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袁学伦 《经理人》2014,(1):76-77
正以德国莱茵TüV为代表的世界知名第三方检测认证机构,正在把国际上先进的管理思想、理念和方法通过严谨的检测认证服务,传递给更多的中国企业,为中国企业扩大出口和提升竞争力贡献着自己的力量。在中国制造日益融入全球经济一体化的今天,为质量和安全提供保障的第三方检测认证机构,已成为中国制造企业通往世界市场的桥梁。以德国莱茵TüV为代表的世界知名第三方检测认证机构,正在把国际上先进的管理思想、理念和方法通过严谨的检测认证服务,传递给更多的中国企业,为中  相似文献   

《管理观察》杂志由中华人民共和国科学技术部主管、中国科技信息研究所主办、中国管理科学研究院科技进步研究所为联盟单位,联合国工发组织中国南南合作中心、中国管理智库理事会为顾问单位。《管理观察》杂志是一本在国内具有影响力的综合管理全国优秀期刊,以“中国的智库、亚洲的视点、世界的窗口”为办刊目标,以反映国内外管理界在管理创新方面的新人物、新成果、新理论及新方法,发布综合性管理信息,适应全球化与本土化的需求,引领管理中国化新实践为办刊宗旨。本刊重点关注政府管理、高校管理、企业管理;  相似文献   

随着世界经济一体化的飞速发展,企业的信息化已成为中国企业参与国际竞争、谋求发展的必由之路。ERP在电力企业的应用,对电力企业的经营管理模式和发展起到不可估量的作用。本文以ERP六大核心思想为中心剖析了电力企业ERP应用的必要性,对这种先进的信息资源管理系统能否成为电力企业精细化管理的手段进行了探讨。  相似文献   

<正>已成功举办五届的"中国企业管理案例论坛"已成为探索与提炼中国特色管理理论的重要学术平台。在此基础之上,中国人民大学商学院和《管理世界》杂志将再次合作,于2010年11月6~7日在北京举办本年度案例论坛,为突显本论坛对本土理论构建的重视,拟新增理论构建  相似文献   

面对知识经济的企业经营与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着21世纪的临近,世界经济正向着知识经济迈进。知识对经济增长的推动作用越来越受到重视,对企业的经营与管理也产生着重要的影响。一、知识经济的发展对企业经营与管理提出了新的要求知识经济正以惊人的速度发展。美国、日本等国家已制定计划进人知识经济的发展阶段。这对处于实现工业化进程的中国企业来说,多少有点措手不及。新的经济发展趋势对企业的经营与管理提出了新的要求:在企业经营上,必须采取新的经营思想、方式和战略,把知识的开发应用作为企业经营的重中之重,从组织物质产品经营向组织知识产品经营转变,从产品经营向…  相似文献   

中国经过30多年的改革开放,取得了举世瞩目的辉煌成就.许多产品产量已名列全球第一,世界制造业正在向中国大量转移,中国制造的产品也是遍布全球.在生产制造中,生产效率对于一个制造企业非常重要.与此同时,世界制造业生产管理正朝着集成化、信息化和专业化的方向发展,如何在生产管理中取胜以获得最有利的竞争优势至关重要.研究发现,TOC约束理论对于改善制造业企业的生产管理非常有效.  相似文献   

<正>已成功举办五届的"中国企业管理案例论坛"已成为探索与提炼中国特色管理理论的重要学术平台。在此基础之上,中国人民大学商学院与《管理世界》杂志将再次合作,定于  相似文献   

袁学伦 《经理人》2012,(8):80-81
在霍尼韦尔、罗门哈斯等财富500强企业先后历经了15年的管理、战略和市场营销等工作之后,郭凯的人生在2008年发生了巨大转折。他从一名高级职业经理人变身为创业者,在上海创立了汉深医疗网络。郭凯坦言自己深受过去人生经历的影响,这一方面体现在他努力将美式管理制度中规范化、流程化的成熟因子注入到汉深这家本土新创企业中,另一方面更体现于汉深的商业模式之中——通过第三方医疗服务,用美国通行的主治医生模式来拼好中国医疗结构这份独特的拼图。  相似文献   

周建华 《经理人》2009,(10):38-41
金融危机给中国带来了巨大的挑战,但中国经济率先反弹,使全世界的目光都聚焦到中国增长上来。金融危机颠覆了全球对世界500强的看法,颠覆了对西式管理的崇拜。世界经济的振荡,给中国带来了什么机会?以低附加值制造业为主的中国,应该率先在哪些产业建立全球竞争优势?中国企业如何在全球建立品牌?《经理人》与本刊客座总编辑、全球整合营销之父唐·舒尔茨教授展开了高峰对话。  相似文献   

世界已进入知识经济时代,企业面临的是一个动态多变的全球化竞争环境,人类的知识与智力已成为具有决定性力量的资本,知识和信息企业的作用日益突出。企业管理正发生着从对实物的管理向对知识管理的转变。知识管理,强调的是如何实现企业内外知识资源的协同管理和运作,要求企业实现组织内外的知识共享,来应对组织内外诉求的变化。  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》1987,20(1):17-24
Corporate strategy is a risk business. However good management is, the best it can do is to improve the hit rate. As a result, companies have a continual need for divesting their less successful operations. Human nature being what it is, however, there is a tendency to suppress admission of failure. Divestments are often buried darkly at the dead of night. In consequence, firms fail to realize the true value of their divestments. The authors propose a superior approach which has produced successful results for a number of their clients over the years. It requires placing the same degree of professionalism and effort on divestment as on investment decisions and pays dividends in terms of a greater sale value for companies.  相似文献   

