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AT the Central University for Nationalities campus, I met a Mongolian teacher. Knowing I am a journalist in charge of the column "Ethnic Women," he opened-up. He told me that Mongolian women are traditionally good at singing and dancing, warm-hearted, outspoken and industrious. Pride can be read from his words, "At the Central University for Nationalities, there are a lot of female Mongolian teachers. Prof. Wurina, who teaches the history of foreign literature in the Chinese Department, is one of the most prominent. She is deputy to Haidian District People's Congress of Beijing.  相似文献   

MA Yuan was the first woman judge in New China. Statistical figures provided by the Supreme People's Court showed that there were 21,000 women judges among the 146,000 judges across China by the end of 1993. Ma Yuan, who in 1985 was appointed Vice-President of the Supreme People's Court by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, was born in  相似文献   

Protecting Women,Children's Rights,Interests,To promote the protection of women's legal rights and interests,Tianjin(in North China)'s Women's Federation and the First Intermediate People's Court of Tianjin recently signed a document,in which the organizations’cadres announced they would establish 10 work mechanisms,through which the organizations would work together to better protect women and children's legal rights and interests.  相似文献   

Shanghai Women's Federation in 2021 released a document that clarified the goals and direction for the work of women’s federations,at all levels in Shanghai,especially related to marriage and family dispute prevention and mediation.At the end of the year,the federation invited members of the commission of politics and law of the municipal Party committee,and officials from public security departments,procuratorates and courts,and judicial organs,to help evaluate its grassroots family-dispute-mediation work.  相似文献   

Nationwide Selection of Moral Models全国道德模范评选To foster healthy trends in society,a nationwide campaign to select moral models was launched,in July, by the Civilization Office of the CPC(Communist Party of China)Central Committee,the All-China Federation of Trade Unions,the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Youth League,and the All-China Women's Federation.It is the largest activity of its kind since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.  相似文献   

With the Chinese Government deciding to build a reservoir at Ibc Three Gorges in the Changjiang River, which is believed to be one of the best sources of water power in the world, residents living in that area have been asked to move. The orderly migration of local residents is a great concern of the Central Government and is being well  相似文献   

Wei Xiuying was born in Ruijin, Jiangxi Province. She joined the Communist Party of China in 1932, and served as directorfor Xingguo County Soviet Government Committee for the Improvement of Women's Life, and secretary in charge of women's work in Jiangxi Province.In October 1934, Wei Xiuying took part in the 25,000-li Long March with the Central Red Army.After liberation, she served as the first-term director of the Jiangxi Women's Federation. In the early 50s, it was she who first found that schistosomiasis was serious in Yujiang County, and reported this condition in a report to the National People's Congress. The very day Chairman Mao Zedong saw this report, he gave the order "eliminate this plague". Wei Xiuying was appointed as the deputy head for South China Land Reclamation and Cultivation Bureau in charge of the development of Hainan Island. Before retirement, she was the Vice President for Jiangxi Provincial Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.Now, Wei Xiuying is 86 years old. Sh  相似文献   

Chongqing Establishes One-Stop Restraining-Order-Application Mechanism重庆建立一站式人身安全保护令申请工作机制Chongqing Higher People's Court,Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau and Chongqing Women's Federation recently issued a document outlining the establishment of a one-stop,restrainingorder-application mechanisin in Southwest China's Chongqing Municipality.  相似文献   

Sun Weimin. born in 1946 in Helongjiang Province. graduated from the middle school attached to the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1967 He went on to attend the Deparment of the Oil Painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and graduated with a master's degree in 1987. Now he is the dean of the Department of the Oil Painting. associate professor and member of Chinese Artists' Association. His master works include  相似文献   

Rise in Number of Women Participating in Politics The statistics supplied by the Organization Department of the All-China Women's Federation show that the number of both women deputies and members to the Ninth National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is higher than the numbers for the Eighth NPC and CPPCC. The Ninth NPC has 650 women deputies, accounting for 21.81 percent of the total, which is 0.78 percent higher  相似文献   

THE degree of women's participation in politics is a good indicator of women's emancipation. Chinese women have been concerned about the number of women in politics after they gained economic independence as a whole. In 1986, no woman was elected a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee at the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; the next year, some women leading cadres lost their reelections at all governmental levels. Since there were only a few women cadres, these events caused wide repercussions in society and the press considered Chinese women's emancipation movement challenged and the future of women's participation in politics was an anxious issue.Afterwards, governments and women's federations at all levels have made great efforts to train more women cadres and have made headway. Because of these efforts, Peng Peiyun became a State Councillor, two women have become Vice-Chairmen of the National People's Congress, one women has become Vice-Chairman of the Chine  相似文献   

