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The present study examined the effects of family socialization in the form of family processes and parenting practices on youth children’s internalizing and externalizing problems concomitantly in a sample of Chinese parent–child dyads. The results generally support that (1) family socialization is crucially influential on the youth outcomes, in which parenting is a function of family processes; (2) youth’s psychosocial maturity significantly mediates the effects of family socialization on their outcomes; (3) effects of family processes are observed more pronounced as compared with parenting practices; and (4) more complicatedly varying effects of family processes and parenting practices on the youth outcomes appear when setting free the mediations of psychosocial maturity across different structural models. Service implications of the findings and future research directions are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Women’s groups have worked diligently to place gender and women’s vulnerability on the transnational security agenda. This article departs from the idea that negotiating and codifying gender and women’s vulnerability in terms of security represent a challenge to mainstream security contexts. By contrasting the UN Security Council resolutions on women, peace and security with feminist theory, this article aims to analyze what is considered to be threatened when women’s vulnerability is negotiated. The article identifies two approaches to the gender/security nexus: gendering security, which involves introducing ideas regarding gender-sensitive policies and equal representation, and securitizing gender, which proceeds by locating rape and sexual violence in the context of war regulations. We demonstrate that, although these measures are encouraged with reference to women’s vulnerability, they serve to legitimize war and the male soldier and both approaches depoliticize gender relations.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the extent and mechanisms of intergenerational transmission of volunteering in Germany. A possible explanation of intergenerational transmission of volunteering is based on the influence of parental socialization during formative years of adolescence (aged 14–17 years). Respectively, parents can set role models by volunteering themselves which can be observed and imitated by their children due to social learning process which may have long lasting effects even after leaving parental home. However, social, cultural and financial resources provided by parents can also facilitate or impede volunteering. The social status of parents can influence the volunteering of parents as well as the children, and serve insofar as mediator of intergenerational transmission processes and respectively may overlap the socialization effect. Drawing on the German Socio Economic Panel Data (1984–2011) this study aims to disentangle socialization and status transmission processes. The analysis shows a clear positive correlation between parental volunteering during the formative period of its children and young adult’s volunteering now, even controlling for parental and children’s education and social status of parents. Thus, the results are consistent with socialization hypothesis and do not support the status transmission hypothesis.  相似文献   

Professional socialization has become a notable construct for social work with the publication of the Council on Social Work Education's (2008) revised Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards. Though historically regarded as essential, little is known about the professional socialization of social workers. This article presents professional socialization as a key element that bridges the explicit and implicit curricula. Results from this study provide empirical support for a theoretical framework of the professional socialization of social workers with a particular focus on factors that predict professional socialization, which is defined as a multidimensional, temporal construct beginning before formal education and continuing after it, with values, attitudes, and professional identity as outcomes. Implications for social work education, development of systematic research in this area, and recruitment and retention are discussed.  相似文献   

Many have studied Roman Catholic clergy who have sexually abused children, but the range of investigations remains disconnected. This article brings together various disciplinary perspectives to form a comprehensive view. A review of the literature is first undertaken to comprehend how clergy offenders have been conceptualized in psychosocial, sociocultural, and moral-religious studies. These perspectives are then used as a foundation for examining how these clergy can be rehabilitated. Three rehabilitative modalities—psychological treatment, rehabilitation through restorative justice, and ritual healing—are explored. The article concludes with a discussion of the insights gained from the literature review and how the modalities can be advanced in an interdependent and considered approach.  相似文献   

Abstract  This article is based on a study of kaigai-shijo (children of Japanese temporary overseas residents) in Toronto, Canada. Although the theme of kikoku-shijo (returnee children) has been studied in considerable detail by Japanese (and a few American) scholars, the phase that precedes the return to Japan, that is, the children's experience while overseas has been relatively neglected. The article argues that kaigai-shijo are not only a subject worth studying in their own right, but that understanding their experience is crucial in order to fully appreciate the phenomenon of kikoku-shijo . The researcher conducted a study of kaigai-shijo in Toronto, focusing on their patterns of socialization. While taking into account findings from the few previous studies on kaigai-shijo , this study used concepts from the North American literature on socialization and ethnic groups studies. kaigai-shijo socialization was thus conceptualized as the combination of two processes: the adoption of host cultural patterns, and the retention of Japanese cultural patterns. Three main variations in kaigai-shijo socialization were found: 1) 'Host culture oriented', 2) Japanese culture-oriented, and 3) 'dual'. Some of the most relevant factors in explaining these variations were the age of the child (at the time of departure from Japan and at the time of the research), the parents' strategy of adaptation, and the length of stay in the host country (actual and remaining).  相似文献   

For the past 30 years, the definition of racial socialization has referred to how parents prepare children of color to flourish within a society structured by white supremacy. Drawing on ethnographic interviews with eight white affluent fathers, this study explores fathers' participation in white racial socialization processes. The article focuses on fathers who identify as “progressive” and examines the relationship between fathers' understandings of what it means to raise an “antiracist” child, the explicit and implicit lessons of racial socialization that follow from these understandings, and hegemonic whiteness. Findings illustrate how these fathers understand their role as a white father, how their attempts to raise antiracist children both challenge and reinforce hegemonic whiteness, and what role race and class privilege play in this process.  相似文献   


