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Clinical pathways, or practice guidelines, have been gaining wider acceptance from physicians and hospitals seeking to constrain increasing operating costs for inpatient care. The authors believe that properly developed and agreed upon guidelines can also be used in certain cases as appropriate standards of care in determining if medical malpractice has occurred. Adherence to the guidelines could then be asserted by defendants as an affirmative defense in a medical malpractice suit.  相似文献   

Medical practice guidelines are increasingly coming into use, and as more and more physicians are presented with guidelines to follow in the delivery of health care, the question arises of whether these guidelines will become instruments for imposing greater medical malpractice liability on physicians. This column will briefly describe what guidelines are, how they are developed, and how they have been and may be used in litigation against physicians, hospitals, and other health care institutions. As hospitals and managed care organizations continue to implement guidelines, the role these guidelines play in malpractice cases can be expected to increase. It appears, however, that, although guidelines will contribute to the establishment of the standard of care by which a physician's actions will be measured, they are not likely to become the standard that all physician treatment decisions must meet.  相似文献   

The increasing costs and complexity of malpractice litigation have created an statutory right that allows malpractice insurance companies to settle malpractice claims regardless of the desires of the defendant physician. In the past, the consequences of settling a malpractice claim out of court were not as important as they are today. The Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986 mandates that any settlement in behalf of a physician be documented in the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB), which must be consulted every time the physician is credentialed. This NPDB requirement denies due process to health care providers and thus becomes a violation of the federal and many state constitutions. Physician executives and medical leaders must bring these issues to the table and negotiate solutions before damage to practicing physicians and the U.S. health care delivery system caused by this legal paradox become too severe.  相似文献   

Recently, the number of physicians who have been interested in alternative careers has vastly increased. Many physicians express dissatisfaction with clinical practice, but they are uncertain about which nonclinical options are appropriate for them. Pursuing a different career after many years of studying and practicing medicine can seem like an overwhelming task. In this article, the author briefly outlines a decision-making process that can be used in analyzing career options and suggests some careers that have provided challenging opportunities for physicians.  相似文献   

The prevention of medical malpractice is not an easy task. There is no one factor that can be said to be the "cause" of malpractice claims. Many areas have been targeted for concern--interaction between an individual professional and the patient, interaction among members of the professional staff, use and outcome of the application of medical technology, management practices, occupational environment, level of education and training, and personal coping styles. Although the degree to which attention to stress management techniques can be expected to reduce malpractice claims is unclear, it seems certain that attempts to alleviate occupational stress would be productive.  相似文献   

In these days of doctors, lawyers and lawsuits, chances of an American physician finishing his or her career without a malpractice claim are growing more remote. Every physician executive overseeing the activities of a group of peers knows this and should be prepared to assist the physician who is sued. Examine four key ways to help your physicians deal with the stress of a lawsuit.  相似文献   

Costs of medical malpractice insurance are soaring. Major insurers are refusing to write policies. And doctors are struggling to pay their premiums. Find out what's behind the insurance crisis.  相似文献   

As the Bush administration pushes Congress to place a $250,000 cap on pain and suffering awards in medical malpractice lawsuits, other moves quietly afoot by state medical boards, state medical associations, and specialty societies may reduce liability insurance premiums by limiting the number of suits.  相似文献   

As clinical practice guidelines become more and more prevalent, they will define the requisite "standard of care" for medical treatment and impact medical malpractice litigation. They may even replace expert testimony.  相似文献   

In today's rapidly changing and challenging health care environment, where physicians have limited time with patients who have become more knowledgeable and demanding, the relationship between physician and patient has extra stresses placed on it. Medical malpractice litigation has increased as the physician-patient relationship has become more complex because of those stresses. In this article, some of the problems and effects of poor physician-patient interaction are explored, and a program designed to develop existing physician skills for successfully interacting with challenging patient encounters is described. In the January-February 1991 issue of Physician Executive, the author will describe the method of implementing the program in an organization.  相似文献   

Today's physicians feel helpless and angry about changing conditions in the medical landscape. This is due, in large part, to our postmodernist world view and the influence of corporations on medical practice. The life and work of existentialist psychiatrist Viktor Frankl is proposed as a role model for physicians to take back control of their profession. Physician leaders are in the best position to bring the teachings and insight of Frankl's logotherapy to rank-and-file physicians in all practice settings, as well as into the board rooms of large medical corporations. This article considers the spiritual and moral troubles of American medicine, Frankl's answer to that affliction, and the implications of logotherapy for physician organizations and leadership. Physician executives are challenged to take up this task.  相似文献   

Physicians and other medical professionals undergo extensive professional training for the privilege of obtaining their professional licenses. For most physicians, clinical training is conducted in extremely competitive circumstances. Many physicians endorse competition as an appropriate method for producing greater individual and collective competence within the profession. Competition, however, is a very limited way to resolve conflicts. And, in the current environment of greater resource restrictions and reform, the competitive model, at best, seems short-sighted. Many of the current relationships involving physicians and others are transitional, involving various partners in numerous practice and professional relationships. For example, medical practices are merging; hospitals are engaging physicians in numerous business structures, even employment. However, longer term relationships are enhanced by mutual respect and collaboration, rather than chronic competition to "win" one's rights over another. Thus, the need among physicians to enhance their conflict resolution skills is expanded in today's environment.  相似文献   

