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In many clinical studies, subjects are at risk of experiencing more than one type of potentially recurrent event. In some situations, however, the occurrence of an event is observed, but the specific type is not determined. We consider the analysis of this type of incomplete data when the objectives are to summarize features of conditional intensity functions and associated treatment effects, and to study the association between different types of event. Here we describe a likelihood approach based on joint models for the multi-type recurrent events where parameter estimation is obtained from a Monte-Carlo EM algorithm. Simulation studies show that the proposed method gives unbiased estimators for regression coefficients and variance–covariance parameters, and the coverage probabilities of confidence intervals for regression coefficients are close to the nominal level. When the distribution of the frailty variable is misspecified, the method still provides estimators of the regression coefficients with good properties. The proposed method is applied to a motivating data set from an asthma study in which exacerbations were to be sub-typed by cellular analysis of sputum samples as eosinophilic or non-eosinophilic.  相似文献   

Recurrent event data occur in many clinical and observational studies (Cook and Lawless, Analysis of recurrent event data, 2007) and in these situations, there may exist a terminal event such as death that is related to the recurrent event of interest (Ghosh and Lin, Biometrics 56:554–562, 2000; Wang et al., J Am Stat Assoc 96:1057–1065, 2001; Huang and Wang, J Am Stat Assoc 99:1153–1165, 2004; Ye et al., Biometrics 63:78–87, 2007). In addition, sometimes there may exist more than one type of recurrent events, that is, one faces multivariate recurrent event data with some dependent terminal event (Chen and Cook, Biostatistics 5:129–143, 2004). It is apparent that for the analysis of such data, one has to take into account the dependence both among different types of recurrent events and between the recurrent and terminal events. In this paper, we propose a joint modeling approach for regression analysis of the data and both finite and asymptotic properties of the resulting estimates of unknown parameters are established. The methodology is applied to a set of bivariate recurrent event data arising from a study of leukemia patients.  相似文献   

Recurrent event data are often encountered in biomedical research, for example, recurrent infections or recurrent hospitalizations for patients after renal transplant. In many studies, there are more than one type of events of interest. Cai and Schaube (Lifetime Data Anal 10:121-138, 2004) advocated a proportional marginal rate model for multiple type recurrent event data. In this paper, we propose a general additive marginal rate regression model. Estimating equations approach is used to obtain the estimators of regression coefficients and baseline rate function. We prove the consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimators. The finite sample properties of our estimators are demonstrated by simulations. The proposed methods are applied to the India renal transplant study to examine risk factors for bacterial, fungal and viral infections.  相似文献   

Procedures for estimating the parameters of the general class of semiparametric models for recurrent events proposed by Peña and Hollander [(2004). Models for recurrent events in reliability and survival analysis. In: Soyer R., Mazzuchi T., Singpurwalla N. (Eds.), Mathematical Reliability: An Expository Perspective. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 105–123 (Chapter 6)] are developed. This class of models incorporates an effective age function encoding the effect of changes after each event occurrence such as the impact of an intervention, it models the impact of accumulating event occurrences on the unit, it admits a link function in which the effect of possibly time-dependent covariates are incorporated, and it allows the incorporation of unobservable frailty components which induce dependencies among the inter-event times for each unit. The estimation procedures are semiparametric in that a baseline hazard function is nonparametrically specified. The sampling distribution properties of the estimators are examined through a simulation study, and the consequences of mis-specifying the model are analyzed. The results indicate that the flexibility of this general class of models provides a safeguard for analyzing recurrent event data, even data possibly arising from a frailty-less mechanism. The estimation procedures are applied to real data sets arising in the biomedical and public health settings, as well as from reliability and engineering situations. In particular, the procedures are applied to a data set pertaining to times to recurrence of bladder cancer and the results of the analysis are compared to those obtained using three methods of analyzing recurrent event data.  相似文献   

During their follow-up, patients with cancer can experience several types of recurrent events and can also die. Over the last decades, several joint models have been proposed to deal with recurrent events with dependent terminal event. Most of them require the proportional hazard assumption. In the case of long follow-up, this assumption could be violated. We propose a joint frailty model for two types of recurrent events and a dependent terminal event to account for potential dependencies between events with potentially time-varying coefficients. For that, regression splines are used to model the time-varying coefficients. Baseline hazard functions (BHF) are estimated with piecewise constant functions or with cubic M-Splines functions. The maximum likelihood estimation method provides parameter estimates. Likelihood ratio tests are performed to test the time dependency and the statistical association of the covariates. This model was driven by breast cancer data where the maximum follow-up was close to 20 years.  相似文献   

Bivariate recurrent event data are observed when subjects are at risk of experiencing two different type of recurrent events. In this paper, our interest is to suggest statistical model when there is a substantial portion of subjects not experiencing recurrent events but having a terminal event. In a context of recurrent event data, zero events can be related with either the risk free group or a terminal event. For simultaneously reflecting both a zero inflation and a terminal event in a context of bivariate recurrent event data, a joint model is implemented with bivariate frailty effects. Simulation studies are performed to evaluate the suggested models. Infection data from AML (acute myeloid leukemia) patients are analyzed as an application.  相似文献   

