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Objective. Sociological theories of deviant behavior have not been systematically applied to the problem of who uses and who does not use cyberpornography on the Internet. The present study contributes to the literature by providing the first systematic application of selected sociological theories of deviance to the problem of explaining use of cyberpornography. It tests a blended theoretical perspective, which includes measures from social control and opportunity theories of deviance, as well as measures of broader deviant lifestyles, as possible predictors of use of cyberporn. A key hypothesis is that persons with the strongest ties to conventional society will be less likely than others to use cyberporn. Methods. Complete data on 531 Internet users are taken from the General Social Surveys for 2000. Social bonds measures include religious, marital, and political ties. Measures of participation in sexual and drug‐related deviant lifestyles, and demographic controls are included. Results. The results of a logistic regression analysis found that among the strongest predictors of use of cyberporn were weak ties to religion and lack of a happy marriage. However, past sexual deviance (e.g., involvement in paid sex) was also a strong predictor of cyberporn use. Overall the model explained 40 percent of the variance in porn use on the Internet. Conclusion. Traditional theoretical perspectives on deviance are apparently applicable to this new form of deviant behavior.  相似文献   

网络经济研究中的几个基本问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来 ,由于信息高速公路的飞速发展 ,网络经济研究正在成为学术界的热点问题。许多人认为 ,网络经济体系是一个数字化的经济体系 ,对人类社会有着极重大的影响 ,就如同人类语言的发明对于实体性互动关系的规范所产生的影响一样重要。1 有专家指出 ,“如果我们将经济学应用于互联网 ,或范围更广泛的电脑空间 ,或更进一步地应用到我们可以预见到的未来生活 ,那么经济学原有的含义就不再适用了。因为我们正步入一个与过去截然不同的全新时期。过去是一个基于工厂的商品大规模生产时代 ,谈论的是金钱、价格、投资回报、供给和需求规模等 ,且都…  相似文献   

Resilience and Thriving: Issues, Models, and Linkages   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article addresses distinctions underlying concepts of resilience and thriving and issues in conceptualizing thriving. Thriving (physical or psychological) may reflect decreased reactivity to subsequent stressors, faster recovery from subsequent stressors, or a consistently higher level of functioning. Psychological thriving may reflect gains in skill, knowledge, confidence, or a sense of security in personal relationships. Psychological thriving resembles other instances of growth. It probably does not depend on the occurrence of a discrete traumatic event or longer term trauma, though such events may elicit it. An important question is why some people thrive, whereas others are impaired, given the same event. A potential answer rests on the idea that differences in confidence and mastery are self-perpetuating and self-intensifying. This idea suggests a number of variables whose role in thriving is worth closer study, including personality variables such as optimism, contextual variables such as social support, and situational variables such as the coping reactions elicited by the adverse event.  相似文献   

国内外教育政策绩效评估研究若干问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林敏娟 《社科纵横》2011,26(3):131-135
教育政策绩效评估是教育政策动态运行不可缺少的环节,关乎教育政策的实效乃至教育改革之大局。当前,我国教育政策绩效评估的相关研究仍然比较薄弱,以"绩效"视角进行的评估更是少之又少。本文从研究主体、研究主题和研究特征等方面对中外教育政策绩效评估研究进行比较分析,以此为我国教育政策绩效评估急需研究和解决的问题提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Disabled people are nor only capable of being satisfactory employees but often prove superior in terms of continuity, dependability and low rates of occupational injury. Problems in employment of disabled people arise from poor understanding of disablement by employers and the community generally, poor occupational preparation and self-presentation by disabled workers and the current tight job market. Suggestions are made for improving employment opportunities for disabled workers.  相似文献   

中印双边合作的基础、问题与前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中印同是发展中大国,双边合作基础广泛,但也存在着值得注意的矛盾与问题。双方需要在合作中不断消除疑虑、猜忌与误解,增加互信,在21世纪为和平与发展做出应有的贡献。中印双边合作的前景是光明的。  相似文献   