IN this new column we will introduce to readers the laws relating to women and children. To understand this is very important if you want to study Chinese women's status and legal rights. In 1982, the principle that women enjoy equal rights with men was written into the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, which was originally promulgated in 1954. In the new Constitution of the PRC that was revised and adopted in 1982,  相似文献   

At the 1994 Spring Festival Party held by China Central Television, a press photographer and the four large photos he had on display became one of the highlights of the event. The photos were taken in 1950, 1963, 1979 and 1994, respectively of an ordinary rural family in Zhejiang Province. They were selected from nearly 1,000 photos taken by the photographer on more than 50 visits to this family. They trace the changes of an ordinary Chinese family and vividly illustrate the historical changes that have taken place in New China. The photographer was Xu Yonghui, a senior reporter with Zhejiang Daily. In this issue we feature a few of his photos and a report which testify to those changes.  相似文献   

THE China Central Television cameras were rolling on evening of December 19, 1994, when hostess Ni Ping ushered nine young girls to Chen Muhua, Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee of National People's Congress and president of the All-China Women's Federation, who was sitting in the audience. The girls  相似文献   

IN a test. Li Xiangmei, a sixth grade student at the Central Primary School of Majuqiao Township, Tongxian County in the suburbs of Beijing, didn't do well. She scored only 70-odd marks out of 100, and when she took the test home, her mother got so angry that she tore her textbooks to bits and wouldn't allow her any lunch as a punishment.  相似文献   

My Thirty Years in China《我在中国的30年》Publisher:ACA Publishing Limited In December 1978,at the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of CPC (Communist Party of China),the Central Committee,under Deng Xiaoping,embarked on a policy of reform that opened China to the rest of the world,helped make China the economic superpower it is today and transformed the lives of its people.  相似文献   

Cao Aiwen曹爱文Twenty-three-year-old Cao Aiwen, a journalist with the metropolitan channel of Henan TV, which is based in Central China, has been praised as the "most beautiful female reporter in China," by netizens, because she put a story on hold to try to save a girl's life. At 5 pm on July 10, Cao was at work and she received a call that a girl had fallen into the Yellow River. Initially, she thought it was a great story. She rushed to the scene and watched as some people  相似文献   

Nie Li Admitted to the Standing Committee of NPC Nie Li, the first woman lieutenant general of China, was voted in by election as a member of the National People's Congress Standing Committee in March at the Second Session of the Eighth NPC. Nie Li was born in September, 1930, a native of Jiangjin in Sichuan Province. From 1955 to 1960 she specialized in the automatic control at Leningrad Precision Machinery and Optical Instrument College in the former Soviet Union. When she returned to China, she  相似文献   

WITH a population of ouer 8 million, the Hui nationality liue ouer the largest area of any other minority nationality in China. The Hui reside in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Gansu, Shaanxi, Guizhou, Henan, Qinghai, Yunnan, Hebei, and Shandong provinces, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and the Beijing and Tianjin municipalities.The origin of the Hui people can be traced back to the end of the seventh century, when Arabs and Persians often came to do trade in China along the ancient Silk Road. Some stayed on and started families. Their children have been traced to Guangzhou and Quanzhou. At the beginning of the 13th century, more Arabs, Persian and people from Central Asia came to China, where they married into the Han, the Uygur and the Mongolian nationalities. Gradually a new nationality—the Hui—was formed.With the founding of New China in 1949, the NingxJa Hui Autonomous Region was established. The industrial and agricultural output in the region in 1990 was 12 times that in 1957, when t  相似文献   

Welcoming the Olympics with a Healthy Lifestyle节能减排健康生活亲子携手喜迎奥运On September 23,the achievements of the 2007"Double-qualified Family"activity were displayed at the Jingmao International Community in Beijing's Tongzhou District.Gu Xiulian,Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress(NPC)and President of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),attended and presented a silk banner to the volunteer families who have participated in the grand series of activities involving environmental construction for the Olympics.The phrase"double-qualified family"refers to a family in which the parents try to be qualified parents,and try to cultivate their children to be qualified people.  相似文献   

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