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以浙江省高职生顶岗实习现状为研究主题,设计调查问卷,通过发放问卷及访谈形式了解浙江省高职生顶岗实习的现状。采用因子分析法析出高职生顶岗实习的7个因子:实习认知、知识储备、企业态度、学校管理、实习待遇、实习歧视、实习环境。7因子中,实习认知的得分最高,企业态度得分次之,知识储备得分最低,也就是说在实习现状中,学生实习态度现状最好,企业对实习生的态度现状次之,而高职生知识储备现状是最差的。高职生、学校、企业及相关部门都应该做出相关努力,以改善高职生在顶岗实习过程中存在的种种问题。  相似文献   

城市新型社区居民自治组织的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对中国城市商品房小区居民管理组织的首次社会学调查,分析新型社区和业主的主要特征、业主对新型社区管理和社区居民自治组织的看法、业主委员会的性质和主要特点以及业主在参与社区公共事务方面的态度和行为,提出应建立符合市场经济原则的新型社区管理体制以及积极支持并培育居民民主自治能力。  相似文献   

【案例】 某社区位于城市边缘地带,社区居民中有很多是退休老年人,其中60岁以上的老年人约占总人口的2070。这些老年人大多数有较高的知识文化水平,退休金也比较高,很多老年人热衷于健身活动,身体健康状况较好。  相似文献   

[目的]了解甘肃天祝藏族聚居区居民生命质量与传统体育参与的关系,为提高居民生命质量提供参考依据。[方法]采用"行为分阶段改变理论模型(TTM)"和"WHOQOL-100"量表,对甘肃天祝藏族聚居区居民随机抽取的1345名普通人群(15-50周岁)和112名传统体育人群(滚雪球抽样方法),对其体育行为分阶段进行分析,进而测评两类人群生命质量的现状、差异及影响因素。[结果]有规律参与体育锻炼的人数比例(11.5%)达不到全国平均水平(15.9%),其中,无意图阶段比例最大,其次是有意图和准备阶段,比例最小的是行动和维持阶段,两者加起来仅占总体样本量的11.5%;传统体育人群生命质量得分高于普通人群12个方面,其中8个方面具有显著意义(P<0.01),低于普通人群并具有显著意义的有11个方面。[结论]天祝藏族聚居区居民体育参与比例偏低,群众体育服务体系有待完善,居民生命质量总体得分偏低,研究发现,生命质量受传统体育参与影响较大,同一地区传统体育人群明显高于普通人群的健康水平,并提出少数民族传统体育是提高居民生命质量和健康水平的有效手段。  相似文献   

预防因环境污染问题引发的群体性事件,是当前社会治理的难题。利用大数据,改进传统个案、小组、社区工作的方法来应对邻避效应,帮助社区居民缓解对环境污染的抗争情绪,建立预防环境群体性事件的社会工作介入机制与路径。社会工作扎根于社区,搭建社区线下数据平台和网络线上数据平台,收集、分析、预判社区居民对环境污染事件的态度、行为反应,挖掘社区舆情信息,捕捉居民心理状态,为服务对象开展点对点的情绪疏导、困难帮扶、社区反馈、微治理、网络社会工作等专业服务,制定精准关顾策略,达到预防目标。  相似文献   

居民参与社区义工组织有助于提升社区的凝聚力,增强社区居民的自我统一感和幸福感.通过对中国长三角8个城市的实证调查,并运用Binary Logistic回归分析、多元线性回归分析和Multinomial Logistic回归分析等社会学统计方法分析发现,居民对基层政府的满意度与居民参与社区义工组织的态度呈正相关关系,而且对社区义工组织的成长亦有积极影响.因此,基层政府应加快法治政府、透明政府、诚信政府建设,积极开展社区居民对基层政府的制度化评议活动,以提升居民参与社区义工组织的积极性.  相似文献   

黄晓星 《社会》2013,33(4):147-175
在转型的社区情境中,国家基层政府的行为是策略性的,社区居民亦陷入了权变的回应过程。文章聚焦于20世纪80年代以来政府行为的不同阶段,从中观的社区形态考察基层政府的不同策略和社区过程。政府干预、释出和旁观调控三种不同类型的行为反映了政府对于社区的态度,社区层次和事件性质是基层政府策略行为的关键自变量。文章运用拓展性个案研究方法,分析了国家在社区的基层策略,以及转型期社区的生成和发展,基层政府行为与社区回应的不同逻辑是社区治理困境的重要根源。  相似文献   

