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影响我们对空间中运动的身体进行无意识建模的神经结构同样与我们觉知世界所包含的主动身体和对象有关.神经科学的研究也表明,在我们感受到自己主动身体的多层个人体验,和我们同时持有的对于他人内隐确定事件的感知之间,存在着起调节作用的神经机制.这种个人的和与身体有关的经验性知识使得我们能够理解他人做出的动作,从而理解他们所体验的情绪和感情.无论是身体意识还是社会理解的基本形式,都有一个共同的功能性机制作为其基础,即具身模仿.这些假设和现象学所提出的一些看法非常一致.  相似文献   

齐美尔论现代性体验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王小章 《社会》2003,(4):4-8
一 如果说,波德利亚尔(Jean Bandrill ard,1929~,法国当代社会学家、巴黎大学教授——编者注)是一位以敏锐的甚至有点神经质的感觉、尖锐的笔触捕捉现代性体验的当代社会学家的话,那么,在经典社会学家中,乔治·齐美尔(Georg Simmel,1858~1918,又译格奥尔格·齐美尔或西美尔——编者  相似文献   

林俊风 《探求》2004,42(5):24-27
康德和马克思分别提出了对人类社会发展具有重大深远意义的两大命题--"以人为目的"和"人的自由全面发展",本文对康德和马克思的思维方式进行了比较,彰显了马克思与康德相通的价值祈向和相别的理论旨趣,指出了马克思对康德的合理性继承与发展,并着重指出了马克思对康德的超越.  相似文献   

This article charts the changing conceptualization of Travellers in relevant Irish central government policy statements since the 1960s, together with the accommodation policy initiatives devised on this basis. It interprets developments in this regard as a movement from assimilationism to integrationism to (weak) multiculturalism. The article also reveals a significant “policy implementation deficit”, which is manifested in two ways. Firstly, accommodation output has generally failed to meet central government targets and has consistently failed to reduce the numbers of Travellers living in unofficial encampments. Secondly, the type of accommodation provided has often been at variance with central government recommendations. Thus, an assimilationist policy statement has effected multicultural policy outcomes, while a multiculturalist policy statement has effected assimilationist policy outcomes. These patterns of accommodation output are related to various implementation variables—some long‐standing, others new—which have impeded the implementation of national policy by actors on the ground.  相似文献   

Is it possible to speak of just and equitable social protection for the active populations of poor countries which suffer from development problems and are dominated by an international order in which only the law of the strongest prevails, especially when those populations emigrate to seek work in order to live or merely to survive? Universal standards that are supposed to ensure some measure of international coordination of national legislation and practice in social security between developed countries and the so-called developing countries suffer from this somewhat original form of inequality. The adaptation of such standards at the bilateral, regional and multilateral levels only reflects the discrimination and selfish interests of States and of the rich and powerful, and indeed of broad sectors of their civil society who reject others simply because of their different culture and traditions. The debate is more involved than at first it may seem. By accepting others as being like oneself one can imagine a better world in which, when people move freely - including migrant workers and their families - they enjoy effective protection through social security. A study of the situation of Maghreb migrants employed and residing in western Europe and the Gulf States has much to teach us in this respect, especially in determining whether any form of solidarity is plausible or achievable in some not too distant future.  相似文献   

Criminal laws that punish discriminatory "hate crime" offenses relating to race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, and other status characteristics trace their roots back to the nation's founding. Unlike today, in early America, status distinctions in law, particularly racial ones, were intended to restrict the exercise of civil rights. Today's hate crime laws are the refined modern progeny of an important class of remedial post–Civil War laws and constitutional amendments. Although the Supreme Court has vigorously upheld enhanced punishment for hate crimes over the last decade, it has also established restrictions on the government's authority to punish bigoted conduct and expression. This article examines, through an analysis of historic cases, laws, and constitutional changes, the legal evolution that culminated in the passage of modern hate crime laws.  相似文献   

The Irish economy has recently endured a period of turbulence as a result of the collapse of the domestic property market bubble and the onset of the global financial crisis. There are two critical vulnerabilities in the Irish economy at present. The first is the potential for sluggish economic growth due to a slowdown in external demand, which impacts on the government's ability to meet budgetary targets. The second concern relates to the financial stability of the banking system given the escalating mortgage crisis. Our results show that Irish economic growth is highly sensitive to the performance of its trading partners and any international slowdown will hinder Ireland's growth prospects. The model used suggests that the appropriate policy response is to pursue further gains in competitiveness. We estimate the impact of an external slowdown on mortgage delinquency using a new dataset on the loan books of the commercial banking sector. The results suggest that a negative one standard deviation shock to US GDP growth leads to an increase of 1600 in the number of mortgages in arrears for at least 90 days. Arrears are driven by unemployment and negative equity in the model. We discuss policies to contain the mortgage crisis by improving these intermediate target variables.  相似文献   

Cookie跟踪侵犯用户隐私已是不争的事实。以"双击诉讼"(Double Click Inc.Privacy Litig.)为代表的美国经验表明,否认Cookie跟踪隐私权侵权责任的成立,在主观要件、损害后果等裁判理由的背后,是隐私权保护让位于互联网行业发展的侵权法理念与价值选择。在我国《侵权责任法》的立法与司法现状之下,Cookie跟踪隐私权侵权责任的成立亦面临制度困境。但网络隐私安全的情感需求日益强烈、技术进步逐渐抵消互联网商业成本的发展趋势表明,应明确网络服务商对用户隐私的注意义务,在一般过错责任原则的框架下重新解释隐私权侵权责任的构成要件。因应社会发展,隐私权的内涵也由此获得了丰富和扩展。  相似文献   

