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Summary Four separate series of parents' groups were held between 1977and 1981 in order to help certain parents of children who sufferfrom cystic fibrosis which is a serious life-threatening disease.These group experiences were found helpful by those parentswho did not have overt problems and who were therefore unlikelyto be referred for individual counselling. Families who hadobvious problems, for example marital, financial or psychiatricwere apparently not helped by the experience, nor were the parentsof newly diagnosed patients. As a result of this groupwork experiment it may be possibleto predict those families who are unsuitable for groupwork help.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Raymond Jack, Reader in Social Work, Anglia Polytechnic University, East Road, Cambridge CB1 1PT Summary Social work is undergoing fundamental changes in terms of theway it is organized and how it is practised. If, in this shiftingscenario of occupational deconstruction, the output of socialwork education is to be relevant to the workforce needs of welfareagencies—no matter how organized—it is importantto know more about the client group preferences of social workstudents and what factors influence them. This longitudinalstudy inquired into student preferences at the beginning andend of three Diploma in Social Work programmes and its findingssuggest that the sociodemographic characteristics of studentsare less demonstrably influential than previous experience andplacement experience whilst on the programmes. In addition,students attribute far less influence to lectures and tutorialsas change agents than they do to placements, service users orother students. The implications of this for social work educationare discussed.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reports the findings of a survey of Social ServicesDepartments, Probation Services and the major voluntary agenciesin the UK. The survey aimed to shed light on the factors whichpromote successful groups in social work and probation agencies.The survey did not attempt to map the extent of current groupwork.A questionnaire was piloted in a Social Services Departmentin northern England with social work and social care practitionersparticipating in ‘The Groupwork Project’, a trainingand development programme which continues to have as its aimthe establishment of a groupwork service in a mainstream socialservices agency. The survey was designed to be illuminativeand exploratory rather than conclusive. In this paper, the authorsreflect on the research process and on the findings of the survey.These findings point to the complexity of factors consideredsignificant to the success of a group, and to the importanceof contextual factors in establishing and sustaining a groupworkservice.  相似文献   

Correspondence to University of Edinburgh, School of Social and Political Studies, 31 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9JT, UK. E-mail: richard.perry{at}ed.ac.uk. Summary Data gathered at a Scottish institute of higher education between1986 and 2000 indicate a significant reduction in the scaleof self-reported offending behaviour by social work students.The change coincided with the introduction by the Central Councilfor Education and Training in Social Work (CCETSW) in 1989 ofa requirement that applicants for training disclose prior toadmission any criminal convictions recorded against them. Thearticle suggests that more prolific offenders have been deterredfrom applying to DipSW programmes and the social work professionneeds to take steps to create a more positive climate for therecruitment of those offenders who represent no more of a threatto users than non-offenders.  相似文献   

Summary This study considers whether a small sample of social workerswas using theoretical knowledge as a basis for activities inpractice. The findings indicate that the use of this type ofknowledge was minimal. They also bring to light a number ofquestions related to the development of knowledge for use insocial work practice.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reviews developments in the study of ageing as anindividual and social experience and it considers recent studiesof practical services for the elderly. In so doing it aims tohighlight the ways in which social work skills and helping techniquescan be developed. It also relates the findings of studies ofservice delivery to the elderly to the development of futurepolicy.  相似文献   

Summary The key functions of residential programmes for children andyouth irrespective of their location in the health care, education,social welfare or criminal justice system are identified inthis paper. The issues of mandate for and status of those servicesis addressed. Finally, a series of propositions are offeredwhich seek to show how those factors influence the social positionand public credibility accorded to those important componentsof the group care field.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Moira Kirwan, Gateside House, Hill Road, Gullane, East Lothian EH31 2BE. Summary With the publication of Paper 30 (CCETSW 1991) and the developmentof Dip.S.W. programmes which incorporate a strong emphasis onequal opportunities, it might be reasonable to expect that socialwork training is now going to take on board the issue of gender.Dip.S.W. programmes are immersed in concerns about anti-discriminatorypractice and aim to provide up-to-date training for an up-to-dateprofession. This paper is based on a study of the Dip. S.W.programmes running in Scotland in 1991/92. This was when thefirst Dip.S.W. qualified social workers emerged from the newtraining. Do these social workers have a new way of lookingat issues such as gender? This paper argues that the Dip.S.W.programmes are focusing on practice issues while ignoring theissues within the profession. Practice issues cannot be separatedout in this way. Social work cannot be anti-oppressive as longas the social work profession itself continues to oppress itsfemale workforce. Dip.S.W., as it is currently provided, doesnot offer the prospect of a change in the gender imbalance ofthe profession and thus it will not make a difference to howemerging Dip.S.W. social workers can tackle the issue with colleaguesor clients.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Ms V. Coulshed, Head of School, School of Social Work, Tasmanian Institute of Technology, Tasmania 7250, Australia Summary Internationally, social work programmes continue to seek curriculumdesigns which are coherent, integrated and encourage the transferof learning from one knowledge area to another. In the UK, theCentral Council for Education and Training in Social Work (CCETSW),has proposed a new form of training: by lengthening the periodof training, collaborating more closely with agencies and ensuringspecial competence in at least one sphere, the CCETSW plansto provide the l99( with a highly competent work-force. Thispaper explores the feasibility of so doing within a three-yearfoundation course. It examines some of the existing problemsin course content and structure which the new programmes, farfrom remedying, may actually worsen. Some beginning thoughtson models of curriculum design, which offer possibilities forcoherence, integration and knowledge transfer are suggested.  相似文献   

