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经学在汉初正式形成,大约与此同时,史学也崭露头角.而<春秋>则寓"空言"于行事"之中,一直兼具经学与史学的双重特件.<公羊>、<嗀梁>乃<左传>侧重继承<春秋>义法,显示出经学的特点:<史记>也继承<春秋>,但其所凸显的却是史学的特点.显然,正是<春秋>兼具经与史的双重特性,促成了经史之间有着始终的关联,但也正因为继<春秋>者所侧重的特点不同,最终促使了经史在学科上的分离.在经史分离的过程中,<史记>无疑处于其间的关节点,它于著述宗旨、著述路数以及著述体例上都发凡起例,从而使史学真正独立于经学,而这些正凸显出<史记>在中国古典史学上之承前启后的地位与价值.  相似文献   

印度种姓制度是世界古代历史上最森严的等级制度。它不仅就各种姓各等级的职业、婚姻、法律上的权利等方面一一做了规定,而且就生活起居、社会交往等方面也都做了种种限定。它的存在发展不仅是自然经济与超经济强制的产物,而且也严重地阻碍了印度社会的发展和进步。  相似文献   

上世纪 8 0年代以来 ,随着经济全球化浪潮的不断增长和国际贸易的蓬勃发展 ,GATT(关税与贸易总协定 )和 WTO(世界贸易组织 )几乎已成为世界经济报道中最常见的名词。与此同时 ,中国参加 WTO的问题在一个较长时期里也成为国人关心的一个热点问题。至于南亚大国印度的经济发展 ,虽然还说不上是一个热门话题 ,但是由于印度属于仅次于我国的世界第二大发展中国家 ,又是我国西南最大的邻国 ,而且上世纪 90年代开始经济改革以来已取得了重大成就 ,与我国之间客观上存在着竞争与合作的关系。因此 ,印度的经济发展也应该是国人需要关注的问题。…  相似文献   

因《成王为城濮之行》可以跟《左传》对读,解决了很多疑难问题。但简文个别字词和句子的释读仍有讨论的余地。如简文的“寻(从殳)”应即清华简等的“鄩郢”,“!”应即清华简的“为郢”,地望今湖北宜城。“客于子文”可能是“以子文为客”,“寡持肉饮酒”即“孤持肉饮酒”,意为独自拿着肉喝酒,与下文的“举邦贺余,汝独否”意义相合,等等。对简文全部九支简进行系统研究之后,可以对全篇进行语译。  相似文献   

20 0 3年 ,两位学兄朱明忠和尚会鹏的大作《印度教 :宗教与社会》由世界知识出版社出版了。作为同行、同事和友人 ,他们自然要赠书与我。他们赠送的目的 ,不仅仅是为了纪念 ,更主要的是让我分享他们的感受 (苦与乐 ) ,分享他们的成果 (苦乐果 )。他们出版的书已经不少 ,我读他们的书也已经不少 ,从中获益当然也就不少。这一次 ,我想把读这本书的体会写出来。印度是神秘的 ,大家都这么说。但印度神秘在哪里 ?最简单最直接的答复是 :印度的神秘主要来自印度教。一旦走进印度 ,要想真正比较深入地了解印度 ,就必须对印度教有一个较全面和较系统…  相似文献   

由孙培钧、华碧云两位资深学者主编的新书《印度国情与综合国力》,是迄今国内通过分析印度综合国力展示印度国情的第一本。该书是中国社会科学院的重点研究项目 ,作者都是从事印度问题研究多年的专家学者 ,书中数据新颖 ,材料翔实 ,观点鲜明 ,文字流畅 ,而且有深度 ,有广度 ,全面而系统地总结了印度在 2 0世纪的成就 ,显示了今日印度的国力与国情 ,预测了印度力争在 2 1世纪崛起为世界大国的发展潜力与制约因素 ,出版后深受读者欢迎。作为一个对研究印度有深厚感情的学者 ,我对该书浏览了一遍 ,认为值得向社会推荐。江泽民主席说过 ,现代国…  相似文献   

<红楼梦>作为我国四大名著之一,以其讲述封建家族兴衰史为主旨,着意描绘了清代社会政治、文化、婚姻家庭等各个方面.从法律视角品读<红楼梦>,从小说情节中挖掘法律因素,结合清朝法律法规,分别从宗族制度、选官制度和司法制度三个角度考察小说章节,<红楼梦>这一文学巨著所反映的清代法制.  相似文献   

黄嘉宁 《生存》2020,(14):0217-0217
《美国丽人》影片一经发行,便在美国引发强烈反响。美国历史上著名的人口爆炸代(boomers)和爆炸回声代(echo boomers)两代人的对立冲突伴随着中年危机的到来,一幅婚姻危机、岁月鸿沟、婚外恋情以及与之相关的爱恨情仇、人际纠葛的图景在影片中缓缓展开。枪响之下,真正的被害者也逐渐浮出水面。  相似文献   

印度,谁都知道她拥有古老的文明,拥有十亿多人口。随着其经济的长足发展,人们开始越来越多地关注这个与中国毗邻的国家。然而,到过印度的和没到过印度的,都觉得这是一个神秘的国度。没到过印度的,觉得她神秘,是因为对她的了解太少。而到过印度的,甚至是多次到过印度的,则更觉得她深不可测。原因何在?印度的神秘,在于其传承了数千年的文明,在于其文明的宗教性和多元性特征。其文明的深厚,浩如瀚海,任何的跋涉几乎都是管窥蠡测,任何的试探几乎都是隔搔浅尝。至于其宗教性和多元性特征,更似大雾弥天,莫辨涯际。也正因为这些特征,使印度社会令人…  相似文献   