With the recent changes in the delivery of medical care in the United States, physicians are being thrust into new and unsettling roles. Many are finding themselves for the first time in the role of the follower, subject to myriad types of leadership. Leaders frequently complain that leading physicians is like "herding cats." What are the characteristics of followers? Do physicians make good followers? This article examines the role of the "cats"--what is effective followership, why physicians may fall short in followership skills, and how physicians might become better "followers."  相似文献   

The recent intense focus on marketplace reform has stimulated a reassessment of career planning options for some physicians. These socioeconomic changes have created unique opportunities beyond the traditional arenas of clinical practice and medical management for physicians to leverage their medical degrees and experiences in the business world. This paper presents three case reports of physician executives who have successfully pursued medically related business career options, each following different motivations at various stages of their medical careers. It then discusses the Physicians' Alternative Career Transition (PACT) model developed by the authors to assist other physicians who are considering making transitions into business-related careers. The PACT model is based on four critical steps for practicing physicians to make these transitions successfully: an internal self-evaluation process, an external environmental evaluation process, seeking the best "career match," and securing the career match.  相似文献   

Physicians are spending increasingly less of their work week in the hospital. This is true of surgeons because they are performing more ambulatory surgery, often off the hospital premises, and for primary care physicians because they are delegating hospital care of their patients to others. What are the effects of this physician exodus on hospitals, patients, physicians, and medical education? Some of these consequences are explored, from disruptions in the continuity of care, to increase in practice productivity, to preparing undergraduates for the realities of medical practice.  相似文献   

The effort to reduce the cost of medical, hospital, and ancillary services increasingly focuses on shifting the financial risk for the cost of these services to those who provide them. Shifting arrangements include capitation for physicians classified as "primary care" physicians; capitation arrangements that include primary and specialty services; risk shifting to medical groups, IPAs, and other physician organizations; as well as the packaging of physician and hospital services on a "full risk," "per case," or other basis. Accepting financial risk for the cost of medical and other health care services, as well as the responsibility for managing the provision of services, may very well be the only remaining opportunity for providers to maximize reimbursement and maintain administrative and clinical self-direction. However, physicians must work with managed care organizations (MCOs) through negotiation of contracts and throughout the relationship to make sure: Unnecessary financial and legal risks to the MCO and physicians are eliminated. Risks that cannot be eliminated are apportioned between the MCO and physicians. All risks are managed in a coordinated fashion between the MCO and physicians.  相似文献   

What are physicians waiting for? What will it take to stimulate widespread adoption of Internet medical systems? How can health care leaders and physicians help the technology innovators and the executives of technology firms understand the components necessary to assure physician acceptance and utilization of new tools? (1) Don't underestimate the personal nature of a physician's practice. It really isn't a "business." (2) Most physicians are not Luddites; they are just extremely pragmatic and practical. (3) For the majority of physicians to adopt a new technology in their private office practice, it must address three major issues: money, hassle, and patient care. There are many obstacles to adopting the new technologies that are the result of physician training and expectations and the current models of payment and revenue generation. Some technological innovations are presented to physicians without sufficient respect for their knowledge of how medical practices really work. The benefits promised often don't match with the needs structure of the physicians. As a consequence, the cycle of diffusion of these new systems is extended and delayed.  相似文献   

The 1988 California Administrative Code requiring all acute care medical staffs to provide assistance to impaired physicians has not resulted in an increase in the annual census in the Medical Board of California Diversion Program. In part, this lack of an increase is due to the failure of some hospitals to form physician aid committees and to the poor functioning of such committees in other hospitals. The common reasons for these deficiencies are that the medical staff leadership does not think there are any impaired physicians on staff and that they don't know what the committee would do if it were formed. This attitude demonstrates a lack of appreciation for the prevalence of impaired physicians and the tremendous amount of work required (establishing policies and procedures) to identify and help them. This article discusses the prevalence of the impaired physician, the types of impaired physicians, a "cookbook" approach to managing these physicians, and the success of intervention.  相似文献   

In today's climate of health care reform, the title of this article might more appropriately be "Is the Role of the Primary Care Physician Evolving or Going the Way of the Dinosaur?" According to Koop, primary care is in trouble. Whereas only 29 percent of U.S. physicians are primary care physicians, in Great Britain, 72 percent of physicians are primary care physicians and in Europe and Canada the average is 50 percent. Many U.S. primary care physicians are in the later stages of their careers and nearing retirement age. Unless the supply increases, this number will dwindle further. However, in 1992, only 14 percent of U.S. medical school graduates were headed for primary care careers. Even if the supply of primary care graduates were increased to 50 percent of the graduating medical school class, it would be well into the next century before the ratio of primary care physicians to specialists would be equal. Primary care is at a critical juncture and the next few years will decide the fate of the primary care physician. Given the state of primary care today, I believe that a fundamental look at the assumptions regarding the role of primary care physicians is in order. The current health reform movement has placed a major responsibility on primary care to solve many of the problems in health care delivery today, such as cost, utilization, and prevention. Many health care organizations are planning strategies involving primary care providers, and physician executives can play a key role in these decisions.  相似文献   

The missions of the hospital and its medical staff are not the same. The only reason for a hospital to exist is to provide a support system for physicians. It is in the best interests of patients and the public for physicians not to become "organization men." In turn, however, it is incumbent on physicians to show restraint in the provision of costly services. The guiding principle must be the selection of what is most relevant to the improvement of services to patients.  相似文献   

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