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总部经济已经成为区域经济发展的重要现象。基于企业组织功能的区位分工,高端的、附加值较高的活动环节逐步向总部集中,促成了总部经济的形成;而创新氛围、生产性服务业则已经成为影响总部经济发展的重要因素。建立完善的区域创新体系、积极培育区域创新氛围,大力发展现代服务业,尤其是生产性服务业,以促进企业总部的区域集聚,并通过总部经济的集聚效应推动区域经济的健康发展与产业结构的快速提升,才是总部经济发展的根本路径,也是总部经济发展应有的内涵。  相似文献   

总部资产减值的会计核算分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业总部资产包括企业集团或其事业部的办公楼、电子数据处理设备、研发中心等资产,总部资产一般难以计算独立的现金流,因此,当无法取得总部资产的公允价值减去处置费用的余额时,需要将总部资产分配给企业的其他资产组或资产组组合.本文主要阐述总部资产减值会计核算的理论基础与流程,结合案例对总部资产的会计处理进行分析.  相似文献   

<正> 由北京市委研究室等主办的“总部经济(北京)嘉年会”前不久在人民大会堂举行,并评选出了100名“2003年度总部经济之星”。对于“总部经济”一词,许多读者依然陌生。其实早在2003年9月份,北京就曾举办过“科博会-总部经济与区域经济论坛”。所谓“总部经济”,是指以企业“迁都”所带来的一系列拉动当地经济发展的经济效应。企业迁都,是近年来中国经济一个突出的现象,许多公司的总部或重要事业部门纷纷迁往上海、北京、广州、深圳等城市,这已成为中国本土企业和跨国企业愈演愈烈的风潮。四川的东方希望集团迁住上海;山东的浪潮集团总部迁往北京;湖北十堰的东风汽车公司搬至武汉等等,都是近年来众多媒体关注的焦点。  相似文献   

谢洪明  章俨  刘洋  程聪 《管理世界》2019,35(5):161-178
新兴经济体企业如何从连续跨国并购中获益?基于均胜集团的纵向案例分析,本文提出了新兴经济体企业连续跨国并购的过程演进模型,研究发现:缺乏资源的新兴经济体企业在连续跨国并购过程中会经历"双向资源结构化—纵向资源结构化—横向+纵向资源结构化循环"的演化过程;新兴经济体企业连续跨国并购过程中随着资源的积累,重组策略逐渐从稳定式重组过渡到丰富化重组最后转变为开拓式重组;新兴经济体企业连续跨国并购创造价值的方式主要依托于环境撬动、业务撬动和平台撬动3种资源撬动方式。这些发现突破了把每次跨国并购作为独立事件这一隐含假设进而贡献于跨国并购的文献,同时识别出了新兴经济体企业从连续跨国并购中创造价值的3种资源撬动方式,进而深化了新兴经济体企业国际化的文献,最后对中国企业连续跨国并购亦有一定启示意义。  相似文献   

国有资本布局优化调整是国有资本高质量发展的关键,但鲜有研究关注其成效.本研究以中央企业并购重组为场景,从微观层面考察国有资本布局优化的价值创造效应.研究发现,国有资本布局优化有助于提高国有资本效率,表现为价值创造效应,但这一效应仅存在于十八届三中全会全面深化国企改革之后,表明微观层面国有资本的布局优化策略从以降数量为主向新时期国有资本质量提升转变.进一步研究发现,相对于特定功能类和公共服务类国有资本,这一效应在商业类国有资本中更显著,而且中央企业通过专业化整合、控股合并实现国有资本价值创造的效应更明显.这一效应的作用路径是国有资本布局优化减少了国有资本同质化竞争和非效率投资,使国有资本聚焦核心主业、形成资源合力.本研究为理解国企改革成效提供了新视角,研究结论对于国资监管部门深化推进微观层面国有资本战略性重组实现国有经济“五力”目标具有重要的实践指导价值.  相似文献   

总部经济在中国:四大新模式助力二线城市后发优势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓总部经济,是指企业总部在具有人才、技术、信息等资源比较密集的中心城市聚集,带动各类服务业发展,形成强大的聚集和辐射效应,对中心城市发展产生重要影响的一种经济形态。总部经济通过企业总部在中心城市的聚集,带动现代服务业的快速发展,推  相似文献   

黄余送  张丽 《决策》2009,(2):38-40
调查表明10亿元以上规模企业迁移总部的意向实际上比较低,招商重点应该放在资产总额在1-10亿元之间的企业,这一层次企业需要考虑重新布局整个企业的生产和经营活动,因此搬迁总部的需求相对最强。  相似文献   

