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李武泰 《老年人》2009,(1):12-12
原国家体操队运动员桑兰,因伤高位截瘫。一次,她从福建乘飞机返回北京时,航空公司未按先前约定把她的专用轮椅拿来,而是让她坐机场的简易轮椅。桑兰解释,以她的身体状况,只能坐自己的专用轮椅。乘务员却说这是航空公司的制度。由于双方坚持己见,结果延误了飞机起飞的时间。不知情的乘客说桑兰耍大牌,让委屈的桑兰更加委屈。  相似文献   

原国家体操队运动员桑兰,因伤高位截瘫。一次,她从福建乘飞机返回北京时,航空公司未按先前约定把她的专用轮椅拿来,而是让她坐机场的简易轮椅。桑兰解释,以她的身体状况,  相似文献   

那个夏日的傍晚,夕阳在一瞬间失去了它的光彩。所有在场的与不在场的人,后来都从她的身上体味到了人生的残酷。只是刹那间的事情——第六、第七颈椎粉碎性骨折,中枢神经严重损伤,桑兰这颗中国体操队里最有希望的星,轰然间坠落。一枚世界级金牌,在钻心的痛楚和短暂失忆的迷茫中,飘忽远去。坐在轮椅上的桑兰终于回来了。从那个瞬间至今将近一年的时间里,这个女孩和她的不幸成了无数富有同情心的人争先恐后关心的对象。如今,安顿下来的桑兰,开始在  相似文献   

“高位截瘫”这如同天塌地陷般的灾祸,足以让人把对生活的希望化为一团迷惘,而桑兰始终是以微笑面对。1998年9月中旬,成龙独自一人来看桑兰。桑兰早就盼望着这一天的到来了,因她对成龙仰慕已久。成龙戴着一副大墨镜,一副大明星的派头。桑兰一点也不拘束,笑着问:“我是叫你叔叔呢,还是哥哥?”“就叫哥哥吧。”成龙没想到这个小姑娘如此美丽乐观,活泼开朗。也许是为了调侃成龙吧,桑兰给成龙讲了一个故事:“从前有个傻子,什么都不会,只会说‘没有’,问他睡觉了吗,他说‘没有’,问他吃饭了吗,他说 ‘没有’。”讲到这里…  相似文献   

正"我们从来不觉得自己在做公关,我们所做的都是责任。"郑燕平在采访伊始,就给了记者这样的定义。她说,京港地铁一开始就希望将各类宣传活动做得时尚而有品位,结合丰富的文化元素,打造一个全新的品牌形象。2014年9月28日是北京京港地铁有限公司(简称"京港地铁")4号线开通5周年的纪念日。自打进入北京,这个地铁界的  相似文献   

说好的,阿萨会来车站接我,却没来,电话里说:"甸甸睡了。让我老公去接你。"甸甸是阿萨1岁2个月的女儿,阿萨是我的小学、中学同学,3年前从北京嫁到深圳。一进门,很想给阿萨一个热辣拥抱,却被阿萨示意"小声点"。甸甸还是醒了,发呆地望着我,被妈妈抱起来,亲了又亲。真是个漂亮娃娃,随她妈。甸甸是小名,她姓陈,寓意"爱情的果实沉甸甸"。阿萨说:"她是我们的所得,让我们小小的得意了一下,希望她有所得。""自从她可以吃大人食物后,  相似文献   

南西 《伴侣(A版)》2010,(5):18-20
正赵薇的感情问题一直是媒体关注的焦点,但她本人对于自己的新恋情却一直三缄其口。直到2010年1月初,赵薇在北京投资的近千平方米的餐厅举行party时,面对记者关于恋情的追问,认为时机成熟的她终于掩饰不住,甜蜜地说:"一直以来,我最大的梦想就  相似文献   

乔叶 《现代交际》2005,(4):63-63
我在北京打工的时候,曾和一个女孩子合租过房子,她祖籍贵州,父母就她一个女儿。山水迢迢,行程几千里,再加上长假难请,路资昂贵,她隔上两三年才能回去一次,平常只有打电话联系。渐渐地,我发现,她常在电话里请求母亲为自己做一些事情。  相似文献   

