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Humility is a concept grounded in a self-view that something greater than oneself exists. A multitude of disciplines to date have sought to understand how humility impacts leaders, as well as the individuals, teams, and organizations they lead. Despite overlapping research questions, methodologies, and empirical contexts, studies examining leader humility have developed largely in isolation with little overlap between fields. This has created a fundamental divide between micro and macro researchers who suggest that humility is conceptualized as both a mutable behavioral state and a stable leader trait, respectively. We provide a systematic review of research on leader humility at multiple organizational levels of analysis to provide linkages across disciplinary and theoretical divides. We couple our systematic review with a meta-analysis of 212 unique studies, identifying 99 estimates for the relationships between leader humility and numerous individual, team, and organizational variables. Among all variables, we find humble leadership most strongly predicts followers’ satisfaction with the leader and the leaders’ participative decision making. We also find humble leadership does not affect their own job performance or the performance of organizations, but improves the performance of their followers and teams. Building on our results, we call for research across academic disciplines.  相似文献   

This study examines employee evaluations of HR practices (HRPs), which are a critical and yet underexplored antecedent of their effectiveness. Drawing on the Job Demands–Resources model, it proposes a moderated mediation model that studies the relationship between employee satisfaction with HRPs and in-role and extra-role performance as mediated by engagement. The results suggest satisfaction with HRPs influences both the performance dimensions considered, although its effects are greater for extra-role performance. Engagement intervenes significantly only in the relationship between this satisfaction and extra-role performance. Furthermore, the study acknowledges the burdens HRP-related resources may place on the workforce and examines the moderating effects of a personal resource such as health on the satisfaction with HRPs-engagement link, finding that it significantly strengthens it. It also finds that the indirect effect of satisfaction with HRPs on extra-role performance is stronger for healthier employees. These findings provide novel insights into the HR causal chain and help practitioners to better manage HRP design, communication, and audits.  相似文献   

The study examines the interaction effects of constructive politics and market turbulence on the entrepreneurial orientation–performance relationship. The proposed structural model tests the mediating role of constructive politics between the entrepreneurial orientation and performance constructs and the moderation effect of market turbulence on this mediating relationship. Data were collected from 145 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the United Arab Emirates. The results suggest that entrepreneurial orientation indirectly affects performance through constructive politics. Furthermore, the results indicate that the relationship between constructive politics and the firm's performance was stronger during low market turbulence. Findings suggest that entrepreneurial-oriented SMEs should embrace constructive politics where influence and power can be channeled to enhance financial performance, especially in market stability.  相似文献   

This paper explores how trust is violated and restored in the leader–follower relationship by analyzing rich stories in everyday trust violation situations. The results suggest a dichotomy of how violations affect trust and its propensity for repair. Recoverable violations are common occurrences from which trust can be recovered, although repeated instances of this type can destroy trust beyond recovery. The process of recovery involves leaders first openly discussing the violation(s) and then providing plans to avoid future violations. Conversely, irrecoverable trust violations destroy trust to such a degree that it cannot be restored and followers withdraw from the relationship. The study advances our understanding of trust violations by showing that recoverable violations include violations based on integrity, competence, and benevolence. Additionally, the typology of trust violations in these unique relationships promotes further investigation.  相似文献   

Li-Fei Chen 《Omega》2012,40(5):651-659
Since its introduction in the 1980s, Kano's two-dimensional model has become one of the most popular models with which to evaluate quality, finding a place in a wide range of industries. For decades, various approaches to regression analysis have been applied to explore asymmetric and non-linear relationships in the Kano model. Although a number of authors have questioned the use of these regression methods, there has been a lack of validity testing to evaluate their convergence with the results of the Kano questionnaire in classifying quality attributes. This study proposes a novel approach to regression analysis for the classification of quality attributes, including must-be, one-dimensional, attractive, and indifferent categories, as well as mixed-class distribution. Using popular tools and techniques for the measurement of customer satisfaction, the proposed approach is capable of simplifying the process of collecting data making it far easier to implement than the list of functional and dysfunctional questions initiated by Kano. An empirical study of a food and beverage chain showed that the proposed approach is capable of returning acceptable classification results, compared to the Kano questionnaire. A validity test indicated that the proposed approach significantly outperformed dummy variable regression and the moderated regression. In conclusion, the proposed approach provides a more practical implementation, while maintaining classification power on par with the Kano questionnaire.  相似文献   

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