印度东北地区的民族分离运动与反政府武装   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自独立以来,印度东北地区民族分离运动、反政府武装活动持续不断,至今未绝。独立以后至20世纪80年代,主要为民族分离主义争取民族自决权与印度政府维护统一的斗争,经过三十余年的较量,印度政府实现了在宪法框架内对东北地区的政治重组;20世纪80年代至今,主要为由移民与本地居民、部落民之间的矛盾激化而引发的反政府武装活动。进入新世纪,反政府武装组织出现恐怖主义化、黑社会化趋向。  相似文献   

Malnutrition is one of the major problems in the Third World. Rooted in mass poverty. It has implications that seriously hamper the ability of poor countries to reach higher standards of living Malnutrition affects the biological development of human beings, which limits intellectual growth and therefore hampers social and economic betterment. At the same time the cultural fabric in many countries has been badly torn, with an increasingly large share of population moving into grossly underemployed and gravely underpriviledged communities within urban areas. This change has altered most traditional life styles: one of its major consequences has been the marked decline in the breast-feeding of infants. The nutrition and welfare of the family affected by new infant feeding practices, not only interact with the household economy, but affect and are affected by social forces and external conditions.This paper presents a model to address these issues and measure the extent by which the above mentioned interaction threatens economic growth and standards of living encouraging a vicious circle of worsening quality of life and declining economic potential. The model is applied to the economy of Malaysia on the basis of statistical information generated by random sampling techniques. The model is designed to provide a simulation mechanism which although bared on expectations and known input conditions takes into consideration random determination events within predetermined probable patterns. The basis of the procedure is a profile of areas occuring within a single family over a span of 10 years.  相似文献   

This paper employs country-specific multisectoral general equilibrium models of Turkey, Kenya, and India to study the adjustment problems confronting these countries. The effects of liberal and interventionist policies on GDP and on incomes of different classes are analyzed. The results show that liberal policies minimize the GDP losse that both capitalists and farmers are relatively better off under these policies, while industrial persons experience reduced welfare.  相似文献   

In contrast to most recent empirical work on inflation which has concentrated on the size and stability of coefficients in the wage equation, this paper provides a reexamination of the price equation. Evidence is presented on the structural determinants of inflation in six large industrial nations. It is demonstrated that price equations which include capital costs and excess demand among the regressors perform exceedingly well according to the usual statistical criteria. The results of this study indicate that the inflationary process possesses a high degree of uniformity among the larger industrial countries. This pertains not only with respect to the specific independent variables in price equations, but also with respect to the high degree of uniformity of the estimated coefficients. Additionally, the findings indicate that lower productivity growth and higher capital costs have contributed significantly to the inflationary process since 1974. Furthermore, since higher capital costs are one consequence of tighter monetary policies, the adoption of such policies in response to the two oil price shocks of the 1970s may have offset their intended deflationary effects on prices through the linkage of wage costs and aggregate demand.  相似文献   

中学思想政治课程的历史演变与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
申亚民  刘天才 《唐都学刊》2004,20(5):106-112
新的一轮课程改革已经开始实施,思想政治课在义务教育阶段即将成为历史,回顾历史将有助于全面理解新课程。系统地考察中学思想政治课产生发展的历史,可将其分为史前期、产生形成期、挫折期和改革发展期四个阶段。思想政治课形成发展的历史说明:思想政治课是党和国家意志的体现,其地位和作用是不可取代的;坚持思想政治课的惟一出路在改革;新的思想品德课是思想政治课历史发展的逻辑归宿。  相似文献   

In this article, the impact of volatile Soviet Union corn imports on the U.S. feed/livestock sector is analyzed using an econometric model. The model's attention to supply response when feed price changes enables it to determine the nature of the effect of exogenous shocks across feed and livestock sectors. The model is used in historical simulation to demonstrate the effects of actual and alternative paths of variable Soviet import demand and to explore the difficulties of deriving a stabilizatior policy for these linked sectors.  相似文献   

萨道义是英国近代著名的外交官兼东方问题专家。1900年10月下旬,他担任英国驻华公使并代表英国政府全程参与《辛丑条约》的谈判。应英国的请求,外交团提出五年内停止部分地区的科举考试。中外双方在取消北京会试的问题上交涉最多,萨道义在此问题上立场强硬,但由于清廷两位官员刘坤一和张之洞的反对以及他为避免承担延误签约的责任,最后只好同意让步。本文结合第一手史料,分析停止科举考试的谈判过程,探讨萨道义及英国政府在取消北京会试问题上的立场和作用。  相似文献   

This paper addresses macroeconomic issues of the debate over high technology and unemployment. A macroeconometric simulation model with a number of special features is used to examine alternative scenarios of enhanced productivity performance in Canada over the next decade. Responses of wages, prices, and the monetary authorities are shown to be quantitatively important in determining the impact on employment. The type of productivity change and aggregate fiscal-policy response are shown to be less importance.  相似文献   

This paper examines Federal Reserve Board policies that are premised on a negative short-run association of interest rate movements and the rate of inflation. In particular, econometric evidence is provided, supporting the view that tighter monetary policy appears to raise inflation rates in the short run. Conversely, it is demonstrated that easier monetary policy does not necessarily raise inflation rates in the short run. In the case of uncoordinated monetary restrictiveness, interest rate competition among major countries can produce higher inflation and lower growth than was originally intended.  相似文献   

The technique of factor analysis is applied to a situation in which result data from multiple objective policy analysis need to be reduced to a subset of information for policy makers. Use of factor analysis in this context is developed in some detail, and the process is applied to results of pricing policy simulations from a model of the agricultural sector of the Dominican Republic. It is concluded that factor analysis can be a useful first step for the analyst to determine the relationships among groups of variables. The technique also aids the process of data reduction to allow graphical presentation of tradeoffs.  相似文献   

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