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This paper studies regression models with a lagged dependent variable when both the dependent and independent variables are nonstationary, and the regression model is misspecified in some dimension. In particular, we discuss the limiting properties of leastsquares estimates of the parameters in such regression models, and the limiting distributions of their test statistics. We show that the estimate of the lagged dependent variable tends to unity asymptotically independent of its true value, while the estimates of the independent variables tend to zero. The limiting distributions of their test statistics are shown to diverge with sample size.  相似文献   

Evidence presented by Fomby and Guilkey (1983) suggests that Hatanaka's estimator of the coefficients in the lagged dependent variable-serial correlation regression model performs poorly, not because of poor selection of the estimate of the autocorrelation coefficient, but because of the lack of a first observation correction. This study conducts a Monte Carlo investigationof the small sample efficiency gains obtainable from a first observation correction suggested by Harvey (1981). Results presented here indicate that substantial gains result from the first observation correction. However, in comparing Hatanaka's procedure with first observation correction to maximum likelihood search, it appears that ignoring the determinantal term of the full likelihood function causes some loss of small sample efficiency. Thus, when computer costsand programming constraints are not binding, maximum likelihood search is to be recommended. In contrast, users who have access to only rudimentary least squares programs would be well served when using Hatanaka's two-step procedure with first  相似文献   

Until recently, a difficulty with applying the Durbin-Watson (DW) test to the dynamic linear regression model has been the lack of appropriate critical values. Inder (1986) used a modified small-disturbance distribution (SDD) to find approximate critical values. King and Wu (1991) showed that the exact SDD of the DW statistic is equivalent to the distribution of the DW statistic from the regression with the lagged dependent variables replaced by their means. Unfortunately, these means are unknown although they could be estimated by the actual variable values. This provides a justification for using the exact critical values of the DW statistic from the regression with the lagged dependent variables treated as non-stochastic regressors. Extensive Monte Carlo experiments are reported in this paper. They show that this approach leads to reasonably accurate critical values, particularly when two lags of the dependent variable are present. Robustness to non-normality is also investigated.  相似文献   

Until recently, a difficulty with applying the Durbin-Watson (DW) test to the dynamic linear regression model has been the lack of appropriate critical values. Inder (1986) used a modified small-disturbance distribution (SDD) to find approximate critical values. King and Wu (1991) showed that the exact SDD of the DW statistic is equivalent to the distribution of the DW statistic from the regression with the lagged dependent variables replaced by their means. Unfortunately, these means are unknown although they could be estimated by the actual variable values. This provides a justification for using the exact critical values of the DW statistic from the regression with the lagged dependent variables treated as non-stochastic regressors. Extensive Monte Carlo experiments are reported in this paper. They show that this approach leads to reasonably accurate critical values, particularly when two lags of the dependent variable are present. Robustness to non-normality is also investigated.  相似文献   

In selection processes of a random variable with random observation errors, the crucial variable is the conditional expectation of the target variable given the sum of the observations. An example is the selection of the most talented young researchers for tenure track. This paper derives an explicit expression for this conditional expectation for the case that both the target variable and the observation errors have a uniform, but different, distribution.  相似文献   

Kruskal's theorem is used to provide simple and elegant alternative derivations of the efficiency of some two step estimators (2SE) for models containing anticipated and unanticipated variables. Several new results are established: 2SE is not efficient for a structural equation with current and lagged values of both anticipated and unanticipated variables; 2SE is always efficient for the parameter associated with the current unanticipated variable, and for the parameter associated with the lagged unanticipated variable if there is no lagged dependent variable in the expectations equation; the inclusion of additional regressors in the structural equation and contemporaneous correlation of the structural and expectations errors can both be analysed in a straightforward manner; the single-equation generalized least squares estimator can be as efficient as the systems maximum likelihood estimator.  相似文献   

Kruskal's theorem is used to provide simple and elegant alternative derivations of the efficiency of some two step estimators (2SE) for models containing anticipated and unanticipated variables. Several new results are established: 2SE is not efficient for a structural equation with current and lagged values of both anticipated and unanticipated variables; 2SE is always efficient for the parameter associated with the current unanticipated variable, and for the parameter associated with the lagged unanticipated variable if there is no lagged dependent variable in the expectations equation; the inclusion of additional regressors in the structural equation and contemporaneous correlation of the structural and expectations errors can both be analysed in a straightforward manner; the single-equation generalized least squares estimator can be as efficient as the systems maximum likelihood estimator.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the investment decisions considering the presence of financial constraints of 373 large Brazilian firms from 1997 to 2004, using panel data. A Bayesian econometric model was used considering ridge regression for multicollinearity problems among the variables in the model. Prior distributions are assumed for the parameters, classifying the model into random or fixed effects. We used a Bayesian approach to estimate the parameters, considering normal and Student t distributions for the error and assumed that the initial values for the lagged dependent variable are not fixed, but generated by a random process. The recursive predictive density criterion was used for model comparisons. Twenty models were tested and the results indicated that multicollinearity does influence the value of the estimated parameters. Controlling for capital intensity, financial constraints are found to be more important for capital-intensive firms, probably due to their lower profitability indexes, higher fixed costs and higher degree of property diversification.  相似文献   