去年年末,"时光雕琢的美人"张曼玉又恋爱了。新男友是德国籍建筑师Ole,也是中国央视新大楼的设计者之一,小Maggie七岁,是一个不折不扣的型男。她为了这个男友,在北京定居,做宅女、煮妇,甚至在北京学习像大妈一样坐公车、挤地铁、逛超市……回首她的爱情旅程,每一段都很勇敢,鞠躬尽瘁。1993年,张曼玉邂逅地产商人宋学祺,很快二人确定恋爱关系后,她大力支持他的事业。后因宋的资金短缺,张曼玉毅然拿出自己积攒多年的一千万,投入到宋的公司。1995年,宋的公司倒闭,张曼玉的积蓄也被亏空。而宋学祺却另攀高枝,张曼玉的爱情与金钱,顷刻间血本无归。几年后,为了前夫法国人阿萨亚斯,张曼玉离乡背井定居巴黎,努力学习他的语言和文化,极力适应与自己肤色、生长环境截然不同的丈夫。为了他,她放弃了片约和广告,专注地享受婚姻。她曾经向记者夸耀:"在法国的生活很简单,煮饭、洗衣等家务都是我一手包办的。"公主为了心爱的"王爷",甘愿洗尽铅华做个黄脸婆……有人说,张曼玉屡败屡爱,为爱不顾一切、死而后已,是为爱情"过度付出"的典型"爱情动物",对普通女性而言,她的爱情故事,是经验还是教训?  相似文献   

绿树参天,阳光班驳落地,几幢颇为古旧的小楼在此幽静之处显得格外清雅质朴,桑兰就是在这里起居,自习,度过了她四年的北大校园生活,而明年这个时候,她将离开这里,真正走上自己的人生舞台,你也许无法想象,面前这个粉黛玉琢,长发轻逸的女子,看似稚气未脱的双眸里,埋下太多的痛苦与挣扎撞击的残骸,因为那次意外的受伤,彻底改变了她规划已久的人生,她的快乐还真实吗?每每桑兰对视,亲见其微笑,都感到如窗外摇曳的风影,灵秀而不失柔韧,那就是真实的。  相似文献   

Premarital sex is becoming increasingly more common in China. As a result, there is a greater need for pregnancy termination, often in very young women. This paper presents case vignettes of 4 Chinese women who were forced, by a variety of circumstances, to undergo induced abortion. C, a 23-year-old shop assistant, was planning marriage and had obtained housing when she discovered she was pregnant. However, her shop manager, whose sexual advances she had spurned, refused to give her a letter of reccommendation for a marriage certificate. M came from the countryside to Shanghai, hoping that through her work as a maid, she would be able to amass modern possessions such as a television and stereo. When this proved impossible on her wage of 40 yuan/month, she engaged in prostitution for 10 yuan/night and did not even know the name of the man who impregnated her. W, a 13-year-old aspiring actress, found that having sexual relations with the director of her theater troupe was the only way to get a leading role. She won the role, but was unable to perform due to her pregnancy. B, a college woman, planned to marry when she learned she was pregnant but broke off the relationship when she discovered the extent of her financee's possessiveness. She became engaged to another man, but he rejected her when she revealed that she was not a virgin. These vignettes demonstrate the extent to which modernization has placed Chinese women in complex psychological situations as they struggle to liberate themselves from traditionalism.  相似文献   

Sociologist Mabel Agnes Elliott was elected the fourth president of the Society for the Study of Social Problems in 1956–1957 and was the first woman to hold this position. She was an anti-war activist, a feminist and a creative and diligent writer. Yet she experienced many challenges. The Federal Bureau of Investigation kept an active file on Elliott for approximately 30 years, she was the victim of discrimination by her male colleagues at the University of Kansas where she spent much of her career and Professor Robert E. L. Faris used many of the ideas from her Social Disorganization textbook without attribution. In spite of her research productivity her salary was frozen for 18 years. Once she began teaching women at Chatham College she found an institution that appreciated her many talents and rewarded her appropriately. Even so, in a male-dominated discipline, her contributions to criminology and social disorganization have been nearly forgotten.  相似文献   

DISHA is one of the oldest Oxfam project partners in Uttar Pradesh, India. DISHA works with rural women and rope-makers; it encourages village-level women's organizations to fight against obstacles to women's empowerment and to institute income-producing activities; and it provides legal, educational, and health care services. In this article, a Muslim woman tells the story of her involvement with DISHA and how that involvement gave her the courage to reject the restrictions of purdah and of the wearing of the bourkha. This woman was married at age 13. She suffered ill treatment at the house of her in-laws and returned to her father's home with her 3 daughters. Her husband eventually joined her at her father's house. She was approached by a coordinator of DISHA and asked to apply for a job. She was offered the job, which she accepted. When she started going into the villages, she felt that the restrictive dress of the bourkha interfered with her ability to work. With the permission of her father and her husband, she set aside the bourkha. She had to endure criticism and censure for this action, but eventually people have been won over to her position as they have seen the positive results of her work on behalf of society. After having 5 daughters, she finally had a son. Now she is determined that her daughters will never wear the bourkha, even if they must remain single as a result of this resolve. She feels that DISHA has given her the power to overcome oppression in her own life, in the life of her family, and in society.  相似文献   

