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全国医药行业特有职业技能竞赛,对医药行业技能水平提升发挥了重要作用.该文阐述了医药行业技能大赛与医药相关专业教学的关系,以职业院校医药类专业群中的药品营销专业教学为例,论述了行业技能大赛在改进教学目标与内容、融合专业课程内容与竞赛要点、加强校企合作、优化实训项目、提升教师能力等方面的作用,并对参加大赛提出了参考建议.  相似文献   

为了提升学生的专业素质和能力,培养出更优秀的护理专业人才,在教学中采用新的教学方法.护理技能大赛在护理教育教学中有着非常重要的作用,可以促进护理专业学生的实践技能的提升,使学生更好地掌握专业知识.然而在护理技能大赛活动开展过程中还存在着一些问题.该文主要分析了护理技能大赛在护理专业教学改革中的应用,并对护理技能大赛应用于教学的实践进行阐述和总结,以期提升护理教育的质量.  相似文献   

早期教育专业保教技能大赛是促进早教专业人才培养的重要途径.通过比赛,能全面促进早期教育专业学生核心素养的培养,提升早教学生婴幼儿保教能力及婴幼儿照护技能,检验学生适岗综合能力.还能促进早期教育专业的教育教学改革.主要以婴幼儿教育学这门课程作为案例,探讨早期教育专业技能大赛与专业课程的融合,分析早期教育专业学生所必须具备...  相似文献   

近些年,人们越来越关注、重视身体健康,一定程度上助推了医疗事业的向前发展,此外,与医疗相关的专业也逐渐成为热门专业,并迎来了更多的报考学生,其中就包括康复治疗技术专业.尽管如此,学生专业水平与医疗行业人才标准依旧有较大距离,这与当前康复治疗技术课程对学生实践能力的培养不足有关系,而技能大赛无疑成为弥补这一教学漏洞与不足的关键.基于此,该文阐述了基于技能大赛的康复治疗技术专业课程教学改革策略,希望可以给诸多院校带来借鉴与启示.  相似文献   

基于工作过程的高职软件专业教材建设应注重职业性与技能性,注重校企合作编写教材,注重教材的适时性与前瞻性.文章结合<.NET应用开发实训>课程给出了具体的教材建设方案.  相似文献   

全国高校测绘技能大赛是测绘专业本科实践教学成果的重要展示平台,也是全国测绘专业院校实践技能交流的盛会.该文以武汉大学测绘学院近年来组织参赛的经历为背景,总结了全国高校测绘技能大赛的规则和评分侧重点,从组建指导团队、选拔参数队员、实施训练计划等方面,介绍了包含校内训练、集中训练和赛前训练三个阶段训练体系的实施过程,并总结了全流程优化的竞赛指导经验.  相似文献   

高职移动通信技术专业是在移动通信产业大发展的背景下设立的,由于移动通信行业技术和服务的敏感性,实践教学基地的建设充满挑战.本文基于移动通信技术专业三大核心技能--移动终端、基站安装与维护、移动通信业务的技能培养,系统阐述了专业实践教学基地的建设与探索.  相似文献   

立德树人是检验高校教育成败等一切工作的根本标准.地方应用型本科高校商科专业在培养学生专业知识、技能的同时更应加强课程思政建设,为国家培养具有良好思想道德和能力的高素质专业商科人才.该文以物流管理专业为例,分析了高校物流管理专业课程思政建设的重要性及过程中存在的问题,并提出了相关的改进意见.  相似文献   

图学课程是高校工科专业大学生最先接触的一门专业基础课,创新创业型人才是实现中国制造业强国战略的基础,创新创业教育与专业课程相融合,是全面提高学生综合素质的重要途径.通过分析创新创业教育与高校图学类课程教学现状,将创新创业教育与图学课程教学内容、教学方式、教学评价等进行有机结合.以"高教杯图学大赛"、企业实际项目为依托,通过改变课程教学模式、优化网络课程教学资源等,将岗位职业能力要求、技能竞赛等融入课程建设中,将创新创业教育深入应用到课程教学的各环节,全方位全过程培养学生的创新意识和创业能力.  相似文献   

该文从智能焊接技术专业核心课程熔化极气体保护焊的教学改革实践出发,探索职业标准融入课程内容的路径和方法。在课程建设过程中,结合熔化极气体保护焊方法的特点,根据《国家职业技能标准:焊工》初、中、高级的技能要求,以职业技能标准和焊接机器人编程与维护“1+X”证书标准规定的考核项目为主线构建,并将技能大赛标准融入教学任务,实现“岗课赛证”融通。通过对熔化极气体保护焊课程的建设与实践,实现了教学内容与职业标准和行业标准的对接、职业能力要求与教学内容的统一。  相似文献   


Social workers in mental health face a complex climate where they encounter value-laden intervention choices daily. Examples of these choices may include deciding to initiate treatment in spite of a client's wishes to the contrary, making a decision to break confidentiality, feeling pressured to diagnose a client with a reimbursable condition despite a treatment philosophy that may be to the contrary, or feeling the need to “pick and choose” therapy topics in light of severe shortages in benefit coverage. These and other scenarios put social work clinicians at risk for professional dissonance or what has been called a feeling of discomfort arising from the conflict between professional values and expected or required job tasks. The current article explores professional dissonance as a pertinent concept for social work in general, and mental health social work in particular. The theory base of the concept is explored as well as its utility for understanding burn-out in a deeper way.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

职业伦理指职业活动中的伦理关系及其调节原则.而高职院校的职业教育属性,则使得其职业伦理培育的需求更加凸显.专业课是职业伦理培育的主阵地.形成以政治要求为引领、行业需求为依据、职业发展为目标的培育要素来源系统.构建导学部分引领、主体部分渗透、课堂活动冲击、伦理专题升华的培育路径.通过人才培养方案制定、师资队伍建设、教学资源建设提供培育保障.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was administered to 77 employees of a large commercial organization and 61 paramedical workers to ascertain which of a number of professionals were likely to be approached for help with particular types of problems. The findings for this study indicated that for both groups social workers were the most preferred professionals by most subjects for most problems, although there were important and interesting preferences for other professionals also.  相似文献   


Professional socialization in social work is the subject of the panel study described in this article. It focuses upon the impact of different social work education programs upon the professional preferences of students in the United States and Israel. The findings indicate that significant change with regard to some of the variables did occur between the beginning and completion of studies. This generally took the form of a declinein preferences though a number of cross-culture differences were observed. The implications of the findings for the issue of professional socialization in social work are discussed.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr C Clark, Department of Social Work, The University of Edinburgh, Adam Ferguson Building, George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LL. Summary This paper argues that ‘competence’ is inadequateas the founding principle of professional knowledge, and consequentlythe attempt to build professional training on it is misguided.Besides the unresolved conceptual issues, the competence approachis radically undermined by the absence of an adequate researchbase necessary to validate concepts of competence and measuresof individuals' competences. Drawing on the author's researchon how practitioners use knowledge and theory in practice, itis shown that the attempt to reduce good professional practiceto a codified set of competences is mistaken; it does not properlyrecognize the constant need for creative solutions to poorlyunderstood problems. The idea of professional discipline isexplored, which, it is argued, better describes the characterof the knowledge and skills which practitioners should aim tomaster.  相似文献   

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