一、中国老一辈农民储蓄养老意识异常薄弱中国农民向来主张“养儿防老”,储蓄养老的意识十分薄弱,这一点从一些调查数据中能清楚地反映出来。1987年夏天,我们在浙江农村所调查的1498位60岁以上老人,以储蓄贷款为主要收入者一个也没有。以储蓄贷款为次要收入者3人,占被调查者的0.2%,99.8%的人无此项收入。1987年全国60岁以上老年人口抽样调查的资料也表明,在被调查的18936位农村老人中:以储蓄贷款为主要收入者31人,占0.16%;以储蓄贷款为次要收入者685人,占3.62%;无此项收入者18220人,占96.22%。①以上数据表明,农村老人在他们的青壮年时期,除个别人外,基本上没有积钱防老的意识和行为,这一  相似文献   

研究了公选课模式对高职大学生营养教育干预的效果,用自行设计的调查问卷,在营养教育前后进行调查。结果表明:营养教育后大学生对9项基本营养知识的认知有了明显提高,对5项营养态度有了明显端正,对8项营养行为有了明显规范,与营养教育前相比,差异达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。特别是"对七大营养素的认识"、"对营养知识的兴趣"和"经常饮水"三大指标的提高最为明显。因此,运用公选课模式对大学生进行营养教育,效果是显著的。  相似文献   

幼儿多看电视易变小恶霸家长宜陪看据报道,美国华盛顿大学的研究人员为逾1200名4岁幼儿,进行为期2至7年的跟进研究发现,幼儿每天若多看一小时电视,日后做出恶霸行为的机会便会增加6%。幼儿每天看电视时间愈长,入学后出现野蛮恶霸行为的机会愈大。研究员指出,虽然他们并未仔细将幼儿所看的电视节目内容分类,但据数据所得,近60%电视节目含有暴力成分。研究人员甚至指出,即使部分节目内容不属暴力,但当中或包含待人不礼貌的态度,如  相似文献   

This study explores clinical social workers' knowledge about old age using Palmore's (1977) "Facts on Aging" quiz to measure knowledge about persons 65 years of age and older. Data are based on a mailed questionnaire completed by 200 MSW social workers from the state of Ohio who were listed in the NASW 1976 Register of Clinical Social Workers. Key findings are as follows: (1) the average number of corret responses on the facts quiz is 17 (68% correct); (2) examination of the items which 60% or less of the respondents answered correctly reveals five items that indicate a negative bias toward the elderly, three items a positive bias, and two which are neutral; and (3) rank order of the content areas in which items are most often missed indicates sociology of aging and demography of aging are the two areas where knowledge is most lacking. Implications for graduate education and in-service training for clinical social workers are discussed.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in Lakhipur, India, a tribal village of Santhals and Paharias, to discover their knowledge of and attitude toward the national family planning program. Only 60% of the respondents had heard of the program; only 2 or 3 people had any usable knowledge of family planning. There was widespread opposition, based on tradition and religion. Children in this area are still viewed as a economic asset. Much personal attention will be necessary to change attitudes in Lakhipur. Village leaders must become family planning acceptors. Propaganda should be frequent and varied. Door to door workers should be employed. Family planning personnel must be easily accessible.  相似文献   

社区健康教育在促进社区居民健康,改善社区居民生活质量,以及在健康社区的建设中发挥着重要的作用。针对越秀区社区健康教育工作开展中面临的一些困难,广州市越秀区社区教育学院一院通过社区健康教育项目"健康直通车"的实施,将健康教育融入社区教育中,探索出有效促进社区健康教育发展的实践路径,通过对"健康直通车"项目实施成效的分析,提出了进一步推动越秀区社区健康教育发展的建议。  相似文献   