《Home Cultures》2013,10(2):179-197

All of her life, the turn-of-the-century American novelist Edith Wharton was extremely sensitive to her environment. This preoccupation resulted in a professional interest in houses and their interior decoration. She created homes for herself, both in America and in France, in which she ensured the conditions for the development of her authorship. She moreover published books in which she expressed her opinions on how a home should be constructed and decorated, which contributed to her reputation as a professional author, but also as an intellectual, a connoisseur, and a cosmopolitan. The average American bourgeois home, which she abhorred, formed a source of inspiration for her literary imagery in the depiction of characters who find themselves entrapped in patriarchal society.  相似文献   

Thelma is frustrated. She wants to go away for the weekend but approaching her husband with the idea seems impossible. Feeling annoyed, irritated, and trapped by her inability to discuss her plans, she yells at him instead. Responding in a tone that is both controlling and parental, he admonishes, "Didn't I tell you not to yell at me." As if she had forgotten about her feelings and her needs, she meekly replies, "I'm sorry, I didn't want you to be late." For those not familiar with the movie Thelma and Louise , Thelma does eventually summon up enough courage (with the support of her friend Louise) to leave, escaping from her chauvinistic and abusive husband on an exciting albeit brief adventure.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships between self‐rated attractiveness and self‐reported sexual response changes (over the past decade) and current sexual satisfaction in 307 heterosexual, midlife women. Results indicated that regardless of the woman's specific age, she was more likely to consider herself more attractive when she was 10 years younger, and her self‐perceived attractiveness did not significantly differ based on her menopausal status. The more a woman perceived herself as less attractive than before, the more likely she was to report a decline in sexual desire or frequency of sexual activity. The more she perceived herself as attractive, the more likely she was to experience an increase in sexual desire, orgasm, enjoyment, or frequency of sexual activity. There were no significant statistical relationships between a woman's perception of her own attractiveness as she aged and her current sexual satisfaction.  相似文献   

This article celebrates Joan Acker's academic life and her enormous contribution to the field of gender, work and organization. It acknowledges not just what she contributed to gender studies and politics but how she combined her analysis and her activism with a concern for equality more generally, especially in relation to social class and race.  相似文献   

Marina Tsvetaeva’s 1934 “Chërt” (The Devil) forms a central part of the cycle of autobiographical prose she wrote in emigration. This article assembles clues to the hidden origins of the Devil she describes in prose about her grandfathers, some of it censored in pre-1990 editions of her works. Tsvetaeva’s Devil is not simply metaphysical: it has the unusual appearance of a Great Dane. Though she goes on to trace its appearances in the literature and culture of her childhood, some of its physical features (eyes, nose, colour and posture) link it with other people in her life. The vivid details of the Devil suggest relationships, though peculiarly mediated ones, to members of her own family, especially her maternal grandfather, Aleksandr Danilovich Mein. The poet describes herself using Pushkin’s poem “Utoplennik” to camouflage her own sense of self from her mother. Much of the rest of “The Devil” describes her recognition of the Devil in varying symbolic or even phonetic guises, tracing how the poet stayed faithful to him even after he ceased to appear visibly, how she found and read his symbols in surrounding reality—e.g., card games, toys, rituals for finding lost objects—and in unexpected, otherwise respectable, parts of society, including her own grandfather. As always, Tsvetaeva creates a story that affirms her identity as a poet and illustrates the work she had to do to achieve that identity.  相似文献   

Tracey Helton has been running peer programs for a decade, and involved with harm‐reduction work for two. Her “real” day job is working for San Francisco, a job that includes benefits and enables her to support her children. But it also allows her to run harm‐reduction services “from my closet,” as she puts it. We called her because we wanted to learn more about how she views the field.  相似文献   

出身于艺术之家的张沙娃,从小就接触各类艺术,这样的经历陶冶了她的性情,也赋予她对艺术的敏锐审美嗅觉。2005年她和好友方海燕共同开办了一家原创首饰小店并创立“SU素”品牌,如今她们已在全国设立多家代理店并拓展到海外市场。  相似文献   

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