Differences between traditional laboratory research and Internet-based research require a review of basic issues of research methodology. These differences have implications for research ethics (e.g., absence of researcher, potential exposure of confidential data and/or identity to a third party, guaranteed debriefing) and security (e.g., confidentiality and anonymity, security of data transmission, security of data storage, and tracking participants over time). We also review basic design issues a researcher should consider before implementing an Internet study, including the problem of participant self-selection and loss of experimental control on the Internet laboratory. An additional challenge for Internet-based research is the increased opportunity for participant misbehavior, intentional or otherwise. We discuss methods to detect and minimize these threats to the validity of Internet-based research.  相似文献   

身体、焦虑与网络   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴建平  风笑天 《社会》2003,(6):29-32
网络世界 引言 在现代社会生活背景下展开的实际的社会互动中,人们不断地面对着各种促使自身不得不关注自身身体的情境。越来越多的人已经开始自觉或不自觉地意识到,人际互动的成功与否,在很大程度上取决于个人对自己身体的控制和把握。原因在于在注重个体性自我的现代社会中身体的关注直接成为构建自我和自我展示的关键过程。然而,由于在共同在场的互动过程中,几乎所有的主体都无法避免对身体  相似文献   

新兴产业的战略性体现、相关问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新兴产业一直是各国产业发展的重点目标和主要方向,在国际竞争中承担重要作用.后金融危机时代,美国大力发展新兴产业的做法给世界各国很大的影响和启示,也拉开了全球新一轮竞争的序幕.我国以国际视野和战略思维选择新兴产业,对于培育新的经济增长点,发展低碳经济和超常规、跨越式发展等都具有重要的战略意义.从这个角度讲,新兴产业在我国往往又被称为战略性新兴产业.东北三省也同全国一样,借助国家有利的宏观政策,将新兴产业发展置于战略发展之中.但还应该看到,把新兴产业真正培养成战略性主导产业,在市场、成本、技术、保障等方面还存在诸多障碍,并需要多方采取办法和措施加以推进.  相似文献   

超越嵌入性范式:金融社会学的起源、发展和新议题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈氚 《社会》2011,31(5):207-225
金融处于当代社会生活的核心,可视为一种社会现象。自M.韦伯开始,古典社会学已论证了社会学研究经济和金融领域的正当性。随着美国新经济社会学的兴起,社会学学者在新经济社会学框架下,以“嵌入性”为理论起点,从社会结构和社会建构两个理论维度研究了金融现象。欧洲学者则挑战了美国新经济社会学的嵌入性范式,为我们提供了研究金融现象的新视角。在新技术和全球化背景下,社会学能从更多角度对金融领域展开研究。  相似文献   

互联网与抗争行动:理论模型、中国经验及研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄荣贵 《社会》2010,30(2):178-197
互联网的出现对抗争行动产生了显著的影响,关于互联网与抗争行动的研究也逐年增多。由于这些研究分散于不同学科,不同研究之间缺乏相对统一的理论框架,从而妨碍了研究的进一步发展。笔者对相关的文献进行回顾与梳理,归纳了互联网影响抗争行动的三种不同的理论模型。此外,本文还回顾了在中国情景下的研究成果,包括互联网与抗争行动、市民社会发育等议题。在此基础上,作者最后对今后可能的研究方向进行了简要的讨论。  相似文献   

Objectives. This article examines environmental policy attitudes, focusing on the differences in preferences across issue type (i.e., pollution, resource preservation) and geographical scale (i.e., local, national, global). In addition, we study whether an individual's trust in government influences environmental policy attitudes. Methods. Analyzing data from the 2007 Cooperative Congressional Election Study, we estimate a series of OLS regression models to examine the public's environmental policy attitudes. Results. We find stronger public support for government action to address pollution issues than resources issues, and stronger support for local and national pollution abatement than dealing with global problems. We also find that Republicans and ideological conservatives are less likely to support further government effort to address the environment, and that more trusting individuals are more favorable to government action to address pollution and global issues. Conclusion. Environmental policy attitudes vary by the nature of the issue; however, political ideology and partisan affiliation are consistent predictors of preferences across issues, even when controlling for an individual's level of trust in government.  相似文献   

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