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随着我国社会管理体制改革的推进,社区服务和社区教育变得日益重要。社区工作的不断深入迫切要求有高素质的专业化的社区工作者。通过对近十年以来我国社区工作者队伍专业能力研究的分析,进一步明确社区工作者在进行社区管理与服务以及社区教育等职业活动中所必须具备的专业能力,为社区工作者的入职选拔、在岗培训提升等提供更为系统全面的职业能力标准。  相似文献   

徐云  鲍风亮 《社会工作》2009,(22):33-36
社区是社会的基本组成部分。社区社会工作是一种以社区为服务领域的宏观社会工作,研究社区社会工作的专业化对社会工作专业化的发展以及社区、社会的发展有重要的意义。文章在回顾了我国社区社会工作发展历程的基础上就我国社区发展所面临的形势及问题做出了分析,从社会工作专业化的发展以及对社区建设和发展两个层面浅析专业化发展的必要性,并对实现社区社会工作专业化提出了大力发展社区社会工作职业教育、完善岗位设置及薪酬体系,提高职业声望、完善社会工作职业资格认证制度、提升社区福利性服务的地位、重视农村社区社会工作发展、走适合我国发展的社区社会工作专业化道路等建议。  相似文献   

近年来,社区教育理念逐步深入人心,顺应着社区民众不断增长的教育需求,社区教育工作者队伍建设提上日程.文章提出当前我国社区教育工作者队伍建设的路径,首先要依托社区教育工作理念的逐步本土化;其次是国家公权力与社会介入的定位要逐渐趋于合理;最后是社区教育工作者队伍自身素质要提高并走向职业化、专业化.  相似文献   

弱势群体的社区参与对其福利水平提升具有重要意义.本文以公民权利理论及"结构—行动"视角下的社区动员理论为指导,通过问卷法和访谈法对北京、淄博市部分社区的居民社区参与情况进行考察,分析弱势群体的社区参与特征、影响因素以及动员策略.研究发现:弱势群体的社区参与具有低水平和不平衡的特征,民事权利类参与率较高但频率较低,社会权利类参与率较低且不平衡,政治权利类参与率最低且与普通居民差距最大;弱势群体的社区参与率与就业状况、年龄、居住时间等自身因素及社区认同、社区组织发展、邻里关系、社区工作者专业化、参与渠道等外部因素显著相关.对比普通居民的社区参与现状及其影响因素,弱势群体的社区参与除了常规动员策略,更需要专业社会工作方法的使用.  相似文献   

黎浩元 《探求》2009,(4):7-11
中心城市社区党员对于社区及其党组织的认同差异随着经济社会的发展而变化,党员的组织认同与社区党建有密切关系,重视组织认同研究和管理有重要意义。本文从认知内容、身份角色、内在属性、认识过程和认同程度等方面分析了组织认同的内容,从就业角色与社区身份、素质与需要等角度分析了组织认同的成因,提出了强化党员组织认同管理的建议。  相似文献   

开发完善的、有特色的社区教育课程体系并将其推广实践是涉外社区教育的重要工作.将中华文化融入涉外社区教育具备必要性和可行性,以"文化认同"理论为指引,以深化涉外社区教育内涵发展和推动涉外社区治理为功能,通过课程目标设置、课程内容选择、课程形式创新、课程实施与评价四个策略开发出融入中华文化的涉外社区教育课程体系,在涉外社区...  相似文献   

社区教育的发展离不开高素质人才的支持。社区教育专职工作者作为组织者与推广者,在社区教育的整个过程中起着主导作用,加快社区教育专职工作者队伍建设就需要进一步加大资源投入,促进社区教育专职工作者队伍人才结构优化,完善社区教育专职工作者专业培养体系和培训体系,建立健全社区教育专职工作者队伍运行保障机制。  相似文献   

社区工作者职业化是社区工作者队伍建设的重要抓手。在对广州市社区工作者队伍的基本情况进行调查的基础上,分析了社区工作者职业化进程中存在的问题,并针对问题提出了社区工作者职业化路径:规范准入制度、制定待遇标准、加强教育培训、完善考核评估体系、建立职业晋升机制、理顺管理机制体制。  相似文献   

闵学勤 《社会》2011,31(4):29-48
以社区视角观察城市居民的公民性建构,缘于经历30多年发展历史的城市社区权力已从居委会单一中心转向多元权力组织并存的格局,社区居民通过社区管理者的选择、社区权益的保护、社区问题的解决等路径表达公民性。本文运用北京、深圳、南京、沈阳和西宁的随机抽样调查数据,通过多元回归分析和结构方程分析,检验城市居民对社区各组织的多元认同与公民性建构之间的关系。研究发现,与其他经济社会因素和个体因素相比,以社区权力多元认同为主导的社区因子构成重要影响,这表明社区发展未来将成为公民性建构不可或缺的因素。  相似文献   