Summary This paper arose from our disagreement with some of the suggestionsin an earlier article in this journal (Brown et al., 1982).Before and since, we have both worked in and studied numerousexamples of groups of a type which, according to Brown and hiscoauthors, scarcely exists in British social work practice.This paper explains what we believe to be the actual significanceof the type of group work we refer to as ‘self-directed’,together with our view of its place within wider social work,community work, and groupwork practice. We also give examplesof such groups and conclude that their proliferation would enableworkers to go beyond the alleviation of individual distressinto the achievement of external change.  相似文献   

Correspondence to: David Smith, Department of Applied Social Science, Lancaster University, Bailrigg, Lancaster LA1 4YL, UK. E-mail: d.b.smith{at}lancaster.ac.uk or Maurice Vanstone, Centre for Criminal Justice and Criminology, University of Wales Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, Wales, UK. E-mail: m.vanstone{at}swansea.ac.uk Summary The paper considers the past and potential contribution to socialjustice of the probation service in England and Wales, withinthe context of the service's complex origins and tradition,in which humanitarian and disciplinary concerns have long co-existed.The paper explores the service's connections with processesof categorization and governance of the dangerous, and its alignmentwith the ‘psy’ disciplines in developing its claimsto professional expertise. The implications of the recent reassertionof the centrality of psychological understandings of offendingand its prevention, in the form of cognitive-behavioural programmes,are discussed, and the circumstances in which the movement for‘effective practice’ can and cannot contribute tosocial justice are discussed. The paper then explains the groundsfor believing that a concern with social justice entails a commitmentto crime prevention at a level beyond that of direct work withknown offenders, and explores the potential of restorative justiceas a means of achieving a reintegrative and participatory approachto community safety. The paper concludes with a discussion ofthe service's successes and failures in anti-discriminatorypractice, and the feasibility of a social justice agenda inthe current policy context.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Liz Lloyd, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, 7 Priory Road, Bristol BS8 1UA Summary This article considers some of the issues raised by criticsof postmodern analyses of social work. It analyses the waysin which social services departments have changed to a ‘post-fordist’organizational form and considers the implications for equalitypolicies and anti-oppressive practice. It challenges the viewthat preserving a more professional approach to social workoffers greater opportunities for anti-oppressive practice thanthe more deprofessionalized approach currently being developedand argues that social workers committed to the principles ofanti-oppressive practice can develop new tactics appropriateto the changing organizational context It also argues that postmodernistanalyses offer new insights into experiences of power, oppressionand inequality. In particular, it stresses the importance ofunderstanding the linkages between broader, political and economictrends and the experiences of individual social workers andservice users. Drawing on research in Avon Social Services, it considers theways in which race equality strategies in community care continueto reduce issues of race and racism to culture and identity.Reflecting critically on anti-oppressive and anti-racist actionit argues that the limitations placed on anti-oppressive practiceunder the postfordist context of community care are unlikelyto differ greatly from those felt under previous organizationalregimes.  相似文献   

Summary The paper presents an account of a group of sex offenders ina local prison. Nine sessions of social skills training weregiven with the aim of facilitating relationships within theprison and possibly after release.  相似文献   