Personalization has become a unifying theme and a dominant narrative across public services in England. Key to understanding the dominance of personalization is the recognition that it is a story that is told about public services, their history and the roles and experiences of the people who use them and work in them. Like other stories it is compelling, emotionally resonant, but also multi‐interpretable. This article identifies five key themes which are central to the personalization story‐line, noting their reliance on a combination of formal evidence, personal narratives and common sense. These are: (1) personalization works, transforming people's lives for the better; (2) person‐centred approaches reflect the way people live their lives, rather than artificial departmental boundaries; (3) personalization is applicable to everyone, not just to people with social care needs; (4) people are experts on their own lives; (5) personalization will save money. The article goes on to examine some of the complexities that audiences face in translating a story‐line into policy programmes and frontline practice. Three aspects in particular are considered: the ambiguity of personalization as a guide to action; the tensions between user empowerment and user responsibility; and the extent to which personalization is used to legitimize other reforms, in particular budget cuts.  相似文献   

This article presents data from a survey of all disabled people in Norway who receive personal assistance in the municipalities that have been granted subsidies from the state. It concentrates on the following issues: – Who are the users of personal assistance? What distinguishes them from other disabled people? – What dimensions has personal assistance as a service? How has it influenced the total service to the recipients and how is this composed? – How do the users value the service? To what extent does it seem to fulfil the aims of self-dependence and sovereignty for the users? The article concludes that personal assistance seems to be a suitable instrument to reach the goals of full participation and equality of status for disabled people in Norwegian society. The main challenges which personal assistance will meet in the future are the financing of the arrangement and how the principles of user-determination could be implemented and transferred to other services without losing its ideological base.  相似文献   

崔燕  贺中 《青岛画报》2012,(10):64-68
青岛是一座梦幻浪漫的滨海旅游城市,是向往超完美时光的所有驴友最心仪的地方之一.位于青岛前海一线、一边碧海一边美城的市南区,是一座风姿绰约的“海上花园”,这里是青岛之行梦开始的地方.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of approval‐of‐aggression beliefs in the relationship between narcissistic exploitativeness and bullying behavior in an Asian sample (N = 809) comprising elementary children and middle school adolescents. Narcissistic exploitativeness was significantly and positively associated with both bullying behavior and approval‐of‐aggression beliefs, and approval‐of‐aggression beliefs was significantly and positively associated with bullying behavior. Additionally, findings indicated that approval‐of‐aggression beliefs was a statistically significant mediator and 53 percent of the total effect of narcissistic exploitativeness on bullying behavior was mediated by approval‐of‐aggression beliefs. Approval‐of‐aggression beliefs did not moderate the association between narcissistic exploitativeness and bullying behavior. There are important theoretical implications as well as implications for prevention and intervention efforts targeting aggressive, bullying behavior among children and adolescents.  相似文献   

The current article explores the aspects of regulatory policy in the field of personal social services. In Israel, the government sets standards, and finances and oversees personal social services, while the services themselves are provided primarily by non‐governmental organizations. Based on a qualitative study we examined two questions. First, what characterizes the implementation of regulatory mechanisms in the field of personal social services in Israel? Second, how can we explain the outcomes of regulation in the personal social services in Israel? In a unique approach, we used the institutional analysis and development (IAD) framework to explore the regulatory practices implemented in community residences and hostels for people with intellectual disabilities and in after school programmes. The findings revealed that although there were implementation gaps in both cases, the IAD might improve our understanding of the nature and magnitude of these gaps. Furthermore, the insights gained may have implications for policymakers in their development of regulatory policy.  相似文献   

朱雯琤 《社会》2018,38(2):188-212
从福柯对戏剧《俄狄浦斯王》的阐释中可看到他对“知识-权力”框架所做的理论补充。福柯试图去除传统解释中知识和求知欲望之间看似自然的因果链关系,而代之以引入知识与权力的复杂关系,以此阐述现代真理话语系统机制的产生。福柯认为弗洛伊德精神分析学解释的俄狄浦斯确实打破了传统认知,但过分抬高了性欲望的理论地位;俄狄浦斯剧更能反映的,是知识话语中真理的发生以及权力机制的运行。在福柯看来,《俄狄浦斯王》不仅体现了自我知识的揭示,还展现了不同类型知识的冲突、权力与知识之间的复杂交织,并且反映了真理审判程序的应用。福柯对《俄狄浦斯王》的分析视角,也喻示着他从具体权力机构考察到古典时期诸权力思想研究的转变。  相似文献   

社会保障权是一项独立的公民基本权利。我国目前的社会保障制度大部分是在过去计划经济体制下建立的,存在着一些不合理的因素使得我国对社会保障权的保护严重不足。社会保障各项具体制度都是依据法律而设定的,而各项法律的制定又是由宪法所引导的,可见,以根本大法的形式对社会保障制度作出规定,并将社会保障权规定为公民的基本权利,这样宪法在对社会保障权的保护中能起到关键作用。  相似文献   

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