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IT is very important to talk about women's life quality when they approach the age of menopause. The results of a research investigation on the "Mental and Health Condition of Rural/Urban Women at Menopause" and the "Common Mental and Health Problems of Women at Menopause and its Treatment in Nanjing," reveal that the incidence of  相似文献   

Corresponding to the international goal of "Reproductive Health for All" for 2015, Shanghai plans to take the lead in supplying fundamental reproductive health care services for people of a reproductive age by the year 2000 and high-quality reproductive health care services for all people before 2010.  相似文献   

1 Safety and Health Class Enters 10 Provinces, Regions安康教室落户十省区Huang Qingyi (left), Vice-president of the ACWF at the ceremony全国妇联副主席黄晴宜(左)在活动仪式上On June 22, the ceremony of "8858" charity money donation to build Safety and Health Classroom was held in Beijing. The activity, with the theme "Caring for Children, Growing Healthy-Safety and Health Classroom," was organized by China Children and Teenagers' Fund (CCTF). Gu Xiulian, Vice-president  相似文献   

73 Years Old The Ministry of Public Health recently issued the Brief Report on China's Development of Public Health from 2003 to 2007.According to the report,Chinese people's average life expectancy rose from 71.4 years in 2000 to 73  相似文献   

Health Consultants Visit Village"保健顾问"进农家"Hurry up! Health consultants are coming,"Chen Jinhua,a woman who lives in Sishisan Hu Village of Huanghekou Town,Kenli County,Shandong Province, yelled to her neighbors.It was the afternoon of February  相似文献   

THE Xinhongzhuang Beauty and Health Club located near the foreign embassy area in Beijing is the first of its kind in China to provide services to women only. Though this club is a novelty in China, clubs catering to women's concern for beauty and fitness are popular in many cities in the world. The founder of the club said that the purpose of opening is to remake the image of the women of Beijing. "It should be an entirely new and perfect image," she said. Miss Ye, 32, is a general manager of a real estate company. It was not easy for her  相似文献   

CCTF, Nestle Team Up to Improve Health of Newborns, Women
The China Children and Teenagers' Foundation (CCTF), on April 22, 2014, received a donation of 30 million yuan (US $4.9 million) from Nestl6 China to fund a project aimed at improving the health of women and newborns in China. The donation was made in Beijing. The project, entitled "1,000 Days Action for Newborn and Maternal Health," is intended to raise public awareness of the significance of the 1,000 days from conception to a child's second birthday, through various types of publicity and training. It is also intended to improve the nutrition of newborns and their mothers.  相似文献   

YINAN is a poor county in the Yimeng Mountain Area in Shandong Province. It has a population of 900,000, over 80 percent of whom live in rural areas and about 600,000 of whom are women and children. Protecting the health of women and children is not only important to reach the goal "Everyone Enjoys Health Protection by the year 2000" and the goals set out in the "Program for Chinese Children's Development in the 1990s," but also has a crucial influence on the  相似文献   

Contributing Love to AIDS-orphaned Children"12·1"关注孤儿万户爱心家庭公益行动在云南启动The All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China and the State Council H(?)V/A(?)DS Working Committee Office(SCAWCO)launched,in Kunming,Yunnan Province,on November 25,2006,an activity to raise people's concern for children left orphaned by AIDS.  相似文献   

Many women who suffer from vaginitis have kept silent about their illness because they think it is shameful to have such a disease. The International Women's Health Coalition (IWHC) has publicized the problem, referring to it as a "culture of silence"inherited from traditional thinking. The coalition has made attempts to improve women's health conditions by changing people's misconceptions about the disease. In 1997, under a grant from the American Ford Foundation, the Sichuan Provincial Women's Federation carried out a study on women's repro-ductive health, aimed at "breaking the silence."  相似文献   

LEPROSY has been spreading in some parts of Chinafor more than 2,000 years. With the founding of NewChina in 1949, the Chinese health departmentlaunched a comprehensive prevention and treatment actionagainst this disease. According to the EpidemiologicalAnalysis on Leprosy in China (1949—1996), from theMinistry of Public Health, the spread of leprosy has beeneffectively controlled. Based on statistics collected withprovince as the smallest unit, China has reached the goal setby the WHO that "leprosy should be abolished as a public  相似文献   

“Only 7 Percent of womensmoke”said Professor Zhang Yifang,secretary general of the ChineseSmoking and Health Association,“which is low compared to 61 percentof men.Most Chinese women do notsmoke,an advantage that can be usedin promoting their role in the fight to  相似文献   

SINCE the first case of AIDS was reported in the early 1980s the number of HIV patients has been increasing. According to the estimate of the World Health Organization, the number of HIV carriers has risen to 19.5 million, among whom 4:5 million have developed AIDS, resulting in 1 million AIDS-related deaths. By the year 2000, the number of HIV carriers worldwide is predicted to reach 40 million. By the time the global 40 million mark is reached, 90 percent of these cases are predicted to be in developing countries. Then the number of HIV carriers in Asia will likely surpass the number in Africa. China, comprising one-fifth of the world's population, with underdeveloped  相似文献   

The China Health Education Center, under the Ministry of Health, and Health and Beauty magazine on August 26, 2010, launched a campaign to promote health awareness among professional women in Beijing. Organizers said they had appointed health experts to give lectures and had been working with mainstream media to arrange publicity activities aimed at professional women in at least 10 provinces and autonomous regions. Mao Qun'an,  相似文献   

IN terms of both time period and implementation, China has accomplished nearly 50 percent of her goal for decreasing the 1989 mortality rate of infants and children below the age of five by as much as one-third by the year 2000. According to the Ministry of Public Health (MPH) statistics released in August, 1996, China's maternal mortality rate decreased from 94.7 per 100,000 in 1989 to only 39.2 in 1995. Figures for rural  相似文献   

China's National Health Commission(NHC)in January issued a notice to clarify the guiding principles of performing psychological crisis intervention during the novel coronavirus epidemic.In accordance with the notice,Changsha Women's Federation and Xinji Chenguang Psychological Service Center(in Changsha,capital of Central China's Hunan Province)recently implemented a project to provide,online,psychological services to residents.  相似文献   

ACWF Holds the'Seminar on Reproductive Health and Gender Equality' 全国妇联举办"生殖健康与性别平等倡导研讨班" "Seminar on Reproductive Health and Gender Equality," sponsored by the Project Team of Social Gender Equality of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),in cooperation with Shenzhen Women's Federation,was held in Shenzhen Women and Children's Center on January 24-25,2005 Tan Lin,Director of the Women's Studies Institute of the ACWE, presented at the seminar and delivered a speech.Liu Chaohui.  相似文献   

IN its bid to initiate a nationwidefitness campaign, the Stateimplemented the "National 1-2-1Health Project" in the "Program ofNational Health " plan. This aims toencourage every Chinese citizen tograsp at least two physical exercisetechniques as a basic, effective health-building method. The "1-2-1" program was begun  相似文献   

Psychological Education to Include Most of China's Schools by 2010 2010年中国大部分学校将开展心理健康教育According to an eight-year national plan on mental health work (2008-2015),recently issued by the Ministry of Public Health and 16 other ministries,China plans to incorporate psychological  相似文献   

UNICEF's Aid联合国儿童基金会向甘肃儿童伸出援助之手UNICEF(United Nations Children's Fund)recently sent a field team to Jingning County,one of the most underdeveloped regions in West China's Gansu Province,to visit local mothers and children,investigate the health and medical situation and help the needy.The one-week trip was co-organized by UNICEF and China's ministries of Commerce and Health.  相似文献   

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