白友涛  臧煜 《社会工作》2009,(24):52-55
本文以南京市鼓楼区某街道为例,探索了老年人不同层次的社区服务需求及其满足状况。本文认为,当前老年居民低层次的社区服务需求已经基本得到满足,但高层次的社区服务需求难以满足。必需加快社区工作者的职业化和专业化,提升社区服务的质量才能更好地满足老年人的社区服务需求,实现社区和谐发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines the ways in which two waves of Croatian migrants in Western Australia have constructed their ethnic/national identity following migration. These two waves – the first took place during the 1960s and the early 1970s and the second in the late 1980s/early 1990s – are considerably different in terms of their socio-economic background. The earlier wave came from rural areas of Croatia and can be described as typically working class, while the recent wave came from the cities and predominantly consists of professional people. Migrants from the 1960s wave express a strong identification with their place (village, town, island) of origin and form a rather close-knit ethnic ‘community of place’. There is a strong link between territory, ethnicity and identity in this group of migrants. Recent developments in Croatia (the war for independence) have helped to ‘enlarge’ this local-ethnic focus into an ‘imagined’ national identity. Ethno-national belonging and identification is not emphasised in the recent group of Croatian migrants. Their ‘Croatianness’ is secondary in the re-construction of their identity following migration. It is their professional identification that seems to be central in this process. They consider the Croatian ‘ethnic community’ to be irrelevant to their life in Australia and seek to integrate into the broader Australian community primarily through their professional work.  相似文献   

黄可  熊茜 《社会工作》2012,(12):71-73
专业的社会工作者和社会工作专业方法融入养老机构,需结合国情和养老机构本身拥有的资源,对其加以发掘,在此基础上寻求合理的途径将专业社工融入机构养老工作中,从而更好的发展老年事业,促进老年事业和老年社会工作的专业化、全面化发展。  相似文献   

Medical fraud and overservicing are estimated to cost the Australian community between $130 and $200 million per annum, a figure far greater than the national cost of burglary and almost the same as the total property loss from all conventional crime. An examination of the social antecedents of medical fraud and overservicing suggests that the predisposition of some doctors to engage in these practices occurs because of the following: (1) medical training and professional socialization that orientate student doctors away from altruistic health issues towards narrower self-interested professional concerns; (2) career expectations of a high pattern of material consumption that are often frustrated by an increasingly competitive medical market place; and (3) professional medical organizations that lobby for national health policies which reflect the mercenary self-interest of doctors rather than the health interest of the nation.  相似文献   


“Build the Social Justice Bridge” was a participatory photography project that engaged international group workers in an assessment of group work as a social justice profession. Inspired by principles of photovoice research, the project invited social work students, educators, and practitioners from around the world to contribute photographs and brief narratives that represented the relationship between group work and social justice. The photographs were exhibited during the opening session of the 2018 Symposium of the International Association for Social Work with Groups (IASWG) in South Africa, where more than 200 participants from ten countries reflected on the meaning of the photos for the group work community. In viewing the photos, symposium participants identified a common vision of social justice as well as culturally-specific approaches to group work. Implications are drawn for the internationalization of professional knowledge.  相似文献   


Under the structural changes during the reform and opening-up, social work education has been re-established for 30-year in China with the efforts from different actors. It develops rapidly, and even the effects may be unbalanced. As the re-established subject and career, social work education and practice are sub-structures in nature. Their developments are affected strongly by the economic-social transformation and political system. The process is a sub-structural development. The re-establishment of social work is a process of multi-subjects construction: It is led by government policies while the government and academic groups collaborate for it. The groups of social work educators and practitioners facilitate the process. The overseas academic groups support and cooperate for it. These actors facilitate the development of social work education and profession. The social work develops the path with its characteristics. It is compatible with reform and development. The reflection on professional development is also be required.  相似文献   

认同是“同一性”及身份的归属。在现实性上,文化认同往往与民族认同联系在一起,政治认同则与国家认同如影随形。文化认同侧重的是民族成员不可退出的族属命运,政治认同则凸显了社会成员选择和判断的主观意旨。近代以降,悬浮在社会结构表层的政治因时代特征的变化而显现出不断加深的矛盾和困惑,政治认同的现实式微已经成为普遍的社会现象。鉴于文化认同与政治认同之间高度的互补性和相互促进性,以文化认同为支点切入共同体政治的实际,带动制度创新、进行利益调适、强化身份归属,对共同体政治认同的强化格外具有现实意义。  相似文献   

Identity is the “sameness” and belonging of identification. In a real sense, cultural identity is often related to ethno-cultural identity, while political identity and national identity are more often inseparable. Cultural identity lays particular stress on the group destiny of a people or ethnic group from which its members cannot withdraw. Political identity, on the other hand, highlights the subjective values and intentions chosen, judged and assessed by the members of society. Since modern times, politics, as the surface of the social structure, has demonstrated increasingly serious conflict and perplexity, and the decline of the political identity has gradually developed into a common social phenomenon. Considering the high complementarity and the mutual stimulation between cultural identity and political identity, we should take cultural identity as the pivot for our entry into the actual practice of community politics, with a view to promoting institutional innovations, making interest adjustments, and intensifying the community members’ sense of belonging. These are exceptionally meaningful for strengthening the political identity of a community.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results from a survey of 735 social workers in South Korea on their professional identity as a social worker, job satisfaction, and intention to leave the profession. The overall result shows that there was a high level of job satisfaction. Social workers' intention to leave the profession was significantly related to their integrated feelings of professional identity. This relationship was partially mediated by job satisfaction. Social workers' sense of professional identity can be tapped to help social workers feel adequate to carry out their professional responsibility. Boundaries of their practice should be well defined.  相似文献   

The federal government has a proper interest in research integrity. Regulations have had effects on scientists and institutions; some appear to have been beneficial, such as recent educational efforts; others have augmented bureaucracy and sowed divisiveness. The federal oversight bureaucracy should be subject to the sunset provision.

Participation by the community is essential to the development of effective regulations, but ethical issues should be dealt with by professional standards, not laws. It is argued that the scientific community had begun to respond to public concerns when change was accelerated by regulation, and that change from within is most effective.  相似文献   

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