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The identification of generalizable roles in social systems has been one of the most central issues in social science ever since. Particularly in the field of interpersonal communication, the notion of communication roles has been used to describe and better understand the complex processes in social groups and society. This contribution identifies the theoretical and methodological concepts that have to be considered when roles in directed networks are operationalized. Based on a network analytic approach and critically evaluating the shortcomings of some widely used models, this study aims to propose new concepts for the operationalization of communication roles. These concepts can be divided into two distinctive approaches. One possibility is to use microstructures like dyadic and triadic communication roles as basic units. For this approach, different aggregation rules are discussed which are necessary for their application in more complex networks. The second approach takes the overall structure of a network into account and identifies different roles by applying centrality measures, blockmodelling or hierarchical structure analysis tools. For illustrative reasons, this study limits its focus on the operationalization of communication roles as a prominent object in social science research. The concepts presented, however, are applicable for directed graphs in general. 相似文献
Karsten Köhler Alexander Guschanski Engelbert Stockhammer 《KZfSS K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie》2018,70(1):37-63
Financialisation is often associated with rising income inequality. The article describes the major aspects of financialisation in the foreign, financial, business and household sector, and identifies several hypotheses how financialisation affects functional income distribution. We discuss enhanced exit options of firms, rising financial overhead costs for businesses, increased competition in capital markets, and weakened bargaining power of workers due to indebtedness. The different hypotheses are operationalised through empirical measures and their effect on the wage share is tested econometrically by means of a panel data set of 14 OECD countries over the period 1992–2014. We find statistically significant negative effects of financial payments of firms and financial openness on the wage share. 相似文献
PD Dr. Marek Fuchs 《KZfSS K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie》2003,55(4):654-678
Compared to other topics, right wing extremism has been experiencing a decrease in attention from the general public. However, the extent of right wing extremism and its causes are still to be explored. Based on a self-administered survey of 4,300 juveniles in Bavaria, the extent of right wing attitudes among juveniles is determined. In addition, several explanatory concepts are assessed using path analysis. Next to anomy theory and social disintegration theory, the following concepts are tested: socio-economic status and relative deprivation, theory of transgression, theory of the authoritarian personality, and contact thesis. Among the concepts tested, the theory of the authoritarian personality reveals the most profound impact on right wing attitudes; the concept of social disintegration, too, yields considerable, though less pronounced, regressions weights. Based on these findings, consequences for the future development of explanatory concepts are discussed. In our perspective, right wing attitudes are considered to be a result of social change and social disintegration to which some juveniles react with archaic patterns of the self and of social relations: People considered different in terms of ethnicity or other socially relevant characteristics are downgraded while at the same time the own person is emphasized. 相似文献
Rupert Hasenzagl 《Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung》2007,38(4):351-370
The theoretical basis behind consultancy does not match its importance to the economy. Although theory building research has been advanced since the 1990s, it still remains fragmentary. The impact of these consulting theories on practice has therefore been limited. This paper provides a contribution to this recent field of research. Based on the Social Systems Theory by Luhmann, a model outlining the impact of consultancy is presented. Three empirical cases outline the usefulness of the presented model in practice. 相似文献
Michael Faust Jürgen Kädtler 《KZfSS K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie》2018,70(1):167-194
