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This paper reflects upon the methodology adopted in Project INISS. The author begins by noting that a problem may be approached simultaneously from more than one paradigmatic stance, and that a given method may be used by researchers working within different traditions. His intention in his research was to work within the conventional paradigm, and his choice of method (structured observation) in no way reflected a predilection for qualitative research. It was nonetheless the case that, when faced with a mass of quantitative data, there were a number of advantages in combining quantitative and qualitative modes of analysis and reporting. The author goes on to consider various research management issues in field research of this kind. He concludes by seeing his aim as that of finding a means of gathering more meaningful quantitative data, rather than rejecting quantitative methods as such. His feeling is that ‘if anything is to be learned from the work, it is that a more sensitive approach to the collection of data and accounts will pay dividends in insights, theory, and practical ideas for improvements in information services’.  相似文献   

This study examined factors that affect journalists’ Twitter use behaviors based on the framework of the theory of planned behavior (TPB). A survey of Korean journalists supported that TPB is a useful theoretical framework for understanding journalists’ Twitter use behaviors. This study found that three TPB variables – positive attitudes, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control – are positively associated with journalists’ general Twitter use (i.e., time spent using Twitter). More importantly, beyond looking at journalists’ general Twitter use, this study expands the literature by distinguishing between expressive Twitter use (e.g., tweeting messages) and consumptive Twitter use (e.g., reading others’ tweets). Results showed that journalists’ attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral controls were associated differently depending on patterns of expressive and consumptive Twitter usage. Given the role of professional journalists in society, their ways of using Twitter may have a profound impact on the ecology of journalism. Contributing to the literature of the theory of planned behavior by extending its explanatory power to professional journalists’ Twitter usage, the results of this study suggest that future research on journalists’ Twitter use should pay more attention to how Twitter is employed within the journalistic context.  相似文献   

A dynamic computable general is developed to analyze the effects of different phase-in rates of the Canada–US and North American Free Trade Agreements on their member countries, as well as the impact on the rest of their trading partners. The model is based on intertemporal optimization behavior of households and firms with fully specified countries/regions in which all prices and quantities are endogenously determined. I show that the size and the distribution of the welfare gains from these trade agreements are quite sensitive to the speed of trade liberalization. In particular, I find as a general rule that smaller member countries are better off under a more rapid phase-out of trade barriers, while larger member countries/regions are better off under a slower phase-out.  相似文献   

This article highlights a somewhat neglected aspect of love (and of emotions in general): their complexity. We suggest distinguishing between three major related types of emotional complexity: emotional diversity, emotional ambivalence, and emotional behavior. The notion of emotional complexity has far‐reaching implications for understanding emotions and our wellbeing. This is illustrated by examining the notion of emotional complexity in two common yet complex phenomena in the romantic realm: romantic compromises and polyamory.  相似文献   

Despite increasing interest in integrity issues, relatively few studies have examined researchers’ own interpretations of integrity. As part of the Perspectives on Research Integrity in Science and Medicine (PRISM) project, we sought to explore how researchers themselves define research integrity. We conducted 33 semi-structured interviews with clinical and laboratory-based researchers from across Switzerland. Data were transcribed and coded using thematic analysis and illustrative quotes were selected. Researchers defined integrity in terms of honesty, transparency, and objectivity, and generally stressed the importance of sticking to the research question and avoiding bias in data interpretation. Some saw research integrity as being synonymous with scientific integrity, but others regarded research integrity as being a subset of the wider domain of scientific integrity. A few participants equated research integrity with mere absence of misconduct, but the majority of participants regarded integrity as being more than this. Researchers regarded truth as the key aspect of integrity, though they expressed this in different ways and with various emphases on honesty, transparency, and objectivity. Integrity goes beyond avoiding misconduct, and scientific integrity has a wider domain than research integrity.  相似文献   