Multivariate event time data are common in medical studies and have received much attention recently. In such data, each study subject may potentially experience several types of events or recurrences of the same type of event, or event times may be clustered. Marginal distributions are specified for the multivariate event times in multiple events and clustered events data, and for the gap times in recurrent events data, using the semiparametric linear transformation models while leaving the dependence structures for related events unspecified. We propose several estimating equations for simultaneous estimation of the regression parameters and the transformation function. It is shown that the resulting regression estimators are asymptotically normal, with variance–covariance matrix that has a closed form and can be consistently estimated by the usual plug-in method. Simulation studies show that the proposed approach is appropriate for practical use. An application to the well-known bladder cancer tumor recurrences data is also given to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

In medical studies we are often confronted with complex longitudinal data. During the follow-up period, which can be ended prematurely by a terminal event (e.g. death), a subject can experience recurrent events of multiple types. In addition, we collect repeated measurements from multiple markers. An adverse health status, represented by ‘bad’ marker values and an abnormal number of recurrent events, is often associated with the risk of experiencing the terminal event. In this situation, the missingness of the data is not at random and, to avoid bias, it is necessary to model all data simultaneously using a joint model. The correlations between the repeated observations of a marker or an event type within an individual are captured by normally distributed random effects. Because the joint likelihood contains an analytically intractable integral, Bayesian approaches or quadrature approximation techniques are necessary to evaluate the likelihood. However, when the number of recurrent event types and markers is large, the dimensionality of the integral is high and these methods are too computationally expensive. As an alternative, we propose a simulated maximum-likelihood approach based on quasi-Monte Carlo integration to evaluate the likelihood of joint models with multiple recurrent event types and markers.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Censored recurrent event data frequently arise in biomedical studies. Often, the events are not homogenous, and may be categorized. We propose semiparametric regression methods for analysing multiple-category recurrent event data and consider the setting where event times are always known, but the information used to categorize events may be missing. Application of existing methods after censoring events of unknown category (i.e. 'complete-case' methods) produces consistent estimators only when event types are missing completely at random, an assumption which will frequently fail in practice. We propose methods, based on weighted estimating equations, which are applicable when event category missingness is missing at random. Parameter estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. Finite sample properties are examined through simulations and the proposed methods are applied to an end-stage renal disease data set obtained from a national organ failure registry.  相似文献   

Recurrent events data are frequently encountered and could be stopped by a terminal event in clinical trials. It is of interest to assess the treatment efficacy simultaneously with respect to both the recurrent events and the terminal event in many applications. In this paper we propose joint covariate-adjusted score test statistics based on joint models of recurrent events and a terminal event. No assumptions on the functional form of the covariates are needed. Simulation results show that the proposed tests can improve the efficiency over tests based on covariate unadjusted model. The proposed tests are applied to the SOLVD data for illustration.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the analysis of recurrent event data that examines the differences between two treatments. The outcomes that are considered in the analysis are the pre-randomisation event count and post-randomisation times to first and second events with associated cure fractions. We develop methods that allow pre-randomisation counts and two post-randomisation survival times to be jointly modelled under a Poisson process framework, assuming that outcomes are predicted by (unobserved) event rates. We apply these methods to data that examine the difference between immediate and deferred treatment policies in patients presenting with single seizures or early epilepsy. We find evidence to suggest that post-randomisation seizure rates change at randomisation and following a first seizure after randomisation. We also find that there are cure rates associated with the post-randomisation times to first and second seizures. The increase in power over standard survival techniques, offered by the joint models that we propose, resulted in more precise estimates of the treatment effect and the ability to detect interactions with covariate effects.  相似文献   

Recurrent event data often arise in longitudinal studies. In many applications, subjects may experience two different types of events alternatively over time or a pair of subjects may experience recurrent events of the same type. Medical advances have made it possible for some patients to be cured such that the disease of interest does not recur. In this article, we consider non parametric analysis of bivariate recurrent event data with cure fraction. Using the inverse-probability weighted (IPW) approach, we propose non parametric estimators for the proportion of cured patients and for the joint distribution functions of bivariate recurrence times of the uncured ones. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established. Simulation study indicates that the proposed estimators perform well in finite samples.  相似文献   

This article discusses regression analysis of multivariate panel count data in which the observation process may contain relevant information about or be related to the underlying recurrent event processes of interest. Such data occur if a recurrent event study involves several related types of recurrent events and the observation scheme or process may be subject-specific. For the problem, a class of semiparametric transformation models is presented, which provides a great flexibility for modelling the effects of covariates on the recurrent event processes. For estimation of regression parameters, an estimating equation-based inference procedure is developed and the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimates are established. Also the proposed approach is evaluated by simulation studies and applied to the data arising from a skin cancer chemoprevention trial.  相似文献   