Since the 1990s the financialization of the enterprise is an increasingly important aspect of capitalist development also in Germany. However, more recently a growing number of scholars point at a problematic conceptual stretching of financialization. The term has been defined too differently and ambiguously and has not been distinguished sufficiently from seemingly similar concepts. Financialization has been prematurely identified with a set of fixed effects often condensed to stagist concepts of capitalist development. When analyzing effects financialization has been regarded in isolation without considering interaction effects with other structurations of fields and hence the multi-referentiality of the enterprise. In order to overcome these shortcomings the article proposes a concept for the analysis of firm level financialization which draws on a more general sociological concept of field structuration and dynamics in which the “multi-referential enterprise” operates. Based on this concept the article analyses episodes of financialization in Germany showing its dynamics and limits. Financialization of enterprises proves to be structurally limited, institutionally contested, and unfolds its effects in deferent actor constellations at firm level due to its multiple and contradictory embeddedness. 相似文献
Prof. Dr. Marek Fuchs Michaela Sixt 《KZfSS K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie》2007,59(1):1-29
The educational expansion has led as a whole to an upgrade of the educational level of the population and, for the individuals, to educational improvement. This paper examines how sustainable these educational improvements are, in other words weather the children of the educationally improved have the same educational opportunities as the children of those whose level of education is traditionally high. The results show that the social heredity transmission of educational success is based on a mechanism that covers several generations, with the result that the educational level of the grandparents still has a considerable effect on the educational opportunities of the grandchildren, a low educational level of grandparents has a negative effect on that of their grandchildren. This phenomenon is demonstrated using the Socio-Economic Panel. An empirically-based outline explanation that takes the theoretical perspectives of Bourdieu as its starting point is then developed. The results show that the upward mobility due to educational expansion is to some degree only transient, which challenges the notion of the sustainability of educational improvement. 相似文献
Rolf Becker Frank Schubert 《KZfSS K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie》2006,58(2):253-284
Zusammenfassung In Anlehnung an das strukturell-individualistische Handlungsmodell von Boudon werden für Deutschland kausale Effekte von individuellen
Lernvoraussetzungen, Ressourcen des Elternhauses, sozial selektiven Bildungsüberg?ngen sowie Lehr-und Lernbedingungen in Schulen
auf die Entwicklung von Lesekompetenzen und ihre Streuung zwischen Sozialschichten untersucht. Hierbei wird zum einen der
Frage nachgegangen, ob neben den Herkunftseffekten die Selektion von Grundschulkindern in die weiterführenden Schulen in der
Sekundarstufe I zur allgemeinen Verschlechterung der mittleren Lesekompetenzen beitragen. Zum anderen wird gefragt, ob der
sozial selektive Bildungsübergang von der Primar-in die Sekundarstufe eine bedeutsame Ursache für einen Anstieg in der ungleichen
Verteilung von Leseleistungen zwischen den Sozialschichten ist. Weil es nicht m?glich ist, solche Ursache-Wirkungszusammenh?nge
mit komparativ-statischen Querschnittsdaten wie PIRLS oder PISA empirisch zu isolieren, konstruieren wir anhand von Daten
der beiden Studien PISA-E 2000 und PIRLS 2001 über das Verfahren des „pairwise matching” Quasi-L?ngsschnittdaten mit drei
Beobachtungszeitpunkten (Leseleistung bei Einschulung, Leseleistung im Alter von 9 bis 10 Jahren und Leseleistung im Alter
von 15 Jahren). Die empirischen Befunde belegen zus?tzlich zu den Herkunftseinflüssen die Rolle sozial selektiver Bildungsüberg?nge
und damit die Sortier-und Selektionsleistungen des deutschen Bildungssystems. Es wird gezeigt, dass, neben individuellen Lernvoraussetzungen
und Ressourcen des Elternhauses, die soziale Selektivit?t der Bildungsüberg?nge und damit auch sozial differentielle Lernbedingungen
signifikant zur Erkl?rung der Entwicklung individueller Leseleistung und sozialen Disparit?t von Lesekompetenzen beitragen.
