

Over the course of the eighteenth century, the reputation of surgery in France dramatically improved. Similarly, surgery thrived in the French Atlantic. Surgical expertise was a necessity in colonies that served as naval bases. Moreover, the violent brutality engendered by colonial slaveholding meant that surgeons dominated health care in France's Atlantic empire. As a result of these factors, Europeans as well as white Creoles practised surgery. Degreed practitioners offered their services in cities, while plantation surgeons and managers held the knives on the plantations. Enslaved men and women practised surgery too. Some tended their fellow slaves in the plantation hospitals and cabins, while others performed surgical procedures in urban areas. Due to the practical need for surgery in colonial and slaveholding environments and the lively exchange of surgical information, the surgical craft flourished in the French Caribbean and was practised by both free and enslaved persons.  相似文献   

校外实践基地是高等学校校内实验教学示范中心的必要补充,是培养电子信息类专业学生实践能力、创造能力和创新精神的重要场所,是学生了解企业走向社会的重要途径。结合河北省区域经济建设中电子信息产业的"十二五"规划,探索了省属高校建设校外实践基地的新模式,提出将实践基地建立在各地区的产业基地与产业园区之中,结合学生家庭住址,利用假期就近选择实践基地进行实习,从实践内容、实践方式、师资队伍等各个方面完善实践基地,并总结了省属高校电子信息类专业培养创新人才的实验实践教学经验。  相似文献   

We use data from a large scale and nationally representative survey to evaluate two narratives about the social bases of Brexit. The first narrative sees Brexit as a revolt of the economically left-behinds. The second narrative attributes Brexit to the resurgence of an English nationalism. There is some, albeit not always consistent, evidence that people in relative poverty or those living in areas that have seen greater Chinese import penetration are slightly more pro-Leave. People living in economically deprived neighborhoods are not more pro-Brexit. Using the Weberian class–status distinction, it is social status, not social class, which stratifies Brexit support. Individuals for whom being British is important are more pro-Leave. But those who see themselves as British rather than English, and those reporting omnivorous cultural consumption are less supportive of Brexit. Overall, there is empirical support for both narratives. But the weight of the evidence suggests a strong cultural dimension in Brexit support.  相似文献   

海外军事基地是大国投射力量的"桥头堡"和干预地区事务的"前沿阵地"。本文以法国在吉布提的军事基地为案例,考察影响海外军事基地绩效的主要因素,认为法国在吉布提的军事基地持续一个半世纪,历经殖民时期、冷战时期与后冷战时期三个阶段,总体未受吉国内政治和地区格局变化的影响,其功能分别为"抗衡英国"、"力争成为美苏之外的‘第三支力量’"和"构建西方反恐、反海盗的平台"。吉布提在维护"危机弧"地区法国战略利益所发挥的支点作用、吉布提政府长期执行温和外交政策、其阿拉伯和非洲国家的双重身份以及其作为法国向阿拉伯—伊斯兰国家输出民主的"样板",成为法国在该国部署军事基地的主要原因;法国驻军所带来的财政收益和安全红利成为吉布提欢迎法国部署军事基地的主要原因。2011年中东剧变后,法国有望在多边框架下重返北非,从而将法国的土伦军事基地、北非的军事基地、吉布提军事基地和阿布扎比军事基地连为一体,确立在地中海—北非—红海—亚丁湾—海湾地区事务中的主导地位。  相似文献   

Abstract Using data obtained from National Opinion Research Center's General Social Surveys (1973–1990), this paper tests two hypotheses concerning possible changes in the sociopolitical correlates of environmental concern. The “broadening base” hypothesis predicts that environmental concern will diffuse throughout the populace, resulting in a broader base of support for environmental protection, while the “economic contingency” hypothesis predicts that the economically deprived will disproportionately withdraw support for environmental protection during poor economic conditions. Analysis of the data over the 18 years, however, failed to lend any clear support for either of the hypotheses. In marked contrast, results indicate that the social bases of environmental concern—at least as measured by the NORC environmental spending item—have remained remarkably stable over nearly two decades despite fluctuating economic, political, and environmental conditions. Younger adults, the well-educated, political liberals, Democrats, those raised and currently living in urban areas, and those employed outside of primary industries were found to be consistently more supportive of environmental protection than were their respective counterparts.  相似文献   


Workplace bullying is considered the final stage of a prolonged conflict where there is a power imbalance between the affected parties and where emotional and relational problems exist. Thus, this study aims to explore the role of employee perceptions about the supervisor’s power bases on the relationship of conflict (i.e., task and relationship conflicts) and bullying at work. A cross-sectional survey study was conducted (N = 211). Results support a moderated-mediation model in which relationship conflict mediates the association between task conflict and workplace bullying, suggesting a conflict escalation process in bullying situations. In addition, establishing personal power bases seems to reduce the intensity of the link between task conflict and relationship conflict and, in turn, workplace bullying, whereas establishing positional power bases was not related to this association. Practical implications for bullying prevention are discussed.  相似文献   

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