Flood events can be caused by several different meteorological circumstances. For example, heavy rain events often lead to short flood events with high peaks, whereas snowmelt normally results in events of very long duration with a high volume. Both event types have to be considered in the design of flood protection systems. Unfortunately, all these different event types are often included in annual maximum series (AMS) leading to inhomogeneous samples. Moreover, certain event types are underrepresented in the AMS. This is especially unsatisfactory if the most extreme events result from such an event type. Therefore, monthly maximum data are used to enlarge the information spectrum on the different event types. Of course, not all events can be included in the flood statistics because not every monthly maximum can be declared as a flood. To take this into account, a mixture Peak-over-threshold model is applied, with thresholds specifying flood events of several types that occur in a season of the year. This model is then extended to cover the seasonal type of the data. The applicability is shown in a German case study, where the impact of the single event types in different parts of a year is evaluated.  相似文献   

In this pedagogical article, distributional properties, some surprising, pertaining to the homogeneous Poisson process (HPP), when observed over a possibly random window, are presented. Properties of the gap-time that covered the termination time and the correlations among gap-times of the observed events are obtained. Inference procedures, such as estimation and model validation, based on event occurrence data over the observation window, are also presented. We envision that through the results in this article, a better appreciation of the subtleties involved in the modeling and analysis of recurrent events data will ensue, since the HPP is arguably one of the simplest among recurrent event models. In addition, the use of the theorem of total probability, Bayes’ theorem, the iterated rules of expectation, variance and covariance, and the renewal equation could be illustrative when teaching distribution theory, mathematical statistics, and stochastic processes at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. This article is targeted toward both instructors and students.  相似文献   

Recurrent events data with a terminal event often arise in many longitudinal studies. Most of existing models assume multiplicative covariate effects and model the conditional recurrent event rate given survival. In this article, we propose a marginal additive rates model for recurrent events with a terminal event, and develop two procedures for estimating the model parameters. The asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators are established. In addition, some numerical procedures are presented for model checking. The finite-sample behavior of the proposed methods is examined through simulation studies, and an application to a bladder cancer study is also illustrated.  相似文献   

A class of tests for the hypothesis that the baseline intensity belongs to a parametric class of intensities is given in the recurrent event setting. Asymptotic properties of a weighted general class of processes that compare the non-parametric versus parametric estimators for the cumulative intensity are presented. These results are given for a sequence of Pitman alternatives. Test statistics are proposed and methods of obtaining critical values are examined. Optimal choices for the weight function are given for a class of chi-squared tests. Based on Khmaladze’s transformation we propose distributional free tests. These include the types of Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Cramér–von Mises. The tests are used to analyze two different data sets.  相似文献   

In many biomedical studies with recurrent events, some markers can only be measured when events happen. For example, medical cost attributed to hospitalization can only incur when patients are hospitalized. Such marker data are contingent on recurrent events. In this paper, we present a proportional means model for modelling the markers using the observed covariates contingent on the recurrent event. We also model the recurrent event via a marginal rate model. Estimating equations are constructed to derive the point estimators for the parameters in the proposed models. The estimators are shown to be asymptotically normal. Simulation studies are conducted to examine the finite-sample properties of the proposed estimators and the proposed method is applied to a data set from the Vitamin A Community Trial.  相似文献   

Most clinical studies, which investigate the impact of therapy simultaneously, record the frequency of adverse events in order to monitor safety of the intervention. Study reports typically summarise adverse event data by tabulating the frequencies of the worst grade experienced but provide no details of the temporal profiles of specific types of adverse events. Such 'toxicity profiles' are potentially important tools in disease management and in the assessment of newer therapies including targeted treatments and immunotherapy where different types of toxicity may be more common at various times during long-term drug exposure. Toxicity profiles of commonly experienced adverse events occurring due to exposure to long-term treatment could assist in evaluating the costs of the health care benefits of therapy. We show how to generate toxicity profiles using an adaptation of the ordinal time-to-event model comprising of a two-step process, involving estimation of the multinomial response probabilities using multinomial logistic regression and combining these with recurrent time to event hazard estimates to produce cumulative event probabilities for each of the multinomial adverse event response categories. Such a model permits the simultaneous assessment of the risk of events over time and provides cumulative risk probabilities for each type of adverse event response. The method can be applied more generally by using different models to estimate outcome/response probabilities. The method is illustrated by developing toxicity profiles for three distinct types of adverse events associated with two treatment regimens for patients with advanced breast cancer.  相似文献   

Recurrent events are frequently encountered in biomedical studies. Evaluating the covariates effects on the marginal recurrent event rate is of practical interest. There are mainly two types of rate models for the recurrent event data: the multiplicative rates model and the additive rates model. We consider a more flexible additive–multiplicative rates model for analysis of recurrent event data, wherein some covariate effects are additive while others are multiplicative. We formulate estimating equations for estimating the regression parameters. The estimators for these regression parameters are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normally distributed under appropriate regularity conditions. Moreover, the estimator of the baseline mean function is proposed and its large sample properties are investigated. We also conduct simulation studies to evaluate the finite sample behavior of the proposed estimators. A medical study of patients with cystic fibrosis suffered from recurrent pulmonary exacerbations is provided for illustration of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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