The role of women in American congregations is a topic that has gained attention in the past twenty years. The majority of work has focused on leadership and clergy roles and the willingness, or reluctance of, denominations to ordain women. In this article, we report on women as members, lay-leaders, and clergy in Philadelphia congregations, and we assess the factors that explain the rate of women in any of these roles. We find that regardless of the advancement in many areas of society, women are still the majority members yet are a minority among the clergy. Finally, we study how the gender composition of members, lay-leaders, and clergy explain the congregation's involvement in social service provisions. In this respect, gender composition of members, lay-leaders, and clergy made little impact on the congregational social service involvement. A variety of explanations are provided to account for women's little impact in this domain.  相似文献   

This article describes part of a mixed-method study investigating family and professional perspectives on home adaptations for disabled children. The methods were an online survey of staff involved in adaptations processes (n =39), semi-structured interviews with families with disabled children (n = 48) and an online survey for families (n = 16). One of the wider study’s recommendations was that families need to be enabled to engage with processes proactively. This article focuses on families’ experiences of the meaning attributed to adapting the home and highlights that, although satisfied with the completed adaptation, families were dissatisfied with the process they had been through. Thus, despite the need for the meaning of home being central to the adaptation process, families felt excluded from the process as it progressed. This had a negative impact on the continuing use of the adaptation and affected the meaning of home for families with a disabled child.  相似文献   

This study examined racial socialization processes among 94 African American parents of third‐, fourth‐, and fifth‐grade children as they were predicted by children's ethnic identity exploration and unfair treatment as well as by parents' ethnic identity and discrimination experiences. Findings indicated that children's ethnic identity exploration and parents' perceptions that their children had been treated unfairly by an adult because of their race were both significantly associated with the frequency of messages to children regarding discrimination (Preparation for Bias). Parents' perceptions of children's unfair treatment from an adult and children's perceptions that they had been treated unfairly by peers were significantly associated with parents' cautions and warnings to children about intergroup relations (Promotion of Mistrust). Moreover, the influence of parents' perceptions on Promotion of Mistrust were especially pronounced when children also reported unfair treatment from adults. Children's identity exploration and unfair treatment were not associated with parents' emphasis on ethnic pride, heritage, and diversity (Cultural Socialization/Pluralism). Thus, findings suggest that parental factors are most central in the racial socialization messages that children receive. However, children's perceptions of discrimination and information seeking regarding their own history appear to have some influence on parental messages about race.  相似文献   

This study examined the process of cultural socialization among 6- to 8-year-old girls adopted from China, with a focus on adoptive mothers’ decisions about their children's socialization and children's interest in and knowledge about China and being Chinese. Qualitative interviews of 10 mothers and their children were analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Three main categories were identified to further specify parental cultural socialization: (1) motivation, (2) approaches to differences, and (3) type of activities that differed in their contextual layers and their degree of structure. Findings additionally revealed the interplay between parents’ cultural socialization practices and children's interest in socialization, patterns of participation, and knowledge and understanding about China or being Chinese. Results suggest that parental cultural socialization in families with children adopted internationally and transracially is more dynamic, complex, and layered than previously thought.  相似文献   

This article uses privileged families who hire Independent Educational Consultants (IECs) as an instance to examine how privileged parents collaborate with individuals whom they consider educational experts to support their children in the college race. We argue that advantaged parents' anxieties about their children have created a market for IECs who provide expert advice in order to mitigate the uncertainties that these parents experience and to manage various goals that they want to achieve at an important turning point in their children's lives. Drawing primarily on interviews with parents who work with IECs, we introduce the concept of “collaborative cultivation” to analyze the processes whereby advantaged parents rely on the expertise and expert status of private counselors to cope with their and their children's vulnerability in the college race while at the same time preparing their children for the unknown future. The parental method of “concerted cultivation” reveals how elite parents rely on individuals they perceive as experts to establish “bridges” between their own social worlds and the academic worlds that appear to beyond their control. This bridging labor points to the myriad cultural beliefs enacted to justify the child‐rearing goals that privileged parents wish to accomplish by working with IECs.  相似文献   

Cohabitation is a rapidly changing aspect of family life in the United States and Britain. This article describes the demography of cohabitation, considers the place of cohabitation in the kinship system, and speculates on the future of cohabitation. I argue that three processes—cohort replacement, socialization that occurs when children live with cohabiting parents, and social diffusion—will foster continued increases in rates of cohabitation. These processes are also likely to increase variation in the types of cohabiting relationships that couples form. Understanding the meaning of cohabitation in the kinship system requires distinguishing between individuals' attitudes about their own relationships and the composition of cohabiting unions at the population level.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the differentiation process, involving the emergence of a distinction between parents' own personal values and their socialization values (the values they want their children to adopt), and on the contribution of children's values to their parents' socialization values. Measures of personal and socialization values were administrated to 603 Israeli adolescents and their parents. As we hypothesized, parents differentiate between their personal values and their socialization values. Moreover, adolescents' values had a specific contribution to their parents' socialization values. These findings provide new support to the notion that the socialization process should be considered as the result of the interaction between parents and their adolescent children rather than as a unidirectional process affected by parents alone.  相似文献   