Adult mental health clinicians face a range of challenges that hinder their use of family‐focused practices when working with consumers who are parents. The purpose of this study was (a) to examine clinicians' experiences when working with parents and (b) identify strategies they found to be effective when working with parents. Eleven Australian mental health clinicians were recruited who regularly worked with consumers who are parents. Semistructured interviews were conducted within a qualitative paradigm and analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Themes were identified which related to (a) managing sensitive parenting conversations, (b) making decisions about child safety in unclear or unpredictable situations, and (c) working with child protection services. Participants had developed strategies for managing the challenges of the first two practice issues and suggested organizational changes that could facilitate collaboration with child protection services. The findings highlight that the challenges of working with parents with mental health issues cannot be addressed with a one‐size‐fits‐all approach. Initiatives to facilitate the effective support of parents and their children need to be informed by contextual factors, including clinical practice.  相似文献   

The old version of modernity centerson the conquest of nature and control ofnatural resources, leading to discord betweensociety and nature and conflict between so-ciety and individuals. This type of moder-nity forces both society and nature to paytwice the price for its realization. If we saythe new version of modernity comes from apositive and active examination of the old one,the post-modernism which calls for post-modernity is usually a negative and passivereaction to the old version of mo…  相似文献   

There is renewed interest in the place of direct work and relationship‐based practice in social work. This paper explores the day‐to‐day direct work that happens where children and young people are ‘looked after’ at home, from the perspectives of children, social workers and those supervising practice. It is based on interviews with eight children and 25 professionals about their experiences. In this paper, I highlight that despite barriers, direct work, which is characterized as meaningful by children and professionals, happens and that the relationships formed between children and social workers are an important precursor to and an outcome of direct work. The research was undertaken in Scotland, and although the legislation, policy and guidance differ from other jurisdictions, the messages about direct work are relevant for practice in other countries.  相似文献   

Theory and Decision - We explore how risk preferences affect pro-social behavior under uncertainty. We analyze a modified dictator game in which the dictator can, by reducing her own sure payoff,...  相似文献   

Uyanga J 《Social action》1979,29(2):150-162
Although the effects of housing conditions on human behavior have been studied by urban planners and sociologists, there is relatively little research on the effects of housing density and perceived overcrowding conditions on fertility. This paper uses the data from a survey of metropolitan Calabar, Nigeria, to study the relationship between overcrowding and decisions to limit family size. It was found that a high proportion of families living in overcrowded conditions still desired to have 3 more children. Cultural factors among the study population reveal a fondness for children which is not overridden by a desire for more living space. It is noted that actual urban overcrowding need not lead to declines in fertility, but that cultural factors and socio-pathological conditions may be more important contributors to the reaction of individuals to urban overcrowding.  相似文献   


This paper describes the development of a method of data collection, which captures the complexity of living situations, family dynamics and key life events of teenagers. This ‘Life History Calendar’ was adapted from earlier life history calendar methods for a multidisciplinary intergenerational study. The new calendar is able to record details of 15 years of teenage participants’ lives and can be administered to teenagers and their parents to show changes over individual lives and difference between individuals in a cohort. Referring to some preliminary data, we show that the calendar is a practical and effective method of data collection, which will be useful to researchers and practitioners working with young people and their families.  相似文献   

Political elites provide a unique perspective on political socialization. By examining these individuals’ experiences and viewpoints, scholars have an opportunity to evaluate methods to increase political engagement among the mass public. This paper undertakes such an exploration using a 2013 mail survey of Electoral College members, specifically considering responses to an open-ended question about electors’ first political memories, accounting for respondents’ age, partisanship, and gender. This study finds that elites’ earliest political memories often involve electoral—particularly presidential—politics and note these findings’ implications for political socialization scholars.  相似文献   

Intermsoftextualmorphology,dramaisameansofcommunicationwithatextualdiscoursethattakestwoforms'narrativeanddialogue.Intheformer,thediscourseexistsinanactualspace-timecontinuumandisconductedbetweentheplaywright/actorsandtheaudience.Inthelatter,thediscourset…  相似文献   