Dynamic Programming (or DP as it is commonly known) is a mathematical programming method which would appear to be a very powerful technique for use in management decision problems. A great number of theoretical texts have been written on the mathematics of DP and a few articles have been published on the more practical aspects, but DP has remained very much on the theoretical shelf as far as practising management has been concerned. This paper gives the results of a survey carried out at the beginning of 1972 and is intended to provide some insight into the use of DP in real management problems in U.K. companies and to show what sort of problems are apparently restricting its use. The findings demonstrate that several firms have used DP in various applications with considerable success. There are also some enlightening comments on the difficulties involved, and on the future potential of DP in industry.  相似文献   

While management accounting (MA) implies potential benefits for large established companies, its usefulness for young and small companies is less clear. This review analyzes and partially resolves the paradox and provides a structured overview of present knowledge. A systematic literature search yielded 67 empirical papers in 25 journals. Drawing on the results of a two‐step coding process, this study proposes 20 novel second‐level constructs expressing the types of MA, their antecedents and their consequences in young and small companies. The main results show that, in discussing MA, the literature refers mainly to business planning, accounting‐based management control activities and financial accounting. Most studies find MA to be helpful for young and small companies because it provides tools to overcome difficulties arising from company growth and reduces information asymmetry with external partners. Overall, however, the empirical literature on this topic is highly concentrated, offers theoretical construct definitions of poor quality, and lacks a clear statement of what MA really does in young and small companies. Therefore, future research and theory development are warranted.  相似文献   

BPR项目的实施:革命性变革和渐进性变革   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
进入变化时代后,如何应对变化是公司的每一位成员必须面对的现实。理论界一直争论的革命性变化和渐进性变化两种策略各有其长,各有优势。本文探讨了这两种变化策略的特点,比较了它们的异同之处,并且总结了几条如何正确应用革命性变化和渐进性变化这两种策略的规则,为企业正确实施变化管理提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

本文利用国泰安数据库和锐思数据库中2010年-2012年的我国上市公司管理层数据、公司财务数据,以及润灵环球责任评级2010年-2012年我国A股上市公司的企业社会责任评级数据,从社会网络的角度出发,探索我国上市公司社会责任履行行为的相似性。研究结果发现,公司之间存在的社会网络会造成企业社会责任履行行为具有一定的相似性。当企业越是处于核心地位,越是容易传播信息,控制能力越强的时候,该公司同与之相关联的公司在社会责任履行行为方面越是具有相似性。这一结论为改善我国企业社会责任履行现状提供了一个全新的思考方向。  相似文献   

Today, organizations must deal with change on all fronts. The ability to deal with change may become the yardstick by which future managers are judged. But what do good managers need to know about managing the change process? Management literature contains hundreds of sources dealing with various aspects of change management and there are numerous books and case studies which discuss the complete process. After reviewing this material and testing it against interviews conducted with managers of companies that have undergone change programs, the authors have identified six guidelines to facilitate successful change. These six factors are: the need for a catalyst to initiate change; organizational goals must be set which take into account the impact of technical, political, and cultural factors; transition team is required to guide the change; top management must demonstrate commitment to the change as well as to act as change agents; utilizing employee participation and good communication can help overcome employee resistance; and finally, evaluating the change program is extremely important to the success of present and future change programs.  相似文献   

Ethnic diversity of both their labor forces and customer bases presents a challenge for companies and fuels debate on the business case for diversity: the view that diversity positively impacts firm performance. This study enriches the business case debate by focusing on a particular organizational activity, customer contact. It combines theory from strategic human resource management (SHRM), research on diversity, and research on marketing to analyze what drives companies to assign migrants to customer contact jobs and which performance impacts ensue. We test our hypotheses in data from 338 German business companies. Companies that recognize the value in ethnic diversity and seek to respond to customer diversity are especially likely to assign migrants to customer contact jobs. The analyses reveal a positive impact of migrants in customer contact jobs on company profitability. This impact is enhanced by a broad range of equality and diversity practices and a supportive works council. These moderators have stronger effects than two other moderators related to business strategy: the market served by a company, and its competitive strategy. The paper contributes to SHRM research in general and diversity research in particular through its original examination associating the business case for ethnic diversity with the role of equality and diversity practices and institutions. The study findings can help managers to decide whether to leverage staff ethnic diversity and show that collaboration between HR management and marketing functions is useful to achieve a strategic fit among practices.  相似文献   

Responding to new forces on the competitive landscape, global manufacturing companies are restructuring corporate cultures, organizational cofigurations and management coordination channels and styles. The emergence of flexibility as a prime competitive parameter for manufacturing is paralleled by companies shifting toward flexible, adaptive structures. A major challenge is to develop and deploy information technologies linking organizational subgroups for a streamlines process of new product/service creation and delivery. This article describes the convergence of information management and manufacturing activities over the past 30 years and suggests what the future will hold.  相似文献   

A great deal of rhetoric surrounds the transformation from socialism to free-market capitalism. This paper explores to what extent the restructuring of Romanian companies has been an attempt to pay lip-service to prevailing rhetoric and to what extent it has been premised upon economic rationality. To restructure along structural, technological, financial but primarily managerial fronts has become a cultural value which is applauded, praised and heralded as the only way forward by the Romanian institutions of the transition. The companies under the study subscribe to such rhetoric only when they regard it as being embedded in economic rationality, as is the case with structural, financial and technological restructuring. Managerial restructuring, on the other hand, is not regarded as a technical necessity, given the view held by existing senior managers that skills and qualities acquired in the socialist regime are still appropriate to run a business successfully in the free-market economy.  相似文献   

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