This article examines the integration of women priests in the Church of England through the lens of dress. Clothing is a salient dynamic in occupational cultures, particularly in relation to the regulation of gendered bodies. Women's ordination to the priesthood was only sanctioned in 1992. Complex clothing regimes are negotiated, for ordination bestows upon the priest certain clothing rights and responsibilities. However, such attire has traditionally been associated only with the male body, creating tension in relation to women's appropriation of this sacred and professional dress. Based on in‐depth interviews with 17 Anglican clergy women, this article will focus both on the scrutiny the women experienced in relation to their clothing choices, as well as the relationship the women themselves negotiated with their clothes. It will be argued that as representatives of both a sacred and professional domain, clothing had to be carefully managed by clergy. Dress functioned as a key test in women's integration into the organization, often operating as a constraining and exclusionary mechanism.  相似文献   


Cultural socialization refers to the processes by which parents communicate cultural values, beliefs, customs, and behaviors to their children. To date, research on cultural socialization has focused primarily on racial- and ethnic-minority families, and more contemporary studies have examined these practices among international and transracial adoptive families. In general, four main themes have emerged in the literature: Cultural Socialization, Preparation for Bias, Promotion of Mistrust, and Egalitarianism. Since families with same-sex parents continue to experience stigma in society, there is reason to believe these parents engage in cultural socialization strategies specifically around issues of sexual orientation. Yet, current research on cultural socialization has not explicitly investigated same-sex parenting. Thus, the present study examined same-sex parent socialization among families headed by sexual-minority parents (52 fathers, 43 mothers) using a preexisting socialization framework. Findings revealed that the majority of parents endorsed behaviors designed to promote children's awareness of diverse family structures and prepare them for potential stigma-related barriers socialization along three dimensions: Cultural Socialization, Preparation for Bias, and Proactive Parenting. These results contribute to our empirical understanding of same-sex parenting and justify the need to broaden our conceptualization of cultural socialization to be more inclusive of these diverse family structures.  相似文献   

This article discusses the representation of abused children as ‘damaged’, drawing on a series of three advertising campaigns for a British children's charity. The pictures and text of the advertisements seek to elicit readers’ concern for abused children by portraying them (a) as passive agents in their development and (b) as signifiers of the dangers of the world and the safeness of the home. The portrayal of abused children in the advertisements serves to reinforce a perception of the vulnerability of all children and the need for adult supervision and ‘care’. Without seeking to dismiss the seriousness of abuse or of the work done by children's charities, the article questions the implications of these representations of childhood and ‘damage’, and argues that the dominant representation of abused children drawn on in such campaigns oversimplifies many complexities in the worlds and the lives of children who have been abused.  相似文献   

Wang  Leslie 《Qualitative sociology》2010,33(2):137-159
Since the early 1990s the Chinese government has allowed foreign humanitarian non-governmental organizations to aid children residing in official state-run orphanages. As one aspect of a larger research project on child abandonment and forms of orphanage care in contemporary China, this article examines an innovative state-civil society partnership of a Western infant special care unit housed within a large official state-run institution. The “Tomorrow’s Children” special care unit, funded and managed by middle-class Western volunteers, uses First World medical practices and universalistic ideologies of children and childhood to care for the institution’s most severely ill and disabled children. This article utilizes ethnographic methods to discuss conflicts over children’s best interests that arise between Western volunteer employers and the local working-class and poor Chinese caregivers who are expected to implement the imported practices. I contend that disagreements over appropriate childcare hinge on cultural and class-based understandings of childhood and differential access to social and financial resources. This research grounds discussions of globalization in a detailed case study by exposing the tensions and negotiations that occur at the local level in processes of transnational exchange.  相似文献   

While children's domestic work is widely seen as acceptable in a child's own home, there has been growing attention to the vulnerability of children employed in domestic service; some people have argued that this work should be banned outside children's homes. This article considers both the potential harm as well as the benefits accruing to children in such environments, and has inquired into the opinions of children who themselves are involved in this kind of situation. This exploration has encountered obstacles: for example, institutions for fostering children and extended-family scenarios frequently blur the boundaries between work within the home and for outside employment. While support for child domestic workers should be a matter of urgency, stopping children from working outside their homes is not necessarily an effective way of protecting them, and, further, this approach removes possible material resources from some disadvantaged children. It is, instead, better to focus on positive ways of improving children's opportunities.  相似文献   

This article examines media use among clergy for purposes of gathering political information. More specifically, it examines the specific forms of both secular and religious media that clergy report using for such purposes. It assesses the extent to which clergy vary in terms of their different patterns of media use; how such differential patterns may be associated with theological, social, and political differences among clergy; and whether such differential patterns of media use are linked to different effects politically.  相似文献   

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