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In the article,we attribute the main institutional reasons for impacts on citizenization of migrant workers to the urban-rural dual institution, and analyze its content and the basic characteristics.Then empirical analysis of the impact on the will, the ability,decision-making and process of citizenization of migrant workers is given by use of Logistic regressive model and investigation data.Finally a result is found that although the migrant workers have a strong desire for becoming citizens, the vast majority of migrant workers can not be converted to the public because of their capacity constraints, so as soon as possible to improve their ability of citizenization becomes the key to promote citizenization of migrant workers;furthermore,in the urban-rural dual institution,in addition to the household registration system,the employment system, the social security system,the land system and the education system have obvious obstacles on the will, the ability decision-making and process of citizenization of migrant workers.Therefore,the future focus of innovation of the urban-rural dual institution can not continue to remain in the formal aspects of the household registration system,but as soon as possible to switch to innovation of the employment system,the social security system,the land system and the education system which have a substantial impact on the rights and benefits of rural migrant workers,such as expectations and income.  相似文献   

The segmentation of the social protection system in China makes the system inequitable and inefficient.Employees in the public sector, particularly civil servants, are overprotected,while employees in the nonpublic sector,especially farmers and rural migrant workers,are underprotected. Segmented pension insurance system impedes labor mobility and increases administrative costs.The polices,such as implementation of the New Rural Cooperative Medical System,New Rural Old-age Insurance Scheme, as well as the polices to promote migrant workers to participate in social insurance programs for urban employees,help improve the equity of social protection. However,the competition between different local governments on increase in welfare and overburden of the local finance due to escalating social expenditures have affected the sustainability of social protection programs.The following measures need to be taken to solve such problems. First is to avoid using social insurance coverage as an indicator to evaluate the performance of government officials. Second,on the one hand, the social spending responsibilities of the central government need to increase,and on the other hand,public transfers to less development regions need to augment for enhancing social assistance and merit goods provision.Third is to reduce and remove the segmentation of social protection system through integrating or combining various segments under the same insurance program.  相似文献   

Based on domestic and international researches, this paper points out time banking will enable the nation to accelerate the nation’s social service for elder people. Its pattern of service exchange suits China’s low-cost strategy of dealing with the population aging; It is also in accordance with our attempt of multi-level old-age service system; And it is in favor of our construction of spiritual civilization. Hence, it is necessary for the state government to provide the related policies, to promote the system construction from high level to low level, and to finally realize the whole country’s system framework and the mutual information exchange.  相似文献   

In line with the requirements of the National Population and Family Planning Commission to reform the existing population and family planning system,in recent years,Dalian has focused on realizing the public functions of the family planning system and the“people first”notion in order to set up a new population and family planning work mechanism.Thanks to their efforts,the population and family planning work in Dalian has made a great leap forward.  相似文献   

This paper, starting from examining the current situation for the social insurance service system, analyses the problems of the system and provides three reform suggestions. First, staffing levels of social insurance should bring about a dynamical ratio mechanism, which links staff number to the insured clients to avoid work overload or low service quality. Second, all of the expenditures of the service system should be a part of social insurance funds to completely avoid budget shortage. Third, in order to divide administration and service management and to separate supervision and operation functions, a national social insurance administration should be instituted,  相似文献   

More than twenty years of reform and opening-up has brought remarkable changes to China in both socioeconomic development and the income and living standards of its people. However, with the introduction of the contract responsibility system in rural areas and the reform of the employment and income distribution systems in urban areas, the concepts of an 搃ron bowl?and 揺ating from the same big pot?under the old system have been abandoned. Chinese society has left behind an era of universal p…  相似文献   

China’s urban population exceeded rural population for the first time in Chinese history,reaching 51.27% in 2011.However,the level of urbanization has been exaggerated.If deducting the landless peasants under forced urbanization and migrant workers being not treated equally in the cities,China’ s actual urbanization level stood at 41.6% .There are challenges ahead.For example,an urban social value system has not been established in our society; we don’ t have a clear understanding of the role of cities and how to develop a city; urban management has not prepared well for urbanization development; and there is a long way to go in achieving equal treatment for all of the Urban residents.To cope with the challenges of urbanization,we need to improve the quality of urbanization,correctly understand the role of urbanization and its substance,follow the law of the urban development,and to explore building of an urban culture system.  相似文献   

To scientifically understand the size, structure, distribution and the trends of changes in the floating population and pay close attention to the survival and development situation of the floating population, the family planning departments make full use of the advantages of the network to speed up the formulation and improvement of the statistical and monitoring system for the whole floating population. The system is featured by "timely data collection, dynamic monitoring, comprehensive analysis and scientific decision-making".  相似文献   

China has evolved from a country of egalitarianism to one of widening income gaps, according to Ding Hongmei, a researcher with Tsinghua University, one of the top institutes of higher learning in the nation. Prior to 1979, China was a command economy in which everybody was 揺ating from the same rice bowl? an egalitarian way of distribution of income. Reformers led by the late Deng Xiaoping believed that system led to great inefficiencies of the economy because it failed to motivate people …  相似文献   

