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Want to motivate others? Establish meaningfulness and value to them of what they are supposed to do for you, and provide the tools they need to do it. Until they see the value to them, and that value outweighs their perceived risks or costs of doing it, you may get motion but you won't get motivated behaviors. Without motivated behaviors, you'll waste a lot of time trying to goad them on toward your goal, which they don't share. What we want is bilateral motivation toward a common goal. If we're smart, we don't want to be the only ones who are motivated, and others just move.  相似文献   

Drawing from institutional economics, we examine how the quality of formal institutions (e.g. protection of property rights, efficiency of the judicial system and government regulations) and a particular aspect of informal institutions, trust, influence the profitability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) vis-à-vis large firms. Our theoretical framework, which is supported by an analysis of over 205,000 observations in 16 emerging countries in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region, explains why informal and formal institutions have a considerably different effect on the profitability of SMEs and large firms, and indicates that while SMEs benefit from formal institutional quality more than large firms do, large firms benefit from trust in society more than SMEs. It further shows that formal institutions and trust substitute each other in influencing firm profitability and that this substitution effect is stronger for large firms.  相似文献   

What are the perceptions of population health, and how do you define it to move forward on any common action agenda of policy, management, teaching, or research? The author asks a series of questions to clarify the ambiguities around the population health concept, beginning with defining "health" as more than the absence of disease, but less than the breadth of complete well-being. Such a framework requires an operational measure of population health outcome that goes beyond quantity of life (mortality) to add extra dimensions. In other words, the goal is not only to purchase life years, but life years at some level of quality. The article provides an argument for the importance of some aggregate measure of health outcome, such as Health Adjusted Life Expectancy (HALE), as a management tool for purchasing populations health.  相似文献   

Scholars often use Western-based frameworks to examine issues in crisis management in Eastern cultures such as China. However, relying on these frameworks may not be useful since in many cases they do not consider contextual factors such as culture. In this review of the literature on crisis management in China we examine two key issues. First, we examine the factors that trigger a crisis in China. Second, we identify distinct crisis management strategies deployed in China. Finally, this paper discusses the managerial implications and directions for future research.  相似文献   

Organizations often face challenges in incorporating the sustainable development goals (SDGs) into their strategic agendas. Despite the availability of guidelines from leading practitioners, such guidance often lacks the scientific insights provided by academia. In this study, we examine the integration of scholarly management literature into practical guidelines for achieving the SDGs. To do so, we first examined nine practitioner guidelines offered by well-reputed consulting firms, multilateral organizations and non-profits, from which we identified four underlying general processes: prioritizing SDGs to the most relevant strategic goals of firms, contextualizing the SDGs to firms’ geographical and industrial contexts, collaborating with other organizations and stakeholders to make more impactful progress and innovating via business process remodelling. Using these four processes as an overarching framework, we then conducted an interpretive literature review to mine highly cited sustainable development-related papers in the management field covering an 11-year period (2010–2020). From these studies, we derived novel connections to all four stages to offer a more robust and scientifically informed process-based framework for SDG adoption. We discuss multiple scholarly implications, including the importance of enhancing knowledge about the various phases of the SDG adoption model, developing research on understudied SDGs, and expanding theoretical and methodological approaches to SDG research. Additionally, we provide a more grounded SDG adoption model with significant practical implications.  相似文献   