Understanding how children experience social work interventions is an important part of gauging whether what is provided is genuinely helpful. In this paper, we describe the findings from a research project using Q‐method, aimed at understanding what children involved with statutory services think about their social workers and how they experience the time they spend together. Using a pre‐existing practice framework, we explored skills including empathy, collaboration, and purposefulness from the point of view of children and young people. The participants in our study (n = 22) were insightful observers of social work practice, able to describe not only how they experienced time spent with their workers but also inferring differences in motivation and approach. In addition, workers who were described in similar terms by different young people were nevertheless experienced differently. This suggests not an archetypal “good social worker”—instead, there are skills that are good for specific children at specific times within the context of specific relationships.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to refine the understanding of the experiences of low-income older women living in congregate housing. Congregate housing refers to small-scale communal living arrangements for low-income older adults intended to reduce their social isolation and financial burden. Interviews with 12 older women and field notes were analysed using thematic analysis. Four themes were identified: (1) these older women chose congregate housing because they had no better option; (2) they gradually grew accustomed to communal living by being alert, mindful, and considerate; (3) their range of activities and interactions with the outside decreased as they aged; and (4) they came to require further care as senility progressed. Based on these findings, the meaning of housing welfare for older adults and the importance of providing additional supportive services are discussed. It is also asserted that housing welfare intervention should include protection of older adults’ housing rights.  相似文献   

Institutional review boards (IRBs) are legally required to determine whether the balance between the risks and benefits (the risk-benefit ratio or RBR) of a proposed study is "reasonable" or "proportional". This obligation flows from their duty to protect the interests of research subjects. It has been argued that it is difficult, perhaps even impossible for IRBs to determine the RBR of studies, because the risks and benefits are not only heterogeneous, but also incommensurable. After arguing that the relevant meaning of incommensurability is incomparability, we discuss whether the risks of participating in a trial and the benefits are comparable. We conclude that at least the risks and the benefits to participants are comparable. In the last section we show that the main problem of RBR analyses is that of interpersonal incompensability. IRBs have to assume that risks to research subjects be compensated by benefits to others. The question is: To what extent? When does it become unreasonable to ask that patients accept the risks of participating in a trial for the benefit of science and/or future patients?  相似文献   

中国司法制度由多方面的因素决定,其中社会主义的民主观和正义观尤为重要。社会主义民主的人民专政原则决定了中国司法的本质与使命,使司法成为实现政治目标的工具民主集中的原则应用到司法领域导致司法从产生到责任承担在整个国家的政治结构中的依附地位和法院内部组织的官僚化;大众化制约了法院的审判程序和工作作风,甚至导致极端的程序虚无主义。这些影响有其特定的历史环境。时过境迁,现在理当反思改革。对于时下的司法改革来说,以下几组关系需要重新认识:政治正确与程序正义;平等与职业化;民主责任与司法独立;民意与合法。只有从根本的观念和体制上进行变革,司法公正才是可以期望的目标。  相似文献   

Poor quality of care may have a detrimental effect on access and take-up and can become a serious barrier to the universality of health services. This consideration is of particular interest in view of the fact that health systems in many countries must address a growing public-sector deficit and respond to increasing pressures due to COVID-19 and aging population, among other factors. In line with a rapidly emerging literature, we focus on patient satisfaction as a proxy for quality of health care. Drawing on rich longitudinal and cross-sectional data for Spain and multilevel estimation techniques, we show that in addition to individual level differences, policy levers (such as public health spending and the patient-doctor ratio, in particular) exert a considerable influence on the quality of a health care system. Our results suggest that policymakers seeking to enhance the quality of care should be cautious when compromising the level of health resources, and in particular, health personnel, as a response to economic downturns in a sector that traditionally had insufficient human resources in many countries, which have become even more evident in the light of the current health crisis. Additionally, we provide evidence that the increasing reliance on the private health sector may be indicative of inefficiencies in the public system and/or the existence of features of private insurance which are deemed important by patients.  相似文献   

There are several motives underlying the process of deciding to become an adoptive family. However, research exploring this issue is scarce and essentially focused on infertility as the main motivation. The present mixed-method study aims to fill in this gap by exploring, retrospectively, the motives to adopt of 126 Portuguese adoptive parents. The Parents' Interview on the Adoption Process was used to identify the motives to adopt and describe the adoption decision-making process. Seven main motives (biological issues, filling in a void/loneliness, adoption as a life project, expanding the family, philanthropy, contact with the child protection system and parenthood) were identified. These motives can be centred on the self, the child or both simultaneously and are characterized by dynamism, permeability and interconnection. Findings allowed for establishing conceptual considerations on motivations to adopt and recommendations for adoption practice.  相似文献   

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