与西方理论或公司实践不同,中国的集团型上市公司总部除担纲管理控制中心角色外,还直接从事大量的业务经营活动,并从中取得经营收益。研究发现,总部自营程度与公司所处的环境不确定程度显著相关,同时,公司成长速度也会显著影响其总部自营程度,这种影响在基于产权的正式控制较弱的集团型上市公司中更为明显。这些结果说明在中国特殊制度背景下,总部自营在本质上既是公司对外部环境不确定的一种积极应对之策,也是顺应公司追求增长需要的一种资源集聚方式。进一步分析表明,总部自营程度的提高,提升了公司整体业绩的稳定性,降低了公司整体的经营风险。本文补充了管理控制理论及企业集团总部职能领域的相关文献,并且为我国集团型上市公司总部职能定位提供参考。  相似文献   

随着电子商务的发展,商品的多样化、商品个性化越来越突出,产品生命周期缩短,更新换代加快,大批量生产方式已经无法满足复杂多变的市场需求,基于传统的专业化分工的企业越来越难以适应以“顾客、竞争、变化”为特征的市场环境。电子商务由信息技术实现的企业信息化,其真正的能力不在于使传统的工作方法更有效率,而在于它使企业打破了传统的工作规则,并创造新的工作方式,这正是企业流程重组的核心内容。企业业务流程重组作为一种适应于现实需求的管理思想应运而生,并且在很多企业的实践中,取得了卓著的成效。  相似文献   

"总部经济"是一种自然的经济形态,是企业在空间上实现分离的经济产物.其形成对软环境及硬环境都有较高的要求,尤其前者起着主导和决定作用.上海作为中国经济中心的地位,是国内发展总部经济的优势地区.  相似文献   

This paper examines headquarters allocation of resources to specific innovation transfer projects within the multinational enterprise between sending and receiving subsidiaries, focusing on the role of the subsidiary hosting the transfer. Resource allocation is of key strategic importance for the organization given that resources are limited in the multinational enterprise and that headquarters is the principal actor in distributing resources internally between competing innovation transfer projects. Findings from a dataset of 169 innovation transfer projects reveal that headquarters tend to favor established lines of innovation at the subsidiary level, as opposed to overall subsidiary operational relatedness for additional corporate resources. It is found that headquarters also tend to allocate resources to acquired subsidiaries' transfer projects to a higher degree than to those of greenfield ones. A curvilinear effect is found for subsidiary bargaining power which is initially positive and subsequently negative. The results highlight that certain subsidiary and innovation traits are determinants of headquarters resource allocation.  相似文献   

We explore how strategic initiatives emerge at the business unit level in the context of multi-business firms. Findings show that such initiatives create cross-business synergies in the absence of any direct intervention from the headquarters. Four factors appeared to foster the development of autonomous cross-business collaboration: a sense of urgency at the level of the firm, the existence of a few broad but strong corporate strategic guidelines, the existence of a set of cross-business integration mechanisms, and an organizational culture promoting collaboration. Our findings suggest that, in addition to developing and enforcing top-down cross-business initiatives, headquarters would benefit from acknowledging the importance of business units' local knowledge by creating an organizational environment characterized by the four conditions identified in this paper.  相似文献   

Integrating distance research with the behavioral strategy literature on MNC headquarters-subsidiary relations, this paper explores how the distance between headquarters and subsidiaries relates to value added by the headquarters. We show for 124 manufacturing subsidiaries in Europe that, on average, distance is unrelated to value added by headquarters but that this effect is contingent upon the extent to which the subsidiary is locally embedded. Only after a certain threshold level of subsidiary embeddedness, distance is negatively related to headquarters value added. This effect is more pronounced for cultural, economic, and administrative distances than for pure geographic distance, highlighting the critical role of contextual variation for MNCs.  相似文献   

In order to create and sustain competitive advantage, a company should not only develop technologies to create products and processes that meet customer needs, but also stimulate a corporate culture that commits to continuous performance improvement. Managing corporate culture is one of a number of important factors that make for organizational change and business success. This paper reviews the cultural roots and identifies the characteristics of Chinese cultural values and management. A comparative analysis of the differences between Anglo-American and Chinese cultures is made. The cultural influences on Chinese management systems are then elaborated with reference to enterprise management in Mainland China and Hong Kong. With unique cultural heritage, collective orientation has a pervasive influence on the mode of Chinese management and organization. The prevailing Chinese culture values stress largely the paternalistic approach to management, acceptance of hierarchy and the importance of relationships. Today's Chinese enterprises need to determine changes in practice or value or both aspects of corporate culture in order to facilitate organizational change and maintain a competitive edge over their rivals. The paper also discusses the links of cultural values to employee involvement (EI) and total quality management (TQM), and initiates a need to manage cultural influences on EI/TQM practices to improve organizational performance in Chinese enterprises.  相似文献   