Leadership and strategic management research suggests that the extent to which CEOs influence performance largely depends on the presence or absence of certain factors. These factors may include the characteristics of the task at hand, subordinates, the organization itself or the external environment. Among these factors, a fundamental contingency that has received little empirical attention is an organization's ownership and governance structure—that is, who owns and monitors the organization. In this paper, we outline how different ownership and governance structures can present the opportunity for, or limit, leader influence and empirically examine the extent to which CEO effects on financial performance depend on these structures. Examining organizations in the same industry but with different ownership and governance structures, our results suggest that these structures are closely aligned with the degree to which CEOs influence firm performance. Our findings support the notion that leaders matter most when ownership and governance structures correspond with a weak or ambiguous institutional logic. This study contributes new insight into the “opportunity structure” of CEO influence, that is, the organizational factors that shape leader discretion and, hence, condition the CEO's level of influence over firm performance.  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2015,26(4):518-531
We extend research on leadership and emotions by addressing two previously under-researched areas. Prior research has focused primarily on the valence of leaders' displayed emotion and on followers' affective reactions to those displays. In contrast, we examined followers' cognitive reactions to the perceived sincerity of leaders' displayed emotion. Study 1 found that American workers' trust in a leader was related to their perceptions of that leader's emotional sincerity. Study 2 replicated these results among Chinese workers, and further indicated the mechanisms through which perceived emotional sincerity influenced trust and showed how trust influenced performance. The findings demonstrate the importance of including emotional sincerity in studies of leader affect, and suggest the value of adding a cognitive perspective to the current focus on followers' affective reactions to their leaders' emotions.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(6):102183
Debates about the drivers of corporate environmental strategy as well as the influence of shareholders on environmental investments have grown exponentially in the last decade. This paper provides a novel perspective on the influence of investors on a firm's environmental strategy by theorizing how the shareholders' orientation may provide different resources for firms to outperform environmental institutional pressures, and further analyzing how foreign market exposure moderates this relationship. Our results, produced from a longitudinal sample of 2237 observations between 2007 and 2017 from 276 US firms in 11 industries, show that having a higher percentage of strategic shareholders positively drives firms' environmental proactivity. Meanwhile, having a higher percentage of financial shareholders is positively related to firms' environmental proactivity only at high levels of foreign market exposure, but is negatively related at low levels. Our results contribute to the ownership and environmental strategy literature by delimitating the different influences of strategic and financial investors on firms' environmental strategy and making a bridge between institutional and resource-based perspectives.  相似文献   

Scholars have highlighted the use of punishment as a tool to defend laws and norms, deter deviance, and restore justice in the aftermath of organizational misconduct. However, current theory and research primarily draw on a micro-oriented lens to understand how punishment occurs in response to deviant actors within organizations, neglecting macro-oriented questions of whether and how organizations are punished for their misconduct. We review sociological and macro-organizational work that suggests punitive severity can vary with three key attributes of the organization: status, reputation, and embedded ties. We then develop a mezzo-lens framework motivated at the intersection of micro- and macro-perspectives on organizational misconduct to shed light on opportunities for theoretical expansion by crossing levels of analysis.  相似文献   

Algorithms are increasingly playing a pivotal role in organizations' day-to-day operations; however, a general distrust of artificial intelligence-based algorithms and automated processes persists. This aversion to algorithms raises questions about the drivers that lead managers to trust or reject their use. This conceptual paper aims to provide an integrated review of how users experience the encounter with AI-based algorithms over time. This is important for two reasons: first, their functional activities change over the course of time through machine learning; and second, users' trust develops with their level of knowledge of a particular algorithm. Based on our review, we propose an integrative framework to explain how users’ perceptions of trust change over time. This framework extends current understandings of trust in AI-based algorithms in two areas: First, it distinguishes between the formation of initial trust and trust over time in AI-based algorithms, and specifies the determinants of trust in each phase. Second, it links the transition between initial trust in AI-based algorithms and trust over time to representations of the technology as either human-like or system-like. Finally, it considers the additional determinants that intervene during this transition phase.  相似文献   

The choice of a mode of market entry is a critical component of the internationalization strategy, and numerous empirical studies have focused on this topic. Prior research, however, has provided mixed empirical evidence and thus, is difficult to interpret and review.This study examines the external antecedents of the choice of entry mode by meta-analyzing data from 72 independent primary studies. We focus on the decision between wholly owned subsidiaries and cooperative entry modes. For each variable, hypotheses about the theoretically expected direction of effect are posited and tested.We find a strong positive relationship between power distance as a cultural trait of the firm's home country and the propensity to establish a wholly owned subsidiary. On the other hand, we find a negative association between country risk, legal restrictions, market growth, and market size and the preference for wholly owned subsidiaries. We extensively discuss the implications of the meta-analytical results and investigate moderating effects of industry type and the time of the study. The relationship between income level of the host country and entry mode depends, to some degree, on the industry type. Service companies exhibit a negative relationship between income level and wholly owned subsidiaries, while manufacturing companies show a positive relationship.  相似文献   