Für wertvolle Hinweise danken wir den Herausgebern und besonders den anonymen Gutachtern. 相似文献
Peter Heintel 《Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung》2001,32(3):245-258
The following article starts from the assumption that the techno-economical rationality as a model affects all social systems and their way to deal with time. Symptomatic in this respect are mainly two factors increased time pressure and a universal tendency to increase speed. This has consequences for the management of complexity and change processes. Hierarchy as the predominant social structure is overtaxed: the need for collective autonomy and self-control is growing. Therefore, hierarchy has to introduce processes that are foreign to its nature. Important social processes within the organization are not given enough time; time pressure is used as an excuse. Groups at the top of the hierarchy and their efforts to reach consensus in their decisions seem to have a key function. 相似文献
Ann Elisabeth Auhagen 《Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung》2002,33(3):311-337
This paper investigates the relationship between social factors and innovation. A theoretical framework augmented by an appropriate terminology is suggested. The detailed review of current literature points out concrete relations between social factors and aspects of innovation. Finally, a critical discussion of ethical aspects of innovation is explicitly emphasized. 相似文献
Sonja Utz 《Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung》2001,32(2):145-160
This paper focuses on the question how friendships can be built up in virtual communities, especially in multi-user dungeons (MUDs). According to the Social Information Processing Perspective (SIP; Walther, 1992), users of computer-mediated communication learn how to compensate the lack of nonverbal cues by using specific communication strategies (e.g. emoticons). The predictions derived from SIP were tested in a sample of MUDders. Additionally, the role of motives was studied. Results revealed that emoticons in fact are seen as helpful in expressing socioemotional contents. The use of emoticons also correlates with development of online-friendships. However, this correlation was moderated by the primary motivation to participate in MUDs. 相似文献
Mag.a Jutta ��beracker 《Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung》2011,42(3):215-235
This paper is meant to be a contribution to critical issues in the development of intercultural competence based on a case study (two days workshop for consultants working in a social profit organisation). It focuses on cross cultural encounter situations as a specific form of interaction situation in the context of professional acting. The core of this article is constituted both by a discussion of the applicability of intercultural and transcultural concepts, diversity management and the role of groups??dynamics and the case study which highlights practical questions of the entire consulting process concerning diagnostic, planning of interventions, performance and transfer. 相似文献
Thomas Kühn 《KZfSS K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie》2017,69(2):459-481
The combination of life course and biographical research can only be done within the framework of mixed-method-approaches. As there is no established research program for this, good practice examples of existing projects in which methods have been combined have to be reflected. In this sense, this article discusses three case studies regarding the complementarity of life course and biographical perspectives and possible synergies emerging from the combination. The discussion is based on three sequential mixed methods projects investigating identity-related questions: identity work and employment, family foundations and the construction of national belonging. Four different forms of synergies can be analyzed: a) Complementary understanding of process dynamics, b) complementary understanding of different types, c) complementarity to avoid one-sided misinterpretations and to understand the role of ambivalences for the course of life, and d) expanded possibilities for the evaluation of theoretical models. Finally, the position is justified that the combination of life course and biographical research doesn’t have necessarily to be linked to a paradigmatic standpoint when setting up the study. Qualitative and quantitative studies may be considered of equal importance without the necessity to decide which method is core and which is supplementary. 相似文献
Stefan Bauernschmidt 《Visual Studies》2013,28(2):197-198
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gerhards Anke Offerhaus Jochen Roose 《KZfSS K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie》2007,59(1):105-124
Whether actors failed or succeeded in their political efforts, even who is in charge of finding solutions in the first place, depends on the public attribution of responsibility. The attribution of responsibility is one of the key elements of public discourse. However, social sciences by now failed to provide an instrument for systematic content analysis concerning attribution statements. The article presents an instrument which was developed for the systematic coding of claims on responsibility. Firstly, we give an overview on content analysis methods both, quantitative and qualitative. Secondly, we unfold our concept. We define a statement of responsibility attribution as consisting of three parts: the attribution sender (a), who directs a claim of responsibility at the attribution addressee (b) concerning a specified issue (c). This basic concept is further differentiated. In the final section we report our experiences during the coding phase. 相似文献
Dipl. Soz. Katrin Auspurg Martin Abraham 《KZfSS K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie》2007,59(2):271-293
Recently bargaining models became a popular theoretical concept within family research. Especially compared to household economic theory, bargaining models are less abstract and provide a tool for analysis of conflicting interests and their consequences in family relationships. However, although there are many different topics which can be tackled with this kind of theory, there is still a lack of direct empirical tests concerning this concept. The aim of this article is to provide such a test by using a special type of a quasi-experimental research design. With a so-called factorial design we vary systematically incentives for a household move in order to model different structural conditions of a relationship like earning possibilities or chances for a career of a partner. This allows us to observe varying power allocations within the relationship. The empirical results support the hypotheses derived from the bargaining model: the respondent anticipates a loss of his or her bargaining power as well as an increasing power of the partner. Consequently they answer such a change with a reduced tendency for a household move and a higher perceived potential for conflicts within the relationship. However, due to our limited knowledge about the validity of the quasi-experimental design these results need to be validated by future research. 相似文献