随着全球食品安全监管以及溯源工作的开展,食品安全风险评估工作已经在我国持续开展了数年。我国食品安全法规定我国的食品安全风险评估由卫生部负责,并成立食品安全风险评估专家委员会开展评估,但普通消费者对此还并不熟悉。文章旨在对食品安全风险评估的概念、原则和做法以及具体应用进行诠释和分析,以期提升公众对食品安全的客观认识和科学态度。  相似文献   

Using a systematic sample of Florida licensed clinical social workers (N = 272), this study found that respondents perceived themselves capable of assisting elders with end-of-life care decisions and considered themselves moderately knowledgeable of resources available to elder clients. Respondents indicated slightly positive attitudes for work with elders and elders with Alzheimer's disease, and most respondents believed that elders should have the right of physician-assisted suicide. Using multivariate analysis, four predictor variables were identified that account for 61.3% of the adjusted variance of the dependent variable of preparedness to assist elders with end-of-life care preferences. These predictor variables were (a) knowledge of resources available to elders, (b) desirability of working with elders, (c) desirability of working with elders with Alzheimer's disease, and (d) attitude toward assisted suicide.  相似文献   


Using a systematic sample of Florida licensed clinical social workers (N = 272), this study found that respondents perceived themselves capable of assisting elders with end-of-life care decisions and considered themselves moderately knowledgeable of resources available to elder clients. Respondents indicated slightly positive attitudes for work with elders and elders with Alzheimer's disease, and most respondents believed that elders should have the right of physician-assisted suicide. Using multivariate analysis, four predictor variables were identified that account for 61.3% of the adjusted variance of the dependent variable of preparedness to assist elders with end-of-life care preferences. These predictor variables were (a) knowledge of resources available to elders, (b) desirability of working with elders, (c) desirability of working with elders with Alzheimer's disease, and (d) attitude toward assisted suicide.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that clinical screening for suicide, along with firearm assessment and safety counseling, are important in service provision to older adults. It is unclear, however, how geriatric case managers respond to these issues. This study surveyed geriatric case managers (n=161) from Area Agencies on Aging in Ohio on their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to suicide, firearm assessment, and safety counseling. Results indicated that the majority of respondents (70%) agree their clients are at risk for suicide. However, few (30%) in this study reported that they assess for firearms and less than half (48%) discuss firearms with their clients/family members when specifically assessing for suicide. Analyses identified barriers that contribute to the decreased likelihood that routine firearm assessment and safety counseling would occur, such as lack of training and time. Implications include the need for training with geriatric case managers that addresses barriers to suicide, firearm assessment and safety counseling as a means to decrease these population risks.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to shed light on gambling among older adults (age 60 and above) in Singapore. A sample of 74 older adults who were participants of a community-based elderly outreach program was surveyed. The results indicate that 27% of the respondents had gambled in the past one month and their favorite gambling game was 4D. Those who gambled were found to have more free time than those who did not (64 hours per week vs. 38 hours per week). Almost all the respondents (97%) did not know where to get help for problem gambling.  相似文献   

Data measuring respondents’ knowledge of HIV's transmission routes was obtained via a statewide RDD sample of 603 Nevadans to determine if disease knowledge influences respondent efforts to socially and physically distance themselves from a hypothetical HIV-positive person. Four separate dependent variables (scenarios) are created in which the geographic distance between the respondent and a hypothetical HIV-positive person decreases; while, at the same time, physical personal contact, or potential for contact, increases. Findings show 84.2% of the respondents had sufficient knowledge of HIV transmission routes, and the majority felt comfortable across all four social scenarios. However, multiple logistic regression analyses indicate that respondents with sufficient knowledge of how HIV is transmitted are significantly more comfortable with casual social interactions than those respondents with insufficient knowledge. The results from this study confirm the importance of HIV-knowledge as a tool to combat AIDS-related stigma.  相似文献   

本调查报告主要是在同煤集团两区建设的背景下,探讨以矿山为基础的不同地缘群体迁移到一起后,两区邻里关系的问题。结果表明:两区绝大部分居民缺乏对邻居的了解,基本处在识而不熟的阶段;邻里矛盾并不激化但确实存在,主要体现在施工问题上;对于已出现的矛盾,绝大部分居民选择自行解决;虽然存在困难,但两区居民对于发展邻里关系持积极的态度。  相似文献   

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