The CEO-TMT interface, defined as the linkage and interaction between the CEO and other top managers, has received increasing attention from scholars in different disciplines. This stream of research aims to unveil how CEOs and other executives interact with one another, influence each other, and become involved in collective activities that shape the fate of organizations. Yet, despite the burgeoning interest in this area, extant CEO-TMT research is characterized by various and disconnected assumptions about the interfacing roles through which CEOs and TMTs exercise strategic leadership. Drawing on role theory, we review extant CEO-TMT interface research in different disciplines, and systematically organize the various CEO-TMT role assumptions into three role-theory specifications: functionalism, social-interactionism, and structuralism. In taking stock of the three role specifications, we provide a critique of the strengths and boundaries of each, and chart directions toward an integrated ‘multi-role’ understanding of the CEO-TMT interface in strategic leadership.  相似文献   

Due to several empirical shortcomings in the research of personality characteristics in ethical decision making, we address in this paper the concept of corporate psychopathy in the organizational context. Corporate psychopaths are individuals successfully working in organizations, but are selfish, manipulative, and exhibit a lack of empathy, remorse, and conscience; therefore, they may be viewed as risk factors for organizations. While there is abundant literature on the connection between clinical psychopathy and criminal behavior, such research is scarce in the business context where successful psychopaths operate. Thus, we examine if the malevolent traits of corporate psychopaths predict the acceptance of different forms of white-collar crime. In doing so, we conduct two survey studies in which we first measure participants’ psychopathic tendencies and then assess their acceptance of either an accounting fraud or an insider-trading situation. Consistent with our hypotheses and across both studies, we find a highly significant relationship between personality traits that are associated with corporate psychopathy and the acceptance of white-collar crime. This paper discusses the implications of these findings and identifies some potentially useful approaches for excluding corporate psychopaths from organizations.  相似文献   

Despite the noted benefits of telework, concerns about distance, employees’ lack of presence, and how individuals remain connected to the organization and its members continue to surface. This is noteworthy because a sense of connectedness and feelings of belonging at work have been linked to engagement, productivity, and performance. The aim of this phenomenological study was to describe and understand the essence of high-intensity teleworkers’ experience of organizational belonging. Notions of identity fulfilment surface as central to how organizational belonging is experienced by high-intensity teleworkers. Expressions of organizational belonging included experiences that reflected self and other awareness, personal and professional fulfilment, support from others and participation. Not belonging was apparent where there was a lack of credibility, conflict, a loss of stability and exclusion from ownership. A definition of organizational belonging is offered, and recommendations for further research and practical suggestions for organizations employing high-intensity teleworkers are highlighted.  相似文献   

Hedge funds tend to be highly activist investors who exercise their ??principal power?? over their portfolio firms. We observe that, compared to other investor types, hedge funds appear to be even more activist than is predicted by a comprehensive Investor Activism Model, due to the unexpectedly large role of several antecedent variables. This conclusion suggests that the relatively lightly regulated environment of hedge funds affects the weighting of conventional activism-antecedent variables. We explore how their access to several investing and trading strategies is allowing hedge funds to redefine investor activism. In the process, we find that, while hedge funds and their activism tend to benefit fellow investors, the potential exists for some specific hedge fund types to expropriate value from minority shareholders, creating ??principal?Cprincipal?? conflict. The potentially detrimental impact of hedge fund activism on other equity investors is demonstrated, illuminating several current policy concerns.  相似文献   

Journal of Management and Governance - The purpose of this paper is to analyze how different configurations of network governance influence the performance of member firms. To achieve this...  相似文献   


We contribute to the literature of the country, industry and firm effects on performance by developing an autoregressive cross-classified mixed-effect linear model that examines heterogeneity in the profitability of corporations in emerging and developed economies, as well as corporations located in different supranational regions. To this purpose, we simultaneously decompose abnormal returns into permanent and transitory components at the firm, industry, country and industry–country levels. We find that firms in emerging countries have significantly higher rates of performance persistence and different sources of persistence compared to firms located in developed countries. These differences are also evident between different supranational regions and countries at different levels of institutional development.


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