Gill McIvor, Research Fellow, Social Work Research Centre, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA. Summary The recently introduced National Standards for Community Serviceschemes in Scotland recognize that certain offenders on CommunityService may experience personal difficulties that interferewith their ability to comply with the order of the court andrecommend that where necessary advice and help should be providedto assist completion. A study of twelve Scottish Community Serviceschemes revealed that in spite of their often being acceptedfor Community Service because of the absence of obvious instabilityin their lives, many offenders encountered personal difficultieswhile completing their orders and those who did had a higherincidence of absence from placement. The relatively few instancesof intervention by Community Service staff that were found weremainly of a practical nature. Two schemes were, however, identifiedas offering a more intensive social work service which may haveenabled certain offenders who would not otherwise have doneso to complete their Community Service Orders. The practicalimplications of increased intervention by Community Servicestaff are discussed as is the possibility that such an approachmight enable schemes to deal successfully with a higher proportionof offenders who would otherwise have received a custodial sentence.  相似文献   

Summary This article offers an initial critical discussion of the conceptof anti-oppressive practice - AOP - from the perspectives ofservice users. Whilst acknowledging the emancipatory aspirationsof anti-oppressive practice, it also considers its regressivepotential. AOP has become central in social work theory andpractice and indeed is sometimes presented as a key approachand theory of social work. This discussion highlights the failureso far significantly to involve service users and their organizationsin the development of anti-oppressive theory and practice. Itconsiders how the ideology and structures of anti-oppressivesocial work impact upon service users; the problems raised by'expert' appropriation of users' knowledges and experiencesand the issues raised by the failure so far to address the useof social work and social care services as an area of differenceand category of social division. Finally, the article examinesalternatives to existing notions of anti-oppressive practicebased on the equal involvement of service users.  相似文献   

Summary This paper considers the development of inter-agency partnershipsbetween the probation service and voluntary sector organizationsin the early 1990s in England and Wales and reports the resultsof research by the author and their implications for youth justicearrangements outlined in the recent 1998 Crime and DisorderAct. The article outlines the development of probation partnershipsand the impact of changes to probation services, voluntary organizationsand service users which include: a shift towards purchaser-providerand contract-based arrangements; voluntary organizations takingon a role to work with involuntary clients; and the introductionof a discourse on partnerships which marginalizes small, informalvoluntary groups. These findings are then considered in relationto the Crime and Disorder Partnerships for crime preventionwhich form a crucial part of the 1988 Criminal Justice Act.The Crime and Disorder Partnerships have less emphasis on amanagerialist agenda but offer no extra resources and this articlesuggests that they may therefore not result in significant benefitsfor agencies working with young offenders.  相似文献   

Summary The paper considers the relevance of the five sub-branches ofthe interactionist perspective to the social work interviewand suggests a model incorporating all five. Such a model illustrateshow conflict between the social worker and the client may ariseand the author tentatively suggests how such conflict may beresolved  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(3-4):57-69
This paper discusses four parallel processes in a sex offenders' counsellors training and supervision group. Two of them, feelings of isolation and proclamations of boredom, were similar responses to similar stimuli: the first, to the stigma that adheres both to the sexual offense and to the professional work with the offenders, the second to anxieties that derived from a similar technique used in both groups. The other two involve the counsellors' displacement of feelings they had in and about the offenders' groups to their own training and supervisory groups. Both of these involved issues-responsibility and self-control that are particularly salient in work with sex offenders. The discussion suggests that parallel processes emerge with great frequency in work with sex offenders because of the stresses of the work and the issues that are highlighted in it.  相似文献   

Summary With 21 per cent of offences recorded by the police in the 12months ending March 1999, and representing 1,077,700 theftsof and from vehicles, motor vehicle crime is the single mostcommon offence in England and Wales. Young males under 21 yearshave been found to be responsible for three-quarters of carthefts. Studies in the United Kingdom suggest the characteristicsof these offenders include those associated with socio-economicdeprivation and poor self-esteem; whilst for many, involvementin car crime is a means of seeking excitement. The requirement to identify the needs of car offenders, andthe establishment of intent and purpose within offending behaviourprogrammes, saw an increase in the number of probation-basedmotor projects from 1990. Access to the car, and opportunitiesto drive in controlled environments were present in some ofthe newer projects, although many had abandoned this principle.Whilst little empirical evidence exists to support their claims,a number of projects have boasted success in their efforts toreduce the risks of further car crime amongst offenders whohave completed programmes at motor projects as part of theirsentences. Eight motor projects that challenge offending behaviourare reviewed and the latest Home Office evaluation discussed.  相似文献   

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