董事会对公司战略过程评价:逻辑架构与指标体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公司的战略管理是所有管理活动的重中之重.它包括战略判断、计划与预算活动、战略执行以及适威Adaptive)与交互(Interactive)性的战略控制体系.而现代公司治理原则要求董事会应关注和评价公司的战略管理活动.本文进一步认为,在资本市场不够发达的情况下,董事会应关注公司战略管理的奎过程为此,我们提出了一个针对公司战略管理体系有效性评价的基本框架和评价指标体系,目的在于使公司治理有效地作月于管理过程,最终为企业创造价值.  相似文献   

现代公司治理理论认为股权制衡与股权控制对公司价值创造能力能够产生显著影响,然而就影响范式、影响效果等问题的研究尚未达成一致结论。基于部分线性非平衡面板数据模型,本文对此进行了再研究,讨论了股权制衡度对公司价值创造能力的不同影响范式:线性与非线性,并给出优选方案。最后,对我国A股214家上市公司2000年-2011年共6674个样本数据进行了实证研究,结果表明:股权制衡度对公司价值创造能力呈现非线性影响模式,表现出“倒U型”变动规律,并且其他因素的影响会改变最优的股权制衡度,这为进一步寻找最优股权制衡规模的主要影响因素提供了理论依据和实施有效的公司治理提供了决策参考。  相似文献   

Headquarters of multinational corporations can be involved in their subsidiaries and help with the development and transfer of innovative ideas. However, headquarters involvement might not always be desired or needed, and it can thus be perceived as interference with local activities, potentially reducing local willingness to go the extra mile. We address the lack of knowledge about subsidiary manager behavior by answering the following question: How does headquarters involvement influence the proactive behavior of subsidiary managers to push for new and innovative ideas? Using data from 120 top managers in subsidiaries of multinational corporations, we find that the negative relationship between headquarters involvement and their subsidiary managers' support for initiatives can be reduced when socialization mechanisms such as a common corporate culture or rotation programs are put in place.  相似文献   

How to ensure that headquarters add value   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the last few years many international corporations have started to restructure their organizations fundamentally by redistributing management tasks and creating small, market-oriented units. However strong the centrifugal forces were, the core task in restructuring these corporations was: how to redesign the corporate centre. The design of the corporate centre is of major importance for the performance of corporations. Corporate Centres can actively improve the performance of their business units, for instance by defining performance targets or by providing shared resources. On the other hand headquarters are frequently accused of being bureaucratic liabilities which make no contribution to corporate success. This problem has grown in recent years as organic growth, internationalization, and an increasing number of mergers and acquisitions have generated new co-ordination problems. These developments have given new priority to the question of corporate centre organization. What is required is the definition of an effective role for the centre and the establishment of central units with efficient scope and size. This article discusses both tasks in the light of current and future requirements for corporate centre organization.  相似文献   

本文使用2004-2006年我国沪深两市519家制造业上市公司作为研究样本,考察营运资本管理效率与公司盈利能力之间的关系.研究发现,公司盈利能力与反映营运资本管理效率的综合指标现金周期显著负相关,而且与现金周期的各组成部分应收账款周转期、存货周转期和应付账款周转期显著负相关.研究结果表明,管理层可以通过制定适当的信用政策和存货政策,将现金周期、应收账款周转期、存货周转期和应付账款周转期控制在合理的最优水平,实现营运资本的高效周转,提高公司盈利能力.  相似文献   

以EVA为内核的人力资本产权激励制度研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人力资本所有者凭借其贡献获得企业报酬并合理分享企业所有权是国内外公司治理领域的热点,但人力资本的价值计量难题成为对人力资本进行产权激励的制约因素.本文以公司价值管理的绩效评价指标EVA为核心,构建了总体人力资本的动态价值、"分割价值"系列模型;通过平衡记分卡(BSC)系统,结合层次分析法(AHP),计算出人力资本个体的综合相对价值,从而设计出业绩薪酬和以股权激励为主体的长期激励方案.  相似文献   

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