Do an increase in ageing in developed countries and "getting old before getting rich" in developing countries indicate that fluctuations in the population age structure have produced a qualitative change? What is a qualitative change and what is a quantitative change'? Here we propose a new concept of Shadow Population,then establish a new standard for evaluating population age structure,finally present a typical five stage population age structure type transition model. The model simulation shows that all world regions are still in the adult stage and that population ageing belongs to the category of quantitative change. However, sustained low fertility will lead to a qualitative change in the ageing population. The current pressure of population aging in the adult stage placed on the pension security system shows that this system is truly not retirement age and Long-term stability in a sustainable system,Gradually raising the replacement fertility is the key to solving the socioeconomic development dilemma presented by future population ageing in low fertility regions or cotlntries,but the latter is more urgent.  相似文献   

社会安全阀机制与贫富差距调适   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国贫富差距较大已是一客观不争的社会事实。社会安全阀机制则起着调适贫富差距的作用,从而缓解了贫富差距所可能导致的利益和社会冲突,维持和促进了社会的稳定与发展。研究立足于贫富差距较大的客观现实,着重对现有社会安全阀机制进行分析,并指出在健全和完善相应社会安全阀机制的基础上消除较大的贫富差距。  相似文献   

郭庆 《西北人口》2017,(5):58-64
农民工参加养老保险对于化解农民工老年生活风险具有重要作用,也是农民工融入城市的重要途径.研究认为,农民工养老保险参保意愿和参保行为之间存在差异,并利用二项logit回归模型,基于社会外部结构和个体自身结构的双重结构,考察促使参保意愿向参保事实转变的实现条件.研究发现,农民工能否实现从参保意愿到实际参保行为的跨越,一方面主要受缴费水平是否合理、用工环境是否完善、群内社会互动水平等外部条件制约,另一方面与性别、受教育程度、居留时间、收入水平等自身条件有关.这对于调整和完善农民工养老保险的政策制定具有启示意义.  相似文献   

清代江南瘟疫对人口之影响初探   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
瘟疫对人口的影响一直是史学界比较缺乏关注的问题,而史籍中的一些笼统的记载以及近年出现的探索性研究似乎显示,瘟疫是中国历史上影响人口发展最具威力的"冷面杀手".情况究竟如何?笔者通过对发生在清代江南的一些瘟疫个案的考察,认为对清代江南瘟疫带来的人口损失率不宜估计过高,在疫病模式比较稳定的时期和地区,尽管瘟疫发生的频率较高,但对人口发展的影响并非举足轻重,至少不会产生结构性的影响.  相似文献   

俄罗斯人迁移中亚经过了较长的过程,苏联时期俄罗斯人迁移中亚的因素有四1.经济因素,包括劳动力供应问题、对中亚的投资,地区之间生活水平的差异等经济活动.2.社会因素,社会的直接号召和爱国主义与浪漫主义气氛,以及俄罗斯化政策、卫国战争、大垦荒运动等使俄罗斯人迁往中亚.3.民族因素,俄罗斯人是一个流动性很强的民族,而当地居民却不愿或不能迁居到城镇去.4.无语言障碍是俄罗斯人迁移的文化因素.  相似文献   

人才是实现西部大开发战略目标的最重要因素之一,为此,国家和西部地方政府制定了许多优惠的人才政策。然而,这些公共政策在极大促进西部人才开发的同时,也带来了一些不容忽视的外部负效应。矫正这些外部负效应已迫在眉睫,本文为此提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

"The belief that America is a ?young' nation is widely held by many individuals in the United States. Historically, individualism, self-reliance, and an orientation towards youth have been cherished values reflecting...our national heritage and tradition dating from the 18th through the mid-20th century. However, America is no longer a ?young' nation. Rather, we are an ?aging' population, as we show in our analysis of demographic transitions reviewed in this paper. The phenomenon of ?cultural (or structural) lag' is discussed in two different contexts: first--the context of the aging family; and second--the context of ethnic/racial minority groups. Finally, some of the relevant public policy responses to aging are described. We look at government programs in four major categories, namely, (1) income; (2) health care; (3) social services; and (4) housing."  相似文献   

陕西省返贫人口特征分析与对策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扶贫开发,经过七年艰苦奋战,取得了初步成效,但返贫现象却十分严重。陕西省的返贫人口大致有五类,返贫的根源是人口增长导致生态失衡、人口分布不合理、人口素质偏低、人口产业结构落后、社会保障制度不健全等。  相似文献   

大学生自我同一性与心理健康水平关系的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
自我同一性是一个重要的心理学概念,它与一个人的心理健康水平密切相关。通过对大学生的调查与相关分析、差异分析和回归分析发现:(1)大学生自我同一性状态与心理健康水平显著相关,成就型同一性状态的心理健康水平最高,弥散型同一性状态的心理健康水平最低,延缓型和排他型同一性状态的心理健康水平介于二者之间;(2)大学生自我同一性状态对心理健康水平有一定的预测作用,大学生自我同一性状态标志着心理健康水平的提高。通过本研究,可以看到关注大学生自我同一性应成为心理学、教育学的重要课题。  相似文献   

肖绍博 《当代中国人口》2008,25(6):1-6,29-32
e时代悄然而至,没有大革命的激昂,没有大萧条的阵痛。这将是人类历史上一个全新的时代。人人关心e时代,讨论e时代,参与e时代的决策,不仅大有必要,大有可能,而且已是时代的必然。本文试图对e时代的缘起、趋势、物质基础和社会特征作一简要的描述。  相似文献   

通过对20339名已婚妇女生殖卫生普查资料分析,了解了兰州战区内已婚妇女的生殖健康现状,提出了不同年龄段采取相应重点的生殖健康保健措施。  相似文献   

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