We consider the bias in the Ordinary Least Squares estimator in the linear regression model with a lagged dependent variable as regressor. Results are obtained with independent and auto-correlated disturbances. Asymptotic results are obtained analytically, and finite sample results based on a Monte Carlo study. The substantial biases found suggest the need for an alternative estimator to Ordinary Least Squares and powerful tests for autocorrelated disturbances in the dynamic model.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of simultaneous variable selection and estimation in the random-intercepts model with the first-order lag response. This type of model is commonly used for analyzing longitudinal data obtained through repeated measurements on individuals over time. This model uses random effects to cover the intra-class correlation, and the first lagged response to address the serial correlation, which are two common sources of dependency in longitudinal data. We demonstrate that the conditional likelihood approach by ignoring correlation among random effects and initial responses can lead to biased regularized estimates. Furthermore, we demonstrate that joint modeling of initial responses and subsequent observations in the structure of dynamic random-intercepts models leads to both consistency and Oracle properties of regularized estimators. We present theoretical results in both low- and high-dimensional settings and evaluate regularized estimators' performances by conducting simulation studies and analyzing a real dataset. Supporting information is available online.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first establish the complete convergence for weighted sums of widely orthant-dependent (WOD, in short) random variables by using the Rosenthal type maximal inequality. Based on the complete convergence, we further study the complete moment convergence for weighted sums of arrays of rowwise WOD random variables which is stochastically dominated by a random variable X. The results obtained in the paper generalize the corresponding ones for some dependent random variables.  相似文献   

非对称单位根检验已成为时间序列分析中重要研究领域之一。而当随机干扰项之间具有一般性的自相关时,非对称单位根检验式中,由于不同的滞后阶会对统计量检验势产生至关重要的影响,因此采用残差块形自助法(RBB)对非对称单位根EG检验进行有效的改进研究,并对RBB法的适用性进行了模拟。结果表明:RBB法不仅在一定程度上降低了检验水平扭曲,而且大大提高了EG法的检验势。  相似文献   

The Kolmogorov-Sruimov test depends for its distribution-free property on the observation that, if F() is the CDF of continuous random variable A then random variable F(X) is uniform on the interval [0,1]. That observation is false if F() is not continuous, a restriction on the applicability of the KS test. This paper introduces a generalization of the KS statistic that works for all distributions, including discrete ones.  相似文献   

A new approach for constructing tests for association between a random right censored life time variable and a covariate is proposed. The basic idea is to first arrange the observations in increasing order of the covariate and then base the test on a certain point process defined by the observation times. Tests constructed by this approach are robust against outliers in the covariate values or misspecification of the covariate scale since they only use the ordering of the covariate. Of particular interest is a test based on the Anderson-Darling statistic. This test has good power properties both against monotonic and nonmonotonic dependencies between the covariate and the life time variable.  相似文献   

As of late, copulas have drawn great attention in stochastic simulation, financial engineering, and risk management. Their power lies under their ability of modeling dependent random variables. Using a known theorem in probability which proves that the fractional part of the sum of a uniform and an arbitrary independent continuous random variable follows a uniform distribution, we construct a wide class of bivariate copulas in which bivariate random vector generation can be performed easily. Some important members of this new class and their properties together with two invariant correlation measures and some insights in their application are presented.  相似文献   

Robust inference on the parameters in generalized linear models is performed using the weighted likelihood method. Two cases are considered: a case with replicated observations and a case with a single observation of the dependent variable for each combination of the explanatory variables. The first case is common in the design of experiments, while the second case arises in observational studies. Theoretical and computational results on real datasets are presented and compared with other existing techniques.  相似文献   

This article applies different approaches to distinguish state dependence from unobserved heterogeneity and serial correlation and, hence, test for state dependence in consumer brand choices. First, we apply a simple method proposed by Chamberlain, which involves lagged exogenous variables only. Second, we also estimate a lagged-dependent-variable specification proposed by Wooldridge. Third, we use the estimation approach suggested by Wooldridge to estimate a model with both lagged dependent and exogenous variables to distinguish between the two different sources of choice dynamics, state dependence and lagged effects of the exogenous variables. Our analysis reveals that the best approach is to use models with both lagged dependent and exogenous variables. Our findings include strong evidence for state dependence in five out of the six product categories studied in this article.  相似文献   

Arnold and Stahlecker (Stat Pap 44:107–115, 2003) considered the prediction of future values of the dependent variable in the linear regression model with a relative squared error and deterministic disturbances. They found an explicit form for a minimax linear affine solution d* of that problem. In the paper we generalize this result proving that the decision rule d* is also minimax when the class D{\mathcal{D}} of possible predictors of the dependent variable is unrestricted. Then we show that d* remains minimax in D{\mathcal{D}} when the disturbances are random with the mean vector zero and the known positive definite covariance matrix.  相似文献   

Several distribution-free bounds on expected values of L-statistics based on the sample of possibly dependent and nonidentically distributed random variables are given in the case when the sample size is a random variable, possibly dependent on the observations, with values in the set {1,2,…}. Some bounds extend the results of Papadatos (2001a) to the case of random sample size. The others provide new evaluations even if the sample size is nonrandom. Some applications of the presented bounds are also indicated.  相似文献   

sLingappaiah (1986) was the first to introduce the idea of Bayesian prediction in life testing when the size of the future sample is a random variable. In this paper we discuss the Bayesion prediction of the sample median when the parent distribution is a generalized Burr distribution (GBD), the old sample is censored type II and the size of the future sample is a random variable. A numerical illustration is provided.  相似文献   

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